**Lo! where the rosy bosom’d hours Fair Venus’ train appear, Disclose the long*expecting flow* ers. And wake the purple year.”— Gray. The Chowanian **Now Nature hangs her mantle green On every blooming tree^ And spreads her sheets o’ daisies white Out o*er the ,grassy lea.”—Burns. VOLUME IX, NUMBtR 7. MURFREESBORO, N. C.. MAY, 1932. FOUR PAGES Roosevelt- Garner Choice of Pupils Mock Convention New York Governor Nomi nated Democratic Can didate for President SENIOR SUPERLATIVES SPEAKER OF HOHSE HIS RUNNING MATE Spirited Race and Several Ballots Required to Nominate Finals To Begin Sunday, May 27 and End Tuesday Raleigh Minister Will Preach Twice Sunday— Morning and ^Evening SENIOR CLASS MASCOTS FULL DAY’S PPOGRAM LISTED FOF MONDAY Judge Varser in Speech and Graduation Exercises Conclude Zvents Franklin D. Roosevelt and John N. Garner were nominated as candidates for the Presidency and the Vice-Presidency, respec tively, of the United States at a mock Democratic National Con vention which vas held in the Chowan College auditorium on 'May 19 at 10 o’clock. The teaching of ’ istory class sponsored the pe-rfc mance, and previous to the convention they elected Addie Mae Cooke as na tional chairman. Edna Earle Harrell and Cornelia Grissom were elected permanent chairman and secretary, respectively, but on ac count of the illness of Edna Earle, Addie Mae presided over the convention. A prayer Iby Maggie Boone was followed by the singing of “0 Columoia the Gem of the Ocean”. The convention then heard and adopted the reports of the com mittee on permanent organization, credentials, rules and order of ■business, and platform and resolu tions. Rorie Copeland, introduced by ■ r ■ Addie Mae as Senator Barkley, Created Much Intere.t and Ej,cel- of Tennessee, in a clear and force-1 Talent Shown By Those ful manner delivered the keynote^ Troupe address. He set forth the purposes , of the convention, the duty rest-| members of the p ay pro- ing on the Democratic Party, and duction class, under the direction the opportunities f'e party has to of Miss Irene Uln.er have been grin cortt’-ol f rnment. -busily pngaee' d- >t.- the past ay a ruii call bt ine states, tne fe-nr months with tht individual 'following candidates for 'Presi- 'presentation of numerous one-act dent were nominated: Murray, plays. These productions have Traylor, Baker. Ritchie, Smith, created much interest and have Roosevelt, Garner, and Byrd. Af- likewise afforded entertainment ter each nominating speech the for the faculty and student body, followers of the candidate nomi- in addition to the plays given be- nated paraded around the audi- fore, those presented in April and torium singing, yelling, and mak- the first of May were of unusual The commenceme it exercises of Chowan College, marking the close of a year q.iite successful in many respects, will begin on Sunday morning, Hay 29, at 11 o’clock, with the baccalaureate sermon by Dr. J. I’owell Tucker, pastor of the First baptist Church in Raleigh. This ; ervice will be held in the college t Jditorium, and the missionary sern on in the eve ning at 8 o’clock, also by Dr. Tucker, will be pieached at the First Baptist.Churjh. The program foi Monday, May 30, consists of the annual meet ing of the Board pf Trustees at 11 o’clock; the annual meeting of the Alumnae Association at 2:30; the ■ Class Day vxercises at 4 The above girls, elected as euperlatives of the Class of ’32, are o’clock; and an >peretta, ‘The as follows: Top row, left, Maggie Boone, most dependable; right, Dress Rehearsal , by the Fme Addie Mae Cooke, most energetic; center, Jemmie Benton, best all Arts Department it 8:15. This round- bottom row, left, Lyda Jane Brooks, most attractive; right, operetta is a musical comedy in Thelma Perry, most conscientious. ' ' '"'th twelve characters, and is set in Bristc!, England. The scene is a reception room in Grore FINAL MONTHS WITH INDIVIDUAL PLAYS|boZ" foT^'yoTn’g^rdt! nrvA’T nADTV r-IVCM afternoon in spring. BUAl rAKII bIVE.W | On Tuesday, May 31, at 11 IN HONOR SENIORS! R. Varser, of Lumberton, will deliver the lit The above are the Senior Class mascots: Katie Ann Evans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Evans, and Herman Babb, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Babb. Annual Banquet of Junior-Senior Brilliant Affair Juniors Entertained in Din ing Hall Saturday Eve ning, April 30 ENTERTAINMENT WAS IN FORM OF A PLAY Seniors and Many Others Were Among Those At tending Banquet PRESIDENT EDWARDS’ MESSAGE As a parting word to the Class of 1932 I wish to say, first of all, that I wish you much success as you go out into the world after having left the final embrace of your Alma Mater, Chowan College. May her teachings ever ring true in your lives and in your actions. I trust that you will remember the cheif purpose of education: namely, to produce Christian citi zenship. May you remember this, young ladies, that citizenship is three-fold in its relationships: First, its relationship to the world in which we live, a study of which we call know’ledge; second, a rela tionship between man and man, which we call morality; and third, and most important, the relation ship existing between man and his Maker, W'hich is religion. May we pass creditably with one hundred percent this great exami nation of life; namely, to live as a Christian citizen. W. B. EDWARDS, President. PLAY PRODUCTION CLASS BUSY DURING Surprise Event by Addie Mae Cooke and Alma Belch—Held at Tuscarora Beach ANNUAL RECEPTION IN HONOR SENIORS GIVEN BY FACULTY FRIDAY, MAY 13TH POET’S CORNER * * * * * EVENTIDE : Attractive Oecorations and Enter, tainment Make After noon One of Pleasure ing all the noise possible with alarm clocks, tin pans, horns, guitars, and saxaphones. The first ballot showed the votes to be: Roosevelt 518, Garner 156, Smith 142, Baker 98, Traylor 84, Murray 72, Ritchie 46, and Byrd 30. The second (ballot was as foL lows: Roosevelt 614, Garner 5'24, and Smith 16. At this time the keynote speaker plead for har mony and union within the con vention, and Ohio’s chairman suggested that they unite on her nominee. Baker. The third bal lot revealed the following: Roose velt 670, and Garner 484; and in the fourth iballot Roosevelt was victorious, with 840 votes, 70 more than was necessary for the nomination. Then the convention proceeded to nominate the following can didates for the Vice-Presidency: Joseph T. Rtybinson, J. Hamilton Lewis, Harry Flood Byrd, and John N. Garner. As no one can didate had a two-thirds majority after the first ballot, several states turned their votes over to Garner, who gained the nomina tion with 958 votes. After Chairman Cooke ap pointed a committee to notify the canJdida^es off their nomination, the convention adjourned. Throughout the week before this convention was staged, there was much interest manifested in it, by both students and faculty Heath memibers. Several town people were present Thursday to witness the nominations. interest. Each production showed careful coaching on the part of the director, and the impersona tion of the characters has been unusually good. 0 Joy San”, a comedy in one act, by Katherine Kavanaugh, was presented in the college auditor ium on Tuesday evening, April 5, under the direction of Jemmie Benton. The scene is laid in the home of 0 Joy San at Tokyo. The characters -were: Stephenson Alex ander Shaw, J. J. Parker, Jr.; Mrs. Shaw, his mother, Hannah Clin- ard; Helen Reese, the girl who jilted him, Mary Mills; O Joy San, his Japanese wife, Maywood Mod- lin; Otako, maid ^to 0 Joy San, Evelyn Blanchard; Yuski, a maid, Nellie Sample. “The Man Who Came Back”, a tragedy in one act, also by Kath erine Kavanaugh, was presented on Friday evening, April 8, under the direction of Myra Glover. The cast was as follows: Thomas Ches ter, a deserter, Jesse Odom; Lil lian Chester, his daughter. Jay White; and Mammy Jenny, the old nurse, Hannah Clinard. The scene is laid in a moderately com fortable home. “Lights of Happy Land”, by Marion Short, was presented on Saturday evening, April 9, under! the direction of Jay White. Thej characters were: Marjorie Gordon, a typical Southern girl, Dorothy Emily, Marjorie’s aunt. erary address in tlie college audi torium. At this time also, degrees will be conferrec upon the fol lowing: Rachel Mbritton, Alma Belch, Jemmie jonton, Martha f uyuik uMUei Brooks, Margeanna Carter, Addie Mae Cooke, Theresa Davis, Myra Glover, Edna Earle Harrell, Cal- lie Patrick, Thelma Perry, Ger trude Spencer, ,Mary Stanley, Vir ginia Stanley, and Marion Wood ard. Jay White will receive an expression diploma, and Mary Mills a diploma in public school music. (President Edwards will make his annual address to the Senior Class,and certificates in the commercial department, rewards, and metals will be presented. MARTHA BISHOP AND ROSALIE LIVERMAN APPEAR IN RECITAL Students Displayed Good Train ing; Reception Given Fol* lowing Recital PRESIDENT AND WIFE ENTERTAIN SENIORS On Thursday evening, May 12, President and Mrs. Edwards enter tained those faculty memibers and students who have taken part in programs given for the benefit of the college during the past year. Delicious strawberry shortcgke and coffee were served to the fol lowing: President and Mrs. Ed wards, Misses DeLano, Right and Matthews; and Maggie Boone, Arra Snipes, Nellie Ricks, Kather ine Martin, Virginia Hofler, Edith Smith, Gertrude Spencer, Mattie Spencer, Dorothy Maddrey, Rhodes Holder, Lyda Jane Brooks, Mary Mills, Martha Bishop, Mary Sey mour, Cora Felton Bass, Jimmie Benton, Jay White, and Nellie Sample. ^n Friday evening:. May 13. at dinner each senior found at her place a card requesting her to be on the front steps Tuesday after noon at five o’clock. Each girl’s curiosity was aroused because there was no name signed to the invitation. Receipt of the cards remained a mystery to the seniors until Tues day afternoon when they were as- semlbled on the steps. -Several cars drove up and two seniors, Addie Mae Cooke and Alma Belch, began loading them with boxes, pitchers, and sticks. The class soon guessed that these two girls were responsible for the notes. The crowd went to Tuscarora Beach, where they were taken boat riding on “The Hei'ald” iby Messrs. J. Roy Parker and John J. Hill, owners of the boat, of Ahoskie. After the boat rides, the group gathered around a bonfire and roasted weiners. Sandfwiches, pickles, and lemonade were also served Those attending the picnic ^ voice student of Miss DeLano, were: Martha Bishop, Mary Mills, I and Rosalie Liverman, piano stu Lyda Jane Brooks, Myra Glover,|dent of Miss Matthews, appeared Callie Patrick, Edna Earle Har-jin recital at Chowan College, rell, Rachel Albritton, Virginia] The program, which was com- Stanley, Theresa Davis, Thelma-posed of four piano numlbers and Perry, Maggie Boone, Jemmie 1 three groups of songs, was opened by Rosalie, -with the Andante and Allegro movements of Beethoven’s “Sonata Op. 27, No. 1”. After a group of songs by Martha: “Caro Mio Ben”, Giordani; “The Little Red Lark”, Old Irish Mel ody; and “Amarilli, Mia Bella”, Caccini, Rosalie gave her second number, Schubert’s “Impromptu Op. 142, No. 2”. This was fol lowed by the aria, “My Heart is Weary”, from Thomas’ opera “Nadeschda”, by Martha. The last two groups consisted of two compositions of Chopin, Flow'ers sleep on the greening earth; And joyous birds now lull their mirth, ’Neath fading skies. A hushed quiet is over all. Low sweet chimes to vespers call; The spent day dies. A bit of twilight, then the glow. Fantastic shapes in the darkness show The light has fled. Gray clouds sweep across the sky, O’er all the world the night winds sigh The day is dead. On Thursday evening. May 19, at 8:30 o’clock, Martha Bishop, Benton, Marion Woodard, Ger trude Spencer, Margeanna Carter, Alma Belch, Addie Mae Cooke, Mrs. Henry Scott, Mr. W. B. Ed wards, Mr. J. J. Hill, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Roy Parker. SUNKEN GARDEN IS SCENE OF A PARTY President and Mrs. Edwards en- Edna Earle Harrell; and Lee Dejtertained the seniors at a lawn Clavure, Marjorie’s lover, Williami party in their sunken gardenj “Valse Op. 64, No. 2”, and “Valse Vann. The scene is laid in ajWednesday afternoon. May 25, Brilliante Op. 34, No. 1”, by Rosa- Southern colonial home. i from five to seven o’clock. Strolls “The Man in the Bowler Hot”,| through the flower garden, and a one-act production by A. A. Milne, was presented Tuesday eve ning, April 12, under the direc tion of Jessie Brendell. This pro duction was a play within a play, with the man in the Bowler Hot acting as director of the inner play. The cast was: John, Jem mie Benton; Mary, his wife, Mary Lee Clarke; the Hero, Ruth Pas chal; the Heroine, Myrtle Ange; the Chief Villian, Cornelia Gris som; the Bad Man, Virginia Odom; and the Man in the Bowler Hot, Jessie Brendell. “Two Pairs of Spectacles”, a comedy in one act, by W. Boyce Morgan, was presented on Wed nesday evening, April 13, under the direction of Lyda Jane (Continued on Page 3) The Chowan faculty gave its annual reception in honor of the seniors on Friday afternoon. May 13, from four to six o’clock, in the college parlors. The rooms were attractively decorated with Rebecca Peebles and Doris Lawrence met the guests at the door, and Dorothy Heath intro duced them to the receiving line, which was composed of President and Mrs. Edwards, Miss Schaible, Miss Martin, and the senior class. Misses Vernon and Banta present ed the guests to Misses DeLano and Coker who ushered them to the studio where Misses Brown and Ulmer were hostesses. Here Lucy Boone Freeman, Ann Vann, Virginia Fleetwood, and Evelyn Blanchard served them punch. After leaving the studio, the These are the hours that crowned guests were received in the main I hall by Misses Matthews, Hight, Swift were their speeding feet;)Lj^gett, and Mrs. Sewell. But even with their arms around me, I knew that the hours were sweet. And though they are banished wholly. As wholly am I content Since unto my heart it w'as given. To know them before they went. SPRING SONG Gay as a laughing brooklet. Glad as a summer moon Care-free as romping children Spring today is born. A flower was here to greet her, A bird bid her welcome be; And a bright blue sky let its sun shine down Over a sparkling sea. The earth has a balm for sorrow, Though winter was drear and cold, For now it is gone; in each heart is_a song As glad as heart can hold. SENIORS EAT FISH Fish fry! Yes, the seniors were honored at a fine old fish fry on Saturday afternoon. May 21, by the Rev. and Mrs. A. W. H. Jones, of -Severn. The class was taken to Hill Crest Park, where Mr. and Mrs. Jones had everything in readiness for a happy hour of eating fish. 'Mrs. Jones was an instructor in English here when the present Senior Class entered Chowan as freshmen, and she taught them their first English in college. GIVES RECITAL CLASS POEM Our Alma Mater we admired privilege of cutting bouquets of sweetpeas and other flowers, de lighted the seniors. Bobbie Stanley and Ruth Pas chal served the supper, which con sisted of chicken salad, deviled eggs, celery, pickles, sandwiches, coffee, straw(berries topped with cream, and cake. The following were present: Jemmie Benton, Mary -Mills, Vir ginia Stanley, Theresa Davis, Ed na Earle Harrell, Rachel Albrit ton, Gertrude Spencer, Martha Bishop, Margeanna Carter, Alma Belch, Lyda Jane Brooks, Maggie Boone, Jay White, Addie Mae Cooke, Thelma Perry, Callie Pat rick, Rhodes Holder, Ruth Pas chal, Bolblbie Stanley, and Pres, and Mrs. Edwards. lie; and three songs “Will 0’ the Wisp”, Spross; “Morning”, Speaks; we as freshmen came; Our future was to be inspired By this, a four-year game. And it was such a rendezvous That would last till ’32. and “O Lovely Night”, Ronald, iby Martha. Both students displayed excel lent training and musicianship throughout the program. They were dressed attractively, and!*^“'' ^l™a Mater we did love charmed their audience by their-reign; unusual talent After the recital the college gave a formal reception in the college parlors in honor of the two performers. Those in the receiving line were President and Mrs. Edwards, Miss Schaible, Miss DeLano, Martha Bishop, Mrs. Ver non White, Mrs. J. J. Jilcart, Mrs. Ruth Shoulars, Miss Matthews, Rosalie Liverman, Mr. and Mrs. Julian Liverman, Misses Emma Gay Stephenson, Bertha Chitty, (Continue on Page 3) The only thing we saw above Was fame, beloved fame; And to that end would w© pursue For the Class of ’32. Our Alma Mater we adored When we were juniors brave; Our minds and hearts were both restored By the knowledge our teachers gave. We were now winning, it was true, (Continued on Page 4) On Thursday evening, May 5, Ju lian Jay White, reader and pupil of Miss Ulmer, was presented in her graduation recital, giving an original adaptation of Stephen Phillips’ play “Paolo and Frances ca”. The selection of this beauti ful tragedy with its deep pathos and restrained emotion was a par ticularly happy one, for Jay, wno interpreted the various roles w'ith sympathy and charm. Her versatil ity was shown by the ease and suc cess with which she portrayed such contrasting types of characters as those of Giovanni, the brusque hus band; Francesca, his innocent and child-like wife; Paolo, the gentle brother of Giovanni, and Angela, the blind old nurse. Her interpretation of the various types of characters held all her hearers in close interest and atten tion, and her unusual talent was well proved by the presentation of this play. The girls who acted as marshals were: Maywood Modlin, Fannie Stephenson, Rhodes Holder, Wini fred Spencer and Lucy Boone Free man. Immediately after the recital. Jay and her friends and relatives were entertained at a reception in the college parlors. The Junior Class entertained at a banquet in honor of the members of the Senior Class in the college dining hall on Saturday evening, April 30, from 8:30 to 11 o’clock. Entertainment for the evening, in cluding the toasts, was presented in the form of a play in a theatre. Rainbow colors were used in the decoration of the halls, the dining room, and the tables. Flowers of varied colors made attractive cen- ter-pieces for the tables. The or chestra was enclosed in a screen of pines. Dr. Burrell offered the invoca tion, which was followed by the welcome to the guests, given by Rhodes Holder, toastmistress and president of the Junior Class. In the first scene of Act I of the play, Hannah Clinard gave a toast to the Theatre, th3 College, to which President Edwards responded. A toast to the Directors, the Faculty, was given by Nellie Sample, and responded to by Dean Schaible. Doris Lawrence then gave some ad vice to the Leading Ladies, the Se niors, to which Jemmie Benton, the president of the Senior Class, re plied. “Blue Roses,” a reading by Katherine Martin, afforded an ef fective interlude between the acts. Act II was opened by a toast fea turing the Actors, the Classes, by A. Wood Jones, Jr., and to this Cornelia ’^rissom "jnd^ Inez Wil- 'lougnby, plesident ot tne ciofiho- more and Freshman Classes, re spectively, responded. Jay White gave a toast to the Leading Men, the Men, and Mr. John Askew, of Harrellsville, made the response. A toast to the Coming Attract ions, the Future, was given by Elizabeth Forbes. The Epilogue, a farewell by Rhodes Holder, con cluded the play. Throughout the ev ening, music was furnished by Miss Rosalie Liverman’s orchestra. Those attending the banquet were: Jemmie Benton, Lyda Jane Brooks, Martha Bishop, Rachel Al britton, Margenna Carter, Mary Lee Clarke, Addie Mae Cooke, The resa Davis, Edna Earle Harrell, Myra Ann Glover, Callie Patrick, Thelma Perry, Mary Stanley, Ger trude Spencer, Marion Woodard, Cornelia Grissom, Inez Willough by, Anna Laura Baker, Jessie Brendel, Christine Britt, Hannah Clinard, Elizabeth Forbes, Rhodes Holder, A. Wood Jones, Doris Law rence, Margaret Lane, Mary Mills, Maywood Modlin, Rebecca Peebles, Martha Parker, Nellie Sample, Ma ry Seymour, Winifred Spencer, Jay White, Martha Williams, Ruth Green; Misses Schaible, Vernon, DeLano, Coker, and Jennie Blythe Addams, of Toronto, Canada; Mes- dames W. R. Burrell, Herman H. Babb, and H. L. Evans; Messrs. Wilson Garris, of Conway; Hugh White, Robert Whitley, Walter Clarke, William Vann, Jesse Odom, J. J. Parker, Jr., H. L. Ev ans, W. B. Edwards, Roy Griffin, and Dr. W. R. Burrell, of Murfree.'s- boro; Boyce Brooks, H. M. Tad- lock, Bruce Jones, Raymond Con ner, Jesse Burgess, Percy Yates, Bill Brooks and William Harrris, of Wake Forest College; Plato Morris and William Bateman, of State College; Alton Bazemore and Gay Harrington, of Lewiston; Crawford Brendell of Portsmouth; Ellis Crew of Pleasant Hill; Hugh E!ward.' and Hinton White, of Severn; Joe M. Long and Moring Stephenson, of Seaboard; Bob Cooke, of Aulan- der; W. L. Daniel and Robt. Brown, Winton; and John O. Askew, Jr.. Harrellsville. The mascots, Herman H. Babb, Jr., and Miss Katie Am. Evans, were also present. Flora Mae Hood, 26, of Marion, S. C., in a letter to Alma Belch recently, said that she had been in St. Louis, Mo., for some tim- with Miss Knott, who was a form er teacher of expression here, an i that she will spend the summer a - councilor and dramatic director a'. Camp Elizabeth, Hendersonville. Julia Downs, ’30, of Winton, was a visitor here recently. She had just completed a successful year of teaching at Hobbsville.