Junior Tea Room is now open for business. Sandwiches, hot chocolate, and candy at reasonable prices every day. Patroni/.e campus business. The Chowanian Boost your team on Founders* Day. Help your class to win the honors of the day by giving your support. Contests begin promptly at 4 o'clock. VOLUME X, NUMBER 1. MURFREESBORO, N. C., OCTOBER, 1932. FOUR PAGES Three Essentials of Successful Life, Subject of President’s First Talk at Opening Chapel Exercise Says Person’s Success Meas ured in Terms of Men tal Vision NEW SESSION BEGAN ON SEPTEMBER 7TH Several Changes Have Been Made in Faculty for This Term On Monday, September 12, Pres ident W. B. Edwards spoke to the students of Chowan College on the three essentials of a successful life at the first chapel program of the 1932-1933 term. Mr. Edwards stated that a per son’s success is measured in terms of his mental vision or “blue print”, his goal, and his determi nation. These three things are the essentials for a successful life, ■while the successful lives of to day’s students insure the fulfill ment of tomorrow’s promise. Continuing his remarks, Mr. Ed wards showed that there are two Chowan College.—the visible one made up of campus and buildings, and the invisible composed of three important parts: the founders, the faculty and students, and the alumnae. The students of today are the alumnae of tomorrow; therefore, Chowan’s future de pends largely on the progress an-; foundation of today. Chowan began its eighty-fifth year on September 7, Registration Day, with an enrollment of 108 students, including eigthy-seven women and twenty-one men. Five states—North Carolina, South Ca rolina, Georgia, Virginia, and Pen- nyslvania—are represented in this enrollment. Several changes have been made MiRa Virg-inia Marr ' tin, di Emporia, Va„ who received her M. A. at the Unversity of N. Carolina this summer, becomes head of the Latin department in the place of Miss Blanche Banta who did not return. Miss Clara Mae Brown, of Gainesville, Ga., succeeds Miss Eleanor Coker in the English Department. Mrs. Henry Scott, of luflrffBESboro, Miss Cora Smith, of Rains, S. C., and Miss Ellen Howard, of Rose- boro, N. C., have charge of the commercial courses. Miss Eleanor Whittinghill of Glen Dean, Ky., ta kes Miss Frances Vernon’s place as. professor of Home Economics. GOVT. CLASS MANAGES POLITICAL CAMPAIGN ANNUAL AMATEUR NIGHT OCTOBER 28 Chowan’s annual amateur night will be celebrated Friday night, October 28. The program for the evening will be made up of orig inal poems, sketches, plays, songs, and short stories which have been submitted by students. All con tributions will be acknowledged, but only those of literary merit will be presented. EPISCOPAL MINISTER SAYS LOVE IS BASIS OF HAPPY MARRIAGE CHOWAN ASSOCIATION AIDS CHOWAN COLLEGE At the annual session of the Cho wan Baptist Association, held the First Baptist Church of Eliza beth City, September 20-21. a st'-p of great importance to Chowan College was taken. On the second day a resolution was passed that each church in the association give to Chowan twenty-five per cent of its contributions to the Coopera tive Program, or allow a represen tative of the college to set up an organization to raise the necessary funds. President W. B. Edwards had spoken the first day on the accomplishments, needs, and pos sibilities of the college. FACULTY TEA HELD IN COLLEGE PARLOR Dr. and Mrs. W. R. BuitbII, Miss Eleanor Whittinghill, and Miss Clara Mae Brown were guests of honor at a tea given by the faculty in the college parlor Tues day afternoon, September 27. The receiving line, composed of Mr. W. B. E-dwards, Miss Valerie Schai- ble. Dr. and Mrs. Burrell, Miss Whittinghill, and Miss gfeeteu ’g**otovis ' a® w. presented by Miss Jane Brown. Punch was served in the faculty parlor by Miss Margaret Right and Miss Forrest DeLano. Guests called from 4:30 to 5:30. Brti^wn, FRESHMEN ELECT CO-ED PRESIDENT Discuises Marriage in Chapel Talk in College Wednes day La*t Week “Love is the underlying princi ple of the Christian marriage,” said the Reverend Mr. Malone, pas tor of the Episcopal Church of Murfreesboro, Wednesday in a talk on marriage in the auditorium of Chowan College. “In his progress from savagery to civilization man has tried out many types of marriage”, contin ued Mr. Malone. “There has been marriage by contract in which the two parties bind themselves by common consent to the union; there has been marriage by expe riment in which the two parties agree to try marriage until they prove whether or not it is success ful. The best type of marriage, however,” declared Mr. Malone, “is the marriage of real companion ship sanctioned by the Bible.” “The Christian viewpoint of marriage in which the man re mains loyal to one mate is biog- ically, sociologically, aui! psychol cgically the best viewpoint,” as serted Mr. Malone as he continued his discussion. “Man, biogically ."peaking, inherits the instnct to select from the group one person with whom he may share his ex periences, whether that person be of the opposite sex or not. He seems, however, to find the fullest satisfaction when he chooses a companion of the opposite sex to whom he may remain loyal for the duration of life. Sociolojfii’.ally, the Chirstian viewpoint of marri age is practtcable because, from the earliest stages of evolution, man has shown a tendency to pr) teet and care for his young; there fore, a union in which man is loy al to one mate best allows the ful fillment of that tendency. Psy chologically, the Christian view- and not lust the basis of the union, and not lust the bass of the union, thjo.ugb love man undergoes 'a ps>cnulogicai which makes him unselfish enough 1,0 desire the good of others.” In conclusion, Mr. Malone urged that, since the Christian idea of marriage is the best, the church today put on an educational cam paign in favor of its adoption. LEAVING NEW MEMBERS WERE INITIATED AT TWO COLLEGE SOCIETIES Closed Social Program in Honor of New Students and Add Many Members Initiation services held by the Alathenian and Lucalian Literary I Societies in their respective halls on Thursday evening, September ; 22, closed the social program of the societies in honor of the new students. After the Chowan Will Celebrate Founders’ Day October 13th., With Formal Program of Events During Day CHOWAN FURNISHES 'Member of Board of Trus- REVIVAL MUSIC tee» Will Make Address Chowan College was represent- *** Afternoon ed at the revival services of the Calvary Baptist Church, North SEMI-ANNUAL SESSION initiation|Ser'’6'^"’MTssJs'“CrLt"'De: OF BOARD TO FOLLOW members of each society enjoyed Lano, Katherine Martin, Mary social hour which was concluded Mills, and Mr. W. B. Edwards Recital by Faculty of Fine DR. W. R. BURRliLL with the singing of the society songs. Tlie new members received by the Alatehnians were: Misses Lou Virginia, was holding the services. Wilson Evans, Genivieve Brown, Those going from the college Linda Lee Ferguson, Fannie sang “It Pays to SerVe Jesus” as a qqartet, and Miss DeLano sang “Thy Will Be Done” as a solo. Dr. E. Gibson Davis, from West Arts Department At Evening COLLEGE AND' THE COMMUNITYREGRET GOING OF WORKER Dr. and Mrs. Burrell Held Warm Place In Hearts of People ACCEPTS PASTORATE OF REED’S CHAPEL Harrell, Katie Lawrence, Louise Peek, Rebecca Gay, Lois Vann, Maggie Price, Ruth Stephenson, Mary Beale Liverman, and Lillian Holloman. Those received by the Lucalians were: Misses Merlee As-j Mbell, Lucy Pattie Heads, Mildred 1 V'ann, Emerald Cooke, Beulah Lee, Elizabeth Britt, Marie Riddick, Wilma Coun cil, Edith Rae DaughU-y, Fannie Simmons Miller, Nora Mae Ward, and Ruth Green. Prior to the initiation night each i society had entertained in honor of the new students. On Thurs day, September 15, the Alathenian Literary Society gave a ''Hobo'’ party in the gymnasium. Each and President Ed^vards. THE SEVEN SLEEPERS OF MURFREESBORO Resolutions’of Regret Passed and Order Pubhshed In Paper That we of the modem age are Taylor, Virginia not the only ones who demand the right to sleep in our churches is proved by the following clipping taken from the “Murfreesboro En- auirer” of February 22, 1873: “Fifty yoars ago our forefath ers all worshipped in a wooden building just below the residence of the late F. M. Capehart, un- painted, unsealed, unlathed, un plastered, innocent of a stove, ihere they sat braving winter’s cold. The idea of having a stove At a political rally held in the chapel at 12:30 Friday, September 30, the Government Class of Cho wan opened its program of train ing in citizenship and intelligent voting. Miss Dorothy Heath, as Na tional Chairman of the Republican party, and Miss Lois Vann as Na tional Vice-Chairman o? the Dem ocratic party addressed the voters in behalf of the candidates of the two parties. Mr. Rorie Copeland j “Female Institute” of Murfreesboro introduced the | Wednesday evening, speakers. Walter Dudley, of Gates, N. C., attained the distinction of being the first man to hold the office of class president at Chowan Col lege when he was elected to tha presidency of the Freshman Class at their first meeting on Septem ber 28. This class also has the distinction of having more men members than any other class in the history of the college, sixteen being enrolled. Other class officers elected at the meeting on September 28 were Virginia Cooke, vice president; Emerald Taylor, secretary; Mil dred Vann, treasurer; Earl Bar rett, reporter; and Miss Virginia Martin, sponsor. PRACTICE BEGINS ON FIRST PLAY Oscar Wilde’s Farce to Be sented At An Early Date Pre- The polls were open for the reg istration of voters from 4:30 to 5:30 Friday afternoon. The elec tion will be held in October. SUMMER VISITORS Many friends of Chowan College were visitors here during the sum mer. Ajapng them were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ward, of Blackstone, Va., who were here on June 27. Mrs. Ward is the daughter of Mrs. Charles Richard Hamlet, ’60, of Brunswick county, Va. Mr. and Mrs. George Andrews visited the Alma Mater of both of their mothers on June 27. The mother of Mr. Andrews, who was Miss Bowers, and the mother of Mrs. Andrews, who was Miss Liz zie Pittman were students at Cho wan between 1861 and 1864. Mrs. R. W. Wilkinson, ’90, of Wake Forest visited Chowan on August 13. With her were her son, James Wilkinson of Wake Forest, and her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hooker Co bum, of Waban Hotel, Wellesley, Mass. On August 25 Mrs. J .R. Haw kins, ’90, of Winston-Salem visit ed Chowan. INITIATION OF CO-EDS That Chowan is no longer a lo'K’omi.io was evident Sept. 14, when the Freshman Co-eds ijere subjected to a rigorous initiation by the Sophomore Co-eds. At 10 o’clock the Freshmen were met in the middle drive by the Sophomo res and, after being blindfolded, were led in a shirt-tail parade through the streets of Murfrees boro and around the college cam pus. Their march was accelerated by the use of paddles. Then they were taken to the baseball diam ond where they were forced to lie on the ground while listening to a set of rules laid down for their fu ture conduct. After giving in- Behearsals for the first per formance of the Chowan College Dramatic Clufc began last w^eek. The play chosen for the first pro duction is “The Importance of Being Earnest”, by Oscar Wilde. The east is composed of Misses Dorothy Heath, Lucy Boone Free man, Jay White, and Myrtle Ange; Messrs. Pat Usry, J. J. Parker, Jr., Wilson Fleetwood, Gilbert Davis, and Rorie Copeland, eleven Farce “The Importance of Being Earnest”, a three-act farce first played at the St. James Theater in London in 189'5, represents the early modern drama of England. It is a link between the comedy of manners of the late seventeenth century and the modern society drama. The imprdbaible situations, the puns, epigrams, and clever re partee in which “nobody talks any thing but nonsense” make it aii entertaining performance. Staging of Play The Dramatic Club, under the direction of Miss Irene Virginia Ulmer, is staging the play. The date of presentation wil Ibe an nounced later. CO-EDS ORGANIZE ATHLETIC CLUB On Tuesday night, September structions for the Freshmen to re-1 co-eds met for the purpose main where they were until their | of electing officers and discussing return the Sophomores marched triumphantly away, hoping the Fresmen would remain until day light. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson visited relatives in Suffolk Wed nesday, September 21. THE CHOWAN SWING and friends her tame When Chowan girls all fall in line. We’re going to push ahead each time; For old Chowan we’ll yell, we’ll yell for aye; And for the college girls and friend we’ll yell for aye; And then we’ll fight, fight, fight for every cause; We’ll circle ’round and fight with all our might; We’re going to push old Chowan to the top Or we’ll drop! Rah! Rah! Rah! prospects for football, basketball, and baseball. Mr. Pat Usry, the coach, presided until a president was elected. The president, Wil son Fleetwood, then took the chair and motions were in order for the nomination of the other officers Gilbert Davis was elected vice president, and Fletcher McAdams was chosen secretary and treasu rer. After the election, Mr. Usry put an estimate of the expenses of the three sports, football, basketball, and baseball, before the meeting. It was decided, after careful con sideration, that on accc’int of t^e football be dis- Dr. William R. Burre 1, who for seven and a half year. has been in charge of the departrient of Re ligious Education of C’lowan Col lege, last week resignec from that position to accept the ] istorate of Reed’s Memorial Cha el at Bilt- more, N. C. Dr. and Burrell tember 30. Dr. Burrell, a native of Canada, came from Monroe, N. C., in 1925 to accept the position as professor of Bible at Chowan College, at the same time accepting the pastorate of the First Baptist Church of Murfreesboro. From October, 1925, to July, 1926, he served also as ac- ting-president of Chowan College, filling a vacancy created by the re signation of Dr. Charles P. Wea ver. Having traveled in several coun tries of Europe and Asia, and hav ing served as a member of the Mesopotamian Expeditionary For ces in the World War, Dr. Burrell brought to his work a wide excg- rience and sympathetic understan ding which have made him a lead er in the social and religious life of Murfreesboro. In appreciation of Dr. Burrell’s work the following resolutions were read at the business meeting of the church on Sunday, Septem ber 25: “For seven and a half years. Dr. W. R. Burrell has been pastor of the Murfreesboro Baptist Church ably assisted by his belov ed wife. They have won a imique place in all our hearts by their beautifully consecrated lives, by their willingness to serve in any phase of church of college work, and by their earnest, whole-heart ed loyalty. Their loving sympathy has inspired many. Every organi zation of the church has been ben- efitted by their influence, which has always been for good. They have ever been alert, energetiCj and interested in church, town, college, and community. Since the Spirit leads them to other fields of service and to sever their offi cial connection with us, we wish to express to them our apprecia tion for their fine leadership their consecrated lives and their diligent labors among us. Be it therefore resolved: 1. That to Dr. Burrell we extend our deepest gratitude for his true friendship, his smpathy and coun sel, his wise guidance, his inspiri ig messages, and tne example of hio consecrated Christian life; 2. That to Mrs. Burrell we ex press our heart-felt thanks for her earnest cooperation, her devoted life, and her outstanding service; 3. That in the departure of Dr. and Mrs. Burrell we are losing val ued friends whose loyal service and untiring help and advice will be greatly missed; 4. That we commend them to their new field of w'ork; 5. That we give them up reluc tantly, but pray God’s blessings on guest was dressed in a costume appropriate to the occasion and en- j in the church would have been as lertained the hoboes with an ac-; repugnant to their purn,anic lcv;l count of her journey to Chowan.ling as the introduction cf a After a program of games and and dance. But things have chang- popular music, the hoboes were'ed and as a Latm poet sa2^s we allowed from the community lar- changed with them. In the old der a meal of rolls, weiners, pick- church, benches were arranged les, coffee, and marshmallows. without backs from the pulpit, to In the society hall on Monday, the south end of the building. Ov- September 19, the Lucalian Litera- er the door at the south end was ry Society entertained informally a gallery. Under the gallery sat in honor of the new students. Miss the negroes, the gallery itself was Nellie Sample and Miss Inez Wil- assigned to the schoolboys, who loughby had charge of the prog- were quite numerous at that time. Spp.iram which consisted of games and “The academy was then under ' contests In wnich tife "Wnmcri v\ cicct Twm as Oyjra^ly. awarded points. At the close of the a young Irishman, an eleve of St. program the couples who heU the Omeis college, educated for the highest number of points were Romish priesthood. He was well awarded prizes. Miss Emerald i educated, but a poor instructor. Taylor and Mr. Robert Turner The academy, as some of your peo- were given a calendar; Miss Fan- pie may recollect was the brick nie Simmons Miller and Mr. J. J.! building afterwards occupied by Parker were given a memorandum book. KID PARTY GIVEN FOR FRESHMEN On Wednesday evening, Septem ber 14, the gymnasium at Chowan re-echoed to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell” and the merriment of “Drop the Handkerchief” when the Juniors entertained the Freshmen with a kid' party. The Freshmen, dressed as children of ten or twelve, were greeted on their ar rival by the Juniors, and were in troduced to the other guests who, were already absorbed in the play ing of children’s games. When t ic guests were tired of playing, they earlybed-time. Those present were Misses Merle Aabell, Edith Rae Daughtry, Lou Wilson Evans, Rebecca Gay, Kate Lawrence, Saxah Griffith, Lillian Houo- man, Corine Lawrence, Emily Law rence, Beulah Lee, Mary Beale Li verman, Lucy Meads, Fannie Sin- mcms Miller, Louise Peek, Dorothy Parkes, Marie Riddick, Cora Smith, Ruth Stephenson, Mildred Vann, Elizabeth Britt, Virginia Cooke, !nd Emerald Taylor; M-ss- er. Rorie Copeland, Joim Darden, Robert Whitley, Robert McKay, Robert Turner, Melvin Puckett,' Fletcher McAdams, Walter Dudley Richard Murril, Cyrus Howell, and Archie Parker. On Thursday, October 13, facul- were: Misses Forrest DeLano, ty and students will honor the Katherine Martin, Mary Mills, founders of Chowan College with a Virginia Martin,^ Velva Howard, special program consisting of an address at 3 P. M., by a mem ber of the board of trustees, and a recital at 8:15 P. M. by members of the faculty of the School of Fine Arts. Following the recital friends of the college will be entertained at a reception in the college parlors. At 11 A. M the board of trustees will hold its semi-annual meeting in the Luca lian society hall. With the adoption of a resolu tion presented by Dr. Godwin C. Moore to the Baptist Association at Raymoth Gilead Church in Pas quotank county in May, 1848, Cho wan Female Institute was char tered as an institution for the higher intellectual development and the Christian training young women. On October 11 oi that year under the leadership of President Archibald McDowell, it opened for the first session with an enrollment of eleven students. Increased enrollment necessitat ing enlarged quarters, the building knov/n as “The Columns”, a four story brick building, was erected in 1852. This building is still used as the admnistration building. Though handicapped by the con ditions existing during the perioc of the War Between the Stale!,, the school continued to operatf during the four years of the war We have the following accoun’ from the minutes of the Baptis: Association of May, 1862: “This institution, formerly sc successful and prosperolis, is nov suffering, like most others in our country, from blighting influence of the war. “The trustees at the end of the last scholastic year, anticipating a greatly dinminishe3 patronage and having no means to sustain the Faculty except ihe i:urrent in come of the school, thought it un wise to assume the payment of salaries for the present year, and they, therefore, committed the school entirely to the Faculty vyith the privilege of retaining only as many of their number as the am ount of the patronage received •should render necessary. During the first session the whole Facul ty was retained except the Pres ident who, at his own request, was absent imtil near the end of the session. The number of the pupils present was forty-four, less than half our usual number, but there was a fair prospect for a large increase at the beginning of the present session. The prospect was suddenly blighted by the fall of Roanoke Island which gave way the enemy success to all our in terior waters and -aused tl'C prompt withdrawal of all the pu pils. After a few weeks’ suspension, the school was resumed with a small number which was increas ed to twenty. Among these are representatives of all the collegia te classes which will constitute a nucleus around which classes m'l.. be readily formed at the beginning of the next session, should Prov idence permit the school to be re sumed at that time.” At the close of the war there were eigthy-one students in atten- were served punch and animal _ _ crackers, and were sent home for 1 vert there were only seven boys the Chowan Female Institution, more recently by Dr. T. N. Myrick. “O’Grady had a full school and when all the village turned out the church was well filled, so that to accommodate the schoolboys, the gallery was assigned to their use as just stated. That gallery was a hard place, not a bench nor a stool nor a block was there to re lieve the poor boys during many a Icng tedious service. Those who entered the gallery first took the jront row and sat looking through ;he railing like monkeys in a me- ragerie. The next arranged them selves around with their backs ag ainst the walls of the house. Lit tle boys coming late scattered themselves over the floor as best they could. But on this memora ble occasion to which I shall ad- in church. It was a warm summer evening, the services were long, and to the boys, tedious, and be fore the preacher had reached the exordium all hands were stretched cn the floor fast asleep; some of them still live, one venerable ex senator is still in your county. Services closed, the sexton (Rev. Samuel Wells, living in the house next to the church) put out lights and went home. At a late hour one of the boys awoke utterly ob livious to his situation and how he came there. Finding hii.nself alone he set up a yell that must have awakened the dead, had it been po.ssible. This alarmed another and soon the whole seven joined full chorus frightened beyond funds obtainable, — —- , .. - - pensed with for the season and j them wherever they go and on wfirk begun at once on baskatball. w'hatever they undertake ir Practice began Tuesday, October name; fourth (Continued on Page 4) CHURCH RELATIONSHIP wits, none coull obtain a DAY OBSERVED On Sunday, October 2, the B. S. U. of Chowan College observed Church Relationship Day at the local Baptist Church. At the morn ing service Miss Katherine Martin made a talk, telling the students and the community why college girls should either join their col lege church or come under its watehcare. In response to an in vitation at the close of the service seven girls presented themselves for church membership, and nine came under its watchcare. I^ior to this meeting talks had been made at both morning and evening watch services, urging the girls to joiii the church. Church Relationship Day was observed not only by Chowan Col lege but by most of the colleges unHfThe servants at the sexton’s dance, and from that time the en- house hearing the noise at the rollment continued to grow until it church, suppposed old Satan was j necesstoted the erection of two turned loose and was celebrating | more buildmgs^ his orgies, with all the imps of pandemonium. Mr. Wells was ^ Mr. Wells awakened, and entreateii to cise tlie sacred dwelling. Provid ing a lantern and a stout club, the old preacher marched slowly and dubiously to the church. Placing his men around him as a bodyguard, Mr. Wells unlocked the door, when In the spring of 1931 by the ac- was! tion of the board of trustees Cho wan became co-educational, and in September, 1931, eight young men became members of the stu dent body. The program on Thursday will honor the memory of the men who in 1848 probably “builded better one after another boys sheepishly enough, Mr. Wells Vindly volunteered a lecture on the out came the i than they knew.” m the Southern Baptist Conven- with the account of ti.e Seven tion. 'Sleepers of Murfreesboro. The Y. W. A. has beugn its ex- viTof sreepTng in church, but the tension work in the Fipt Bap- nreachine enouga tist Church of Murfreesboro. It has organized a R. A. Band for the boys and is planning to do every thing possible toward the growth and advancement of this organiza tion. boys had had preaching enoug for one night. . “Early next morning the deni zens of your village were amused

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