Layton Says Chowan Will Retain Sports ‘ Chowan College will definite- — ly have a team of inter-coUegiate sports next year,” stated Mdvin Lajton, coach. Layton said fiu’- ther that he had some good pres peots for nexit y^ar, •■‘SMiit of these prospects will come as a result of other junior colleges abandoning intercollegiate sports for the cctning year.” “I have been pleased with the penformance of my teams thus far in the season,” said Layton, "and I think that the boys have Ehown good sportsmanship azid haTC played goodj ball." In hi.s words of praise for his teams he remarked that the football and basketball teams this year were one hundred percent better than those of last year. »»tl Layton expressed optimism con cerning this year’s basketball team in stating that he had many po tential players in addition to many veterans who are back this year. "Spoi-ts lovers have shown great interest and have supported the teams well, and I hope that as great an interest will be shown ne.xt year,” the coach added. Tl'.e first paten-„ on PM typo ' f radio transir'issiou v. as issued il. 1902, but this metaoa a-s mcfii.s of broadasting did nr. zotn^ uiio general use until aie*-. Baseball Prospects Look Promising the With the Chowan Braves end-, is being done in conditionin ing their basketball .season, CoacJij field, ' New equipment, including b.ills, baseball Melvin Layton started practice. A large number of candidates are exipected to be out for practices. Many of the first year team will be teck in uniform, as well as a large number of new bats, and bases, will pe purciiased; however the team mil probably use their same imiforois of last year. The uniforms are of gray with blue caps and socks. With the season at its bcgin- players, Frcm last years squad ning, there has been no announ Coach Layton will have exper- cement as to who the umpires will ienced men as R, .D. Belch, Bil-,be, or what teams the Braves will lie Ciemmer, Curtis Coi)eiand, meet. It expected that a maxi- Vaiice Stewart, Edsal Farless, Jay mum sched'Ule will be arranged Wilcox. Bill Midgette, and Donald Vann. The team wiH miss Gene Cooke and his big bat, which sparked the team last season. Cooke, who had an unusually good baiting average, left school on account of scholastic difficulties. Ccach Layton says he is hoping to have a well-balanced club this sea.son^ both offensively and defenaivi’.y. Chowan will play on its field located directly behind the ad- mini.stiation building. Much w:rk Good Listening SUND.^Y Lulus Cage Win Girls Tournament In the recent basketball toiirn- ament spon.sored by the Women's Athletic Association, Lulu’s team was the victor. Captain Sarah Per- i’.y led her team to victory in each game played with the cpiJOeing team—^tlie Bubbas and the Maid ens'. Other members of tlie team were Maybelle Bryant, .\nr.e Ed wards, June Blanchard. Kyria Bunn. Mary Jennings, Edira Grif fin. and Peg^y Denton. The girls on the winning team axe lo>kiug lorwaitl to the gold basketballs that will be presented to them in the near future. Some of last year’s players will receive sweat ers at t'he same time. A badminton tournament lo be f-ptnsored by the W. A. A,, will yet underway this week. If any girl.s are interested, they should see Mary Jennlrtgs or Jime Blan chard. Singles and doubles will be plaj'ed with each team being cojU- posed of three members. The W. A. A. has accepted as one of its lijx^jects the handlmg of the Red Cixxss Drive here at. Chcwan College. The quota this year for Chowan is $100. Pos'ers will be made and put in conspic- uoti^ places in the building to remind students and teachers of the Drive. Miss Keetei', W. A. A. adviser urges that •’even if we cannot meet our goal, let us all give a little and be 100 per cent. Giv'e that nickel that you ordin arily pm in the "coke” ma'.liine to the Red Crcs.s." Morning' 11:^5-12:00—^CBS—Invitation to Learning .•Vfternoon 12:00-12:30—MBS—Mutual’s Col lege Choral 1 Series 12:00-12:30—NBC—American Fo- I rum of the Air ; 12:30—1:00—ABC—Piano Play \ house 1:00—2;30—CBS—N. Y. Phiihar- I monic Sympho ny 1:00-2:00—NBC—University of Chicago Round Table 5:00—5:30—ABC—Author Meets Critic 5:30—6:00—ABC—The Greatest Story Ever Told *■ W BELIEVED ABOUT 50,000 years old, two Indian lotus seeds fouin! in Mahchuria have been "hatched" by 'Washington horticulturalists of National Capital Parks and now boast tender green shoots 2 and VA Inches in length, respectively. About the size of olive pits, the seeds were filed maka them g>or« i^nsitiv^ tg wat^ They germinated in five ^ ^yen ^^3, Thej to thf agency by Dr. Ralph W, Ch»ne’y, University of California pileoutologist, (InteraationitJ, Evening 8:30—9:30—NBC—Theatre Guild of the Air 9:00—9:30—MBS—Sylvan Levin Jathenians Wirf^ In Tournament Five Cagers Get Sweaters, Letters Five members of the boy3’ bai- It Icoiks as if the Alathenians, _ Opera Concert just can’t be outrated. The boy’s ketball team, who had not pre- 9:30-10:00—NBC—American Al- team beat the LucaUan boy's team ! viou£ly earned a letter, received bum of Famili-'m two of Uxe tournament ga'-.i'vee. ■ their sweaters and letters in a ar Music MONDAY THRt’ FRIDAY Morning 11:00 -11:15—MBS—Behind Story the MO.VDAY Chowan Gets Top Preference At Elizabeth City College Day Evening^ Chowan Cclloge to flie College Da,\ for high school senior^ in Elizabeth City returr.- fd with a feeling of optimic.m. Today Chowan has good pro- finise cf enrolling a guodly number ComplimeiiU; Copeland Store representalive.=:'of approximately 200 students of TUESDAY Drug Ahoskie. N C. Corrplimenis Planter's Hardware Co. . Murfreesboro. N. C. Pa-quotank. Currituck and Cam den counties interviewed at the event. Twenyt-two colleges v.'ere i’Evening repi'esented in the annual gath-' ering at Elizabeth City High i —^NBC—Cavalcade cf School. I Amei’ica Chowan wa^i well Mpre.ietited ' —ABC—.America’s Town with its six representative.s: Hev. I Meeting C. W. Duling. Mrs. Jack Lee, Mrs! i S:5-10:00—ABC—Fine Arts Williams, and students Colon Quartet Jackson of Hertford, Betty Harrte 1®-00--10:30-ABC—On Trial of Elizabeth Caty. and Joyce CBS—Capitol Cloak Snowden of Currituck Ccuntv. From all mdications Chowan and .N. C. Slate led the field of j They were presented a gold tro- , special chai>el program. March 5. t phy by Mr. La.yton. Tii^se play- Receiving the Columbia blue j iiig on the teatn were as follows: sweaters ;With tlie white letter 'Vance Stewart. Curtis Copeland,, were Rajnnond Meiggs, Jay Wil- : Charles Buffalo, Bo’bby Mili'hell. cox, Billy Clemmer, Donald Vann, ■ and Vaughan Fowler. I and Cedric Pieixe. Tlie awards I The gOi-ls team was also victor- were made tiy Coach Melvin Lay- . ious over the Lucalian g;ria by ten. ' defeating them 31 to 19 and 49 to ! The Rev. Austin Sta.ples gave a 22, A gold plaque will be awi’rded few i-emarks in regard to the ath- ;to the girls by Miss Keeter >n letes who were not present to re chapel. The plaque is to te|ceive tJ>eir awards becau-e of awarded to the winning :,ociety | their being in tlie service of Un- . . „ ou the! cle Sam. He stated that the-^e AUlihenian team were: ,Mary- athletes would receive their .sweat- Tyus,, Saraii Perry, Peggv Den-|ers by mail as soon as jorrect Hour Kvria Burm, Lona WorreU., addre.sses could be located. Cities Se- vS e Blanchaj-d, Mary Jennin»s, | Band * Jackson. Ruth Taylor I ° 10:00-11:00—NBC-NBC Sympho- ‘^e tcum- | Fij-st speech by rodio aci js., the ny Orcheura wcause of a f'pi'a;ned , continent and across thi A:lanxC I wa.s accomplished in 191.1, :00—S :30—NBC—The Hour Railroad 30—9:00—NBd—Voice of Fire-' playing stone 9:30-10:00—NBC- ankle. Room WEDNESDAY lireference: Chcwan oflerin;; iv.n- ior college woi'k and splendid busi ness training, and State A'iricnl- tura;. engineering, electrical, etc. | Approximately 50 indicated a degree of in Chuwanwnile ; abcut 20 expres.sed definite plan:s to enroll next fall. Kvening: 9;30-10:00—MBS—Family tre Th?a- I 1875 Commencement Exercises at Chowan I Wedensday, the 7th. was ChowaJi Baptist Jemale Inslitiite great day. The crowd wac I**’'"'-, How mine host Spencer 1 lurfree. boro INQI IREK , could entertain so many at 'ilie A pleasant crowd left W;nds;r '®^“^ f pleasantly is a to attend the university of theiSti.f ^ ^ ® • Chcwan Female Institute in this ^HH t ^ exeicises at the In- Iplace. Tlie poUteness of the ofii-UparfiL the im- THIRSD.W Evening The greater ratio Of the 20 are 8:00 9:00- girls: the higii school senior bo,\,s ■ were found to lie uncertain, their -ABC—Screen Guild Players 9:30-10:00—MBS—Repo: ■ ! Roundup 110:00-11:00—iNBC-NBC Thratro Day's Dept. Store Murfreesboro, N. C. iiittwwHiifiuwHiHiiiwimiiniiiiBHiiiuniiiiniouitiiwirtiiiniiiiift 1 FRIDAY Evfniuff 8;00—8:30—MBS—Bandstand. USA 9:00—9:S0~MBS—The Air Force Hour I0:00-10:30-CBS-We Take* Y( in- Il.uid 10:45-11:00—NBC-Pi-o and C:m ‘jeers, their kindness and atteinion ' the st-i.i.v ;' ito every want cf the passen-ers' '’’^^ibi.a imade them feel perfectly at hc”-nt' _SL^preri^r order. In the ■La- hve the galiant VerMe’I^err, who iP.'issenger boat and courteou com. I deliver the an- mander. j nuai addiess, Major Rcbert B:ns~ ' T-'no Til ■ , I I'am. principal of the Binghum fn enabled , schocl, and late of the 44th North - ' }° , , 3 Siroll through that Carolina Regiment, Colcnel Sins- ib Of iheAir t'™? "'f letary ccmmanding, read an e.s.s-ay ■porter’s , ‘ > '^Pal Churcn, a on the Anglo-Saxon race, -xhi- (Ipp^v tL PTOfound research and ex- ai -1 fpSip Baptists, although few tensive reading. A sketch of the seme fhlirrh rf ^ssay would be, perhaps, infria.;- Iv fini^^hPri office, which 1.S near- ing too much on your columns. Mairh iin spacious chapel was beau-' thit it , r '■> ornamented with the tnat It may n;.t be regarded deci.,ion being Mt primarily up: I «^“-MBS-Rod and Gun;^;^.^ Ukej^sM Regiment, Colcnel Sin.g- on whether or not they vviu be ' calied into the U. S. Armed For- sat:^. There is a debt due on the a‘■ paintings, wa.x works, wax v. or ks was taught as part of the curri- s.\ti;rday ‘■‘■e ciiU»n and other beatutifui crea- at a Ics, whether to unish :t. in- tions of fair fingers ™-^ient!f’ ThPi’ eveni.-g cv,",ifhv thaf ex.'It fs, under the accompKshed Mic, i. ^nr f,'' ' Myrick. it was t,i..nplv entraucin- hniJi It >■^3'' has been one of •.-.ii .oiil..d. phxlanthrcpi oj. tne hio>T vnr>/^«.c. ( Evening I “Easter Fasnions” I 0:15 -6:30 CBS—Memo The Fashion Center 6:3o-7:oo-nbc-f^sI S’" Murfreesboro, N. C. | 7:oo-7:30-NBS-^"Sfi:^.0 10:00-11:00—MB.S^hicaeu Thea tre O': tiie 'iir philanthropy of, us .and good. At al^c^t every landing ulace he high success with the Iiistituie, there being nearly 130 pupii,s. Tliei-e is quite a revival ui thn . and Villag'f on the sound and Baotist Clmrch'here-Ycrt7 Drci ; Cmr»,-an., river oui' numbwv ^were sions. iro-ea.sed. We readied Murfrees- fc:ro at 3:30 p. ii. of the eth The Democratic Conventior.s if R,,. , ^ f ! Gstes.county met cn Monday, l-e Vn VflMvPrp? Poi't^-H'>Hth,; 5th in.^t.. »nd nominated General V R .^rmon, Rc,.bm-, as candidate for convon- .t- 8 i'm. ”1 tne College C;n ;v>I, tion to a cro.»Qed auditory, I X/VVIf!«