Another Chapter Added To Tremendous Growth Of Chowan College By VIRGIL L. McBRIDE The fourth year of the soaring sixties has written another signi ficant and memorable chapter in the tremendous growth of Chowan College. For the benefit of the many hundreds of Chowan alumni who receive this issue of THE CHOW- ANIAN, we want to portray in pictures and words something of today’s Chowan. Many of our alumni seldom get the opportun ity to return to the campus so it is hoped this publication will show some of the continuing service and growth of their Alma Mater. It is very important to us that we tell you about the growth of Chowan College because you, the alumni, play such an important part in it. And it is more than incidental that this author pauses here to say thank you. Milestones of a Great Movement Under the leadership of Presi dent Bruce E. Whitaker, other administrative officers, an out standing Board of Trustees, and an excellent faculty, Chowan College is demonstrating that its current history moves along with its number of milestones. Behind all is the support of a community blessed by many Christian and generous people. All of these are involved in the success of the college during 1964—and the many years the institution has been in existance. Let’s take a look through pic tures and words, at some events that occured in 1964 in the col lege’s program of development. New Classroom Building On Saturday, May 2, 1964 Dr. Whitaker gave the dedicatory address at the dedication of Robert Marks Hall. He said: "This beautiful classroom facility appropriately and gladly desig nated as Robert Marks Hall, is a permanent and substantial building ... we are delighted with its beauty, its attractive ness, and its usefulness. I take personal pride and satisfaction in the fact that it bears the name of my personal good friend and supporter.” Named for the late Robert F. Marks of Boykins, Virginia the classroom biulding is a $500,000 facility with three floors con taining 22 classrooms, 25 faculty offices, a circular amphitheatre which will seat 170, terazza tile floors and fully air-conditioned. It is dedicated to “quality Christian higher education for the young people who attend Chowan College”. New Residence Hall for Women Chowan College held an un precedented second dedication program during 1964. Falling on another special occasion. Home coming 1964, the Dedication of new Residence Hall for Women, the new addition to the Cafeteria, and the Residence Hall for Men (completed in 1963) were involved. The speaker for this signal event was the Honor able Terry Sanford, past Gover nor of North Carolina. Total cost for construction of these facili ties was almost one and a half million dollars, including equip ment. New Infirmary Also, in 1964, construction was begun on a new 6,500 square feet infirmary. Named for Mrs. Lola Mae Freeman Penny, a former member of the Board of Trustees and an alumna of the college, the building is two- stories, with staff offices, two examination rooms, two effici ency apartments, and private rooms as well as wards. The air-conditioned facility is ex pected to be completed by the end of the current semester. Total cost of this facility is $100,000.00. History Published It goes without saying that the recently published "A History of Chowan College” by Edgar V. McKnight and Oscar Creech marked a significant milestone for Chowan College as well as the completion of physical faci lities. In addition to its recogni tion as a well documented pub lication, the book grasps the spirit of Chowan College through the years and captivates the reader, especially, in the move ment toward “new frontiers”. More information is included on the “History” in another section of this issue of THE CHOWAN- lAN. Continuing Campus Beauty Chowan College maintains an active committee on buildings and grounds. The committee is headed up by the Reverend Oscar Creech of Ahoskie, a Trustee of the College and for merly affiliated with the college as Development Officer. Jack Hassell, Superintendent of Build ings and Grounds of the college, expedites the various plans made by the committee and di rects the beautification of the already lovely Chowan College campus. New shrubs and trees are put out each year and land scaping improvements are con tinually on the work agenda for maintenance personnel. Visitors to the Chowan College campus, especially alumni, will be greeted with the captivating beauty of this old campus which boasts of its recent improvem- ments. The administration, fa culty, staff, students and Board of Trustees of Chowan College believe in providing the very best in physical surroundings in order to accomplish the purposes of this institution of Christian higher education. Until you have the opportunity to visit the campus, we hope that the words and pictures given to you through the alumni issues of THE CHOWANIAN will give you a sneak preview of the natural and artistic beau ty of the Chowan College cam pus. 1 NEW ULTRA-MODERN RESIDENCE HALL FOR WOMEN MODERNISTIC ROBERT MARKS HALL CLASSROOM BUILDING FOR MARCH, 1965 PAGE THREE