a owan coectd ure a dd are aiwat^A neat f REFUSING TO BE AMUSED as Herman turns his humor (?) in lunch line on us are Professor Annette Jordan, Greg Thomas, Judy Winbome, Julia Carpenter (hiding behind me) and your laitty daughter. Vo matter Low i a mess mu i\ I HELPING EACH OTHER straighten their room at the Wake Forest confer ence center are Linda Ryland, Ellen Jones and Leah Pittman. WHICH INCLUDE PITCHING against my roommate and any other courageous coeds who dare oppose my blazing fireball. BACK IN OUR ROOM AT CHOWAN, after an inspiring Missions Conference, U3ith “Inky” continuing to hide behind me, we settle into regular study rou tines . . . For March, 1967 ^our daughter, cjCouiie ^erni^an PAGE NINE