THE WHITAKERS—Mrs. Ovedia Whitaker, left, mother of the president, poses with her son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Bruce E. Whitaker, following the convocation ceremonies. A GIFT FOR THE GRANDDAUGHTER—Amy Lynn Whitaker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barry Whitaker, proudly shows her grandmother a framed copy of the convocation invitation. The gift was presented to Amy by Miss Grace You, Secretary to the Council on Christian Education, Baptist State Convention. Congratulations, Dr. Whitaker We are proud to join with the scores of friends of Chowan College President Bruce E. Whitaker who honored this outstanding college administrator in a special convoca tion Feb. 22 on the college campus. The occasion officially saluted Dr. Whitaker’s 25 years of con tinuous service to the college as its president and, we might add, 25 years of service to Murfreesboro and Hertford County as a com munity leader. We seriously doubt anyone can adequately put into words what Dr. Whitaker has meant to education and to this community. But at tempts will be_made, as well they should. ‘ His steady hand at the helm of the college has guided it on a path which has resulted in remarkable growth during the past 25 years. For example.. its student body has increased from 293 to 1,116; . . its faculty has increased from 21 to 61; .. total assets have increased from $751,668 to $18,219,326; .. operating budget has increased from $298,200 to $7,800,000; . . average faculty salary has increased from $3,300 to $16,380; and . . total library volumes has increased from 9,292 to over 70,000. He served as associate pastor and minister of education at Druid Hills Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His experience as an educator includes service as in structor, University of Indiana; professor, Cumberland University; professor, Belmont College; and professor and assistant to the presi dent, Shorter College. Prior to com ing to Chowan, Dr. Whitaker was state secretary. Student Depart ment of the Baptist State Conven tion of North Carolina. He has served in responsible leadership positions for many state, regional and national educa tional and professional organiza tions. He is past president of the Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools, Association of Eastern North Carolina Col leges, and North Carolina Founda tion of Church Related Colleges, North Carolina Association of In dependent Colleges and Univer sities, and National Council of In dependent Junior College. He is presently a member of the Board of Directors of the American Associa tion of Community and Junior Col leges, and the National Association of Independent Colleges and Univeraties. Dr. Whitaker has also par ticipated in the work of civic groups related to mental health, family life, area development and cultural heritage. In addition to his current service as a member of the North Carolina Commission for Mental Health and Mental Retar dation Services—Be served as chairman from 1978-81—he is a member of the North Carolina State Board of Mental Health. He has served as president of the Murfreesboro Rotary Club, director of the North Carolina Family Life Council, president of the Choanoke Area Development Association, and president of the North Carolina Literary and Historical Association. He has also been active in the North Carolina Christmas Seal Campaign and is a member of the Murfreesboro Bap tist Church. He is the author of a number of professional publicatins related to the mission of the two- year college. His honors include being nam ed “Outstanding Citizen” by the Murfreesboro Exchange Club and “Boss of the Year” by the Mur freesboro Jaycees and North Carolina Jaycees, and named “Citizen of the Week” by The Ahoskie News-Herald. He is listed in Personalities of the South and Who’s Who in America. Under his bold and imaginative leadership during his 25 years as president. Chowan College has been transformed into one of the United States’ finest, two-year in dependent colleges. The campus master plan, which was begun under his administration and call ed for the construction of 12 major buildings, has been completed with the recent opening of the new $2.75 million gymnasium-physical education center. The college has operated in the black for the past 23 years. Congratulations . . Dr. Whitaker! —Reprinted from the Feb. 19,1982 Edition of The Ashokie News-Herald THE CHOWANIAN USPS 715-880 Chowon Co/l*g«, Murfreesboro, North Carolina, a standard junior co//ege controlled by the Baptist State Convention and founded in 1843 Printed, designed ond edited by the students and faculty of the School of Graphic Communications at Chowan College. Send changes of address notices to The Chowonian. Chowan College. Murfreesboro, Norfh Coro/no 27855- Published six times a year in July. September. October, December. Februory ond May-June. SECOND CLASS POSTAGE PAiDAT MURFREESBORO. NORTH CAROLINA 27855 Page 2—TheChowanian. February. 1982