DECEMBER, 1983 Newsmagazine Published by CHOWAN COLLEGE, Murfreesboro, North Carolina NO. 4 THXBIS (Ss'v 4Ti *- * ■ 1 I HHIPH m -J •AJSI . '^1 A relic from the "old days” Gracing the exhibit area of the new graphic communications center is a Linotype machine us ed for many years in the teaching of newspaper production. Hundreds of Chowan students operated the machine to gain necessary skills to enter newspaper employment, prior to it being taken out of operation in the late /960s. Present-day students at the School of Graphic Com munications who are learning to operate the latest typesetting com puters, find the machine "fascinating" and "interesting " Campus visitors, particularly Chowan alumni, are appreciative that the Linotype machine has been placed on permanent display in the lobby of the new building.