She CKromanfaw OCTOBER, 1986 Newsmagazine Published by CHOWAN COLLEGE, Murfreesboro, North Carolina Seven named to faculty posts —Page Two Board approves budget; hears campaign report —Page Three Reunion of high school class brings memories —Page Five Four inducted into Sports Hall of Fame -Page Six COVER PHOTO—Enjoying a conversa tion following the fall meeting of the Board of Trustees are William C- Norris, left, and Dr. Thomas Head, both of Wilmington. They symbolize the in volvement of volunteer church and com munity leaders in the life of Chowan Col lege which has been a main ingredient in the progress of the college during the past three decades. Trustees, Advisors, alumni and other volunteers present the Chowan story to the community, give unselfishly of their time and resources and help Chowan advance in many other ways. (Story on joint meeting of the Boards, Page 3.) I V y.