Brnyimf a wife, with toiacr» lag la caused by disorders of the atom l acb and liver, and may be avoided b\ i tbo use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Givi ' them a trial. They only cost a quarter ; , » 500 Yards fancy Curtain Schrim 10c. Yard. This takes 5 yards to the win dow, and makes very pretty and cheap window curtains. Pardo’s 5 and 10c Store ADVERTISING BY US IS HONE8T ADVERTISING Great North Carolina State Fair October 15-20, 1©17 Handsome New, Up-to-D&te Woman’s BoildinK and Bet ter Babies Annex erected this year. First of its kind ev(.r built in the State. Let the women of North Carolina en joy it. It is theirs. •Competitive County Exhibits of Blue Ribbon Winner, at County Fairs. Agricultural Exhibits, Boys’s Pig dabs, Canning r;ioh Poultry Displays, Boys' and Girls* Poultry Clubs, tiotton Contests, Live Stock Exhibits, Farm Machinery iwu,, :EdncitionalBxhrbits. - . ' - ^ Come study Food Production and Conservation a* shown by experts. It is your patriotic duty„ to learn, and the Hlatii Vatr ta ihd hut. ntaiu / : State Fair ia the best place. / * - Splendid Line Free Attractions. I Plenty of Fact, Fan and Frolic for (Everybody - • _ ) 7' Igg THE SANFORD EXPRESS FRIDAY - September 28,1017 LOCAL BRIEFS Rev; J. A, Cell lean will presfch at the Presbyterian ehuroh next Sunday moraine at II o'olock. * The Southern shoody now leaves Sanford for Greensboro at 6:00 a. m. Instead ot 6:20 a. m. Broadns Chisholm left Monday fdr Rooky Mount where he acoepte a posi tion with the Southern Express Com pany. _. __ There are now about forty State High School pupils In the‘Sanford Graded Schools outside of the school district—-— The Woman’s Clnb will meet at West Sanford Graded School building Thurs day evening Oct. 4th at 4 o’olock. All members are asked to be present. Mr. H. F. McPherson, who spent the summer at his home at Laurlnburg, re turned ihls week and will buy cotton here again this season. All who have books belonging to the Library, are asked to return them at once. The Library will be dosed for two weeks for the purpose of re-cat aloguing the books. Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Reeves have re turned from their bridal tour and are now temprarlly stopping with their people at Lemon Springs. They expeot to come to Sanford as soon as they can get ready for house keeping. Sifynu httvp hunn ornoiftH sat n nnmhop of the street crossings in Sanford reg ulating the driving of automobiles and other vehicles, On these signs are these words: “Go to the right. ” If people will-always do this there will be no danger of collisions. The Red Cross circle which has been meeting on Friday nights now meets with the Thursday night circle at 7:30 o’clock. All members are especially urged to be present this (Thursday) night to finish the comfort bags for the soldiers. Cotton is selling on the Sanford market today (Thursday) at 23 cents. New cotton is beginning to come in and soon there will be much activity in the market. Cotton seed are now selling at 95 cents per bushel. This is the highest they have ever been on the Sanford market. Mr. Frank kpl1». nf Ptaltlmora. atnrw ped here last Friday while on his way to Moore county to visit his unde, Mr. Dan Kelly. Mr. Kelly has made a splendid success since leaving Moore county several years ago. He is now connected with one of the leading drug concerns of Baltimore and is also a teacher in the University of Mary land, lecturing at that institution three times a week. The applications of 24 of the 29 mem bers of the East Lee Farm Loan Asso ciation for loans have been approved by the Federal Land Bank and the money will be available as soon as their land titles are examined. One farmer withdrew from the association and the applications of four others were disap proved mainly because they are not living on the land. Mr. W. C. Ham mond, the appraiser, who, last week began appraising the land of the mem bers of the West Lee Association, went to his home at Asheboro a few days ago sick. He returned this week and expects to soon have the work finish ed. *■ Fayetteville Presbytery is l»ing held with the Presbyterian churccr at Rae ford this week, having met Tuesday night. The Untroductory sermon was preached by Rev. J. H. Mills, the re tiring Moderator. Rev. V. R. Castor was elected Moderator, Rev. W. 8. Golden and Rev. Eugene Siler tempor ary and engrossing clerks. Rev. J. K. Hall is clerk and Rev. J. J. Hill, D. D., treasurer. Mr. Arch Carter is at tending Presbytery as delegate from the Sanford Presbyterian church, Mr. J. Will Wicker from Buffalo and Mr. J. H. Kennedy from Gulf. Rev. W. S. Golden, of this place, Rev. C. L. Wick er, of Gtilf, and Rev. L. A. McLaurln, of Jonesboro, are also attending. The stores of Messrs, J. B. Buchanan and W. G. and R. A. Watson, of Jones boro, were broken into on Wednesday night of last week and a lot of shoes, tobacco, two watches and other things carried off. The thieves entered by breaking open the doors with an axe. Blood hounds were brought from Raeford and pat on the trail next morning. They followed it to the home of Henry Womack, colored. Womack had moved that morning from Jones bdro to Sanford where he was arrested by officers. Another negro by the name of Henry Blake, who has been staying with Womack, was also arrested charg ed with being implicated in the steal ing. The prisoners were given a pre liminary hearing before J. D. Regis ter, Justice of the Peace, and in default of $500 bond each were committed to jail to await trial at the November term of court. Peruna ease* the burden of the bowekeeperbr keep ing away tba danger of fllnwa reeuitin* VISITORS AND OTHERS. Brief Mention of Peonle end Their Movemento. Hr*. Eugene lielver end ohlldren left Saturday for Johneton county to visit their people. Mr*. Mamie Atklnaon, who oeme up from Raleigh leal week end epent e few dnye with her people, left Sntnrday for Ohnrleeton, 8. 0., where ahe will make her home with her huabnnd who now holda e poaltlon In that olty. Mrs. Newton H. Smith, who vial ted lira. D. E. Molver, returned to her home In Fayetteville Saturday. lilaa Mary Cole, who la a atudent at the College for Women, Qreenaboro, oeme down Saturday and epent a day Dr two at home. lire, J. H. Heuly, who haa boon en gaged In demonatratlon work In aome Df the eaatern counties, returned home Saturday. lilaa Maggie Wloker apent a few lays In Carthage the drat of the week. Mr. and Mra, R. M. Wloker, of Max ton, came to Sanford the Brat of the week to vlalt their people. Dr. Angua Ray, of Fayetteville, waa here laat week vlaltlng hla people. Mra. Jennie Campbell, who vlalted the family of her brother, Mr. H. M. Williams, returned to her home at High Point Friday. \ Mlea Macye Nlsbet la now In Char lotte aa cashier for Belk Bros., of that olty. Mrs. J. D. Robblna, who vlalted her alster, Mra. J. B. Robeson, returned to her home at Newborn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. McEwan visited some Scotch friends at Spout Springs this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Riddle left this week for Saluda, S. C„ where they will make their home for the next year. Miss Cora Riddle has returned from a visit to Norfolk. Mr. Henry McIntosh, of Fayetteville, was here the first of the week visiting his mother, Mrs. Melissa McIntosh, Mrs. P. E. Holden and little son, of Greensboro, came down Monday to vis* it her mother, Mrs. X. L, Chisholm. Mrs. M. L. Mclver returned Monday from a visit to Siler City. Mfs. Anderson Kimrey returned Mon day from Goldston where she visited relatives. Mr. Anderson Kimrey was at Wilson the first of the week on business. Mr. Walter Carter, who has been visiting his people at Hemp, stopped here Monday to visit his sister, Mrs. Neill Harrington, while returning to his home at Atkinson. He was accom panied to this place by his father, Mr. W. G. Carter. Miss Jennie Proctor, of Raleigh, :ame up Monday to visit Miss Mildred Williams, Mrs. L. T. Penny came up from Ral 3igh Tuesday to visit her parents, Mr. ind Mrs. Clayton Jones. Miss Loula Bell McPherson, of Cam sron, was here the first of the week rislting her aunt, Mrs. J. P. Monroe. Rev. and Mrs. H; E. Spence, of Dur ham, came down this week to visit the family of Mrs. Linda Williams. Capt. D. M. Fairley, of Manchester, spent a day or two in Sanford this week. Mr. O. E. Seawell, of St. Paul, was in Sanford Wednesday. Miss Kenneth Mclver, of Winston Salem, is visiting her grand-father, Mr. D. N. Mclver. Judge W. J; Adams, who has been holding court in Alleghany county, spent a few hours here Wednesday while returning to his home at Car thage. Miss Annie Howell, of Siler City, is visiting Miss Ina Chisholm. Mr. John D. Gunter and Miss Les sie Perry, who had charge of the Odd Fellows Orphanage singing class which toured the eastern section, of the State during the summer, returned home Tuesday. Miss Ida Brooks came over to San ford Wednesday morning and left for Bailey where she will teach again this fall. Mr. H. F. McPherson, who spent the summer at his home at Laurinburg, returned to Sanford this week. Twentieth Century Club Meeta. The Twentieth Century Club held its first regular meeting for this club year on Tuesday evening, September 25th, ot the home of Miss Ruth Gunter. The club was glad to welcome the fol lowing as new members: Misses Ida Holmes, Lizzie McLeod, Josle St. Clair, Ethel Council, Eloise King, Mary Chandler and Edna Sordan, and Mrs, J. I. Neal. The subject of the club’s study this winter is: "The Short Story Writers of the South.” After the business meeting the fol. lowing 1 lterary program was carried out: A sketch of CUarles Henry Smith ("Bill Arp”) was read by M iss Retha Moffitt. "Opera House” taken from Bill Arp’s "The Uncivil War to Date” was read by Miss Lottie Peify. The hostess, assisted by Miss Jennie Gunter, served ice cream and cake. The club’s guest for the evening was Mrs. June Gunter. Colon Pergonal*. Mrs. W. H. Proctor returned home from a vialt to Durham* Monday, ac companied by her grand.daughter, little Mlae Jaunlta PhlUlpe. llr. Hal Utley ha* accepted a poeltlon In Btohmond, and left Saturday nlghl for that place. Mr. and Mra. W. M. Cooper, Mlai Irene Sledge and Mr. Fred Blggabee motorcc ever to Pltteboro Sunday and •pent the day. Mr. and Mr*. Richard Klaeell.of San ford, opent Sunday In Colon. Mlaeea Pauline and Thelma Ooopei •pent the traek-ead wits their grand father. Mr. W. A. Cooper, agar Plitt boro. ;• - Mn, H. J. Booker,tot Sanford, apeni Thursday la Coton. notice. We have inatailed a corn mill in the old Bakery, near Moffitt'e, and are now ready to grind you corn. Come to see ue. Brown ft Womble. You can truthfully say, as far as Wear Is concerned, that last month's hat is good as this. Then— j'FA In AI£INA WHY BE IN STYLE? Because, your dress is the reflection of your per sonality. You indicate that you are alive to the trend of world events, by keep ing abreast of the times in style. It pays to be well dressed. See the Newest Hats at Miss Beckwith’s. A New Gage Hat Each Week. The report has gone out that we are not ready to gin cotton. We don’t know who put out this report nor why. We Are Ginning Cotton Daily and Want Yours. Bring Your Cotton to us and Get the best Results. ; j Lee County Cotton ■ i : Oil Company, SANFORD, N. O.