Will Move About April 15. On or about that date we will move to our new store in the Marks’ Building, and our old stock of Ladies’ Oxfords and Pumps are going fast. See them before you buy if you want a bargain. Stroud-Hubbard Co., Phone 186 The Cash Shoe Store. Wc Want Your Seed m Cotton For several weeks yet Bring it along. Lee County Cotton Oil Company, SANFORD, N.^C NOTICE or SUE Of Town Property for Delinquent Tax es for the Years 1916 and 1917. The undersigned'Tax Collector for the Town of Sanford will offer for sale the following named items of town prop erty (of non-residents) on Monday, May 6, 1918, at the Town Hall at 2 o'clock, p. m , at Sanford, N. C.: Name and Property, Tai and Cost E H Allred, 2 lots, t 1 53 H M Cariness, 1 lot on Goldsboro Ave , 3 59 M 0 Cooper, 1 lot, 75 W V Carson, 4 lots 5 65 Miss Annie E Daria, 2 lotson Melver 8t., 10 80 Y M Dorsett, 2 lots on Goldsboro Are,, 1 53 It W Dalrymple, 2 lots on Melrer St., 10 28 Griffin and Saunders, 1 lot on Oakwood Are,, 1 53 Lambeth Bros, 4 lots, 3 74 G W McDonald, I lot, 3 05 ft A McLuurin, 1 lot on Melrer St., 4 10 J D Powers, 1 lot, 4 02 A M Riddle, 1 lot on First St , 0 68 A W, Riddle, 1 lot on First St., 1 53 L B Riddle, 2 lots <jn First St., 2 56 —- JiiaJt JG Bnuih 1 lot .. ...... yjyi _ J Li Stroud, 2 lots, * 100 Moody Stroud, 1 lot, I 53 T K Stwt(d, 8 lots, - 1 73 F R 8nipea, 1 lot on Charlotte Are-, 1 58 W A Seawell, 1 lot, 1 10 Albert Segrores, 1 lot J.. 7 20 Mrs D U Suggs Estate, 1 lot on Melrer St., 6 47 8 Sibley, 10 lots in East Sanford on Midland Are., 6 68 Mrs J A Utley. 2 lots, 168 M L Wright, 1 lot, 2 54 W. A. CAMPBELL, Tax Collector. THE SANFORD EXPRESS FRIDAY, ■ - - April 5, 1918 LOCAL BRIEFS Mr. H. J, llertgen, of Lancaster, Pft., has accepted a position as salesman with Stein Bros. The County Commissioners transact ed little other than regular routine business at their meeting last Monday. Mr. Gilliam Brown, who went to Detroit, Michigan, to buy cars for Ber ry & Btowd, returned home this week. He brought two cars and have more coming. The little six year old son of Mr. T. D. Smith, of Chatham county, died at the Central Carolina Hospital on last Friday night. The funeral was held at Jones Chapel on Saturday. For the past three or four weeks Capt. A. VV. Lash ley tfod his force have been repairing roads in Durham county. Capt. Lash ley has also con tracted to repair the roads of Orange county. nev. j. m. Aroette, wno nas tor some time been pastor of the Baptist church at Mebane, has accepted a call to the Baptist church at Badin and has mov ed his family to that place where they will make their home. An interesting meeting of the Twen tieth Century Club was held Tuesday evening in the home of Miss Kmraa Hart. The business and literary pro grams were carried out as usual after which the hostess served a delicious sweet course. 5^ A most enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr and Mrs. K. A. Coe, west of Sanford, Saturday evening when seventeen children gathered to gather to partake in an eg* hunt and birthday party in honor of Master Mon roe Suggs, it being his sixth birthday. Mr. S V. Scott has taken a 15-day option op the plant of the Sanford Sash A Blind Co for a little more than $o4.00u. The papers have been record ed at the court house. This was one of the first manufacturing concerns started in Sanford and has built up a large business. Miss Oilie Taylor and Mr Geo W. Spivey were married at the home uf the bride at Carbonton Sunday March 24. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr McDonald. The bride and groom drove over to Mr. Spivey's home, near Center church, where they will make their home. Their friends wish them much happiness in life. The way to keep mosquitoes away this summer is to begin now aqd keep all back lots and dark corners clean by keeoing down the weed* and remov ing old tin cans, buckets and other re ceptacles of water and filth. There were not so many mosquitoes In San ford last summer as in years past. This was probably due to the fact that the town was in better sanitary condition. A rquad from the Lee County Home Guard Company composed of Capt. T. S. Cross, Sergeants P'red P. Strong, W. R. Makepeace, R. H. Deaderck, Corporals T. E. King and Kemp Bald win, and Rev. W. S. Golden, J. K. Brian and C. E. Teague went to Pitta- ] boro Monday afternoon where they gave an exhibition drill lor the bene dto/tbo Home Guard Company of Chatham county. They also gave the company some instruction in drilling. Many a dollar has come oat of hiding in Lee county since the Thlrft and War ^tamp drive was started. In speaking of the matter a citizen of this place said that he didn’t know where so much money was coming from. Perhaps some of it was hoarded and was benefittlng no one. The people who own this money will not only draw interest on .it, but by buying stamps will do their bit to help conquer the J. W. Stout 3c Company, contractors, now have a large force of workmen constructing cottages at Cumnock, which the coal company is having built for the miners. Several of the buildings are now ready for the roof. The pumps are slili lifting water from the mine and the foot of the old shaft will soon be reached when the compa ny will begin mining coal on a large scale. About all the coal that is now being taken out of the mine is used on the eoglnes of the Norfolk Southern Railway. A campaign has been inaugurated in Harnett county for the purpose of vot ing 15 cent* 0o the SiOO and 50 cents on the poll as an Increase In the school tax of the county in order to enable the superintendent and board of education to employ competent and well qualified teachers in order to keep the schools up to the standard 'during the period of the war. It looks as if other coun ties will have to adopt some plan to in crease the salaries of the teachers in order to bold them. Rev. W. M Gilmore has resgtned the pastorate of the Louisburg Church to accept a call to Sanford. This is a compliment to Mr. Gilmore as he was born and reared near Sanford. He is well known there and is an exception to the rule that “a prophet is not with out houor save in his own country.” We bespeak for him a successful work on this important field. He is closing a very fruitful pastorate with the church at IvOu'sburg.—Biblical Recorder. On Easter Monday night a recital, which was greatly enjoyed by all who attended, was given in the West San ford Graded School Auditorium by the college and high school students of Mrs. Gertrude Clark's music papils. Those taking part In It were Missrs Mary Cole, violin, of Greensboro Col lege for Women; Mary Lynn Judd, reader, Meredith College; Mary Weatb erspooa, piano, Flora Medonald Col lege; Conrad Donnell, Mksas Joseph ire McCracken, Gladys Arnold, Margaret Ingram, and 8adie Hmitb, of the Han ford High .School. - pr^Pwrrog WT gardee? If you have not oegua one. now is the time to get busy. We bear the question asked, “What is a war jfnrueiilf^ A war garden cultivated ac cording to the plans laid down by the National War Garden Commission will furnish vegetables for the home throughout the entire year—winter as freii as summer. A pamphlet issued by the National War Garden Ctommfs sioo explains the whole plan of optra tion. It gives a full list of the Usds of vegetables to plaot, how to cultivate them and store them when gathered. Call on County Demonstration Agent Melver for a copy of this garden man ual and get busy. Mr. O. a H1U, of <»~-.vni h«« the Bret ot the Mr. 1. M. Leech, of Hoe there Phu 'uu' w OQW wM in Iowa the first of ita -tik M.whoeoTir.^ With Mr. Jewell, who It lnTtre^J* eemp near Peterebnrg, rntoraed he? Monday, ^ u,"“l H * wnn*». ^oi K wuh her aunt, Mr* John MeRae", Vlr. J. w. Kuark, who had b«ee I Washington Clt, on boalneee, hL ' turned to his home at Sooth port mu spending the week-end with hie I. Uy, who ere here visiting their n»n pie. IK0 Miss Leila Russell spent Matter wht her people near Bonbon*. . _ Mr end Mrs. R. D. Covington, 0 Csrro Uordo, spent Matter with Mrs Covidgton's mother, Mr«. T. L. Chi holm. . Mr. tod Mrs. L 8. ChrinUa, whc visited the family of Mr. O. p* |Caho twaee, returned to their home Ip DaP] him Monday. Miss Flora Wicker spent Ena tar with relatives and friends la Moore ooontw. Miss Irene Gunn returned Moadaj from Greensboro where-she slatted rel. Mr. Fred Cunningham, who apenl Easier with his parents, Mr. and Mrs J W. Cunningham, returned to Dur ham Monday. Mr. and Mra. J. T. Paschal, Who speni Easter with their daughter, Mrs. C. C Cheea, returned to their home at LjOtdslon Monday.. Jack, Louise end Edwin Juckaon. :hildren of Mr. J. W. Jackson, of Sum ter, 8. C., stopped here Monday to vis it the family of Mr. C. C. Cheek while returning home from e visit to Goid Mr. Alocz* Sigley, of Durham, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mra. B. P. Rush. - __ Mr. J. K. Foreman, of Charlotte, was a ere the first of the week visiting 'riends. Miss Katie Bennett, of Durham, :ame down Monday to visit Miae Jose phine McCracken. Miss Irene Kelly, who spent moat of » year with the family of her brother, Mr. O C Kelly, in Baltimore, return ed home Friday morning. She was ac companied by Mrs. Kelly, who went to Waxhaw to visit her people. Mrs E. W. Pox, of Asheville, warns down Friday to visit Mrs. D. B. Teague. Mr. H. B. Gunter and son, John, of Greensboro, spent Easter witb Mr. Gunter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobs D. Gunter. M rs. P. E. Holden and little son, of Greensboro, spent Easter with he! mother, Mrs, T. L. Chisholm. Miss Sadie Matthews and llttlie Misses Juanita Moffiit and Charlotte Makepeace spent Easter, with Tutettvet and friends at Rocky Mount. Mr. and Mrs B P. Nasfa.of Goloradf who are visiting their son, Mr. P. IT, Nash, superintendent of the 1 power plant, were in Sanofrd |mmwWHll,.|.B.» Mr. Ham Ingram ban returned ' a trip to Detroit, Michigan. Mr. and Mra. R L. Griffin left 1 neaday for Gibson to see Mra. Griffin’, grand father, Mr D. D. Wright. wb<| la rick. ’ Mra. W. M. Porter, of Rllenboro, it viaiting Mra. Amnia .McCormack. Mr. Hnrold Roaa left last week to ac cept a government position In Ohio. Mrs. W. W. Jordan and children, o| Mullena, S. G, are vleltlng her mother, Mra. J. H. Rivera. Miaa Eliza Ferguson, who spent Easter at home, returned to fturhant the Srat of the week. Mlaa Fannie Hatch, aaalatant llbrarl lan at Peace Inatitute, accompanied n, Mlaa Winifred Kuhns, a member of th® faculty of the Institution, spent Easter here. The following students were a!, so nt home from the schools and col leges: Misses Susie and Lois Monroe and Mary Maness, Peace Institute, Raleigh; Mattie Gunter, Mary Lynn and Christine Judd, Meredith College, Raleigh; Emma King, Coker College, S. C.; Mary Weatherspoon, Flora Mm dooald College, Red Springe; Emm* Kate Jones, Peace Inatitute; Ernes tine Matthews and M.ry Cole, College of Women, Greensboro; Juntos Tem ple, State E and A. College, Raleigh. Last Saturday afternoon Mlaa Fannie Hatch was hostess in booor of her week-end house guest, Miss Winifred Kuhns, of the faculty of Pesce Insti tute, Raleigh, sod Miss Mildred Wll The spacious porch was the scene of much merriment as a spirited gam tf rook pmgreesed Miss Hatch, assisted by Misses Maude and Jessie Holmes, Mesdames C (, Hatch apd W, R. Williams served de lictoui sandwiches, olives and tea lm. mediately after the eats were enjoyed the thirty odd guests assembled , 0 masse to watch two little tots, .ism Hatch, Jr., and Warren Williams, draw a heavily laden express wagin' down the long ball and halt In front of Misa Mildred Williams, the bride-el.it Tbns was presented a lovely iiren Miss Hatch’s gnest list was a full , and her gracious hospitality w(|| |„n| be remembered. Notice. North Carolina— Lee County. Heater J. Currie Jainep. M Currie PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS To the Defendant: ' u™ uiat‘a,‘ action ^ above entitled ha* been I*.*,,,, jn Snpenor Court of Lee County. Sunk Carolina, the irammon* in whirl, ,. ' jqnwuM, before tla, judge of the Snueri,* Court at a term of the Superior (w, . , ••id coonty to fa. told at the court, ' therein on tto Oth day of Mav l»l - , * the (Said action is /or absolute ,|i-. ,,rro and the defendant in required if ’ dMjree, to appear and answer 'the Pw!! in the Oil,. J the Clerk of the said Court ^eeese • wee *i»v miu teiHIT t, r t I , , U8 will apply for the relief there/,’,X This April 2nd. I01H. U- N. Hampton, Clerk (Superior Court. JoiHkoro News Notes. Mrs. J. M Stephens spent Ssatei at Winston Salem with Mrs. F. K Trogdon. Mrs, Florence Shaw, of Durham spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. J. D. Pegram. Miss Sadie Riddle and Mis* Car men Kirby, of Buies Creek, visited Mias Kirby’s sister, Mrs. Mayo last week. Miss Abbie McBryde, who is teaching school at Duncan spent Saturday and Sunday at home. Ivev. and Mrs. T. S. Guy and tittle son, of Mt. Gillead, are visit ing Mrs. Guy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hunt near Hunt Springs, Mrs. T. 11. Sutton has returned from a visit to Siler City. Mias Bell Buchanan, who holds a position at the French Hat Shop, in ti.iieigh, spent Bundav with her pareuts Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Buch anan. Mr F. R. Jarrell, of Maxton, spent Saturday and Sunday with hi. people here. Mrs. W. L. Thomas and children have returned from a Tint t< Oheraw, 8. C. Mrs. It. A. Watson and little aor are visiting in Oartbage this week. Mr, E. C. Stone, of Durham moved his family to this place Iasi week and now occupies the cottagi on East Main St. formillr occupied by Mrs. Kate Lassater. Mr. Stone is General Manager of the Knitting Mill here. We welcome them tc Jonesboro. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE—I offer frtr sale my Dodge tonrinp automobile, practically new. Been run lass than 300 miles. Bargain for $6 BO. G. L, Massengill, Jones boro, N. 0. Eggytian Seed Wheat for Sale. I have on hand about 20 bushels of original Egyptian Seed Wheat, which I am offering for 60c. per quart. One quart guaranteed to grow 100 hushels of pure wheat at a cost of $10 00 per acre. G, L. Massengill, Jonesboro, N. C. FOB SALE—Home crown corn. R. tt. Mclver. > SHOE , POLISHES KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT Jpi ml *»* m wmy gSHBHB£555E BB51E^ LIQUIDS AND PASTES. FDD BLACK. WHITE, . TAN. DANK SHOWN OH OX-BLOOD SHOES. /Ml, PRESERVE THE LEATHER. 1 Sale of Land for Taxes. Take notice that by virtue of power: invested in uie by law, I will, on Mon day, May 9, 1918, at the court house door in T.oe county, expose at public auction and sell the lands hereinafter described for delinquent taxes due there on for the year 1917. ireenwood Township. Rev 11 A Baucom, Mrs W D Dee ns, Matthews & Poindexter L> H McLeod A L Parrish and wife H T Retty R L Poindexter J W Pope '150 50 495 4 68 50 70 97 34 Taxes! fll 88 3 57 .39 80 8 59, 19 41 1 4 73 6 70 36 37 9 79 as****® 150 209 ifo JA1 J A Overton D B Stewart 8wann nation Warehouse 140 25 141 6 86 20 16 Lots 4 Cape Fear Township. Mre Bettie Churchill Mre i 1) Johnson I L McNeill AlUm Womack S O Wicker Mabelle Wright J W and Neill McKay W Z Bryant R L Bell Lonnie Cameron JL Clark ODl*tt Mre D W Carte Mre B L Ellington N A Patterson JP Thomas R Colbreth Viola Hadley Viola McDonald Make Rollins 39 28 87 ' 124 25 28 225 2 31 2 14 28 Lots 11 16 6 19 3 00 7 13 4 85 4 68 2 39 ' 2 19 11 95 5 79 10 88 Taxes f 3 57 3 27 40 10 15 87 3 27 4 76 48 67 2 69 8 93 2 69 7 15 7 20 32 59 24 99 7 15 41 43 1 81 1 56 1 96 6 97 Deep River Township C F Gnn er 13 W DF Green 225 JP Godfrey Alta Godfrey Goldston Brick Company, JT Poe Sandv Cole Claude Gilmore Andrew Jackson SR1 Robert Scales Street Pocket Township Mre WeB Mock Mrs Annie Blalock Mary Bullard H L Ballard J W Gaines Henry Klinger Heirs J W Martindale DL McDuffie T J Savage A L Bhogart J R Spi vey A JTfcjJlo/ ,JB D Taylor W G Tyson Black heirs J A McIntosh Carolina C Car Co Minnie Bryce lsham Brooks Alex Cavines*, Jr. Ned Currie heirs E M Cavinees Niolet Dowd heirs Lottie Harrington Daniel Rives Toro Tuck heirs 303 19 184 100 3-4 4* 15 116 33.% 14J "85 106 26 121 8 121 11 30 29 28 27 5 6 37 13 Jonesboro Township 2 39 22 56 14 96 3 67 4 76 4 75 5 r2 5 87 5 87 3 00 5 19 Taxes $ 5 04 10 12 3 00 3 00 29 86 8 32 14 40 1 67 209 22 63 41 04 16 63 8 32 12 20 3 04 11 88 3 00 II 88 209 17 24 8 64 4 18 4 12 1 91 T*56 3 57 1 56 T T Street Mrs D B Buchanan W J Cameson A Cameron P J Harris estate O C Liles Mrs J P Santos J M Thomas Rev B Thompson Mrs M E Thomas A J Holt Sylvia Horton estate Tank McKay W FPeoplls Catherine Williams Willing Workers’ Lodge 8 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 38 18 57 12 3G 2 50 3 34 35 93 88 30 2 94 3 94 17 30 7 88 5 37 4 80 1 81 4 18 5 37 West. Hanford Township 11 187 128 J E Adcock Gilmore Live Stock Co. J M Hammer H G Kime CaryJMcDonald & B Hutton 100 Flora Mclver heifs 128 J Lester Phillips 4 H C Riggs bee 1 R M Saunders 250 Mis QF Smith 16 R T Stewart. 46 Mre J H Stringfield, 16 acres, 3 lota* 29 GO AliceWeatherspoon, 14 acres, 2 lots, 16 66 Acres Taxes * 9 57 5 80 28 97 13 07 1309 10 39 21 02 13 23 30 93 4 17 13 Amos Wade heirs O R Wicker Mrs C L Wicker Dan Brown Bert WSEson Job Palmer estate Daniel Rives Francis bhaw E H Allred J W Gunter Mrs A S Johnson A B Kelly Mrs James Kissel 1 Mrs Lillian Matthews H A McLaurin J N Palmer Albert Hegroves J J Stroud T M Stroud Mrs J A Utley EC Winston G T Womble estate M L Wright Daisy Burnette George Crumpton Mrs Chandler Davis W H Goldston Murdock Graham Patsy Graham Ivey Ians R H Holmes George McLeod E H McKay Minnie McDonald Curtis Mclver Andrew Mclver Apgelet Mclver Will.T Mclver Elizebeth Taylor Abner Weet A G Perry Mrs w A Quick A E Quick J A Ramseur Archie Poe Mary-Riues J J Stewart 316 10 30 9 12 40 44 9 Lots 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 12 3 W R Berryman S J Kelly Mrs J A Utley Underwood and Rollins B Vonherf Cavinesa Wicker J Frank Wicker William Hackney * George Harrington Harriet M_cl ver Alex Stewart 10 315 . 80 100 I 10 07 47 9 10 3 Lots 1 II M Caviness A Cameron Annie B DaviH V M Dorsett Gilmoro Live Stock Co. Griffiil and Saunders Mrs J H Henley Mrs GO Hill Mrs T M Johnson Mrs N J Kelly J E Ligon Murchison National Bank Mine Carrie Makepeace Mrs E J Monroe Mrs E R Morrie R E Mclver estate D M Riddle Mrs Kate Rosser J M Riddle ,K Stein ' Mrs D B Luggs estufe Mrs Sue Strinfield 8 Higley The Ttxm Company Miss Lillian Thompson Veleeta Wicker ‘ Miss Alice Weatherspoon j?I2 M H Barnes 2 Hillman Bailey 1 Peter Gunter 1 Norlina Mr-Lean 1 John Paschal 1 B B Waddell 1 James Worthy 1 4 2 2 1 1 10 I 1 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 2 79 35 10 52 4 70 3 07 3 57 •19 80 5 37 2 40 2 94 25 24 20 30 1 01 2 94 11 02 7 30 2 09 12 9T 19 04 3 30 11 78 2 02 35 93 4 07 3 45 11 43 8 20 7 00 2 32 4 12 0 90 7 72 12 89 10 39 5 00 a li 9 29 4 93 5 t>6 1 06 11 43 13 98 0 11 10 83 12 00 2 32 7 91 3 04 East Sanford Township Taxes 9 4 17 45 73 18 79 9 09 1 30 7 23 15 29 8 40 9 97 3 00 4 37 T1?31 12 03 18 51 2 95 57 65 2 95 10 83 11 62 2 06 16 73 5 75 114 08 15 09 3 10 10 39 209 13 32 13 70 13 89 11 29 4 07 11 92 4 07 ~ nw 13 30 8 13 14 81 1 48 9 96 I 90 3 17 17 08 10 67 P. E. LA8ATER, Sheriff of Lee County. Springtime! Spring hats, Spring Ties, Spring Sirts, SPring Clothes, Spring Shoes. Everything for Spring. WILKINS-RICKS CO. HATS. You who have bought hats from us know that we have a good line. We do not have fancy prices, but we sed a good style substantial hat for women and children at a moderate price. We will have a full line this season, and you who have not bought of us before, if you will come in and examine our stock will buy and come again. Pardo’s 5 and 10c Store ADVERTISING BY US IS HONEST ADVERTISING ••Four Ninety** Touring. Price $085 , J f. o. b. Flint, Midi. h Buy a Car as You Would Hire a Man You don’t hire a man for a re sponsible position until you are thoroughly satisfied as to his char acter and ability. You investigate his record of past performances, his record for reliability. Apply the same test to the car you buy. The price you pay for it is as much an invest ment as the salary you pay the man. You expect a good return from both. Investigate the car as you would the man. Reputation in both is the de termining factor. You are urged to investigate the economy rec ords, the reputation aad the performance of the Chevrolet because to know all about the Chevrolet is to be convinced that its purchase reflects favora bly on the good judgment of thousands of owners. Ask us to tell you all about the Chevrolet. Lee Hardware Co., Sanford, N, C, • • DR S. E. DOUGLASS, Dentist. All Kinds of Dental Work. Special attention (riven to treatment of Riggs Disease and Oral Propuylaxls. X-Ray Diagnosis. Offices 4 6 Woodard Building, Raleigh, N. 0. Make appointments by telephone or letter, ._,_ FOR SALE OR BIBS—Two wor* mules and one young horse. Apply to J. B. Rises. " ' r FOB BALE—A horse and a pony and buggy and a jersey now. Call on Dr. j. P. Monroe. FOR SALK—Ford Cars and Ford Bodies. Touring and Roadsters, Ford Truok. Bargain. Cheek and Joseph, _

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