•V*to’ A Good Tire Year You have doubtless noticed the growing preponderance of United States Tires. Every one is asking for tires of known value and proved dependability. And that is precisely what United States Tires represent in the minds of motorists here and everywhere. The idea back of United States Tires —to build good tires —the best tires that can be built, is appealing to rapidly growing numbers. We can provide you with United States Tires to meet— and meet exactly— your indi vidual needs. United States Tires are Good Tires ""We know United States Tires are good. That’s why we sell them,” B. M Poe, Pittaboro; Chandler & Fnrlow Lumber Co., Broadway; C. J. Bright, New Hill; Aberdeen Hardware Co., Aberdeen; Hardware & Electric Co., Southern Pines; Smith’s Garage, Vass; Brown Bnick Service Station, Sanford. *» They’ll Make You Say, “MORE” eating more and more. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Floor makes muffins, biscuits, waffles and cakes that are more ♦>»«« good—they're great. It takes the gness out of baking. It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best hairing powder, soda and salt. You don’t have to buy them extra. That's real economy. Bake the family plenty of the good things they like from this floor. Boy a bag of OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Floor today. Look for the Indian Head on the bag. At all grocers. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour the Guess out of Baking and Samrymrttoney Whan you prof or to bat* dM plain flour buy Poor less—the best of Us kind. AUSTIN-HEATON CO., Durkam, N C. L & M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS BK*T THAT CAN BE MASK < l Cost to yon $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to'ose RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Agents or LONGMAN A MARTINEZ Manufacturers New Yeric Mother Goose Down to Date! Jack and Jill, and Tom and Bill Went motoring up the steep! They tet put to roach the topmost top To taka a “lofty” poop! They went to the top ns slick ns sn eel, Without n hitch or n jumble: ■' State Vocational Board Agreea on Plans. The State Board of Vocations Education, in session in Raleigh t ■ ...xl/hotmsl tkn gijl^a or»r regulations for administration o! the Federal and State Vocations Educational laws. Attending thi meeting were Dr, E. C. Brooks chairman, B. W. Kilgore, Mis Mary Arrington, Rocky Mount, am T. E. Browne, secretary. The board selected the State Col |ege, Raleigh, as the teacher train ing institution for the preparatioi of teachers in agriculture and relat ed subjects, the North Carotin College for Women, Greensborc for vocational home economics, fo the white race; A. and T. College Greensboro, for agricultural and re lated subjects for the colored race and Slater Normal and Industrial Winston. Salem, home economici for the colored race. There is fond of mere than forty thousan dollars available for the preparatio of tbe teachers. The Federal and State funds a; propriated for the work for the fisct year 1018-1010 amount to $184,001 which increases each .year. Th plans adopted recently look to th teaching of trades in schools of lea than college, the community pnttio up tbe equipment, the depsrtmen in the payment of th State Director T. E. Browns, it said, is gratified at the start i North Carolina and looks for son fine resalts before the end of tl fiscal year. - Traveling 80 miles an bom 2,000 feet in the air, Lieui George Burgess, of the arm aviation corps, and Miss Emil Schaefer, of Brooklyn, wer married Saturday by wireles telephone. The ceremony wa conducted by Rev Dr.Alezande Wonters, from another airplane piloted by . Lieut. Engene H Hartsdale, best man, while th machine circled above 200,00 persons attending at police 9e! day at Sheepsbead bay, Nei [[York, speedway. action by the r not aa great m w»« though Corn was damaged Id Overflow of water aloog water waa sot high enough j river to do a great amount by overflow, but it aeema was a great flood in the Gape | water in that stream climb anoemoqs ctopth of S2 feet ttj ville and no doubt much c atroyed along its banns. The leather winged bata j leg a Doiaiee in Eft n ford the English sparrows When Mr. 8. McEwan redfcotj move into a cottage oa v Mix he discovered that these small making headquarters up in fe of the building. They wen the thousands. The odor from their long habitation c ing was very offensive. 00 last week Mr. Chao. Read i yard and saw about two ha fly out of a hole where a been knocked off of the house. It is said that there.j their leaving chinchea that they inhabit. They old buildings. Mr. R. F. Coble, who bufl ty’s first Improved hlghww engaged in road work recently stopped here w the inspection of the roqt posed Sanford-Charlotte began their tour of lng[ going over the Lee couni highway. They exj exact distance from Lee county road, n Knott's, to Charlotte a note of the number c the route, how much of be used by rural route other information aboul through which the highi Engineer Curren will the survey work. Wi the construction of ti >n as the surveys Grading will probably Lee county link of the LOCAL Min Hattie Row, who weeks at Peabody Oo" Tana., studying home turned bon* last n« Mr. D. L. St. Obtlr ter Wrlgh twills ts meeting at thn North Aanoetetloo. R»r. Walter M. G Saturday tram bam' preached at a mobile wan bald la the Baptlat place laet week. Be anooental echool. The loUowlag membere ooanty bar atteaded the R. H. Heyea at I morning; Messrs. A Millikan, a U Hoyle, D. B. aad a X, Rev. J. B. Willis, 01 wUl aanlnt the pantor, Gilmore, la a aerlen of gta at Flat Springe night. Serrieee at night itlag will ooattaao week. . '' Almoat every day long or oolored troop* pan south to tome d< Soon thena tralna will atop_ as about all troop*, except th occupation, hare been * tram Europe. Mayor E. L. Howard the following Col Carolina Good Road at_ meets at Wrlghterllla S. P. Hatch, O. P. Garin, D. B. Tea, J. F. Morgan, &, M. J. R. Bower*, F. M. _ Mr. and Mm. John R. Nannie Jones and Messrs John R. Jonas Jr., also_ W. R Weatherapoon, Mm. Seawall, Honrs. E. D. Nall Griffin attended the fa H. Heyea at Pitteboro me Somebody want* to know whether 01 not the probblbttlon enactment pusec Ml; Mr A. 1 that it will not. Wat ed that this prohibit measure prohibits the i cider vinegar, blackfa dial, etc., fori thle Is carrying1 the tbli too far. The Sanford and teams tried < place Tuesday ■ nltchlng and good ■ ford team, Mr. W] Rockingham I two rone la the fir .ere the only scores i satire game. Sanford here 5 game will be called i Cidt latt The From time (rail (rowan in tbj< 17 ■ammer made their sod brought lo to the plat, qaart or better not rltk cider thU year. The trouble 00 your haadi take ebaacee. It •Ire to be hauled up ad Statu eourte, arta ceire a uomlnal revenue officer will right to bale you be bu for making your neigh bon that get on the Federal be »worn to report mede by Coogren food meuure and PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Little Mine* ZtUn, Annin Crockett, Ethel and Margaret Williams, daugh ten of Mr. and Mm. J. 0. WUUnm*, re turned Monday to lhair hoons Uf WO alneton niter visiting thslr grnnd ftther, Mr. H. M. Williams. They •ere ncostn pooled by their aunt, Milt Annie Bell Williams. Ilr. Bright Roberta nod daughter, Mrs. W. J Jones, of Snletobarf, ipant t !r» houre here Monday while ss Ihelr •ay to Pitts boro to attend the funeral 0( Mr. R H. Hayee. , , Mrs. 0. 1. Pearce, who visited the family of her brother, Dr. P. W. Mc Cracken, returned to her home tn Dur ham Monday. Rev. Donald Molver, of Burlington, was here the Sret of the week Tlaltlng his brother. Dr. Lynn Molver. Mrs. Ira Burns, of City Point, Vo., Is Tlsitlng.her sister, Mrs. J, A. Pierce on R. 1. Mrs. W. L. Morris and ohUdren, of Grafton, Va. who hen boon Tlaltlng relatives here, left Tuesday tor Dur ham on a visit. . j. Mrs. M. A. Prestar, who visited the family of her Bob, Mr. J, E. Preslar, returned Tuesday to her home ot Mon Mrs. J. S. Raspberry, who visited her brothers, Messrs, Kemp and Luolan Baldwin, rationed to her home in Dur ham Tuesday. Miss Lois Monroe, who Is attending the University Summer Sohool at Chap el Hill, spent the week-end at home. Mrs. Fannie Golden and daughter, Miss Fannie Golden, of Talladega, Ala., arrived here last week to spend a week or two with Mrs. Golden's son, Rev. W. S. Golden. While here they are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lynn Mhlver. Miss Idell Buchan went to Maxtos last week to nurse a patient, Mrs. A. C. Hughes left Mooday on a visit to friends at Loulsburg and other places In that part of the State. Dr. DeWitt Molver, of Oxford, wai here Suoday attending the MoLendon meeting. Mrs. B. B. Barry and daughters, Misses May and Thelma Barry, left this week for Detroit, Michigan, to spend some time with Mrs. Barry’s sou. Mr. Carl Barry, Mrs. Luther MoCormaok has been here visiting the fnmliy of her son, Mr. Austin MoCormaok. Miss Glenn Roes has returned from Asheville where she spent her vaca tion. Miss Lottie Narovlansky, who has been visiting Miss Irene Kelly, bns re turned to her borne In Baltimore. Miss Flora Wicker has been spend ing n few days with bar sister, Mrs. Andrew Cole, In. the Pocket commu nity. . Mr, Mclver Cameron, who visited his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Came ron, In the Pocket community, return id to Richmond Saturday. Miss Edna Jordan spent the week-end s* her home at Siler City. Mitt Nan Hoyle, who attended the Bobbit-MeLeod wedding in Fayette ville last week, returned home Satur day Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Shaw, ol Mebane, wno came down to attend tee funeral of Mr. R. H. Hayes, at Pitta boro, went from here Tuesday after noon to Lumbar Bridge to rlelt Mr. Shaw's people. Mr. end Mr*. R. H. Oeaderlok end ohttdreo, who were tojournlng et Colo nlel Beeeb end *l*o vliltod reletlvei end friend* et Warsaw end Frsderlck* burg, returned home hut week. Hit* Heitor Bridge*, of Charlotte, end Ml** Lilly Tbwniend, of Lumber ton, ere rllUlng Mil* Bridge*' mother, Mlu Mejorle Molrer 1* rlilting rel ative* end friend* In Fayetteville. Mr. Jobs Gilliam, whs was bars hut week end carried hi* ohlldren over toPooket, where they will (pend a few week* with their peop e, returned to Washington Thursday night. Mixes Rote and Delay Bland have returned from Raleigh where' they •pent six week* at the A. and E, Col lege Bummer School. Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Coy left Friday for Fort Mills, S. O., where they will •pend a week or two with their daugh ter. Mix Kenneth Molver, who has been Visiting her grandfather, Mr. D. N. Molver, returned Friday to her home at Wlostoo Salem. Mix Josephine McCracken left Fri day for Durham to visit relatives and friends. Mbs Rachel Lana returned Friday from Bennett where ahe visited friend*. Mr*. L. A. Bridge*. Mrs. G. W, Gorham, who visited the family of her brother, Mr. K E. Mur ohteon, left Tuesday for Fayetteville and from there she will go to her home at Rooky Mount. Mrs. J. C. Pickard and ohlldren, of the Pocket community, came over Tuesday and left for Fairmont, S. C., to visit her sister. Mix Ruth Wicker, who served as a nurse In France end who since return ing to this country, visited her sister, Mix Flora Wicker, and other relatives In Lee and Moore oountles, left Tues day for H'gh Point. From there she will go to Hiokory where ahe will make her home. Mr. and Mr*. K. S. Shuman and son and daughter, of Salisbury, and Mrs. W, G. Cook, of Los Angelx, Cal., are visiting the family of Mr. W. R. Makepeace. Bodies May Not be Returned. It was stated last year that the bodies of all American soldiers burled overseas will later be re turned to this- country, if rela tives so desire. There is little chance of the bodies of American soldier dead buried in France being brought to this country, in the opinion of Col, Charles C. Pierce, who has arrived in this country to assume charge of the registration of soldiers’ graves service, an office which he held In France. Col. Pierce was formerly an army chaplain and now holds rank in the quarter master corps. He may or may be final authority in the matter Mrs. Marie Thompson, of Dur ham is asking through the courts for tlO,QOO damages from Dbnuis Harden, a citizen of Randleman, Randolph county. Mrs. Thompson alleges that Harden insulted and humiliated her while transporting her in hie automobile from Randle man to Greensboro: FOR SALE—Fresh Jersey cpw. Apply to A. B. Cole, Sanford, Route 1. Wash Fabrics. Don’t fall to see our table of Summer Fabric* Voiles, Crepes, Gldghams, Calicos, and Long-Cloth, 24c per yard. . Neat shirting stripes on white ground. Better and cheaper than percal, 40c per yard. Fancy skirt material, white ground with stripes and figures, 45c per yard. Ladies, why not wear the cool knitMaline Under wear? Low neck sleeveless unions for 50% 75c, and $1.00, Ladies vests,* 15c, to 40c. We can now fit you in that extra size skirt We have the extra size in blue and black. WILKINS-RICKS CO. Ready to Wear. We have in a line of Ready-to-wear consisting of Blouses, Skirts, Middy Blouses, Bungalow Aprons, Pet ticoats. Gowns, etc. These are really cheaper than yon can purchase the cloth and make them. ' - Pardo’s 5 and 10c Store ADVERTISING BY US IS HONEST ADVERTISING ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce that we have bought out Mrs. J; L. Godfrey at Jonesboro (the store on the hilD'and are now open for business. We wish to state that in addition to the stock she has been carrying, we expect to put in a complete line of Gents’ Furnishings. We have already received a large shipment of Men’s Dress Shirts, Work Shirts, Men’s Pants, Boys’ Pants, Stiff Collars. Soft Collars, Four-in-Hand Ties. Garters, Hose, Suspenders, etc., and in a short time we hope to have every thing in the way of Ladies’, Gents’ and Children's Wear. If you have been one of Mrs.. Godfrey’s regular cus tomers we trust that we can count on you as one of ours, and if you have not been doing your trading with her, We ask that you give us a trial. We Believe We C»n Save You Money. PAY US A VISIT. J0NE8B0R0, N. 0. (The Store on the Hill.) "I am penalized if ever ^lijja - one comes hae*“ mg&SEmZk Lee hardware Co. Selected by Us to Core You Quick Service I r 1 v \ • v^-\ \ v ' Uniform Tires Mean Long-Distance Millers M They Look Alike and Wear Alike ILLER TIRES are built by men -who are trained to a championship standard. Only by uniform -workmanship, can tires ever be uniform in mileage like the Miller. To train men to our perfection takes much time. We cannot supply all dealers with Miller Tires. - So our policy is to concentrate, as a rule, on the dealer in each locality who will give Miller Tire users exceptional attention. That governed our choice in this city. We chose a concern that knows that to give real service it must first of all carry a full stock of sizes, so that when you want a Miller Tire in a hurry, you can get it without waiting. We are imp**—'Ml especially with their ability to give motorists an expert repair sendee, and by their reasonable charges. rit Before making this selection we canvassed the local field thoroughly. And the Miller agents here are making good with us by making good with you. Are yoe getting the benefit of what they have to oSsr? » The Miller Rubber Company

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