CHANDLER SIX <(t95 The Fact of the Matter VTOU can see for yourself that the Chandler Is the most closely priced fine car in the whole American market. Printer’s ink lends itself to the presentation of claims and facts alike. We thake it our purpose, in speaking of the Chandler, to deal with facts only.. ...... And this we believe to be the fact, that no other automobile, built so well, built of .such good materials, built in such good design, is priced within hundreds of dollars of the Chandler price. The Ch»ndle.r motor is truly a great motor. There is none better. Fifty thousand Chandler owners know it. And countless thousands of their i fiends and neighbors know it. Nowr in its seventh year of cons' ant development, without radical change of design, it approximates perfection. The whole Chan ;: chassis, simple and sturdy, is dependable and enduring. A.. Chandler bodies, graceful in line, roomy and comfortable, txuriously upholstered and beautifully fin ished, are suggestive'of the best custom work. The New Series Touring Car l will delight you and your family. It is big and handsome, seats seven I6 grown P- rsons without crowding, and will take you anywhere in comfort. The Chandler is fast when you want speed. It is flexible and instantly responsive in crowded traffic. It is powerful on steep grades. The Earlier You Place Your Order, The Earlier You \itty Havre Your Car SIX SPLENDID BODY TYPES ! Seven-Passenger Touring Car. $1 795 Four-Passenger Roadster, $1795 Four Passenger Dispatch Car. $1875 Convertible Sedan. 52695 Convertible Coupe. 52595 Limousine. S3C95 AU prtcej t o ft. Q,wfaaJ F. R. SNIPES, Agent ’I . , < CHANDLER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, CLEVELAND, OHIO That’s What You CaU Real Eating If yon want to grretho family a rare treat, get a hag of OCCO - NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Flour «nJ yon call real eating. OCCO-NEE-CHEE Self-Rising Floor makes baking enjoyable because it takes out the guess and wofty, It has mixed with it, in the exact proportions, the very best baking powder, soda and salt. Ton couldn’t mix these ingredients with floor as correctly or as inexpensively as they are in OCCO-NEE lakarfhe^Goes* oat of Baking and Saves you Money Start today to use this economical flour. Loot, for the Indian Head on the bag. At all dealers. AUSTIN-HEATON CO NO use afguing about it, or making chin-music in a minor keyl If you’ve got the jimmy-pipe or ciga rette makin’s notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few liberal loads of Pnnce Alberti Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk, Prince Albert kicks the “pip” right out of a pipe! Puts pipe pleasure into the 24-hours-a-day joy us class! Makes cigarette rolling the tdppiest of sports! P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert can’t bite your tongue or parch your throat! You go as far as you like according to your smoke spirit! Qjy exclusive patented process cuts out bite and -perch! .r:; rvct ban, tidy rad tin*, handaomd pound and half-pound c(a**y, practical pound cryateJ glataha top that hoop* tha tobacco in *t*eh parfact Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Salem, N. C. . A:' LOCAL BRIEF: Ur. and Mr*. Richard Bo! •peat Uielr honeymoon at All and la the mountains of Vl»| rived hero this nook aad i rooms at the Sea lord Hotel. Mr*. Bobbitt will make Seal home. reception of member* aad aga third Sunday night. The pee! T. E. White, will dU hta rat polntmont at Shallow Watt morning a* II o'clock. Embargo on all freight will ceptlon of food for human oons Mr. Chaa. Jones, of Can In town last Thursday to attai London meeting. Ra was ao by his 14-year old sob, Tr» This boy Is about six feat wears a No. 11 shoe. If he jority he will be a physical at Is still In knee oonta. Res, Wallace H. Hartaoll, < ham, will assist the pastor, Ra ter M. Gilmore, In a eerie* of ■ at Cool Springs Baptist ohms this place, beginning Sunday aft Aug. 17th. Mr. Hartaell Is preacher a young man with a personality. The service* will In the morning and afternoon. Major C. L. Scott arrived fro seas last week and la now epos few days at home on a furloui will go from hero to Gamp Lee he expects to be mustered oat service In a few days. Major friends will be glad to leans t expects to return to Sanford, office and again engage in Use I of his profession at this plane, A tre at the cotton platform 1 evening damaged some 26 bales ton, two of which were almost i pretty babies and bad ptdnty of red blood In tt by keeping their mothers on from the time they reached until they returned horn future citizens of America made themselves heard aad what would the community I without Its babies? They ad reader* to know that Lee const; Uorb, tag to hold a fair this fall. That Opt ter has been settled. All cttlzeRpMj the town and county, who are lntateiiV ed in the fair, are requested to raeidftb the Commercial Club rooms at 4 o’clock 3a urday afternoon. Mr.S. M; lone,, who did much to matke the last fair1 a: success, hee been madV secretary and:' will hove charge of all work connected with holding the fair. He proposes tt| issue a fair catalogue as soon as possi ble so as get things agoing. Ever*; merchant, professional man and mso-g ufacturing Industry in the town shoslA take liberal space In this catalogue so at to meet the exdense of holding the: lair. Let the farmers and others he-1 gin to make their plane for exhibits at the fair. The PM tor, ReVv i, who recently returned front IWon will preach at thn Presbyteriea ohurob Sunday moraine at II and Sunday night at 8:30 Tha doom of tha oburoh •III be open at tha morning aarylca for the reoeptlon of member*. services »1U bn hold at thn Baptlat church next Sunday morning at 11 and night at 8:30. An opportnnlty w<U be given at both service* for tha reoep lion of mamba ra I’estor Walter bt. Gilmore will preach Sunday morning OB “Things That, Accompany Salvs. lion,” The sermon will bn napnelnlly lor recent convarte. At night ha .will use aa his subject, '‘Playing tha Fool.” The pastor, Bay. W. R. Royal 1, will bold regular servioea at Steele Street Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 aod Sunday night at 8;S0. Tha doom Of the church will be bpan at the morn ing service tor the reception of new members. There will also be quarter ly conference Thursday night at which lime Presiding Rider Bandy will preach. The doom of the ohuroh will also be open at that time for those de siring to join. Camp Bragg Expected to bo Abandoned Soon. A news item sent out from Raleigh the Aral of the week says that the im passion of eoudsmaation proceed In go sgalnst holders of Camp Bragg lands having been ordered by the govern ment, the early abandonment of that great military poet.I* exacted. No official news Mams to have oome out of Washington, but simple addition telle the story. Attorney General Frank Roberson had come to Raleigh to conduct these oases for the govern ment, the beginning of which proceed ings bad taken place in Raleigh. There •ere thousands of acres, perhaps 50, 000 ready for condemnation. The Bret hearing before Judge Connor in cham bers ended in appestl from the reference findings. Going Into that phase of Camp Bragg It developed that the government has Interrupted proceedings and that there •til apparently bn no contests over Camp Bragg lands. The government has been, satisfied that it could settle fully 60 per cent of the Comp. Bragg suite without going thnragh the oourt processes. It la understood that noth ing more will be done. The abandonment of Camp Bragg been foreshadowed in withdraw! of ap propriations to many camps began un der the lest Congress. The Fayette ville poet was not completed when the armistice was signed and although it is an expensively constructed camp it It certain to go, government empoyet think. Muoh of the land theraboutt has been paid for Hany of the farm ers have sold out. There Is nearly a half a oonnty involved. Bat the end of Gamp Bragg near. Wells Drilled if yon Are in need of waster apply to __Court. The County Commissioners at their mooting Monday selected the following jurors for the September term of Lee Superior court: AJtiWdi“fccV£,«1sr,5.; J. J. Campbell, B. O. Womack, Geo. W. Watson, W. H. Campbell, J.S. Hunter, J. K. Harley, jTw. Hunter, A. C. Johnson, W. A. Williamson. J. W. Taylor, G. H. Kelly, J. W. Niobol Smith, E. J._ son, J. H. Thomas, son, W.-S.-McLendon^ F. D. Mo Neill, Sam McEwan, K, B. FouShee, Lieut. Ban Elliott, who was with the 38th Division In France, and who land ed in New York June 38, returned to hit home In thla county last week. After the ermlstlee was signed Llut. Elliott spent four months at the Uni versity of Bdiburgh, Scotland, special ising In animal hush husbandry Mr. D. F. Harris, of VlrgUlna, Vn., who bought tha dwelling,f Mr. J. W» Stout on Oakland Avenue, moved his family to this plaoe this week where they will make their home. Mr. Har ris b a traveling salesman tor a Chtca He wae accompanied to thb plaoe . hie ton, Mr. W, H, Harris, who served in France as n lieutenant In the ItSnd Artillery Regiment. Mr. Stout has moved hie family to n house near the court house. B. jack john Notice of Sheriff's Sale. On September 1,1919, I will sell the following rani estate for delinquent taxes for the year 1918: _JOESBORO TOWNSHIP. Mrs. N J Garner H M Monroe J J Phillips Mrs Sarah Sloan Mrs F F Santos Mrs Lillie Thompson Mrs. S A Wickfer TT Street Lonnie Williams 13 35 1 lot 12 1 lot I lot 68 acres 8 acres 3-4 acres SANFORD TOWNSHIP. 30.60 Tabes « 4. 44.17 3.25 2.45 96 03 2.16 10.09 6.61 6.73 156 acres 1 lot _ 1 lot QWTHCbnald 1 lot G McDonald A B Sutton 100 acres Mrs Dora Pennington 50 acres Bln G F Smith J. T. Wicker Mrs O L Wicker John -Worthy Chaa. Baldwin JO Cox Ivey Laws Will T McIVer Angelette Mclver Chaa McLeod Nettie Mclver Matter Mclver Archie Rae Herbert Woodard J J Stewart Est Van Austin Est 16 acres 48 acres 30 acres 1 lot 10 acres 1 lot Hot 1 lot : 1 lot 1 lot llot 1 lot 1 lot" 10 acres llot 1 lot 1.70 6.32 4.28 13.57 9.79 4.i 24.98 8.60 1.70 6.36 1.52 2.70 4.97 5.07 2.50 1.98 1.98 2.37 7.88 3.12 2.70 EAST SANFORD TOWNSHIP. H. M. Oaviness 1 lot Mrs F BP Johnson 1 lot Mrs E J Eimeoy 1 lot TR Lashley Walter Momtt Est A R Neebit Ollie M Patterson Alton M Riddle £lex Riddle llot 1 lot 1 lot 41 1 lot M Riddle D and M Riddle R M Sanders S Sefader AW Vickery & Go, Morris A vent Hillman Bailey Bad Marks 1 lot (balanoe) • ) Henrietta Mclver 1 lot 1 lot (balance 13 acres 60 10 lots llot llot 1 lot . 2 1919. 7.34 2.23 22.59 2.27 3.25 15.51 6.39 13.48 3.25 12.91 4.94 7.19 10.42 11.43 3.38 1.50 2.45 3.31, Oilf Bargains in Summer Goods. Selling our Low Quartered Shoes, Beady, Made Dresses and Skirts at cost. Come and see them. Hamilton and Harper, ' ~ At Mra. J. I* Godfrey's Old Stend, Jonesboro, N. C. 1920 EROWN ICC STATION Wash fabrics. Don’t fail to see oar table of Sommer Fabrics, Voiles, Crepes, Gidghams, Calicos, and Long-Cloth, 24c per yard. Neat shirting stripes on white ground. Better and cheaper than percal, 40c per yard. Fancy skirt material, white ground with stripes and figures, 45c per yard, Ladies, why not wear the cool knit Maline Under wear? Low neck sleeveless unions for 50c, 75c, and $1.00, Ladies vests, 15c, to 40c. We can now fit you in that extra size skirt We have the extra size in blue and black. WILKINS-RICKS CO. 42 Piece Dinner Set $1.50. Watch oar Specials for August Pardo’s 5 and 10c Store ADVERTISING BY US IS HONEST ADVERTISING The Tire that’s good for us Our business is to make friends and keep them, and that is what Miller Tires are doing for us. These long-distance Millers are built by uniform workmanship—that’s why they render Uniform Mileage under like conditions. Uniform Miller Tires mean no "second bests.” Notice the many cars we are supplying with these tires — you will know them by the famous tread that is tUand-to-tho. Road. By meshing the road, this tread gives positive traction, full power aherc and With Miller Three goes our aver-ready service. Call up or drive up; you will always find us on the job, willing to oblige. MAKES tVERY (jRADE t ASYI - WAHTW&—TO MM it throe-boras farm for tobaooo lor 1820,- Mutt Ideal In every respect near Sanford or Jonei* Apt* s*o • ' W#l,*r FOR SALE—Frith Jirte» oow. Ap ply to A. B. Cole, Hanford, «. C., R. 1.

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