THE SANFORD 8T1 CLAIR | ^ D. L. ST. CLAIR f Potusotm FRIDAY, . - . October 24 The patriotic service rendered by the banks of Lee county in •Id of ttie government during the war, though offered and peform ed in an utterly unselfish spirit, has not been with&ut p rati cal reward. In purchasing bonds and thrift stamps the masses of this section became acquaint ed with the banks. From De cembec 81, 1916, to December 81, 1918, there was an increase of 80.28 per cent of savings de posits in our banks. There has been a very marked increase since then of individual and sav' ings deposits, but we have not the figures at hand showing the iflorease. One of the banks it Sanford has approximately om million -dollars on deposit anc every bank in the county is in prosperous condition. The threi principal factors, perhaps, whicl have contributed to these in creaees are the high prices paii for tobacco and other farm pro ducts, the larger wages paii workers, and the saving habi which, notwithstanding extrava gance on the part of many, seemi to have become far more genera than ever before among the peo pie. The people have learnet through exercise of the spiri fostered by their government i new and profitable habit—tha of saving money. They havi learned to accumulate money ii excess of immediate require ments, and they are putting it where they put their liberty bond investments—in the banks The Sooth now consumes abool half the cotton it produces. U the time should ever come when we can weave and spin a crop the size of the present one the world at large, it is said, would need a crop of 30,000,000 bales The present value of the cotton crop, raw material and mans factored product, runs into the billions. It is easy to lose one’s judgment in this mounting mass of values, but one thing seems clear. Raw cotton will sell at a good price for some years to come; and the opportunity to develop the potentialities of cot ton, in field and mill, train handle the labor involved in Its development, So evolve4b» finan cial genius to move and market this world staple malraa the South a field for industrial tal ent and industrial leadership un surpassed in the world. Prices of farming lands in some sectiens have risen with such rapidity that serious conse quences may be expected with the return of normal conditions. This is a warning to farmers is sued by the United States De partment of Agriculture. Much of the present speculative activ ity has been due to the fact that speculators have been able to catch some farmers unawares, buying their farms, at a' much lower figure , than was justified in relation to prices. Farmers in this section are growing rath er jnbous about selling to spec ulators who buy to sell again. They say say that if it is worth more to the speculator it is worth more to them. Some speculators have doubled the price on land bought in this section within the past few months. * According to the Youth’s Com panion, the boy who stays in school until he is eighteen years old has earned by the time he is twenty five years old $2000 more than the boy who left school at fourteen; and also he is getting $000 a year more pay. In other words, the additional four years at school are equivalent to an Investment of $18,000 at five per cent Interest. Moreover, the earnings of the boy who stayed In school until he was eighteen will oontinue to increase rapid ly, whereas the salary of the boy who left school at fourteen .will never be much larger. The Roosevelt Memorial Asso ciation is conducting a nation wide compaign this week foi lands to ereet a national memo rial In his honor. The campaign Will close Monday, October 27, the Colonel’s birthday. Whal the national memorial to Theo dors Roosevelt shall be has no: been decided. It will probablj be located at the national capito and it will rtxjalre some lngen nlty to, devise a- suitable memo rial so this many sided Ameri What will the fntnre of such i fortunate region as Lee count] bef Imagine the possibilities! Don’t forget the Red Crass lx its third annual jroll oall. Judge W. J. Adams is consid ered 187. dr J. c. MANN, BYE SPECIALIST. At Cbeara’ Jewelry Store, Sanford, !J. C„ every Wednesday from 10 a. m. io 3 p, m. GlaSBee fitted that are eaey tnd restful to the eyes. Headache re layed when caused by eye strain. Cross >yea straightened without the knife. Weak eyee of children and young peo Uy. Saltation free and ln EYESIGHT SPECIALIST. Sanford, N. C. Over Lee Hardware Company’s store. Endorsed by U. S. army officers. Sanford Council NUMBER 111 Junior Order United American Mechanics Meets every Friday night. Every member requested to be present.---LJ_ A. R. MOFFITT & CO., CONTRACTORS FOR Gas, Electrical, Oil and Gasoline Equipment A. R. MOFJHTT, Manager, _Fayetteville, N. C. Bub-lIy-TIsm Is a great pain killer It rellevee pain and Soreness caneed by Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sprains, etc. Adv. State of Ohio. City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City °f Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cyred byjhe use of HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in .Presence, this «th day of December, AyJ> J888’ A. W GLEASON, Notary Public. . Hall a Catarrh Medicine is taken in ternally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O. gpM by aU druggists, 75c." Half* Family Pills for constipation. 666 quickly relieves Constipation, Biliousness, Loss of Appetite and Head tobes, due to Torpid Liver.—Adv. C. Swartz & Co. Barham, N. C. Dealers in HIDES,vFURS, METALS, , SCRAP IRON, BONES, BEESWAX, TALLW, WOOL, RAGS, BAGS. If you want the top market price for any kind of Junk and hides, atit at for quotation#. We par the Ter; hipest price possible. Any shipment sent us will be given prompt and careful attention. For reference we refer you to the First National Bank and Home Savings Bank, Durham, N. C. O. SWARTZ & CO., Phone 966 L. Durham, N. C. We are proud of the confidence doc JBMJMfUI. and the public have In (M Chill and Fever Tonic.—Adv. WANTED—Men, women and" gL "uuwu HU i ter our knitting and furnishing dap ments.Good clems work, ood wages. "u«, uu u wages. Umlse Knitting Hills Company, Jones, boro, Ns u. Williams-Bdk Co. I TTIIIK1IIIO-L#^U% _.Announce the Opening This Week of Their house Furnishings Department I In this department will be carried rugs, art squares of wool and fibre, congoleum art squares, congoleum by the yard, lino leum, window shades, window poles of all kinds, read; made window curtains, comforters, etc. We Want You To visit Ihis department, where reasona ble prices will prevail as in our other de partments, Our policy of quick turnover with small profit, together with our pur chasing power will save you money on the above namvd lines. Many New Arrivals This week in coat suits and serge dresses. See our serge dress special at $22.50. 25 STORES LOWERS THE PRICE TO YOU WILLIAMS-BELK CO. Tim Story of a Tumi Captai* — __,___Uotha bptain. EBa BU today b (105.70 per A mans life—among men! Reel them off—“Rio”,Gibraltar; Ceylon, Yokohama—an the great porta of the world—are they cdy placet on the map to you—or are they porta where you've gone sail ing to from the Ugh aeaa with every eye along the ahore turned admiringly an your big «Up— year thip! Every ocean baa ■ United f ship yflfag for tome port worth teeing. If you’ve any call in you lor a ton life—join, and oolor aU yoar hanatiUe fund of tea talea and adaenturea picked up aahore and afloat that will make you a wel come man in any company. Work?—sure, and a mem's work it is; among men. 1 Play?—well, rather, with a bunch of mm who know how to play. These comrades of yours carry is their ears the sounds of great world cities, of booming guns, of swashing seas —sounds you will dune with them and that will new die away. And when you come home, youH fisce life ashore with level eyes— for Uncle Sam trams in a«2/ rwlletxica as welt as self-respect. The Navy builds straight man no mollycoddles. L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS ■' BEST THAT CAN BE MADE ( t Coat to yon $3.23 a Gallon when made ready tO*naa RECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40YEARS Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Agents or LONOMA* A MARTINEZ Manufacturers Raw York WHAT BISCUITS Light as a feather, gold-brown and oh, so good. Make them with Occo-nee-chee Self Rising Flour and save the cost of baking ppwder, salt and soda. This flour contains these ingredients in exact proportions for perfect baking results. . Just measure out enough flour fpr the morning’s biscuits, mix with water or milk, place in the oven and your work is over It is more economical to buy baking-powder, soda or salt already mixed with the flour, and many times more accurate. For biscuits, hot cakes, waffles, use Occo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flour. OCCO-NEE-CHEE wni JvlM/I^ JT AfJUr Tike* the Guess out of Baltin? and Saves you Monoy Look for tho Indian Hoad on onek y*T troemr t. Buy toddy. bug,. At Arfiy “°v’ "* *• '■*“• Aiutin-Heaton Co., Durham, N. C.