LOCAL BRIEFS . Min Laura Oliver bai aooepted » petition In Washington, N. 0. Governor Morrleon hat appointed Ur. A. A. F. Seawall a member o( tbe board of Irueteee of tbe North Carolina College for Women, Greontborp, Ur. W. j. B. Truitt, of tbe Sanfbrd High Sohool, attended the annual oOn ferenoe of tbe North Carolina State Council of Bogllth Teacher* held lo Greeneboro laet week. The Atlantio and Weetern Hallway bae put on a dally paeeenger eofiedule and now three tralne eaota way are op erated between Sanford and Lining* ton. Application baa been made for oontraot to carry Bqnday man alto. Oonnty Superintendent E. M. Judd wae carried to the Central Carolina flotpltal Sunday evening fpr treatment. Hte.pby|lotan report* him In -a run down condition and expeott to be able with a few week*' treatment to reatore him to health. Ur, J. H. Hearn, who bae been with the Sanford Cotton Hill eevaral yean, ' left tbit week for Pleaeant Garden where he become* manager of the Buf falo Broom Work*. He expect* to move ble family to that place Ip a few weekt. Tobacco, like ootton, seems to con tinue to decline*to price and tbe best grades are now selling at very low figures. But as there is a new man at tbe helm In Washington everybody ex pects to soo£ see the price of every thing go up by leaps and bonnds. / Miss Mildred Lee Harris, a student at the Normal College and Institute, Asheville, recently came home sick and was operated on at the Central Carolina Hospital for tonsllltls. She left the hospital and went to the home of hef father, Mr. D. P. Harris, last week.. The people of Moore county are be coming agltat d over the question of a new court house. Some advocate the building of a new court house, while others see the necessity of one, but say the low prices for crops leave the tax payers In such condition that the build ing of a court house is not warranted at this time. - When the weather begins to turn warm the thousands of tourists wno went to Florida during the. fall' and early winter, will take up the return journey to their homes in New England and the North. For weeks there will be almost one endless procession of automobiles over the Capitol High way and should the weather be dry the duet will cover everything along the road. The peach grower* of the Send* hill section are figuring os big things this year if the fruit if not killed by - the frost. Mr. Paul Barringer, who has sold fertilizer to many of the peaoh growers, recently made a trip through the peaoh belt and was informed that they calculated on shipping about 800 ' cars of peaofaes to the Northern mark ets this season, and that If the ten-year average prloe obtained the orop would bring half million dollars. One man expects to sell his orop for #80,000 00. oome one of tbs most prOStable pro ducts of the sandhills. . Aberdeen Is becoming ambitious* The Moore County News says that Mr. ■ 3. McN. Johnson, of that place, throws a bomb In the camp by the statement that the folks In the Bandy belt want a ' new county with Aberdeen as the oounty teat. The proposed lines would cnjLa considerable slice pH of Moore, a little from Hoke, Blohmond and Scot land, and would be prlnotpally that .belt that is included in the peaoh ter ritory of Moore and just across the. border. Mr, Johnson was not encourag ed. greatly In his proposition, hut he says that the movement would have many backers, and that It has a good chsnoe to win out. It Is stated that it - the plane mature, the next Legislature will be asked to create the'proposed new oounty.' Then you'll see at orap that will probably equal the one that was "pulled off” when the Legislature was asked to oreate Lee county, for It will be a light staged by the. “God bleesed Macks" on both sides. With the opening of the spring sea son the boys become possessed of the baseball fever and we hear the ques tion asked: “Will Sanford .have a team this season?” More Interest was taken In baseball here last season than ever before. This was because we had a good team and a good park where the boys could play to the best advan tage. The oost of building the park and grand stand was pretty heavy and at the end of the season this debt had _not all been paid off. Some funds were raised by subscription since the first of the year, but there Is still some thing like #200 to raise before this debt it entirely liquidated. Borne of those who are oonoerned in organizing a team say there will be no baseball here this season unless this debt Is all paid off and they can start In with a clean sheet. They are not going to play with a debt hanging over them as they did last season. Let us get busy and raise this money to that the boys pan organ ise and begin training for the edkson. Tfyt Sanford basketball team Seem to have to lost lie- rabbit foot. In the third preliminary In the State Cham pionship contest Sanford lost to Ben son In a hard fought game at Smith field Friday night by a score of 26 to 18, At the end of the first half the score stood 10 to 6 In favor of Hanford, but the Benson teaq got In Us best ' work In the last half of the. game. Af ter traveling a distance of about tev . enty plies our boys were not In physl . cal shape to do their best work. As the lights went out, the game did not begin till II o’clock and whs finished after midnight. Superintendent Teague acoompaled the team to Bmlthfiold. The defeat Friday night eliminates our ~ boyrfrom the final contests which will be placed at Chapel Hill this wsek, the two strongest teams In the State , playing for the championship there Friday night. The Sanford team hat made a fine reoord this season of which we are proud. Our boys have defeat , ed some of the strongest teams In this part of the State and It was bopetPthat they would be In the final contest at Chapel Hill, but look teemed to hake iecertedtham. - RlghtRev. Joseph B. Cheshire, Bishop o( the Diocese of North Caro Um, will preeoh end administer the rite ol oonfirmetton at St. Thome* Eplsoopel ohurob next Sunder after* eooa at 4 o’olook. Bishop Cheshire bee vletled Sanford a number of ttmee and hae many friends and admirers among our people who will be glad of an opportunity of hearing him again. Rer. W. B.' Allen, the Reotor, will hold tervloea at 11 a. m., end on Friday afternoon at 8 o’olook. The pub lic le cordially Invited to all of these service!. In re-dlstrlOtlng the State the Gen eral Assembly took Lee oounty out of the Fourteenth Senatorial District, oomposed of Barnett, Johnston, Samp son and Lee and plaoed her In a dls trlot with Chatham and Wake. This new dlslrlot will be known at the Tblr teenttrSenatorlal Dlstrlot. This dis trict will be represented In the Gener al Assembly by two Senators, one from Wake and one from Lee and Chatham, Lee to name the senator one term and Ohatham the next. Johnston has been put In a district with Wayne; Samp son wttb Duplin, New Hanover and Pender; Barnett with Hoke, Uaore and Randolph and each of thesp dis trict will elect two senators. To Revalue Revaluation. Revaluation as'amended by the Leg islature is expected to satisfy the fa*>m era of the State who have with Joslah Bailey and Dr. H. Q. Alexander been making war upon the law. -w The revision Is made in' the ma chinery act and is Intended to correct inequalities that exist in the valuations of real and corporate property. The board of county commissioners and the county board of appraisers apd review are directed to meet ^jointly in each county In the State on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in April, 1921, as a county board of review. It is this board’s duty to determine if values of real property appraised and assessed in the county as a whole is in excess of the fair value of property at the time the board meets. If the board flndB that the assessed value of property is in excess o(. the actual value it shall find the average percentage of Such excess in the county a»a whole and shall report not later than April 20, 1921 its findings to the State Tax Commission. The work of revising and correcting the inequalities in the law as at pres ent listed for taxation 1b to be done by the" county officials; the State7 Tax Commission haB final jurisdiction. Ap plication may be made to the board by any property holder who thinks his property has been listed' for taxation In excess of a fair price. Elmer Campbell Dead Mrs. E. M. Judd, of this place, was shocked last Thursday to receive a message by wire announcing the death of her brother, Mr. T. Elmer Camp bell, ' which occurried at Gainesville, Gay, that morning. ‘HU death ivas very sudden and was caused by an attack of apoplexy. His remains were carried to his home at Tallahassee, Florida, where the funeral was held on Saturday. ^ Mr. Campbell was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Campbell, oi Pocket, this county, add bad he lived till the 10th of next Ootbber he would have been 41 years of age. He was the youngest member of a family of ten children. His mother died in 1909. Two brothers also died several years agoT Mr, Campbell is survived by his wife, who, before her marriage some fifteen years ago, was Miss Alma Louise Long, of Arkansas, and two daughters, Misses Gertrude and Lillian, also his father and the following Sisters and brothers; Mrs. Allen Jones, of,Atv ington, Va.; Miss Mollie Campbell, of Pocket; Mr. Mont Gathpbell, of Bar* tow, Fla.; Mr. Chas, Campbell, of Pocket; Mrs, E. M. Judd, of Sanford; Mr. A. E. Campbell, of Lake Wales, Fla., and Miss Gertrude Campbell, of Pocket. Four years ago Mr. Campbell moved from Sanford, where he made his home for a short time, to Virginia, and from that State he moved to Tallahassee, where he resided at the time of his death. For awhile after going to Florida Mr. Campbell engaged in the real estate business, lput some time be fore bis death he went of) the road as a traveling man. \ Mr. Campbell, who was a member of Pocket Presbyterian church, has many friends in the section where he was born and reared who will regret to learn of his death. He was highly es teemed by all who knew him. Mr. Campbell was one among a number of young men who have died since go ing out from the Pocket section to: Florida and other States. j Annual Stockholders Meeting. The fourth annual stockholder meeting of the Sanford Building NOTICE W. J. Sloan J The defendant above-named, W. J. S oan, will take notice: 'That whereas, a judgment was render ed at the May term, 1920, of the Superior Court of Lee county, North Carolina, in the above entitled action granting the plaintiff, Effie Sloan, a divorce a mensa et thoro from the said defendant^ W. J. Sloan, and ordering the said defendant to pay alimony to the said plaintiff, and further oi dering the said defendant to execute and deliver a deed of trust on a one-third interest in his real property situated in the town of Jonesbor , N. C., to Walter D. Siler, Trustee, to secure the compliance by the said defendant with the said judgment as to the payment of the said alimony and whereas, t ie said plaintiff has filed an affidavit before His Honor C. C. Lyon, Judge holding the Coarts of the Fourth Judicial District, stating that the said defendant has not complied with the terms ot the said judgment in either the payment of the said alimony or the execution of the said deed of trust: and whereas, an order haa been issued by ms nonor < Lyon, Judge Holding the Courts of the Fourth Judicial District, ordering the said W. J. Sloan to be and appear in person before him at the Superior Court of Lee county, North Carolina, at the Court House in Lea county, on Wednes day, the* 6th day of April, 1921, at 12:U>; o’clock, noon, and show cause, if any he have, why he should not be attached and punished for a contempt of Court: NOW, THEREFORE, the said W. J oioan win taae nonce uiai ue ia uereuj ordered.to be and appear in person be fore His Honor C. C. Lyon, Judge Pres iding, at the Superior Court of Lee coun ty, North Carolina, at tb Court House in Lee county, on Wednesday, the 6th day of April, 1021, at 12:00 o’clock, noon, and show cause, if any he have, why he should not be attached and punished for a contempt of Court. This the 8th day of March, 1921. C. C. Lyon, Judge Holding the Courts of the Fourth Indicia! District. FOR RENT—Three farms Apply to Joe D. Molver, Corinth, N. O. When in need of Rood lump coal »hone us. We have plenty ou hand, ►anford Ice and Fuel Co. FOR SALE—At a bargain gooo sound work mule* Lee Qardware^Co. FOR SALE—Ten thousand No 1 Juulpter shingles. Moffitt Iron Works Co. Rub-My-Tlsm relieves Rheumatism Neuralgia, Sprains. To prevent a cold take 666 FOR SALE—One Moline tractor •lightly used, at a bargain. Lee Hard ware Company, WALL PAPER—Let me figure on papering your rooms. New samples now In. A M. Keller. FOR SALE—Thorough Bred S. 0. Rhode Island Red Eggs. $2 00 for fifteen. W. L. Seawall, Sanford, N. C FOR RENT—Five-room house close In with modern conveniences. Apply to Maryin Suggs, Cedar Creek, N. C. Shoe Repairing i Owing to the recent drop in the price leather, I have reduced my prices on 'ba I failing per cent, and I am giv ing my customers the very best service Ami the best workmanship that can be ^obtained. I am fixed to do good work And know how t-o do it. 1 am fixed to do parcel post business. jV'i «Ii- live out of Sanford may mail Jour >h..e> to me and get them repaired And returned next day. I pay t ostage : tone way. 1'ostage on a pair of shoes is ‘•li'it over 7 cents. I am soliciting your l\ G R TYSOR, . ; ' ElectricfShoe Shop. • G.troer Steel a and Wicker Sts, Sanford, N. O. MORTGAGE LAND SALE NOTICE. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed! £ > me by G. S. Long and wife on the 5th day of July 1920, 1 will on the 24th day ol March 1921 at 12 o’clock noon at the Court house door in tLee county Bell at, public auction lor cash the following deseribedland^towit;^ 1 A.vent’8 corner, "'runs 8. 17 W. 4 inatotbe street; thence N. 71 W. (chains to a stake in YV.il. Hum r’s line; thence^N., 17 3.95 chains to a ke, Avent and Humber’s corner in [A.vent’s line; thence S. 70 E. 5.15 chains > the beginning, containing two acres, lore or less. The purpose of the sale is to satisfy the Sid Mortgage Deed. t This the 22nd day of February 1921. ‘ > A. E. Kelly. A. JF. Sea well, Attorney. jKorth Carolina—Lee County. E. Monroe & Co. vs. Walter Wrllian 1 notice of execution sale • By virtue of an execution directed I we Sheriff of Lee county from the St penor Court of Lee county in the abo\ en tiled action, 1 will, on Monday, tl 7th day of March, 1921, at 12:00 o’eloc booh at the Court House door of sai oounty, sell to the highest bidder ic cash to satisfy said execution, all th rtghta, title and interest which the sai Waller Williams, the defendant lias to “k on tue 27th day ot April 191«, th date of docketing the judgment on wind 3*ld execution was issued, or at anv iim< thereafter) in and to the lollowiiig de ^?nbed real estate in Jonesboro Town ««lp, Lee county, North Carolina. jA tract of laud ou the waters of Littlt river adjoining the lands ol the Gastei hWrs and others, containing uinety-lm '■*0 aoree more or less, and being tin ^ine lands conveyeu to tlie Williams ^ W. D. Gaster and others as pari °*-iMvid Gaster lauds by a deed re ■^^ed imdfche office ol the Kegis er ol of Lee county and being the same ahds gold to James K. Dali vmple and ***• bhipes by J. F. Milhken, Cummin aihner, by deed dated August '2, 1919, which conveyances references are here T KBOUiot liUHraoveta Los.ei y, Iml ■° ^ aieu, worn ;o and cuiidn i . E • iaaiQ*t-* a»ruiufc>. We pay To.: an Hour ’W*r« Mme, or $36.00 rt W^K lor tu.. i m • Kxpsrieoce uuqcc> s?ar _>. v\n.i L4torn»tiou«| SipCKlDK M-.Ip, Norris 606 quickly relifcVf6;» i ^ J 4^*th Carolina— Lee Co stity tne Superior Court. “• "t* Howard, doing business under tirm Mine of Sanford Grain and Provision t*UJpany, vs. American Hay Cym* PMy, Inc. NOTICE OF SUMMONS AN 1> WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT defendant In the above entiiled action will take notice that on the 1 Vth 9*. February, 1921, a summons in 1 *o» entitled action was issued defendant, American I lav YgP*ny, Ibo., by D. E. Mclver, Clerk S? !?k Superior Court of Lee county, # Carolina, plaintiff claiming the 8U^J °f 1202.50 due him for breach of o^uwfcct, in the failure to deliver one car M l i If ^^tracted by defendant so to do, wuicb summons is returnable before t his court on the 28th day of March, 1921, ‘ court bouse in Lee county, N. t ie defendant will also take notice that * °* attachment was Issued by Llerk-of tlie Superior Court on the Wl«L?ay February, 1921, against the ?* PTO °f said defendant, winch war ranIi® burnable to this court in Lee nyll?v»N°rtH Carolina, on the 28th day \ *921, at the time and place “~^®d for the return of the summons, " i®. ^d where the defendant is re V'"•? to appear and answer or demur to i5rSF*ZS or the relief demanded r*da February 22, 1921. ^D. E. Mclver,. ’ Clerk Superior Court. Notice of Sale, Under and by virtue of power of sale in a certain mortgage deed executed by Norman Tuck and Ada Tuck to J. R. Parks, Sr., on Februray 'IO, 1920, and recorded in the office for the Register of Deeds for Lee county, in the Book of Mor tgages No. 8, page 378, to secure a certain note therein described? default having been made in the payment of said note and the power of sale having become ab solute, the undersigned mortgagee will on the 2tith day of March, 192 , at 12 o’clock noon at the court house door in Lee county, expose for public sale to the highest bidder for cash, t^e following described piece or tract of land lying and being in Pocket Township, Lee county, Beginning at a stake in the original line; thence running S. 87 E. 13 1-2 chains to a stake; thence 8. 3 E. three! chains to a stake? thence north 87 W. 13 1-2 chains to a stake; thence north 3 , E. chains to the beginning, containing L lout acres more or leu. ' R;. I bis 18 a part of the John Tuck land lying east of the old plank road. This February 25th, 1921. J. R. Parks, Sr., Mortgagee. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made on the 20th day of December 1010, by Fred Hamilton and Hugh A. Mayo to E. L. tiaviu, Trustee, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lee county, in Book 13 at page 203, to secure the payment of certain notes tliereiu de scribed, default having been made in the payment of same, and the holder of said notes having requested a sale and fore closure of said Deed of Trust according | to the terms of the same, the under signed Trustee, will on the 7th day ot March, 1921, at 12 o'clock noon, at the court h. use door in Lee county, expose to public sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described tract of land in Cape Fear Township, Lee county, North Carolina: Beginning at a stake in J. J. Cox’? line on the east side of Ratchet creek, runs theme S. 77 H. 35.70 chains to a stake; thence X. 13 W. 3 chains to a stake; thence S. 77 E. 10 chains to a stake; thence 8. 13 E. 3 chains to a stake; thence S. 77 E. 10.75 chains to a stake, hickory pointers; thence S. 13 W. 0.ik) chains to a stake; thence S. 25 W. 17 50 chains to a stake and pointers; thence S. 00 W. 20 chains to Little River; thence with the various courses and variations of Little River about 38 chains to the mouth of Eateket creek; thence with the various courses of Ratchet creek in a northerly direction to the lx1 .-inning, containing 105 acres, mure or less. Save and except from the foregoing description 77 acres sold to ,]. .1. M. Cox and wife by Fied Hamilton atuj wife Mary L. Hamilton and 11, A Mayo and wife Mamie,Mayo, by deed dated July 1st, 1920, and (re corded in the ullice of the Register of IVeds for Lee county, in Book of Deeds -0 at pige 423, reference to which is hereby made for a full and complete -lescription of said 77 acres. This February 7th. 1921. E. L. Gavin, Trustee. The Tilling Station ,1s the place to buy your gas and oil. We sell standard gas at 28c. You know what the standard is. Gus Womble, Proprietor tiOt! breaks a cold quicker thau any ■ernody we Icoow. / WANTED—Wiil buy or trade Ford coupq, for second hand truck n good condition. E. 1, Howard Order Repairs Now and Get Genuine IH C Repairs for International Machines We Sell the Genuine Why Take Chances With Any Others? Wilkins-Ricks Co. Farm Machine Headquarters IT PAYS TO USE “Fish Brand” FERTILIZERS Best in the Long Run For Sate by J. L. Covington, JONESBORO, N. C. Stock in Warehouse at A. and W. Depot at all times. Phone 268 03 Perry & Blake DEALERS IN Heavy Feed Stuff, Hay, Corn, Oats, Flour, Mixing Meal, Just Food. Get our Prices before buying. Next door to T. A. Riddle & Company. Perry & Blake Sanford,N. C. RALEIGH-WASHGINTON, D. C. Pullman Sleeping Aar Line VIA Seaboa/d Air Line Railway SLEEPER OPERATED DAILY ON TRAINS NO. 1 AND 2 Northbound ' Southbound Leav% Raleigh 12:35 A. M. Leave Washington 8:00 H.IM, Arrive Washington 9:40 A. M. Arrive Raleigh 4:40 A. M. Sleeper open 9 p m. to 12 midnight, Raleigh UntonStation Re turning Sleeper is cut off at Raleigh andpassengers can reman sleeper until 7:30 a. m, JOHN T. WEST Division Passenger Agent. Raleigh,. N, O I L*& M SEMI-PASTE PAINTS ■ MAXES BEST PAINT—'WEARS LONOBST «t I Oort to yoa $3.63 ■ Gallon when made ready to I r Cfc.. b Sold byOertero * —ir r~T * ir rniffl*m f r* i f ■ if inifiit eied» ' ■ Me balanct and ft all yowr mammy bach, • LOMQMAH A MATINEE. Mrtwee. jj. T.