ELLENSON McDOUG ALD GOES TO NATIONAL CLUB CA'MI As Guest of The Atlantic Coasi line Bailway—Other 4-H Ni tionai Club Members Fron North Carolina WiU Also At tend as Guests of This Rail rood—Object of the Campt v , t«| Give Rural Youth an Op ; port unity to Become Bette) Acquainted With the Unite< States Department of Acricul tout. State dub leaders have selectee Mary Emma Powell, Turkey, Samp •on county; Ellehson McDougald Jonesboro, Lee. county, North Caro Qua; Julia May Arhette, Lake View Dillon county, South Carolina; Jethn Duncan, Jea$up, Wayne county, Dorii Dosher, Valdosta, Lowndes county Georgia; Hugh Dukes, Lake Butler Union County, and Guilda Yates, Or lando, Orange county, Florida, a; winners of trips offered by Atlantic Coast Line to the 4-H National Glut Camp; Washington, D. C., June 18th to 24th. -These fortunate youths Will be guests of the Atlantic Coast Line en route to and from Washington and while in the National Capitol during the camp period. For the past three years the Coast Line railroad has offered to pay the expenses of one outstanding boy and one outstanding girl from each of the States served. This offer is limited to dub members residing in counties directly served by the company. Last year Helen Drinker, Richmond coun, ty Coast Line girl, won the highest camp honor. Mrs. Hoover presented jier witn wie occrcvary oi ^ IH UILUI t. trophy, a large loving cup. This year the Coast Line is unfortunate in not having a boy or girl from Virginia, but this State will be ably repre sented. In addition to Mary Emma Powell and EUenson McDougald, North Car olina will be represented at the camp by Lena Early, Statesville, Ire dell county; and Pauline Moose, Conov er, Catawba county. South Carolina will be represented by Hattie Monts, of Richland county, Percy Anderson, of Florence county, and.Harper Wel bom, of Anderson county, in addition to Miss Amette, the Coast Lane girl. Delegates from at least 42 states have been selected to attend the na tional camp. Each state and the ter ritory of Hawaii may select four del egates to attend the camp, two boys and two girls, who have made out standing achievements in agriculture or home economics. The purpose of this camp is to give these representative rural youths an opportunity to become better acquaint ed with the work and facilities of the United States Department of Agricul tore, to study their government at first hand, and- to meet with club lead ers and fellow clubmembers from oth er states. I RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT IN MEMORY OF WILLIAM HUNTER FITTS.. On May 20, 1930, our Heavenly Father called to His eternal home our dear friend and Sunday School teach er, William Hunter Fitts, unselfish in Ida labors and ready at all times to further the cause of Christ, -we shall mi— him in our class. Therefore, be it resolved by the Mc Neill Bible '■lass of the First Presby terian Church, Sanford, I First—That we bow in humble sub mission to the will of an all wise God, whose we are and whom we serve, as sured that He maketh no mistakes, Second—That we, the members of the class do hereby acknowledge our loss with sorrow, and a deep sense of our appreciation of his life of service as a friend, co-worker and faithful teacher, - I Third—That we are thankful to God for having permitted us to enjoy the companionship of His follower and servant of Christ, who was high ly esteemed by all who knew him, be cause of his fatihfulness and devo tion to right and duty. Fourth—That we express to those who woe especially near and dear to him our heartfelt sympathy, and commend them to the lore of Him u!b says, ‘‘What I do thou knowest not now; but thou shalt know here after." MRU—That a eopy ot these resolu te spread upon our minutes, a ropy seat to the family and a copy furnished to The Sanford Express for publication. -* V .««-•. - ■ “rris?Ui Miss Luna Monroe, In. T. E. Brown, Committee. Traffic by truck is now heavier than has been known in the history of Federal Highway No. 1. It would be interesting to know the number of trucks that have passed through Sanford during the past two weeks, carrying peaches dewberries strawber rise and vegetable to the Northern markets. After the trucks have been loaded they are kept moving day and night till they reach the markets. It is claimed dewberries and peaches hauled by truck reach the market in better shape than when carried by rail. They are not kept is artifi cial temperature and are in the nat ural state when they reach the mark et. The dewberry crop is about over, but soon the peach and watermelon crops will begin to move in a big way. SALE OF LAND FOB TAXES Under authority, vested in me^by Chapter 12, of Public Laws of 1 and other laws relating to the col lasting of taxes, I will on the 7th day of July, 1930, it being the first Mon day in July, between the hours ol 10 o^V«k in the forenoon and 4 °'C-’jy>vin the afternoon, sell to th< higSXt bidder for cash, at the Court House door in Sanford. N. C., th« real estate described below, and ap ply so much of the proceeds ef. salt sales aa may be necessary to pay th< taxes for the year 1929 and othei years for which the taxes are in m; hands fer collection, together wit) such penalties, interest, expense: and costs as may be due of allowec under the law. B. A. GRIFFIN, Tax Collector, Lee County. ‘ N. C., Jane 12, 1930. been added to tO < Batts, Mrs. K. Q. 376 seres_84.0E Buchanan, K. N. 27 acres-10.82 ■ acres.— ---104.1(1 Howard, J. R. 181 acres (bal) 24.76 Hunter, Mrs. Mattie, 113 acres.83.38 HHunter, Z. V. 70 acres-28.15 Kelly, & F. & J. T. 84 acres 14.66 Lawrence, C. W. 168 acres — 47.11 Lawrence, J. W. Heirs 72 acres, (bal) Lawrence ,L F. 64 acres McFarland, T C 166 acres .—. McNeill, I. L. 66 acres McNeill, I. L. & F. D„ 25 acres Rosser, Isham, 165 acres -- Shepard, R. W. 40 acres .. Spivey, Mary, 66 acres - Spivey, Mary 158 acres — Stewart, C. D. 57 acres .. Stewart, dhn Est., 51 acres— Thomas, E. P. 56 acres _ ... Underwood, Mrs. S. J. Heirs, 44 7.81 26.46 75.36 30.18 6.10 25.70 30.56 10.66 47.11 29,27 20.10 24.59 Yarboro, A. N. Est., 120 acres. Yarborough, Eudora, 40 acres Howard, A. S. 66 acres—.. Monroe, W.A. & J.P. 26 acres... Parrish, T. H. 149 acres . Thomas, J. R. 127 acres. ... Underwood, W.H. Est., 64 acres...... — .. Yarborough, T. A. 30 acres... Rosser, Belinda, 1 lot .... —_ 19.40 32.14 8.60 33.40 5.20 30.26 42.37 33.83 6.10 14.50 CAPE FEAR^— COLORED Buie, Simon, 1 lot ----'. $12.67 Cameron, D. D. Est, 50 acres 12.50 Douglas, Raymond, 31 acres-18.66 Lett, James, Est., 24 acres 22.20 McDonald, Will, 3 lots ... 6.10 McDougald, Cary', 1 lot ....— 8.16 McKoy, Zedekiah, 14 1-2 acres 21.53 Me lean, Olive, 28 acres .13.06 McLeod, Jack, 5 acres (bal)_ 5.79 Rollins, E. L. 20 acres (bal) 15.50 Thomas, Sally, 78 acres 26.26 Clark, J. L. 15 1-2 acres 15.62 McNeill, Cora, 1 lot .... - 6.S0 POCKET TOWNSHIP—'WHITE. Allen, Mrs. T. M. 398 acres.$99.11 Allfen, W. L. 80 acres (bal)— Arnold, Wm. Heirs 115 acres Bulard, Mrs. Cora, 50 acres (bal.) Cheshire, W. T. 73 acres (bal) 32.02 23.10 13.90 25.79 Cheshire, Mrs. W. T. 14 acres- 54.35 Cote, N. C. 2 lots Condor, Mrs. E. E. 1 lot Cooper; H. A. 299 acres Flo*, J. M-. 72 acres (bal) Fore, L. 59.11 11.60 60.56 _7.88 30.00 26.58 53.39 4.14 14.6G 42.27 44.00 4.51 32.66 30.20 E. 80 acres Foster, M. B. 26 acres Foushee, Ralph, 98 acres Fraley, W. S. 76 acres (bal) Fuquay, T. T. 24 acres — Gaster, Mrs. W. A. 78 acres Goins, R. L. 205 acres - Hall, C. G. 88 acres (bal) ..... Hall, C. W./ 81 acres _ Henley, J. H. 85 acres — Johnson, Jn'o. C. 71 acres (bal) 12.11 Jones, W. J. 326 acres_ 69.10 Knott, J. W. 322 acres ... * 189.78 May, Ben, 6 3-4 acres . — 9i43 Paschal & Lambeth, 305 acres 45.10 Powell, Mrs. Lyde, 110 acres Powers, R. W.290 acres Tally, F. W. 60 acres, 1 lot Willett, G. F. 49 acres - Willett, Miss Mary, 45 acres_ 13.60 53.32 29.31 35.98 18.87 Willett, Miss Nannie, 45 acres 16.10 5.20 T 11.60 Black, J. C. Heirs, 21 acres, Wolfe, C. G. 75 acres ... Boyd, Pauline and Bessie, 60 acres __ —. _I—- 30.1C Boyles, J. W. 146 acres _—— 54.48 Brooks, J. A. 56 acres--23.10 Burns, Lane & Gorrell, 1123 acres, (bal)_25.47 Cameron, Mrs.. lizzie, 92 acres 17.40 Clark, Josh, Heirs, 13 acres— 5.05 Gorrell, R J4. 60 acres- 10.35 Judd, Mrs. Irene 255 acres — 48.85 Kelly, W. H. 60 acres_13.70 Lemons, Alton, 17 acres — _ 9.41 McIntosh, Mrs. Melissa Est, 107 acres- __.. 22.00 Mclver, John M. Jr., Timber Lands _ ___’_ Taylor, M. A., 16 acres __ Woolard, J. F. 30 acres . Woolard, Vernon, 26 acres _ Jones, W. J. bal on 296 acres Duncan, Van Cott, 202 acres_ Virginia Carolina Land Bank, of Elizabeth City, N. C., 162 acres --- —- 33.80 47.60 4.70 15.74 8.69 23.06 51.50 POCKET TOWNSHIP— COLORED. Bryce, Mtanie, 11 acres-- $ 4.60 B roadie, Henderson, 20 ac Brown, Alonzo, 33 acres Caviness, Eli, 49 acres . Madison, 27 acres ... Currie, Essie, Est 50 acres.-. Currie, M. C. 45 acres Dowd, Violet, Heirs, 5 acres Evans, Witt, m sere*— Hooker, Landou, 25 acres -- Isaac, 48 acres —. Palmer. John, 8 acres 7.70 16.81 14.70 9.10 8.06 8.22 4.30 18.39 8.38 24.66 8.66 Roberts, Candice, Eat. zo acres Roberts, L. A. 26 Ttumsinw, Alex. 7 acres B.IU 8.60 7.89 Tboespeoib W.S.'Heirs, 60 acres 14.66 TsS/SrShVJr. 43 anes .I—. 17.31 Worthy, Enoch. 42 acres (bal)—.10.01 Harris, Isabella, 11 acres ___ 5.10 McGilvary, Morris, 26 acres (bal) 6.45 Mclrsr, Mary * acres- 4A7 Street, G. W. Bat. 16 acres __ 6.00 Tuck, Emma, 6 acres-— 6.10 DEEP RIVER—WHITE. Badders, Z. V7 44 acres —. —$ 9-10 Cushion, R. H. 40 acres _ _ 11.21 Covert, Mrs. J. M. 166 acres 59.93 CrntehfialdT J. D. 2 acres _ 13.13 Gaster, C. F. 93 acres Holt, M. E. 20 acres Hurley, I. H. 60 aeres Lambeth, E. E. 1045 acres.— Lambeth, T. B. Est. 4 acres Lasater, T. M. *71 acres - Lasater, Mrs. T. M. Eat. 121 22.10 9.03 20.11 260.91 3.90 94.19 Poe,1SS~C. C. Est. 39 acres Rosser, J. B. 146 aeres Rosser, Isham, 541 acres Sprawer, Catherine, 6 aeres. Btrickland, Dr. W. J. Heirs, 44 40,36 9.67 33.26 83.56 4.21 11.76 Federal Land Bank of Colum bia, 60 acres_—_ 26.66 Brown, W. G. Eat, 2 1-2 acres—9.66 Brown, W. H. 34 acres- 19-56 Cameras, B. W. 116 aeres— 28.61 Monroe, W. A. & J. P. 383 acres---77.71 Monroe, W.A. & J. P. 44 acres 12.21 Melvr, Kate S. 383 acres-77,71 Virginia- Carolina Land Bank, of Elizabeth City, N. C. 153 acres .. ...39.51 DEEP RIVER—COLORED. Aveni, Morris, 118 acres __* 28.61 Alston, G. W. 16 acres ..... — 8.2! Cole, Aaron. 1 lot_ 5.9< Covington, Betsy, 1 acre ___... 4.1! Cowan,' Lula, 60 acres- 20.51 Fushee, Nettie, 1 acre — .... — 6,71 Jackson, Andrew, 2 acres _ S.5< PJohnson, Alex, 2 lots . ... ..... — 4.11 Kimhall, Lenora, 6 acres ............ 3.81 Mebane, N. M. 3 acres ..... ‘Jd ..... 5.81 Palmer, Calvin, 17 acres .. 9.41 Cowan, James, 33acres i... . 8.21 Womack. Matthew, 3 acres 8.01 Taylor, Kenney, 26 aeres -.sacs 11.01 Cowan, Mary. SO aeres - —.. 11.6C Evans, L. V. 3 acres —-.:— 6.26 Feaster, Primus, 1 lot- ... 3.66 Melver, J. AJton. 1 lot-- 3.56 .. . ,JOD—WHITE- . 50 acres -128.66 'V Black, Mrs. R. L. 54 acres__61.03 Bullard, R, L, 100 acres (bal)_17.20 Caviness, J. E. 41 1-2 acres_ 19.10 Currie and Poole, 228 acres 46.2J Davis, T. E. 83 acres __20.98 Elliott, W. 0. 83 acres . Everett, R. B. 18 acres . Fore ,E. C. 28 acres Fore, G. Ernest, 62 acres _ Fore, H. C. 12 acres _'_ Fore, Mrs. Susie, 60 acres Gales, L. L. 50 acres 1 lot . Grace, Mrs. Fannie, 50 acres._ Gunter, H. A. & J. Hi ul8 acres 27.3 Hale, J. C. 30 acres 19.58 Hale, L. V. 45 1-2 acres... 21.12 James, Mrs. Mollie 1 lot__ 4.47 87.17 32.62 52.91 28.10 Jones, Mrs. R. H. 50 acres_ Key, A. C. 52 acres Key, F. E. 70 acres __ Kimball, C. A. 20 acres_. Kimball, Mrs. Nannie W. 12 acres _____ Knott, Mrs. MaryJ. 167 acres Matthews & Taylor 107 acres (bal). _. Monroe, J. H. 73 acres__...14.05 Morris, G. G. 46 acres . .._„_37.S9 Morris, John D. 17 acres._ 11.22 17.60 27.65 10.60 Myers, Blanche D. 43 acres (bal) 17.10 Newell, J. J. 158 acres Ogburn, H. I. 134 acres _ 48.70 .114.65 Parrish, A. L. & Wife, 115 acres ... _. __50.56 Phillpis, J. A. 61 acres__ 31.58 Poindexter, R. L. 283 acres_ 98.25 Reeves, C.< M. 130 acres__ 37.10 Roberson, Mrs. B. J. Heirs, 32 acres (bal) — __.. 5.95. Savage, T. J. Est. 80 acres bal 25.15 Sellars, F. P. 83 acres j_ 56.13 Smith H. H. 1 lot_...._4.10 Smith, Mrs. Lelia, 84 acres 62.53 Stone, J. F. 40 acre* (bal) .... ...13.10' Sutton, T. S. 45 acres _20.60 Thomas, N. Conrad, 47 acres .... 17.60 Buie, D. D. Admin. 49 acres. .. 36.85 Cameron, A. K 60 acres..12.10 Capps, (_r. W. 33 1-4 acres ..11,19 Collins, Elbert, 15 acres.. 7.60 Fore, C. H. 42 acres__ 21.36 Hall, J. W. 2 acres __8.31 Medlin, Mary 3 acres__3.42 Mclver, Kate S. 50 acres_ 26.60 Sandhill Holding Co. 2 acres. .. 10.60 Scott, J. H. 93 acres .... __17.05 Womack, A. C. & M. L. 10 acres 14.35 Riddle, Cornelius, 33 acres ___ 8.05 GREENWOOD —COLORED. Baffett, W. B. 56 acres_$17.97 Cameron, Randy, Heirs 121 acres-... __15.10 Fox, Tom 37 acres _..._ 22.23 Murchison, E. D. 9 acres _ 4.50 Murchison, W. S. 21 acres ._ 9.14 McQueen, Rev. L. D. 10 acres. 14.75 Thompson, J. L. 35 acres.. 23.06 Upchurch, Lonnie,, 20 acres _ 9.36 Murchison, John, 21 acres —. 6.i8 McCormick, John, 10 acres_ 4.10 JONESBORO—WHITE. Arnold, W. M., and H. I. Ogburn, 315 acres ---$149.68 Barbee. C. S. 98 acres_ 93.81 Barnes, Mrs. J.N. 64 acres, 1 lot 96.69 Brooks, Mrs. W.I. 118 acres .116.86 Buchanan, F. C. 1 lot__ 36.22 Buchanan, Mrs. M. A. Est. 1 lot 63.80 Covington, J. L. 59 acres 1 lot 99.28 Cox, Emery C. Heirs, 55 acres 10.46 Cox, E. S. 1 lot.... 20.62 Cox, Guy, 135 acres ... 70.88 Cox, hi P. 3 lots_54.19 Dalrymple, Mrs. J. A. 8 acres, 3 lots ______ 77.04 Dalrymple, J. G. 29 acres. 49.46 Dew, Jonathan & Walter ,1 lot 25.55 Dew, Mary & Rachel, 1 lot ...... 26.82 Dew, W. E. 22 acres __52.59 Dowdy, Sion H. 10 lots ...._14-84 Dunlap, Dewey, 35 acres ___ 6.82 Dunlap, J. H. 315 acres.. 103.49 Gibson, Mrs. E. 1 lot _ _ 33.20 Godfrey, J. Wheeler, 1 lot_ 31.63 GoneUa, J. F. 1 lot_ —J_c_7.19 Gunter, Mrs. J. A. 50 acres-. 48.36 Hamilton, Mrs. C. A. 2 lots .— 42.99 Hawley, M. H. Est. 56 acres 30.34 Hinson, C, R. 1 lot___ 3.62 Jonesboro Sash & Blind Co.. Mfg. property ....- 346.63 Jones, Mrs. F. C. Est.99 acres 146.80 Kelly, I. S. 62 acres__ 49.72 Kennedy, S. E. 1 lot___13.31 Lane, Mrs. Flora P. 186 acres 58.80 Lassiter, I. P. Est. 53 acres 1 lot __ ....-....-48.07 Lassiter, Mrs. Kate, 2 lots 63.88 Leslie, J. M. 1 lot_._25.55 Maddox, 8. W. 61 acres_ 41.21; Matthews, M. L. 20 acres__ 17.40 Mitchell, B. H. 1 lot_ 7.19 Monroe, Dr. J. P. 138 acres and 1 lot-- 254.02 Monroe, Dr. W. A. Est. 70 acres____161.84 Mullis, H. B. 76 acres —_- 44.67 McFarland, Mrs. W. C. 1 lot 13.31 Meffirt, M. R. 88 acres __ 68.36 Peele, R. L. 1 lot_14.66 reeie, Mrs. K. L. 23 acres _ 84.84 Powers, W. C. 70 acres.. —70.13 Rives, Mrs. E. W. 24 acre _ ,7.52 Rice, J. H. 41 acres (bal) _ 19.86 nomas, j.ij. a acres ...._ Koaser, A. R. 178 acres _(ba)l Rosser, C. M. 21 acres _ _ Sanders, Mrs. J. M. 83 acres and 1 lot (bad) ___ Santos,' Mrs. J. F. 1 lot_ Snipes A McFarland 2 lots_ Southern Land Sales Corp. 76 » .32 88.76 20.03 4.40 40.86 45.44 Temple, W. 0. 3 acres 1 lot .. Thomas, A. T. 250 acres ___ Thomas, Mrs. A. T. 55 acre* Thomas, M. C. 189 acres (bal).. Upchurch A Cunningham, 63 acres — — —---— Upchurch, Mrs Anna 63 acres Watson, E. L. 1 lot______ Wicker, A. F. 144 acres.. Wicker, P. L. 1 lot 37.48 55.97 48.00 14.04 30.86 Williamson, Nannie Maude, 1 lot Bowers, T. L. 2 lots __; — Capitol Stone Co. 20 acres..„. . Evans, J. H. 2 lots Gaster, W. D. A Sister, 312 20.83 67.96 27.96 46.64 32.39 64.57 5.66 Gaster, D. A Mrs. J. B. Troy, 140 acres-.... — — Griffin, Eula, 3 lots —-, Helms, M. F. Est. 48 acres Hill, Mil Annie 38 acres ~»™. Hill, E- C- 1 lot Hi*. G. C. 1 lot -j, __ -- Hoyle, Nannie A Nellie, 1 lot... Lemond, R. B. 2 lots — Mclver, H. B. 1 lot-l. ... O’Quinn, J. L. Est, 1 lot _ Perry, Mrs. C. J. 15 acres .... Sea well, Mrs. J. A. Heirs, 60 SeaweU, M. B. Heirs, 11 lota. Sharpe, H. E. 181 acres (bal) Underwood, E. E. Est, 96 acres (bal) _ .._ — Wicker, Mrs. C. A. 19 acres ....' 78.60 31.70 16.37 46.00 11.78 3.87 12.92 26.05 7.69 6.92 7.69 25.44 25.55 13.31 27.22 12.29 8.99 JONESBORO — COLORED. Alston, Ulius, 2 acres..$ ^.60 Baker, lizzie, 1 lot Bynum, C. B. Est. 22 acres . Covington, Ed. 158 acres 1 lot Cox, Aaron, Est. 2 lots ...;_ Co*, Fannie, 1 lot . ... ... Dark, Clarence, 1 lot .... ...._... i Grier, Lee, 1 lot . . ... Hayes, Elisha, 30 acres (bal) Holt, Andrew J.'S acres _ Loftin, W. R. 1 Tot .. Murchison, Bishop, L lot .... McLean, Minnie, 1 tot .... .. McLeod, Ben, 1 lot__ McLeod, Landon, 1 lot_..._ McQueen, Rev. A, B. 1 lot. Ringer, T. T. 10 lots.... __ , Ratcliff, Thomas, 1 lot —. 4.95 17.69 108.71 . 4.75 4.03 . 7.77 . 9.76 11.09 7.61 9.74 8.32 10.57 18.40 13.32 11 18 12.57 lot lot 3 lots lot H. acts bal 3 lots 2 lot; 34.69 136.47 105.07 92.83 1 lot 56.15 25.55 .. 7.95 33.63 27.60 127.03 79.06 21.00 46.97 34.77 88.43 S7.88 85.27 S 32.40 27.80 42.65 lots 68.50 84.23 ,il. 48.60 186.70 S 39.32 95.93 ■t 75.54 34.73 ! lots ■ 16.90 5.46 6.18 14.77 36.28 8.32 3.68 4.31 8.52 8.82 5.48 6.89 9 54 7.39 6.10 acres Freeman, W. A. Fulp, G. W. 92 acres Gaster, C. F. - j-lot Grace Security Corp. 3 lots 3 lots “ 1 lot 1 lot 1 lot 5 3-4acrt: 63 acre; 1 lot lot •■1 lot . 112. acres Glass, W. T. Greeson, W. F. Griffin, Caiy C. Gunter, A. M. Hall, Mi*. J, B. Harrington, 1. V. Hart, J. D. Hendren, W. S'. Henley, J. H. High, C. H. Hill, Mrs. Maggie . I lot Hoyle, K. R. ” *25 acres Hoyle, Mrs. K. R, 5 lots Huff, C. B. 2 lots Huff, J. G. Bit. - 1 lot Hunter, Z. V. 1 lot [senhour, Mrs. L. C. ..,66 aer Johnson, H. C. 1 lot Johnson, J. A. 65 acres Johnson, N. A. 3 lots Johnson, Nannie 1C 1 lot Jones, Mrs. Kate E. 1 ! • Jones, S. M. Bit. 2 lot Iordan, Anthony F. 1 lut Jordan, Mrs. Gladys S. l Judd, Mrs. Irenes 1 lot Kelly, B. E. 2 lots Kelly, Mrs. C. J. 1 lot Kelly, E. J. ' 1 lot Kelly, J. R. 57 1-2 acre & Bal._v-w/aig.... Kelly, Mrs. M. M. 'f iO acr 1 lot Bah Kidd, T. H. 6 lots King Auto Radiator >1 lot King, A. P. 3 lots King, J. Victor lots King, Mrs. T. R Wfe. Property & 4 lots — . 208.00 Lambeth & Bros. Lane, Mrs. Flora P 2 lota Lemmond, It. B. Lilly, Chas. 86 acre Loyd, O. A. 20 aeies Loyd, F. F. 1 lot Makepeace, Mrs. J. F. 61.70 56.97 48.50 209.15 81.58 30.18 40.85 7.19 16.53 .... 40.87 37.03 92.11 25.55 40.39 . 86.60 .. 43.08 157.63 147.95 79.10 42.38 ■s 13.00 ... 17.90 55.64 44.76 28.61 74.13 199.97 101.63 63.80 93.52 45.40 80.18 35.34 lots . 55.48 3 & ... 51.56 . 55.70 ._ 93.55 99.84 45.90 ____ Riots . .. 132.65 Matthews, Huff & Huff 920 acres 132.60 Matthews, Dr. M. I,. 50fc'acres & 1 lot --— 250.20 Miller, A. K- 1 lot 79.2* Moffitt Iron Works CatP Mfg. 112 aicres t 4 Property Moffitt, E. G. lots ..... .. Moffitt, Mrs. Mattie 1 lot Moffitt, R. H 1 lot Moffitt, R. H. & Co. 1 lot ...... Moffitt, Worth B. 1 lot .. Monroe, Dr. J. P. 8 lots 461.08 109.60 _ 6.42 . 94.83 126.76 . 56.11 427.79 * 364.06 Monroe, Mrs. W. A. 50 acres 20 lots _;__ McAuley, Mrs. Annie L. 2 lots_96.93. McAuiey, W. R. 247 acres & 1_ HjfWfen, M. MrlvSt e. B. J. Mclver, Pernie 1 lot __6.66 Mclver, Isabella Hrs. 247 seres fin Mclver, Dr. John Hrs. 70 w— _ ___ ;_,_ 14.60 Mclver, J. A. 12 tots —- 90.14 Mclver, Kate S. 32 lots bah..632.81 Mclver, Dr. Lynn 214 acres A 4 lots.... 323.81 McNeill, Alton 3 1-4 acne- 16.31 McNeill, A. C. 2 acres bti ..._98.80 McPherson, Mrs. Maggisr 70 acre*^ 7* McPherson, Sarah Eft. 60 acre* Neal, C. wT 102 acrec1»i-“.. ~&86 f/. ... 102 acre*! i«w.— New Hope Realty Co. 1 lot . . 140.30 Nesbit, W. I.. i tot_69.97 Parsons, D. McD. 2 lots bal_10.34 Pearce, Mrs. B. C. 1 lot.- 76.04 Perry, A. G., Trading as Perry’* Garage 1 lot _131.86 Perry, Hugh 1 lot . 39.28 Phillips, J. L. Est. 1 lot _ 66.91 Poole, Mrs. Claudie B. 1 lot — 87.89 Poole, Ivey W. 1 tot —_31-49 Poole, J. C. 4 lot* .._... 141.83 Reeves, C. M. 1315 acre* A 3 lots . , -406.77 1 tot 27^6 20 acr*s _=-8.84 1 lot __40,11 10 acres A 6 lots 41.6? Riddle, K. M. Riddle, O. D. Rose, J. H. Rosser, Isham _ . 1 Rosser, Jas. Worthy 7(f"acrea.-..-46.96 O...U _ ,,,i : . , t it tn Rush, Mrs. Ollie 1 lot bal— 41.80 Sexton, A. G. l lot_— 49.60 Seymore, J p, 26 12 acres 4c 8 lots . . ■ 264.61 Seymore, J. P., Guardian 26 acrer^ ^ Scott, S. Vance 2 lots 167.84 Shaw, Mrs. F. C. 1 lot_- 28.28 Smith, Norwood G. 9 lots_37.18 Smith, Mrs. S. W. Ept. 2 lots..61.03 Smith, W, W i ]<* 40.86 Spivey, J. T. n lota £2.02 Spivey, L. M. 14 tots _74.66 Stout, B. C. l lot ._61.37 Sutton, Mrs. Bessie 59 acres— 21.78 Temple, W. G. 3 I mm __18.31 Tomberlin, A. V. 44 acres _ 26.25 Tysor, O. M. l lot _25.6? Underwood, G. Earl t5 lot-- 37.21 Underwood, N, J. 39 JJssery, Hcmry . 1 vandergrift, Mre. J. C. gfc: Ilf m 1 lot 126.01 Vestal, Mrs. Mary.~l?ot .. 68.J Vila, H. P. -8 .. 224.S Wagner, Harris Watson, G. T. White, N. B. , _ Williams, Mrs. H. M. i tot129.5 Womble, R. C. 1 lot bftL 67.4 Wood. G. A. 1 lot Ml ” Woodell, J. H. 3 1o#. 2 1 m 3,3: 75.11 . 18.2! 129.21 . 26.81 io7.w Brown, Mm. C> D. 10 acres ..10.60 Carolina Coal A By Products Co. 100 acres A mineral lands..361.18 Cheek, W. E. 8 lots - 42.18 CoUins, J. A. 2 lots _ 04.08 Cnwa Wf* 15 acres— 25.10 Godfrey, C. L. 1 lot- 10.71 Harmon, Mrs. E. A. 1 lot.... 83.70 Henley; Mrs. T. C. Hot_ 38.70 Josephs, J. * lots —... 165.61 Lassiter, I. P. Eat. 79 acres_64.80 Lindsey, C. I* 1 lot - 41.86 Marshall Motor Co. 1 lot— 99.87 Matthews^ Henry 76 acres_17.92 Matthews, M. V. 1 lot_18.40 Monroe, Mrs. E. J. Est 2 lots.... 9.22 Murphy, Mrs. J. A. 1 lot — 10.75 McDonald Heirs 20 acres_7.70 McIntosh, A. P. 1 lot_45.90 Mclver, Evander Heirs Mineral Lands ...-.-.-28.35 Pattlshall, J. C. 2 acres .... 9.56 Pendergrass, W. G. 2 lots 37.62 Riddle, T. P. 1 lot .. 46.17 Schiffman, A. 133 acres ..... 29.70 Seagroves, M. P Heirs 1 lot— 7.69 Suggs, D. B. Heirs 1 lot 49.00 TV.M,- Mw. T Ttf -I * At or Whitfield, Fltzhugh 40 acres.... 16.10 Cross, T. S. Trustee 1 lot .33.70 Stout & Scott 4 lots '_ 33.70 Yarborough, Mrs. T. W. 1, lot....'4.63 Stroud, J. J. 22 lots _ 28.60 Cunningham, Mrs. Meta E. 1131 Jenkins Motor Co. 1 lot_ 16.34 acres-,- 209.60 Cunningham, W. W. A lot. .. 50.42 ■Sigiey, L. S. 6 lots 12.28 49.00 Stone, S. D. 1 lot 1 lot _ 41.36 1 lot 9.22 Wicker, Martin SANFORD—COLORED Aknis, Eliza Jane 1 lot Akins, Jno. 3 lots Alston, Mary Alston, Moses Jr. A vent, Morris Baldwin, Charlie Barrett, QIa Barnes, M. H. Bland, D. L. Bland, Geo. W. BoyMn, A. L. 6.00 21.69 1 lot_,i_ 9.15 1 lot-4.47 25 acres_ 10.30 10 acres. 17.75 9 acres_5.35 4 acres-36.14 3 lots -_62.06 1 lot bal_10.18 9 acres b 11 lots ., — —- 276.62 Bridges, Rev. J. A. 1 lot.15.35 Broadie, Geo. 1 lot ___ 31.24 Broadie, J. A. Est. 1 lot 8:55 Buckner, N. J. 1 1-2 acres b 1 lot _ --—_ 27.42 Bynum, Alvis 1 lot_ 11.8FT Bynum, Lucy 1 lot __:_ 6.85 Coffield, Rev. J. P. 2 lots._ 30.61 Cotton, Millie 1 acre __ 8.21 Crumpton. G. E. 1 lot hal. 24.60 Duer, Burl 5 lots .. 33.20 Davis, Mrs. Georgia 2 lots_21.39 Foushee, Flynn Cilmore, Daniel ff. Cilmore, Mary Cilmore, Minnie Coldston, Dan M. Cordon, Jno. 1 acre _9.53 2 lots.31.46 1 acre ....— 3.60 1 lot ...:_13.82 5 lots_. 152.16 1 lot bal_10.44 Cordon, Lilly L. Est. 2 lots. 16.62 Gunter, Silvia 3 acres & 1 lot bail. Harrington, David 23 acres. 15.61 Haywood, N. L. 1 lot-...:...- 26.40 Headen, Pinkie 1 lot bal_ 8.89 Heck, C. 3 acres & 8 lots bal. --- -i- ____4.90 Hill, B. J. 56 acres ... 34.76 Hooker, Luther 34 acres.... 6.10 Horton, Rev. W. H. Est. 3. lots ___33.20 Hunter, Elijah 2 lots baL 6.66 Johnson, J. A. 1 lot —... 18.59 Johnson, Lee 10 acres 6.86 Johnson, Mrs. Maggie 1 lot_4.80 Johnson, R. H. Est. 2 lots._39.41 Jones, Augustus 2 lots_21.18 Jones, /Charlie 1 lot 21.07 Jones, Garfield 1 lot_18.79 F»Uv. Ella 1 acre __6.15 Matthews, Geo. b Annie 2 lots —--24.41 Monroe, Henry D. 2 lots ...» 6.42 Monroe, Jno. W. 2 lots . 42.68 Moore, Sarah 1 lot 5.15 Morris, Cleveland 1 lot ..._25.17 Morphy, H. M. Est. 2 lots bal.8.40 Metver, Carrie V. 1 lot .... 12.45 Mclver, E. T. 25 acres_9.75 Mclver, John Henry ”1 lot_11.02 Mclver, Malcolm 45 acres & 2 ^ lots_____i_29.40 Mclver, Mrs. Mariah J. 3 lots bal. — --L 18.71 Mclver, Nellie b Fronie 4 acres. 7.60 Mclver, Rufus Mclver, Walter Mclver, W. T. McKoy, M. L. • McKeithan, H. T. McKoy, W. M. Eat. 7.25 .4.60 17.01 34.47 4.47 1 lot . 2 acres _ 1 lot _ 1 lot ;_ 1 lot 1 lot— 29.80 2 lots_87.76 _ 122.02 wuno, origin far.~ i ni_zi.w McLeid, Geo. 2 lots—. 34.05 McLeod, Jno. 3 lots _ 33.71 McLeod, Onde 1 lot __4.30 meatman, ur. u. N. I lot MeLueaa, A. J. 1 lot_*. McNair, Mamie 2 lota . . 1B.W9 . 11.62 13.66 Pafaner, Chas. & Thomas 23 acres Perry, Rev. J. W. 1 lot .. SSffUps. Dwtttue 1 lot 24.60 31.60 3^7 29.18 A. E. - 2 lots Mrs. S. A. 2 lots-... 14.76 Mctndi Jim 2 lots —.—, 12.31 Randolph, lizzie Eat. 1 lot _ 11.10 Reaves, Mary Est. 1 lot_23.00 Robinson, H- G. Sellars, Dock Sloan, Willie Smith, Jno. W. Stewart, Alex Sturdevant, W. A. Taylor, Robt. Waddell, W. 0. Est. Hot West, Abner 1 lot Wicker, O. W. 41 acres-21.09 1 lot 8.51 r lot __8.68 1 lot ..._ 5.41 1 lot_21.89 3 acres bah.... 5.45 1 lot_27.34 1 lot_20.03 ... 3.62 27.21 Wilcox, Victor 16 acres k 2 lots Williams,. J. S. , Womick, Mamie Woodard,'Herbert Worthy, James Yarborough, Annie E. Barnes. Fred D. Bland, Meta Est. Cramp, Geo. Est Davis, W. M. Hackney, William Harrington, Ernest 11.68 1 lot 28.61 . 1 acre „.. 4.60 10 acres 11.66 4 lbts _ 50.52 1 let.26.91 Harrison, J. W. Hatch, D. J. Horton, Jessie Jones, Maggie Judd, Ada Marks, Bud Marsh, Jno. MeTver, Mary B. 1 lot,6.84 1 lot. 14.32 1 lot 31.16 1 lot-40.50 1 lot— 20.10 1 lot. .. 4.97 1 lot - 6.66 1 lot 4.97 1 lot ........ 6.41 1 lot_10.78 2 acres bah_3.60 3 acres__..... 5.10 8'acres _9.30 . _ H, Hot_—18.99 Mclver, Sallie & Alvis 1 lot. 18.66 McKeithnn A Douglas 1 lot McCoy, Milton McLeatC H. D. McLean, Stephen McNeill, Bella 'McNeill; Maggie Palmer, James' 2L80 23.12 16.28 31.41 4.97 llbt 2 lots „.... 3 lots. 1 lot ..... Dot 12.45 29 acres ..„ 17.14 • Starks, W. C. k Alice‘S lots... *■' 5 lots . 1 lot.._ on l lot 6.50 8.20 7.78 20.10 2 lots — 6.50 FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Sheriff of Lee County. William A. Bingham. SUNDAY, JUNE 15th. - , ~ _i_ $22.50 to $45.00, two Pair Pants. Schoble Hats, $5.00 to.$10* 0. | ■ ■ Manhattan^ | Shirts, $2.00 to $3.50 ^ Interwoven Socks, 35c to $1.00. Metcalf Ties, $1.00 to $3.00. “DON’T FORGET DAD.” °04CBSJ~ ^ffEiatk " . *«au^Dfa^WR** *"M* *i£- g^*-g *«• asonic a, Al*Vxrs Coats Off, i 7 r- . : t Men •.. . HOT WEATHER is N&W SHIRT TIME—let us shew ' l you the new shirts made by Geo. P. Ide & Co.—Solid ; ► colors, stripes and whites, Priced $2.00. Colors and 1 ’■ quality guaranteed on every shirt. ; I' OUR $1.00 DRESS SHIRTS are the best—if you can’t in ! ’ vest but $1.00 let us show you these Shirts. 1;; COOL SUMMER IfNDERWEAR for boys and men, — < > Union Suits priced 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, two piece under 1 * wear made by Ide, priced $1.00, $1.25 and $2.00. , ] £ Special buy in men’s fancy DRESS SOX, made in Burling ; £ ton, N.C. These are 50c values, selling 8 pairs for $1,00 < >-• Stroud & Hubbard, 1 ‘■The Shoe and Hosiery Store" 1 SANFORD, N. C. - i

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