II Mr. W, Ia Stknmons- and family, r# II uiori the flifct at the-week from' a || 1*£ to friend* and relatives in Wil li atatton and other places. I? Mr;W Ma i'. C. Pittman and life tie son, J. s latest facilities for handling up to-date pictures. Mr. M. H. Bruton, who has been agent at this place for a number of years for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, has been transferred to Ra leigh and will be assistant -manager; of the company in that city. He to succeeded here by Mr. Barbee, of Ra leigh, who came to Sanford and'took charge last week. His office has been moved from Moore Street to the room next to Watson’s barber shop on Car thage street. No justices of the peace were named by the General Assembly at its last session for Lee County. Only those who were elected at the last General election are serving. Most of’ thfes^ have served as justices of the peace for years. In point of service J. Wild Wicker is the oldest in the county,. 3 j Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Eastman, for merly of this place, but now of South ern Rines, came jip last week to vimt their daughter, Mrs. JRoy Ledden, .and iAJ pUIltSLl l dJlUSUU, -Ui Utc JJCUUCJI, .graduate from the. Sanford High School. ., 0 - The Baracca class of the First Bap tist Sunday School held its annual barbecue om last Thursday evening at' the Makepeace cabin on Deep River,. The program included talks by R. W. Vide, teacher of the class, W. R. Hartnesp, W. C. York, E. L. Gavin, of this place, and Mr. Guess, of Atlanta, Ga. Following were the guests of the class: Sheriff Ernest White J. A. Overton, R. M. Brooks, and Rufus Poindexter. A song service was rendered led b(y A. P. King. A barbecue supper was served with ac cessories. The occasion was greatly, enjoyed by aU present. c At a meeting of the Merchants' As sociation the first of the week all who fdt that they could make the tfltp were asked to go to Ralleigh Friday and attend the meeting which will be - • held to further discuss the question of establishing a batik merger" ui"tKff State. It is hoped ’that sometMdK'Vte3; finite wjll be done at this meeting for the establishment of this bank merpqy The Association also arranged) ^nl members of the organization to ’RicJjjjp mond, Henderson,, Durham, and: Win ston-Salem, to ash the big tobacco concerns to make arrangements ‘Tdr handling all grades of tobacco on the Sanford market this fall. j yVlj . County allotments of Federal funds for June were announced last Friday. ' A total of’#661,300 will be available for the state dp ring the month and this amount is being forwarded") the county treasurers in four install-, .intents beginning Jpne 6th. The total ' requested for the month was'deduced - by approximately thirteen per .cent In grant awarded. Reports from atj •' ' sections of the State indicate const?; derable improvement in employment, jsnd jt is. anticipated that funds made -{Jsilable will bet sufficient tie meet ” the necessary relief needs. It is —able that relief needs for June will be nearly twenty per cent under the needy .for May. The county allotment :*>;tfor!lse for Juheiwaa ,*2,62(\^njg| JONESBORO NEWS LETTER BY MRS. J. t DALRYNFLE . - ■ nr.v,J mfc niu ‘CT v'ir'/ FVuiuer Resident Jonesboro Hon. The nitoy friends «f Mis, X; R. «nett, otf Rocky Mount, who is re: fc*8rea in Jonesboro as Miss - - - - — - Josh Don t>, will be interested to Team that she was elected president of th'e alum, nae association of Woman’s College I of the IJniveradty qf North Carolina tttt the meeting held in Greensborc last Week to succead Mrs. Gordon i ®11 May, of Danville, Va. Recently Mrs, Rennett attended the Rotary con vontion at Wrightsvilie Reach with her husband and was one of thi speakers at this meeting. She is a wqman of ,unusual ability and cul ture and is a leading member of the Woman’s Club! ijfi Rocky Mount. Attend Duke Commencement. Among those from Jonesboro to attend Duke commencement Wednes day and witness the conferring of dte £vere Rev. and Musty J. E. Blar ) daughter, Miss Wjilson, Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Jo>yner and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Thomas. Brooks Celebrates Birthday. Mrs- Ww I. Brooks was given a de lightful surprise Sunday when her ! children gave hier a birthday dinner at Her home at Pineknot Farm, The table was spread on the lovely lawn JiJn front of the Brooks home and laden . with, all kinds of good food including 1 fried chicken, roast beef, baked ham, Potato salad, pies, cakes and iced tea? The"tabJe was centered with, a lovely white birthday^ cake which was also cut and served to those present. Those ‘p^sent were Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Brooks, Mr. J. A. Overton and family, Mr. S. L. Poole and family, and W. H. ‘Brooks and family. Mrs. Swaripger .and Mrs. Kelljum, of Wilmington, two . daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks, were run able to be present- —--6 J McDavid-Williams, i Friends in Jonesboro have received the announcement of the marriage of James E. McDavid and Miss Thelma Williams, of Raledgh, the marriage taking place April 2nd., jn^ Bennetts , ville, S. C. * ' Thje bride is the attractive daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs.( W. Et\ Williams, of Raleigh, and holds a responsible position in that city. Mr. McDavid is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McDavid, of our town, and | at present is attending school at State ; College. He is a young man of splen . did business ability and was for some j time, employed by the \Curtia Publish ing!-Company. Mr. and Mrs. M the> living room| where they heapd the birthday letter of the hostess read over the radio. They were then invit ed into the dining room where a cotor scheme of green and pink wta attrac tively carried opt, the centerpiece be ing a pink birthday cake on which burned seven green candles. The chil dren were served a fruit drink with snow ball cakes. Favors were minia ture dolls dressed in/ pink and green. Those present were Catherine Ar nold, Frances Sowers, Catherine BuCSl anan, Miriam Watson, Frances Buch anan, Ruth and Rachel Russell. Ame lia Rives, Sarah Lynn Rives, Eleanor Godfrey, Geraldine Knight, Emma Grace Knight, Jean Loyd, Nancy Ray Blue, Nancy Beth York, Norma Cox, Janis Trevashom, Gwendolyn O’Connell Loza Foy Caddell, Dorothy Dalrymple. 1 • 1 Clastfl Hostess. A very enjoyable meeting of the Weetoy Workers’ Class of the Metho dist Sunday School was held last Thursday evening at the home of Mm. H. C. Von Cannon on Jonesboro high way. The home was made unusually attractive by the use of lovely spring flowers, including gladioia, larkspur, ■ and. daisies. Following (the devotional by Mrs. E. L. Watson a very interest ing business session was held. Dur-ng the social hour following Mrs. C. H. Campbell put on a very interesting Bible contest in which Mrs. L. L. Thomas was winner. At the close of the meeting ice cream, and cake was) served by Misses Maude Von Cannon and Dorothy Dal rymple, Miss Bess Barnes was the only visitor of tlfe evening. 1 Return From World’s Fair. ( Misses Elva Bryan, Nell Gibbs, Eth el Kelly, Mildred CapmbeJ and Mrs. H. M. Jackson, members of the Jones boro facuty returned Wednesday 'from a ten days .trip to the. Century qf Progress Fair at Chicago. They -report a most delightful trip. Belle Barnes Auxiliary jMeets. The regular monthly meeting of the Belle Barnes Auxiliary was held in the Methodist church Monday even ing with a good attendance. The pro gram. was in charge of Mrs. James Worthy’s circle under the leadership of Mrs. T. C. Black. The subject “The Rural Deaconess” was discussed and interesting phases of the work given. Death of Former Beloved Woman oi Jonesboro. I Friends in Jonesboro and surround ing community were saddened Tues day by news of the death of Mrs. Eli zabeth Sloan which occurred at the the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. W. Kuntley, of Hamlet, with whom she had been visiting for two months. Mrs. Sloan, who was 68. years of age had been in declining health for a number of years but her sudden passing was a great shock to her family arid friends. Before moving to Wadesboro Mrs. Sloan and family resided in Jonesboro Quality Foods, Quality Seeds. 5-pound Pail HONEY, » 75c Diamond Brand Orange Pekoe TEA 1-4 lb.__ 15c Caraja COFFEE 1 lb. box 25s Phillips Pork & ’Beans can 5c . ‘ Rainbow Mixed GLADIOLI BULBS dozen 40c Garden and Flower Seed Soy Beans O-Too-Tan, * Boy Beans etc. ; 1 . J. HJ Phones 52 and 53 irtce*;js -rnijrf ••tswo i-1 b.¥i -taw • ft • number of yei&- She was a woman of strong' Christian character and was greatly belovedby her friends and neighbors here,, hx --Me I . College Girin At Hnwiy Misses Catherine Blalock, * Helen Hariceyg Minnie Mfiloy, Jean Thomas, Mary Lucy Kelly and Elizabeth Ed wards returned M » day from East Carolina Teadhers’ Agent. ready for * I. ■■— limrHnUMMfifll I 111.. : — “ *V£ - ,. * DISTRESS AFTER MEALS Relieved By Black-Draufkt , #‘I had sour stomach and gas.1-A writes Mr. Jess Higgins, of Daw* Bonville, Ga„ “and often I would have bilious spells. I read about Thedford’s Black-Draught and gan to take it. It relieved me of this trouble. I keep it all the time' now. I consider it a fine medicine. I take a pinch of Black-Draught after , -r meals when I need it. It helps to f prevent sick headache and to keep the system in good order.” Get a package at the store. Try ill ■ V!» Now you can get Black-Draught 4* tho form of a BYRVP, for CXUDUM*.'.^ i Trio$;it Offering Chevrolet Quality and Dependability • Modern Aer Stream Styling • No Draft Ventilation • Fisher Bodies and 1 V\ World Record Economy lT’s the use of delay ing longer to buy that new car you want and need? Here are the best thines mo baring can offer: Aer-atream styling, with the smart new pointed radiator, beaver-tail back and skirted fenders. No Draft Ventilation that lets you make your own weather, summer and winter. Real mohair Uphola tery, safety glass windshield, and many other .luxury features exclusive to Chevrolet at this price* Here is smooth, fast, comfortable transporta tion—a valve-in-head six, capable of breath-taking performance and economy that simply cannot be 'ft. duplicated. Here is a car so dependable that police de partments, big fleet opera ton, and other organisations able to pick from the entire field, have chosen it with*' out hesitation. And it is yours at a price so low that the monthly payments will be surprisingly easy to meet. What’s more, when you get to trading, you’ll' find Chevrolet dealers willing to go all the way to make it possible for you to own a new Chevrolet. CHEVROLET MOTOR CO., DETROIT, MICHIGAN All price* /. o. b. Flint, Michigan. Spatial equipment extra. Lorn delireredprice* and aaar O. M. A. C. term*. A General Motor* Value. 3r«3£._, n^e'sifhv. •'•‘•hqio* /. wfa?°3 ■msjj,. s “*W i»Jn.^a