WOMEN’S REALM —WWBDrtJGS ; —LOCAL HAPPENINGS - ■ —PERSONALS MEETINGS » —SOCIAL FOMCnOMS m Gram Honored A* Hen/ __J Muu'Xliee Gfm,*tal bus ■ Mg* year's furlough t» *«-■» land, and who leave* this. Week _ .wnsrne her missionary v work In China, the Woman’s Missionary Auxi liary and the Alice Green Missionary’ Society of Steele itraet, chnhfc gave a tea Friday evening at the home # Mrs. D. C. Lawrence. - the spacious room* were beautiful ly arranged with garden flowers. In formal conversation was enjoyed dor lag the evening and a beautiful musi cal .program was given by Miss Cam ille Carrol, pianist, asdlfta W' H* White, soprano, with accompaniment by Mrs. H C. Roberts. ,, t Mrs. Lawrence then presented Mas ' Green a five dollar gold piece from aaeh society, end expressed thegreat Interest and love of the two societies Aa Miss Green. Delicious punch and grgfqrs were served at the cone his. on of the evening. , Bfrnfiy Snartae Qei«awar CaitM , Mfca Franen Riddle and Jn a "Beautiful sunrise ceremony on' Saturday morning in Steele street Methodist church Miss Frances Jack son Riddle and Eustace l*Voy Mor gan vers married,the vows being said before Rev. J, .D. Hayman, pastor of tit* church, jn the presence of the members of the family and a few close friends. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Morgan left by motor for , Virginia Beach. They have returned and are now at home at 208 Endor St. The bride is the eider daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lee Riddle, and Ja a brunette type of beauty and chaaming personality. She received her education in the Sanford high achool and attended Greensboro Col " lege for Women, where she specializ ed m music. She is the possessor of a lovely soprano vodce. Mr. Morgan is the only crild of L. ’ P. Morgan and the late Mrs. Lola Morgan, of Mt. Olive. He graduated at Roxboro high school and took a business course at King's Business College, Raleigh. He has been hi San ford several months as circulation manager of the Sanford Herald, and has made many friends. Mrs. MBlet .Is iClub Mortejut A very delightful meeting of the Merry Dozen Rook Club occurred last Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. K. Miller. The tables were arranged in a bean i ; Uful setting of garden flowers and the games proved moet interesting. & R McDonald was winner of high score prize and Mrs. W L Sim mons low, each receiving a linen guest towel. The hostess served del cious home made peach ice cream, and ioedginger ala. Special guests were Mesdames • Ben May and F. E. Street. The club will meet next with Mrs. S. R. Mc Donald. Birthday Supper for Mr. Heins, A most delightful surpr se for Mr. E. C. Heins on. the occasion of his birthday, which occurred on Sunday, children. The supper was given in the garden of the Heins home. When Mr. and __Mrs. Heins returned home from an .afternoon drive they found the family {gathered there and a most bounteoui - rand delicious picnic supper spread, on E. L. Morgan. was the picnic supper > : a table beneath the trees There was v : also a beautiful birthday cake with t seventy birthday candles. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. E , C. Hens, Mr. and Mrs. Love Hetas .and Jane Heins, Mr. and Mrs. Max IHeins, Betty Cooper and Buddie ■Heins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Heins, Elea ; nor. Bill, Jr, and Isabel Bank. I Miss JoHneon Gives Stank Sapper for Mr. and Mih. Hamilton. ■A very delightful compliment was jpaid Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Hamil ton, who were married in July, when Bliss Marjorie Johnson gave a steak V *m*per Tuesday evening in the pri t rate dining rasa of the Carolina Hotel. Hie beautiful appointed table, with covers laid for twelve, was graced with two bowls of lovely garden flow ers joined by a delicate tracery of fern. Place cards featured a bridal motif. The menu consisted : of broiled ■: steak, French fried potatoes), lettuce " and tomato salad, hot rolls, iced tea, homemade ice cream and cake. Three-minute speeches were made . by a number of the guests and Miss Johnson presented.. Mrs. Hamilton a beautiful box of Houbigant sachet. Later on there were musical aelec... tions. Those enjoying the delightful affair were Mr. ajnd Mrs. B. Frank Hamil ton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Makepeace, Misses., Marjorie Johnson, Frances Steadman and Lucy Cooper O’Brien, Jean Melver, Messrs.’ Sandy Monroe, ^ r avia,.. Percy Makepeace,' and Ml» Lawrence Is Bride of G. H. Km Announcement W been made by "sr#* bride’s parents «f the marriage of ..»1L’.w - Uiu Evelyn Mary Lawrence, of San foM,3nd Gilbert Henry MlBCJfega ieigh, which wwt perfwmnl' ffritunjay evening, July 42, by RsvT;3F$£ral breth at hia home in Durham. '!<’ The couple were accompanied by the bride's sister,' Mrs. J. C. Jones, of Durham, and GaMr Suit. The bride wore a navy triple sheer crepe with accessories to match. Mrs. Blue is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thad M. Lawrence, of San ford, and holds a position weth He ward-Bobhitt Company. Formerly she was for several years with J, P. Tay lor Tobacco Company, of Henderson. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A1 .Blue, formerly of Carth age, now residents of Southern Pines. Be is connected with Swift and Com pany, in Raleigh, where the rt>upie will make their home.. jnrs. roner trivea kook snunai Quite a charming' innovation on the regular schedule of the Tuesday Af ternoon Club was the rook breakfast g ven Tuesday morning by Mrs. C. H. Porter at her home on Chisholm St. Members and guests arrived at 8:30 each ana receiving a hundred bonus on her score card for prompt, ness. Three tables' were daintily set for breakfast, each one centered by a rase of pink rosebuds. The delicious menu consisted of fruit cocktail, cream chicken on toast, scrambled eggs, cheese toast, French toast with mint |ally, and coffee. Following the repart the tables were cleared for rook and, two hours of play ensued. Guest prise, a plaque, was won by Mrs. Lloyd HUI and club prize, a hob nail tea pitcher, by Mrs. N. C. Wall. Special guests were Mesdames Lloyd Hill, of Hamlet, J. D. Hill, W. E. Snipes, H. M. Wagoner, Norman Pre vatt, and Miss Louise Maultsby. Beautiful Party for Bride-Elect and B«mt Bride. A beautiful bridge party was given Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Fred By erly, of Dunn, and Miss Ruth Phil, lips at the home of Mrs. Byerly*a -——» -uo. n» iv JU4&tspeace, m honor of Hiss Susan Layton, of Lil-! ington, bride elect of the month, and ; Mra. B. Frank Hamilton, a recent' bride. I Masses of garden flowers filled the home and three tables of contract were in play throughout the after- j noon. High score prize, a pewter. bridge bell, was won by Mrs. Wilbur Mdver. Ho Miss Layton and Mis. Hamilton the hostesses . presented Dresden China sugar and creams, and to Mrs. E L Morgan, another leeqnt . bride, they gave a picture. Frozen fnnt salad, cucumber and deviled ham , sandwiches, cheese wafers,, .olives, and iced tea were served. Guests were Miss Susan Layton^ of Islington, Mrs. B. Frank Hamilton, Miss Anne Simms, of Ralegh, Mrs. Mms Martha Layton, of IMlin&ton, H. B. Shields, of Clinton, Mesdames E. L. Morgan, Lynn Mclver, Jr., Wil bur Mclver, and Misses Grace Strait, Mary Frances Underwood, Grace Crab, tree, Jean Mclver, Betsy Martness, ^ and Floy Rivers. Miss Frances King ' joined the players for refreshments, j Mr. end Mia. Vdrter Eitcrtiiis I V ■ Couple Club. J _ Mr. and Mr* C. H. Porter were .. hosts Tuesday evening to the members of the Couple Club and a number of . special guests. -. „ . . The home presented a most attrac tive scene with its masses of garden flowers amFsoftly glowing lights. Four tables of bridge were in play. Ladfey guest prize was won by Mrs. P. L- Johnson and ladies’ ejhib prize by Miss Luise Maultsyby while men’s guest prize was captured by H. M. Wagoner and men's club prize by S. b. Clary. The hostess serried assorted sandwiches and fruit punch, followed by angel pie topped with whipped cream. Special guests were Mr. And Mrs. P. L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wagoner, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Joyce, and dub members present were Mr. and Mrs.C. H. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. B N Porter, Mr., and Mrs. R W 8bt fast, Mr. and Mrs. S L Clary, Him Louise Maultsby, Lloyd Britt, and the host and hostess. Vtdthig Giris Honored. Honoring her attractive and popu lar house guests, Misses Jane Parker, of Raleigh, and Mary Elizabeth Attn* bruster, of Raleigh, Mias Cornelia At kins entertained a number of friends Friday evening' at her home on Car thage street. The spacious reception rooms of the lower floor were thrown en salts and beautifully decorated with color fid garden flowers. Upon their arrival the guests were served iced punch by little. Mist Gloria Stewart Camp bell. Dancing and bridge were the di versions of the evening and a deli cious ice coarse was served, i Guests were Misses Jane Parker, Mary Elizabeth Armbruster, 5l}dith Makepeace, Camille Carroll, 'Mary . Mercer Reeves, Francina Wakefield, Elizabeth and Freda Strong, Charlotte McNair, Julia Chaffin, Bernice Hunt, pnuna Van Sant, Lucile Seymour, Bar I .- ■ ! bam Kelly. Helen Howard, Margaret Daniel Reid, Alma Stewart, and R. B. Wicker, Worth Cotton, Harold Gavin, Charles Hubbard, Coke Reeve*, Geo, Wakefield, Frank Snipe*, W. H. Be* thvme, Rives Kimrey, Claiborne Gur »*y. Aich Bry*flt, CUnd* ^y^y,Wjl-;. cPoogj^ Tinker, Dalryraj^, Joh^Wiilianj ^ro^KU W. EUiott, Jr-. and James Maim, p< j Durham. ■ | i . . Birthday Party. | - Tony Jordan, Jr., entertained a number of his young friends Thura day afternoon at u party celebrating his seventh birthday. ■ Many of childhood’s popular games were played and delightful stories were told, by Gwendolyn Howard and Jimmie Bridges. There was a beauti ful birthday cake with seven pink candles which was cut and served with ice cream, Mrs. Jordan being assisted in serving by Mrs. E. H. Frasier and Mm. Meletiou. Those present were Gwendolyn Ho* ward, Peggy Horton, Katherine Gil I liam, Bessie Jordan. Frances, Joan, Shirley end Carolyn Morgan, Ronald Briant, John Thomas Pittman, Billy Kennedy, Jimmie Bridges, Lee O’ Holton, Jimmie Meletiou, Jim and Dick Hoyle, Jimmie Makepeace, David: Overton, Junior Frazier, and Pete McCulloch. Mr. and Mrs. Iamheur Honor Visible Giris. A beautiful party was given Thurs day evening by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Isenhour at their heme in Colon honoring several attractive Visiting girls, Misses Miriam and Clarice Cox, of Durham, and Katherine Isenhour, of Salisbury. * • —i A profusion of colorful summer flowers fomed an effective setting for four tables of bridge. Following several spirited progressions ladies* j prise, a beautifhl party handkerchiei, j was presented to Miss Lucile Tulluck,! men’s prize, a cartoon of cigarettes, | to Bill Tulhick, and attractive gifts t were presented to tire; three honor ’ guests. - The hostess served delicious ham croquettes, congeriid fruit salad, sal tines, sandwiches, olives, p'ddes, and iced tea. i playing were Misses Miriam j end Clarice Cox, Rather ne Isenhour, Helen Rosser, Floy Rivers, Ruby Lee Campbell, LuciJn and Mary Tulluck, Messrs. J. R. Ingram, Jr., Bill 1W luek. Glean Mclver, Bob OsM^ne,. B*»t ;Coivad . «W«* ***4c*Mde)WSt>>s» j Jjiw *n«ai9<%% •MF^event^ JiV%rftfifeite- cflied 'tofnettM^steeS' aAi'eatend be* wishes to tSe'eTWrmi' far bride. ■ :.v • ■ ' Beauty Ball :-dsM A- Beauty Ball and Denee honoring M m North Carolina, who is Miss Leola Councilman, will be held at the Farmer’s Warehouse Friday; night. This dance is sponsored' by the oity and c'vlc organisations of Sanford. The proceeds to be used in advancing the chances of M$ss North Cantina, who will compete September 5 to 9, at Atlantic City for the t'tle “Mias America." A large turnout is expected as other e ty winners are expected to' arrive here Fr iday and will act as maids, of honor .to Missv North Caro lina. Dancing will start at 9 and will end in the wee email hours of the morning. “Make Miss North Carolina M as America,” is the popular' slogan of Sanford. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank tbs members of the Sanford Fire < Department who worked so heroically in saving' our home and those friends, both white and colored, who helped us move our fhm’ture during the recent fire. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Moffitt. Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Smith. - -—f—-- . CARD OF THANKS We take this means of expressing our thanks to the city authorities, members of the fire department, and all other friends for the numerous acts of kindness and sympathy in the death and funeral of our husband and father. ' ; Mrs. J. T. McKeman and Children. f Mn. i*. D. Hayman and -Awglttei*, Uiu Beryl Hayman, *rM, Jr., era aperidlng the NuuMr af fey View, et their camp. iRRRR I ; Misses Pearl Tempi* and Maty Chandler are at th* Century of Pro gress in Chicago this week. 'Rmy are makfng the. trip on the Grey Hound Bus Lina. • "*• • A«a fa bra* ;THEpPENING OF brae .fdt ■'r' IU# t M i •• , aftfj&H STREET ^ y August 3rd. - ^-5 We will Carry- a Complete Line of NATIVE AMESTCRN MEATS FISH. CHICKENS AND EGGS LEE GILCHRIST* well known meat cutter in'Lee County for the! past twenty years will be manager. The public is invited to visit our market. • • 216 Wicker Street • • Sanford, N. C. ILLUSIONS The Oriental (ill reclines on a sheet glass supported bjr two stares. The wares a white sheet in front of maiden... pronounces a few magic Presto! She has dunfftsred in Shin DtflANATIONs "Disappearing” acta are f There is also a trick of cigarette adver-1 ■ tising, whereby a few magic word* arc used to create the illusion of “Coolness.^ ' - IXPLANATIONt Coolness is determined v '■/ “by tho speed of burning. Frisk cigarettes, , retaining their full moisture, burn more' /' slowly...smokeoooler.Parched,dryciga _ rettesbumfast.They taste ict.This makes ^ tbs method of wrapping very important. Improperly wrapped cigarettes begin to ■ ■foy out as soon as packed. '% /Camels ore cooler because they come In the famous Humidor Pack of ml4e4> ’ three-ply, MOISTURE-PROOF cello phane...and because they contain bttter tobaccos. ? Aeigarettc that is fresh, full ol natural moisture^ ana Mended from choice, ripe tobaccos tastes cooler than one that is harsh and acrid. For coolness, choose a fr*sk cigarette, made from costlier It Isa fact, weN known by | leaf tobacco experts, that Camels are made from liner, MOM EXPINSIV1 tobaccos than any other popular brand. Try Camels... give your taste a chanoe to pense the difference. You’ll apprech ate it! ^ ■ NO TRICKS » ../CST COSTLIER ; * TOBACCOS tm $ f-* ' ;