SANFORD -FOREMOST, IN CHARACTER and CIRCULATION In Central Carolina SANFORD, NOBTttCAROLIN A, AUGUST 10, 1933, »£>UME 47, Number 52, TAR HEEL* SCRAP BOOK by £ “A:ty ^jsw^jsaMni fejd thsif regular monthly, meeting at the court house last Monday. S, G. Davis, of Harnett county,; ,was grunted, license, Without charge, to peddle fruit apH produce in'the county, . The clerk was instructed to write the State Highway Commission in re gard to changing- the location of the road at the.lsenhour Brick Plant-at Colon. This road-runs through the yaid of the brick plant and interferes with its operation. It is stated thift .the company cannot run the plant 15 tlayp longer unless the change is made. ' It was decided that the board should buy a No. 1 jack about five years old to keep for use by the Dee county fanners and others Who might wgnt his service, There is & dearth of mules in Lee county. . M^t who deal in live stock ' have, almost quit roispig theih, m rids part of the country. Most «£ the mules now il»- use'by-the farmers' of Lee county are old animals between IB ajid 20 years pli- Unless mules am raised to take the place of the ani^ male dropping out with age, Lee will soon become a "muleless” county.. A large lot of mules shipped in '-found sale here the latter part of the winter and the first of the spring, but many Of them were shipped to other bbc ttwtfL-jjf the state. .-A -.-wu. ~ Way section, came before' the board asking that the, board recommend to the State Highway Commission asking that the read fores* here continue graveling anti the road from Jonesboro to Tramway. It is necessary that this, is done to keep the road in good shape. -Tbe most iniportabt business trans acted by the hoard' Wai the fixing of the tax rote, for the^county. After much dhtnup^qh of.-the matter the rate waa fixed at gl.tfe the vote stood xur aau two agramat making: this rat*. The tic w^.bmken by Chairman John Dalrymple. ■; ^ ■ It was ordered p)b& the State Hi/u way Coromlsatojn be, requested to gra vel andoil the road loading from Geo. Wilkie's, filling -station at Jones boro by the Cotantyjjlome and by the convict carap'i\oar 'Saiiford. 73 names were on the petition asking that this be done. -,'Xi• ,;r*tr 'J*JV John Muse • 'was. before the board in rega^i te, tfee, fMdit for the offices in the county, including the auditors and tax collectors .books up to June 30tt, 1933. He offered to do the work for $450.00. He also offered to bring I the bus nbss’in the Clerk of the Super ior Court’s office 1 up to November 130th., 1938, for this amount and also | agreed to do ttie wwk in the future at i $300.00 per yeWr. ■ The board ordered that the power bill made in repairing the county jalt be paid. E. O. McMahan, County Demonstra tion Agent, and WeifgreOfficer, made hia report. His report showed that there is 5,659 acres. In cotton in the county, and that the fanners plowed up ‘887 acpee. Sy figures he showed that in the yelfare,, work there was $30,336.49 spent, up to and including Jnly. He stated that this would be cut off unless the State and county would make an effort to tike care of these who are without means to take care of their families, or at least help support them. . . . The board ordered that W. R. Wil liams be given 39 days option to see about settlement of county note as to bonds. 7 - ' The board recessed until Friday morning at 19 o’clock. PPSr ■t[ All employer^ tii asked to re- . s . port any violation as to bonis ami * wages respectively on toe part of other employers who are flying toe MBA Eagle to A. K. Miller, f. Chairman NBA Committee, or to Postraaqteg Ralph Kennedy. ' r."- ' -—-_Jt' . KIWANIANS HEAfe WAREHOUSE TALK Kiwauians To'Meet Next Friday With Lee Hospital Anxi , , liary In Mclver Park.. : At the meeting of the Kiwanis C9ub at the Carolina Hotel last Friday night it was decided to hold the next meet ing Friday night with the Auxiliary of toe Lee County Hospital in Mclver Park. Should toe weather be unfavor able the meeting will be held in the hospital. p.V.V-* ' 1 : After all unfinished and new busi ness had been transacted President Jack Foster tamed toe program of .the evening over to Gunter Watson, S'; member of the program committee. Charlie York made an instructive talk oh toe rules and regulations of the code as they • have to do. with, the operation of toe Sanford Cotton. Mill. H§ explained the workings of toe code and expressed theopioioni that; if everybody would-cooperate and -carry out its provisions it would be a suc cess and that there would be S better day ahead’ for toe people of the court-, try. W< a Homer gave a clear explana tion relative to the building of a to pacco warehouse to take the place of the one recently 'dtotyoyed; *by tire. pie in Sanford felt that if a ware house were not built it would be verj much against Sanford as a tobaccc market. W. F. Wood, who had th< 8-W warehouse leased for a term oi years, made a talk along the sam* line.; He stood ready to cooperate ir any reasonable plan that would has ten the construction -of- a’ warehouse to take the place of the one destroyed uiiy ana uounty school Boards Facing Tasks At a meeting of the City School Board of directors in the office of Chairman J. W. Stout last Thursday n;ght a number of the teachers for next year were elected. The list will I •>« published when completed. As some of the teachers will not return I others will be elected to fill the va j cancies. They prepared a budget which , they will ask the County Commission Iers to pass. Thjsi budget is for capital outlay add building maintenance. I They did1 not elect a successor to Mr. J. E. Brinn, who recently resigned as secretary to the board. Other mat ters connected with the school will be acted upon later. On- Friday, 18th., there w,li be a meeting of the County Board of Edu cation together with the principals and school committeemen in the office of Superintendent George Wheeler, also a representative of the State School Commission for the purpose of laying out transportation routes. This will be done in accordance with j the 1933 act SPECIAL SERVICES-AT BUFFAtO ~ ~ v .. Special services will begin at Buf falo Sunday, August 13th., at 8 p. m. Bev. N, N. (Fleming, of Mebane, will do the preaching. There will be two services daily; 3.00 and 8:00. The pub lic is cordially invited to join with the congregation in these services. Mr. Fleming will conduct the vesper service for the young people Sunday afternoon at 5:00. The public is invit ed to this service. A NATIONAL BANK— ESftiaB.iv' BECAUSE— 1. Deposits will be guaranteed. s„ . " ■•' 2. The organization wilt be under direct Supervision I tjf the United States Government. ‘ " ?!>i AFFORDING— SAFETY—SECURITY to ONE and ALL ALIKE. ^EVERYBODY SUBSCRIBE and make this Everybody’s Bank. COMMITTEE. i it. •• \v •• i Thv Sanford at Sre iteadq Monday JCght members, Sam^ Hoyt Wiffiam*' members On the If you don’t tbmhgiout of shape watch months. The is to Stir up — Men dormant started*,, O0m It tia0 fte. in getting erVs on, the " lee that the co msiness and i n .the tiiwn. P«j hat it might io thefif Rev. A. J. Gi ed the appoint Hawkins at last Sunday’ wept to W presetted that It has been i legmens, in Sanfcr to adopt the blue eagle in J business.They by the commit toe code ae enfa Establish a build a tobacco f place of the onej .with jhe. big cr bacco raised-in.' town will .tahpj, with the cod t Department met i; ft the City Hall nitted two new diifleld, Jr, and ere are now 18 ye that Sanford is ision in fine fot the next few png that is needed Sstasm that has e.tho depression has been trou ble. in Sanford to i appointed to I is lived up to- by factoring concerns i they are afraid ( their popularity. , of-this city, flll [: of Rev. Frank C. Baptist Church Jig. Mr. Hawkins alem where - he that the boot have so’far: failed. putting'up the of their, pliSas of be waftSTon o are to see that Iby in Sanford-.and ouse to take toe itroyed by ftoe.and j of'cotton ajljf to ; section the {food i now life ‘tojg,. fall ptioiv.^\ V ,'Mr. A. O. ^ceived t.awies eege Monday aknoaEaag.t .brpther-in^Ujt^jMc, a serious operation for toe braih. Mr. and Mrs. Atkins ant daughter, Miss Cornelia Atkins, at tended the funeral.' -Dr. Hayden Lutterioh left a fev days ago lor Chicago where he is nov taking a post graduate .course jn sur genry :at the Cook County Graduate School of Surgery. From there he, wii go to the Mayo Clinic . at Rochester Minn. He plans to return about thi first of September. j Mm. J. T. Matthews, (nee Miss Liz zie Cole), daughter of the late Green bury Cole, of Pocket township, o: Dayton, Tenn., is in leif county on i visit to relatives and friends. Mrs Matthews sees many, great change that have taken place since she lef this section some 40 years ago b make her home in the adjoining state | The merchants of Sanford had goo trade last Saturday despite-the fac that they had to close that night a 9 o’clock to comply with the rules an< regulations of the code. There was i marked difference in the Crowd on th streets that night after the store closed. By 11 o’clock the streets wen pretty well cleared of people. Peopl who failed to remember the closing I time, were inconvenienced and perhap failed to finish their shopping, bu they will soon adjust themselves ft the change. : j Hie two hardest problems to handle in Sanford at this time are the wid owors who have become fresh an< young in their old age and the code The widowers have done much to pu new life in the town and are about ai anxious to again become benedicts ant the widows are to change their name Register of Deed* John McIntosh, liki the rest of us, had lean business dur ing the past few months, but unlesi all signs fail business in his, line wil pick up during the next few montht unless the willing;' parties hasten tt South Garolina to unite their destinies by taking the marriage vows. Mr. Will M Kernan has been mad< a guard at the highway stockade jus! bast of Sanford. There are now non than 100 white convicts- at the stock ade. It was stated' in The Bxpres: last week that a large batch of wliTb prisoners were recently brought ui from the penitentiary-in Raleigh. Tht stockade is crowded with the strips! prisoners of long terms. Thene nil many intelligent? looking young imer in the lot, amt we ear© informed that ! Some‘of-them aro front-good families 'This is not the first time that Mr McKeman has guarded convicts. H« guarded them while they were con structing railroads years ago in difr ferent sections of the State, n. of NRA AVENT AND THOMAS TO HAVE STOKE IN SANFORD Avent and Thomas, a leading dry goods firm of Jonesboro, has leased one at the new store rooms of Mr. J. H. Monger cm Steele Street, and will open la store there at an early date. The builning is about completed and they will be ready to move in in a few days. They plan to have every thing ready for the opening about the last of this month. Messrs. Avent and Thomas will continue in business in Jonesboro. I WORK STARTED ON | NEW WAREHOUSE New Building To Occupy Same Property As Old—Work f To Start At Once. • . The Express is' pleased to state that a tobacco warehouse to take the place' of the one recently destroyed by fire | id assured. At last report practically all the necessary stock for the ware house had been subscribed. The W l kin Corporation, who owns the lot,' has subscribed it as stock in the com- { pany. Before this paper goes to its readers next week a force of work-. men wiU no doubt be pushing work on the’building. .The promoters expect! | to have it reedy for the. opening of the tobacco market on September 19. ,T1ie contract will fisiet in a day or two. ' The walla of thel building will be of sheet ironJ The builiing will hie 250 feet long, 50 feet longer than the'MB' building and 801 instead of 100 fftet 27 New Names Added ’ To NRA Honor Roll Following are the names of mem t bers added to the NRA Honor Roil : paper: I Johnson & Moses, Watson Barber , ! Shop, Gaddy Barber Shop, F. J. Smith i Shop, Gavin & Jackson, Porter’s Bar j Barber Shop, L. A. Mclver Barber, | ber Shop, Cole Printing Co., Matthews Barber Shop, Dowdy & Butler, York Insurance Agency, C. D. WoodeH* Com mercial Lunch, The Spot Store, Sajv ford Real Estate Loan & Insurance Co., Sanford Building & Loan Associa , tion, Paul Britt, Standard Oil Co., . Paul Britt, Standard1 Oil Co No. 2, , Sarford Upholster Co., Lee Motor Co., Auat’n McCormick, Smith Feed Store, Sanfopd Business College, W. E. Lasa [ ter, Broadway; Everette, Zane & . Muse, J. T. Davenport & Sons, H. ... Clay Morris. construct a?i alleyway on the lower since the last publication of this Tobacconists Leave 1 The following people who engage in ! some capacity in tobacco marketing ! business, left this week for the border ’ markets where they will engage in 1 handling tobacco for the next few : weeks: Sam Widdifield, Jr., to auc 1 tion tobacco for the Big Five Ware I house at Fairmont; J. F. Jones, to I Dillon, S. C., as bookkeeper for a ! warehouse; Knox Hughes, to Conway, • S. C., to represent the Imperial To I bacco Company on that market; Frank . Joyce, to Parkton, to represent Lig , gett-Myers, on that market; J. C. ; Yarborough to Fairmont as an indie - l pendent buyer; H. S. Hardy to Dillon, S, C., as an independent buyer. They will be on these markets for the next few weeks, and return to Sanford when the market opens here. | WANT ROAD MOVED The Isenhour Brick Company, of .Colon one of the largest brick manu faturing concerns in the state, com mence! operating under the code on Monday. The company has enlarged : its business by putting a third unit in operation. The company is'now pay ' ing 80 Cents an hour for forty hours per week. They are handling a large payroll and will help to restore nor mal conditions in this section. A few concerns like this would do much to pull the country out of the financial kinks. Dr. J. F. Foster, who is chairman of the membership committee for the Sanford Business Association, in mak ing a report to the meeting at the JCity Hall Monday night stated that there were 180 members enrolled COMMANDER ASKS COOPERATION OF LEGION POSTS ALL Congressman Lambeth Speaks On Legislation As Regards Veteran’s'Pensions POST PLEDGES SUPPORT A: large number of Legionnaires, their ■wive* and daughters and prom inent ex-service men from other parts of the. State, attended a comity-wide meeting at the armory on Moore street last Friday night. They were to have had the meeting in Mclver Park, but the threatening weather prevented. The Moose band and a negro quartet furnished music for the occasion. W. T. Dowd, the retiring command er of Lee Post No. 18, American Le gion, presided. After a most elaborate supper was served by the members of the legion Auxiliary, the program of the evening was put on- The speakers of the occaa on were Bryce Beard, State legion Commander, and Walter Lambeth, Congressman from this dis trict. Commander Beard issued a state ment calling upon every legion posl in North Carolina and edery individual of .the President’s program by active ly supporting the NBA. The loc£l post legionnaire to continue, their support went onflrecord pledging President Roosevelt-100 per cent cooperation in his recovery program.: , . The visitors were welcomed by Mayor Banks Wilkins and to - response Was by Shields Cameron, of Southern lines. Several messages were road by Postmaster Ralph Kennedy. The port went onjsecopd m its condemnation o Otmgiessman Lambeth, who is ' good speaker, made a fa- im pression r>n all who heard Km. Hi had a prepared speech and as the tiim , was too short for him to deliver it , he had to touch it in high places. H< explained some things connected witl leg'slation affecting veterans, especia ly in regard to pensions. I Oscar B. Porter succeeds Mr. Dow< | as commander of the local post. Young Minister Will Preach Here Sunday i In the absence of the pastor, Rev L. D. Hayman, Rev. Worth Cotton student in the School of Religion ir Duke University, and resident 1 oca preacher, of Sanford, will preach ii Steele Street Methodist Church Sun day morning, August 13th. 'It will b< remembered that Mr. Cotton filled th< pulpit of this church on a previoui occasion to the delight and spiritua profit of a large congregation. He if one of our own home town boys, am i is malting good in his college and theo logical career, having graduated from Duke, last June, and is now one of th< graduate students of the School o: Religion m his Alma Mater. Mr. Cot ton will preach in Steele Street Churcl at eleven o’clock Sunday morning, an< in the Osgood Church at three p. m ip the afternoon. In the absence o the pastor, Mr. Cotton will attend b | such other duties as may be desirei for the Church until Mr. Hayman’ I return to the city the latter part o: the week. WILKIE REUNION The annual meeting of the Wilkh reunion will be held at the Wilkie ol< homestead near the town of GoMstoi in Chatham county, on the 3rd Sunda] in August, meeting at 10 o’clock Everybody invited to come and brinj a well filled basket. The program wil include music and speaking. | Martin Willcox, John Dalrymple and C. H. Wicker, members of thi Board of County Commissioners, wen1 to Wrightsville Beach the first of th< week where they are now attending j the annual meeting of the State Con vention of County Commissioners j They expect to return in time for t call meeting of the board Friday They we're accompanied by Count; Auditor J. M. Clark. The Express is informed that ii some sections of the county tobacco 1: 1 damaged by disease. - Knot root anc rim firing have been discovered b; planters when they closely examinee ! the tobacco. They can. seadily see th< effects after the tobacco is cured. BRIGHT OUTLOOK FOR FINANCIAL y 'J% ...... SITUATION HERR Williams Explains Organization . . ■ To Mass Meeting (At City Hall Monday Night. $50,000 CAPITAL STOCK A mass meeting- of the citizens of | the town was held in the City Hall on ' last Mondhy night to discuss and make plans for the organization, of a bank | in Sanford. The meeting was held on* | der the auspices of the Sanford Busi ness Association, President T. 3, Cross presiding, ang Myron Under , wood acting as secretary. The object of the meeting was explained! by W. R. Williams, chairman! of the bank committee, which has been working for the past few weeks to got a bank, organized and in operation is Sanford. Mr. Williams bad been informed by - Gurney P. Hood, State Bank Commis sioner, that the way was clear for the citizens of Sanford to go ahead and organize a local bank without waiting for the • Guaranty Trust Company to - * & complete its organization-and).set up banks in the various - towns where , banks had been operated byi the three big banking concerns—the North Caro Una Bank and Trust Company, of Greensboro; the Independence Trust Company, of Charlotte, and the Page .. Trust Company, of Aberdeen- , Mr. Williams went to Washington where he made a study of national banking and gaine^ much' inforpiaton about how to set up and operate a national bank. He went into detail and explain ed both State and national, banking: haystema. It semed. that'those who heard Mr. Williams’. ■ explanation of j thettwo systems, favored organizing a national bank in fSanford if we are judge i>y the way they voted. The vote bn the proposition to set hg'A , national or federal hank seemed to be " unanimous. There seems to be tohre . safeguards thrown around the national ^.than,.the State baniq^js-systeim W.ueii ig and tlie f I zation of a bank seemed good. Ail seemed to be thoroughly convinced ’ that the town could never go forward ’ without the organization of a bank. II Many questions were put to Mr. Williams about the plan of organiza tion and all were answered promptly and intelligently. He stated that it would be necessary to raise stock to the amount of $50,000 before the pro posed bank can be organized and put in operation. He stated that the Re construction Finance Corporation had given assurance of a subscription of fifty per cent in preferred stock of a bank here, with a capital of not less than $50,000. O. P. Makepeace, who was called on to discuss the matter, first discussed the question of a tobacco warehouse. 11 He saw the necessity of a warehouse ': as well as a bank. He predicted that j if the two were bu It we would see ! better days in Sanford. 1 It w^as decided to appoint a com mittee whose business will be to sign I the application for a bank and go to L Washington and file it. After this is • (done a representative of the Federal ( Government will be sent to Sanford 1 in a few days to set up the bank and see that it is started off according to national banking rules and regulations, i ( The question of continuing the present l committee to handle the matter was ■ discussed, but it was decided to ap * point a new committee for the work ► of soliciting stock for the bank. The l following committee was appointed: s D. C. Lawrence, Chairman; W. R. : | Williams, E. M. Underwood, J. C. Muse, H. A. Palmer, W R Hartnese, j T. S. Cross, Mayor Banks Wilkijns, Durant Holler, John W. Gilliam, A. M. Hubbard, Eh*. J. F. Foster, Eh*. F. > W. McCracken, W. L. Simmons, E. C. [ Heins, Jr., R. Ex. Burns, Lx. C. Isenhour, | E. L. Gavin, [O. P. Makepeace^ W. W Ro bards. rms committee met Tuesday after noon and discussed plans for making the canvass and solicit:ng the stock for the bank. Prom time to time they propose te add others to this commit , tee here and there over the county. It is proposed that this shall be a county as well as a town bank. The work of soliciting stock will be push ed and it i> hoped that everything will be in shape to organize the bank be fore the cotton and1 tobacco markets open this fall. Head the advertisement that The Express is carrying for tliis commit-, tee this week and you will gain some idea as to how a national bank is or i ganized and operated. Vi . Mrs. J. W. Gilliam spent a few days • with her sister. Airs. L D Loyd, in Tar : boro, last week. Mrs. Loyd Hill, of Hamlet, visited Mrs. i I> Hill 'last week, ■, ,,