Ur?i. M. Artwtt. a«gh*r, JUleigh. wh»JUiv» been vl*!t UgfcSafives fa Satfosd fs« the :?•«* week, left Friday morning or WaA inftorv ft. C, te ^peod a week in A* Nation’! capital. Mr. and Mr*. J K Mason. «< P"* ham, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J R Ingram. ” . Mrs. Jane Gunter, Mis* Rath Gun ter, and Jane Gunter left Saturday far a visit to Mrs. Eugene Gunter, of Richmond- * ‘ Mrs. E A Griff n and chSdren and Mrs. Kate Glenn spent Friday in Greensboro. ' Misses Helen Howard and Edith Makepeace spent last week with friends at Bayview. Mrs. Rosser Brian has returned to \ Hertford after a visit to Mr. and Mis. A E Brinn. ' Mr. and Mrs. R T Howardare visit ing relatives in Conneticutt. Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Newton and J family, of Lexington, came Saturday to visit Mr. and Mrs. E C Hems, Jr. C. E. Teague and Claude, Jr., spent J Sunday here with relatives J Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blue, who j were recently married . in Durham, have returned to Sanford. Mrs. J. S. Burch has returned to her home in Durham after a visit with Mr. R. E. Carrington and family. She was accompanied by Mrs. J. S Burch, Jr., and little daughter, Margret, and Mrs. Tom Wall. - Messrs. Roscoe Carrington, and Ar chie Palmer spent the week end at Whiteville with their waves, who at the bedside of their brother, who is ill n a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Summers and two children, Frances and Nancy, and Mr. Jarbo and family, of Maryland, have returned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McIntosh and Mrs. G G Petty and family. Mr. and Mrs. Summers visited Mr. Smxuners’ peo ple in Statesville while here. At the regular monthly meeting of the officers of the Presbyterian church Monday evening the ladies of Circle No. 3 with Mrs. Lee S. Jones, as chair man, served a delicious supper at 6:30 o'clock. Some timd was then taken up in the regular work "of the church. Last month a similar meeting waa held and aH circles of the Auxiliary assisted with the supper. Mias Johpsie Jones has as her guest this wade. Mias Carolyn Mc Adams, at Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Jones, Mr. and lbs. Bob Haitness spent two days this week in Wilm ngtoa with Mr. and »m.i, G WSJtemEv „ . ^ Dr. G. i. Adams the pust twi weeks In Goldsboro with his daughter. IJf. sod Mis. Jim Gillon, of Greens boro, visited Mr. R. E. Carrisgton and family last week. Mrs. E. B. Respa »s and Hn. C C Cavineas. of Atlanta, Ga., are waiting Mrs. Bertha Clark. . Mr. and Mrs. John Clark have, re turned from Chicago, where they at tended the Century of Progress; they also visited their son, Weston Clark, while in Chicago. Misses Frances Steadman and Lucy Cooper O’Brien have as their guests Misses Virginia Long and Graham -Hinson, of Rockingham: Mrs. N. A. Underwood is attending Jthe Century of Progress in Chicago. Misses Jane and Martha Isefihoui have as their guests Kisses Frances Malone sod Penelope Weatherly, of Mebane. Mrs. J. jF. Rivers is visiting her son, C. W. Tell, in Boone. Mr. James Busch, Jr., of Washing ton, D. CL came.last Thursday to be m his wife and little daughter. Mar garet, who are spending some tine* .here. | Aba. James Burch, Sr, of ©urram, spent last! week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Mrs. JJ JP. King has returned to Rockingham after a-visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lee Gilchrist and son, .Herman King. i • .Mrs. Molise Badgett and daughter, •Mias Jessie Campbell, and. Hr. Harry lifcFall, of Knoxville. Term., are visit ing Mrs. Ada Fitts, Messrs. Paul and Qtex Kelly, brothers and sisters of Mbs-lBadgett. Misses Lucile-anB Cornells CbeA •re visiting Mrs. Newby Dark in Siler ■. Mr. and Hra Jade Anderson and little daughter, Patricia, of Greens boro, who have been at Kayview for the pest week, are visiting Or. M. I. Matthews and family. • Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Martin, of Winston-Salem, were Iwiij guests •f Dr. M. L. Matthaws and Mrs. Sex XaUy. - Mrs. Carrie Harper and grandson; Norwood Mickle, of Fayetteville, arc visiting Mrs. W. C. Donnell. . Miss Alma Stewart had as her guest last week. Miss Katie Armfield, oi ■.■/Monroe, ■v: Mrs. D, C. Lawrence and daughter, Mra. Boh Benson, and little, daughter, ' Thornton, are visiting relatives Macon- Mr. Benson and, Lewis Law accompanied them'and returned. Mrs. H. A. Palmer ba ■ returned Msrgarettsville, Sphere she Spent * time with a sick relative. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kelly, Mr. and m. Paul Kelly have returned from Knoxvile, Tenn, where they visited Mrs. Mollie Badgett. Mrs. Ada Fitts visited her slater, I WOMEN’S REALM ! '—WEDDINGS' -LOCAtMHATPENI»er“ - == «1 -pipriM —personals i [-CLOD MEETINGS . —soc&ffi FUHCVtOM* m fcsls ' .- , Mrs. Morgan Honored. With Mrs. Estace LaVoy Morgan, popular recent bride as their honoree, Mesdames H. C. Robert* and J. R Lynch gave a beautiful party Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Roberta in Mclver Paris. Masses of beautiful mid-summer Rowers with glowing pink tapers and softly shaded lights combined to create a most beautiful effect. A musical pro gram was given* the number of which were: a piano solo by Mrs. M. J. Mc Phail; a vocal solo, ‘JUnt's Old Sweet Song," by Mrs. A. L. O’Briant accom panied by Mrs. E. W. Hunter; a vocal io.o, “All for You;” by Mrs. W. H. White, accompanied by Mrs. M. J. ifcPhail; a duet, “Sweetest Story Sver Told,” by Mrs. H. F. Makepeace nd Mrs. Bessie Buchanan, aceompani d by Mrs. E. W. Hunter; a vocal solo* Cupid’s Fishing," by Mr*. T. J. Irooks, accompanied by Miss Ruth ’hllips; and a duet, “Because You ire You,” by Mrs. W. H. White and liss Maude Cotton, accompanied by [is. M. J. McPhail. An interesting contest “A Musical lamance.” was ifcen staged and the prize was wun oy nn u u. r1Mlra1 Jr. The hostesses served delicious block cream and cake. The real climax of the evening came when an immense basket was brought in and presented to Mra Morgan. This proved to be filled with beautiful miscellaneous gifts from her friends for which the bride most gracefully expressed her appreciation. Guests included Mesdames Estace LaVoy Morgan, T. L. Riddle, B. C. and L. C. Wallace and K. L. Tow, of Carthage;. Wilbur Mclver, B. B. ham mer. W. E. Horner, A. L. O’Briant, Ralph Groce, Victor King, W. H. White. W. C. Moff tt, BiU Ramsey, Wade Jones, Harry Frazier, Lynn Mc lver, Jr, E. W. Hunter, M. J. Mc Fhail, H. F. Makepeace, Bessie Buch anan, T. J. Brooks, Ernest Kelly, Fred Byer.y, of Dunn, W. L. Jewell, C. G. Hatch, T. S. Cross, B. Frank Hamil ton, R. O. Humphrey, C. C. Hatch, Jr„ and Misses Reid Riddle, Lena Mae Fhhner, Frances Wilkins. Betsy Hart ness, Roth Phillips, Anne Rogers, Mary Frances Underwood, Floy Riv era, Katherine Smith, Maude and Both Cotton, Mildred Croesi Martha Web ster, Margaret Clark, Geneva Way, Agues Byrd, Catherine Monroe, Helen Rosser, Marjorie Johnson, and Mias Lee, of Smithfield. A charming compLment was paid two popular recent brides Mesdames B. Frank Hamilton and Eafau* LaVoy Morgan, when Mias Frances Wilkins entertained Thursday morning at hex home on Carthage street. 1 Five tables were arranged for .pro gressive hearts in n setting sf color ful garden flowers. High scon prise, handkerchiefs, was won by Mra. C, C. Hatch, Jr. To Mn. Hamilton was given a luncheon set and to Mrs. Mor gan a bon bon dish. The hostess ser* ed a delicious salad course with iced Guests were Mesdames S-. Frani lamilton, Estace Morgan,!^ P.Wil rais, Jr, C. H. Crabtree, Lynn Me rer, Jr, R. O. Hufiphrey, Wad< tones, Garland Ciirrin, & G. Hatch, |r. Muses Lois Monroe,, Catherini Monroe, Am* Rogers, • Grace Stoat Mildred Cross, Grace Crabtree, Katfa n*ine Judd, Betsy Hartness, Lena u*1 fainter, Charlotte Chaffin, Mary JVar »e Underwood, Jean Mclver, Floj Rivers, Marion Nall, arrl Kathar.ru Palmer, oi Gu»f. . Methodist Cirrlelj Tp Meet. The circles of itbe Woman's Auxi tiaxy of Steele street CJmrehwill mee Circle 1 with Mrs. E. A. Griffin. Monday afternoon at 3:30 aa follows Circle 2 with Mrs. W. M. Leggett. Cade 3 with Mrs. H C Roberts CSide 4 with Mrs. M. G. Yarborough. Swfanateg Party. Several of the members of Mia Mary Belle Buchanan’s of Steel street Sunday School enjoyed a swim min* party Tuesday afternoon a Paradise Vista. Leaving town about 1:30, they en joyed the drive out and spent the al ternoop swimming and boating. A de Udous picnic supper was then enjoyed Mifc. Wigan Eatertalas Club. A very lovely meeting of the Gal tea Club occurred Tuesday mornir with Mrs. H. M. Wagoner as hostess Masses of summer flowers, form a colorful background for the thr tables of contract which were in pit throughout the morning. Chib prir • sugar and cream, was weu by Mi D. C. Holler and guest prise, a piei of pottery, by Mrs. C. H. Crabtree. J noon the hostess served a delicioi srsd elaborate two Course luncheon, a d^ed by Mesdames L, K‘ fcenho, and James Bridges. • • Guests in addition to club were Mesdames Prank Clegg, Jami fridges, C. H. Crabtree, R, E. McCu loch, C. H. Porter, Bill Ramsey, at *■»<* Page, The chib will meet mi ®*th Mrs. L. G. Barefoot. Mnt. Cooper Honoring V > T jr,» 0 :tfeM« Miasm Virginia--Bsrii. oi Clinton, and Virginia Flyar. otf Tur key, Mis. D. H. Cooper entertained Tnmriay evening at her home on Weatherepecn Street Content* gimm, tad dancing form ed the evening*! diversion! and tits hostess served delicious Mock cream and cake. Those present were Kisses Virginia "Davis, Virginia Fryer, Leone See well, Gertrude Crabtree, Ines and Myrtle Riddle, Maude Browiv - Wilna Foust, and Lemuel, Cooper, Thmmie Glass, Bryapt Johnson, Robert Gavin, Bill Ray, W. R. Bethune, R. B. Wicker, and Jack Riven. Km. KcDmU Eatertnms Oak. Mrs- S. R. McDonald was cardial hostess to the Kerry Poem Rode Ctah Theaiay afternoon at her homo on Gordon street. Mid-summer flowers filled the Kv ing room where there wn three tab-, lea of rook in play. High score prise, a cake plate, was won by Mrs. J. R. Bowers and low score prise, a Bnen towel, by Mrs. El T. Ussery. ^ Following the games the hostess served delicious home made peach ice cream, cake, and punch. Special guests were Kesdames J. R. Bowers, Mazy Lashley, and W. H. Reins. The club will be entertained next by Mrs. Jade Rddle. Alice Green Society To Meat. The Alice Green Missionary Society wiH meet Monday afternoon at 6 o’* dock in Mclver Park. The' regular meet ng will be be VI followed by a picnic supper. O, H. S. The regular meeting of Sanford Chapter 48 Order of the Eastern Star occurred Thursday evening o the chapter room in the Masonic Temple with Miss Daisy Bland, Worthy Mat ron, presiding. \ Routine business was transacted and an excellent report was made by Mrs. F. R. Snipes, chairman of tire cheer committee, as to visits, flowers,1 and trays for the sick during the past month. Squares which had been made by members for the quilt" during the' past month were collected. —J Visiting Girls Honored. ! Honoring Miss Mary Elizabeth Arm bruster, of Raleigh, popular house guest of Miss Cornelia Atkina, Mize bezaice Hunt was hoftesz Thursday 'evening at two tables of bridge. Games ware moot interesting and high score prize, silk lingerie was won by Miss Alma Stewart. The host ess served delicious assorted sandwich eS and iced tea. - . Making up the tables were Hisses Mary Elizabeth Armbruster, Cornelia Atkins, Barbara Kelly, Julia Chaffin, Currie Golden, Mary Mercer Reeves, Alma Stewart, and the hostess. Honors House Gueet. Miss Alma Stewart complimented her attractive house guest. Miss Kate Annfje’d, of Monroe, when she enter tained Friday evening at two tables of bridge. Beautiful garden flowers formed an effective setting for the tables. Pro gressions were most spirited and at their conclusion attractive priiee were presented t* Miss Mary Meresr Reevees, high scorer, and to the honor ^ guest of the evening! The hostess serv td * rtrttrtamr' —w w«i» •m..r:-rr were Misses Kate PW**ftririadCSrefcT. Meet • :: The circles of the Woman’s Auz iiary of thd Preihytenan Church wi meet Monday afternoon at 3:8# I follows: 7 ' - Circle 3 with in. Mary Mclver. Circle 4 with Mia. C. H. Crabtree. Circle S with Mm. A. F. Womble. Circle 6 with Mrs. W. C. Donnell. Circle 7 with SB*. Chas. L. Scott 7:3M> Pfc Circle 1 with Mm. S. R. McDonald. Circle * with Mm. E. C. Heins, Jr. Hnj fi* Younger Set eery delightful party for members of the younger set was given Thors* day evening by Ralph Monger and Robert Howsrd at the home of Edwin Hubbard. Progressive conversation and games formal the anenhig's diversions and the hMa ouiwI ice cream and cake.. Those present were Misses Sally Stewart, Mildred Riddle, Roberta Wright, Mildred Gitfam, Helen Foust and Ralph Monger, Robert Howard, Hubbard, Dan Stout Harold Williamson, and Alton McLeod. _ i Notice. The Woman’s Missionary Union of the First Baptist church will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 in the fcd parlor, and Circle 1 will mrr.t Monday evening a. 7:30, also in (he ladies’ parlor. . . : • -i_: ! ' •+• ' /: .'/.S’. Watermelon Party. Misses Erfythe Turner and Kather ine Gunter went delightful hostesses, at a watermelon party Tuesday even ng at the hone of the former on Charlotte Avenue Many popular games were played on the lawn which was artistically ar ranged for the occasion. In the midst of the evening's fun delicious water melon was cot and served on the lawn. Guests were Tom Vestal, Frances Ray, Ann:e Lee Dorset!, Dorothy Ste wart, Margaret Johnsoft, Pauline Stout, and Made .Brannon, Robert Ful ton, L. P. Gunter, Jr., Paul Wicker, Cooper Bulkhead, Ellis Hight, Gra ham Atkins, Ju{c Mclver and Junior leosnadt ■ . -'sjn v V-'1 - PERSONAL Mrs. Er W. Griffin and two children, Wilson and Elliot who visited Mrs. Hamlet. ... Mr. and’Mrs. I?; A. Kendall, of ■ Johns, recent!/ v&itedMrs. Kendall's mother, Mrs W. S. Weathers poon at , this places Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mclvef and daughter, of Chapel Hill; Mrs. Lizzie Weatherspocm, of Greensboro; Mrs. Emma Hamlet, of Mt. Gilead, a'so visited Mrs. Weatherspoon. I Dr. and Mrs. A. Y. Russel and dau ghter, Mias Sebaf of Baltimore, spent ! a few days with relatives and friends in Roxboro and Hanford, retaining to their heme n that city this week. ! Mrs. Fred ByeHy, of Dunn, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. I Makepeace, last week. Mrs. J. W. G'Uiam Jtas returned from Hobgood, Where die .visited hei sister, Mrs. Hedgepeth. There’s <••• S. • Always a Reason There’s a reason why people cant drags and oar prescription servic month and year after year. : to use our month after They know that once their prescription has been given oar pharmacist their worries am over. It uieir worries am over, n vnu be fwed with rigid accuracy, and by one whose pharmaceutical training is beyond question—And Jtmtt be compounded with the highegt class drugs, - . - ■ " The knowledge that your prescription .is befog handled under such conditions removes a lot of needless worry and much uncertainty??? NEW LOCATION ON— STEELE STREET SAN: t N. C. THISSpRE OPEN NIGHTS—6 to ll o’clock. :.:*ra. J. I* Sheritl, Mr. and *H Ralph Sberill and Joe Sherill, and Miaa El'iabeth Roach, who vUCUt Jt&jpj MSh Hk<>M Maltepgy. have returned to theirhome a4; Statesville. * di» £ S.yl&NfaK d*w dp«•> a^/eer stab wsl a I . day* at. Wrlgtitavlita Beach turned home. ; ■ »>' Elisabeth and Gtll'am spent las with Mrs. D. J. Gooch. Mr. P. E. Mclvjr, in Oxford #= m -i. p. C., t« vUltine hi» wiit and mothor, Mi*. Koto Mclmr. ■ v„ • Mm. M. U Bepton and Uttla aqa, M. JU, Jr., of Port Branr. am visiting km, J. C. Addn'iibU. Mr. Becton spont th« wook end -wMi iBl1 ,v:\ M|A> i % 4*;>- •$} *J v "'f ** " ".. "iji.-p-' Vl. -• ' - " *'1 ' -:• - " • ' . ’• ■ _* ,_ ' " '_■ 5 ‘i v' t® -■ " ,, v ■■**:'.'SMi 4*5;,' - '• -•■#» *fc ; c*• ’• ■,Aw( s; '* 'c > sr v ‘ .. V ?.uu‘;'W ' - , ,,; - ' ,. - ,:• MK* if ever inhere was a time When your POCKETBOOK NEEDED A FRIEND IT IS NOW: BUY IT’S FULL MONEY’S WORTH IT IS NOW: HIGHER WAGES g||i ADVANCING COSTS PROCESSING TAXES % NEW PROFIT TAXES :v£,‘- * /> v ...... i THEY ARE GOING UP* » jirt'. ■' «' . I..y ! } p •; ,: FOR THE GOOD OF EVERYONE, i. iL'(> W.A } * f JBut someone must keep a rational rise frpnrgetting out of control and RA3J>ING YOU. BELK’S will protect you, ioftHe limit of its practical efficiency. • The word ' Low," in the re&agfe old j^iaao “Rdks LOW,y/ASH PRICES, mans LOW—and will continu tie to during uncertain times. • Sanjohd-N-O <h /hi st st oisT/tiSi/rofsoFicnni w&ttus. V. liW/ ifif : «' —OPEN— SATURDAYS , ■*■ jnm ~<» v_' * itfj'af-. :;s '• • - • j & &KPTHi COSTS tESi TO OEEgA kor :»BIB &**!#: w» * 'll]. SBfc liBririte gHced Af »4, P« tor Angmt Onfo fl/Hiti ..V $1. Old Iron 95c Down—75c Per Monti} ■ t T e •m. YOUR FAVORnt ELECTRICAL* DEALER .. Ia also offering in electric iron of atandard quality end comparable feetorea et en attractive price and on convenlentienne. Boy. before pricea go npt / Call Our Salesroom t'-fr* Jr

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