Tl. Iw-LMgllU. Lieutenant Woodrow Bt>S ftXHffiliISfeW. N. Tull tick, Jr, left the flrit of Meiweek. for Fpjfoi n^.u^n OtVtlltttthej411 be on^^^edutjr jJFiat„LieuteDant w, y, fjhfifTin. 8t0“t#1i 1“it| of jaundice aifi^coJ^ieBtioil, ief. Wednesday for Charlotte to recefvd' treatment under jspeciaH'fcd there. Perhaps the largest tarantula ever aeon in Sanford was i cauglxJiMt. bunch of bananans house, of Messers. b' business. Wednesday August up day at White Hill cemetery. Everybod/Stefe^ m this cemetery and is interested in keeping it in good shape, i*. urged to come and assist in cleaning ib«eff «w send some one to help. Gome early. - Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Oliver and little daughter, Vivian Buth, left first of the week for New York, \ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver, will select; stock of goods for their store, plan to visit the World’s Fail Chicago before returning They expect to return about the mid. die of next week, I The Food Distributors, of North Carolina, ha\ the nrincipal to do uBD®Rnd and ir and, sale jfroc'ers. med a corporatiftvj to* oration. Mr. R. E. Be place, is one of the incorporators. New sweet potatoes are now on the SanfofaraffififEer'-’TBeFare'Mfr?5r the first. The seasonable weather for ; produce a big crop. Some of the ?faiTOe^8fhyhecb.u^y_>sirfirpoJi They bring better prices in the" , The Express is informed! that/ Btephens,:of {Broadway, has, {S»lap«^iitcoyft ia.EMcSasy/# 'Quarter*, onthe .Cajie . fear River/ near the sAVent!« Ferry-bridge a^d. jt isbeiiev.* ‘-lad: by some who have seen it.(ilmk' sthe 60 . acres will- make as. high as 55M>OObpshels. j it is about the finest, rrieom that has been on, the lowlands ..iosf the Cape Fear in years. ; ..., “.V Mr. Evander Cole, who was for 20 . ig.lnril-chielof.JoiicojoX Jacksonville, ' but whoTias retired and is now con pec ted witha Federal reserve 1>sh&<ihi 1 ithat city, rtee&^1eSrinS'3$Afea/-.lfiB • people in this county. Mr. CoUfttv}te.v •was bplmJ'snid[*WEBfe»eiffdtlBw,BdiplMt j : 'l^?dg«%rjrent to'HffTt>«dwv:«pt* ; i years agO'Wnere he has since made Mi l *l“home, coming, in 2rliriNHU$SW9ta£l: gtQ-jririt^he place o^OhiiSWStJCt [ *Mr Cavfnessr-of--tilllngton,..wha is sales-tax collector fWMK4fS9&iT!f Hirv unties, has 8«<»9J»83l6iford -Mar’ towns -in~the -county..for If 'Week tS¥«WM*;b<HUhfeaon>1the ants and re'^ft>ject-to~this-tax, making S collections. ,By his courfiWg^, ralg^’Slr.f Oaviness uSacUtE’aljgOftd. T> STSg tfessfcW'upoh-these whom-he.called'. ^ndrmdoubt Frank G.Hawkinsand family. t>f -the- week-fot_Sau±h} ,tPs,8-“''v*lere- they...will spend...two.. ^W^mong their -kith- and.kin. The. - ^>%®i.he ftrstUaptist-Church. .will be bdcdpied next Sunday morning rtndc e"bjTDrrW. H. McGee, pastor st-church ef-Burlingt&luv; itrVnil'be a union service^ - Mt. -lfawfcc j Ss ~exp'ectf iRrTeturn in time to fill app'biiitiftent at the Eirst Baptist church the last Sunday in Augitt. ^'^j^^iifeS-e^mpiled last• week by tbe„ State School ComrKlO&ldftpt'shpw -that, 1933 - public -school, law, * ^tic^ritfihber of sehool—districts con-., the -100- county systems!, reduced from- 2,-26-to 867 f'kl'fld ibit the number of chartec di«t* e operating separately- has been, fronfWlo-1^ bee dJotfttjE! , number-of districts that - ^''ftSr&'Wforethe-newlaw wtartninhoi^ ,^8-®j%^'%fi£I?pas4filf(HP 4V£Wtng#vithei ^SJkB&rS^paseenger-trains have been ~~gBBltlHg late. It is said this U due to ^^Jt^^ar^'Vfimber of-paaaengersthe -trains are4Wt0iMrffli»gtf°->Tki#trekl minds us of a few yertflPhgo ertrtirtnb ';ibdr&!'tfes hardly staddiUge boom! iue the trains. This ^"bWfb'me lined with automobiles. The cheap rates the railroads haye pul on-i r to the-traveling- public. A 1 £*iilrbad 'tldkW- fMtai-J'San«enl> eta/ Raleigh costs less than the gas neces - •’lar^'to -drive - #‘W-«o RrtUighand' luk. sooivaiq io ObO,Organisation.of-—the.Guaranty' '’GbSs^any Bank, utilizirtg assets df 4b© - North Carolina Bank and Trust Co. ‘’jtw&ti supplied by the -Reconstruction Finance Corporation,; hsfe.been-' com-, bpldted, and the-- new -institution’s ’ Mderal branches are efpscted td'Opleh^ -within the next few days, It is to bbewo flirted1 di .rtMIOTfal'bank. It is i>4*pwsth3 thatithSe! Independence Trust Company, of OhttrYettso; «*»«&& Page* ii'|-^st'(Bokikiiy,l!t'Wiia'l6^drtiddhlBml •ted with the neV'ba^W-'^waskfOJr son# time tho^HSatf ■would bcorgahlied here atid 'become ! '4' branch' ;6hhkv-4rtbd,iGdilA<hty'W;',1 ^ith1 ^ this systeih^' but Will ■ Wf-'a*1' ihtWpeti$-* e«nt biw i£b »ru fia>l .isnoiaalntmoO sonsrmtnl ,Y3H0H| h ivy-l-ij; .« KOorf moot \iooiiJaO rto .mjyiay aimk’iKt thn the* paper < is this. week celeb ing itt '47th anniversary. Since j organization it has maintained If the uplift! the community in every phase of 1 h. L. St. Clair, are credited with u J$f|fVeekly nd papers in the state, and it has a • MW^Pforth Caro| but in many1 other states.; * ijStffcespondent, has been connected with the I hasp for more than fifteen years ways bean accorded the highest c tesies and it has been a have'the honor of making a contribution to a paper of such standing such a wide pleasure! alatid ' ITS held Friday, August 11th ait iFinek ( Farm the hospitable country homj W. I. Brooks, ilace annually, on the birth day of j ig 7! years of ag Indred members J6friei?ds were present Friday at the annual meeting wfl was said to be the most educatii ind enjoyable meeting held by th 0Be',”nTeffi1ffer;'Taiar^aHaie~Br^ Eiyde,' had passed away since mfraHTTW' rvf • lnwrf~ J. A. Overton of Sanford, chairtpSjn is- president, welcomed the group in s very cbrdlal manner, to ■which Rev. C. y. Brooks; of aLke Waccajpaw, re sponded. Prayer was offered by. Rev. frankjBare. pastor of the Jonesboro Baptisi church. Miss Helen Prevette sf Bailey had charge of the music fbr the morning Session which con sisted of a number of vocal selections by the entire clan/ ' ‘ '■ ’The principal address was made by Rev. Frank Hawley, pastor of'the First Presbyterian church of Port imith, Va., Rev. McKey McGee, Pastor/ of'the'first-■ Baptist-ehnreh )f Burlington also made an address. Dy>jjttv QBropro of Greensboro1, ;l>oirtpan of the educational com -J—i-J - business session; nittoo conducted a business “ Following thd1 morning > a uimntiloim dinner warn mrg. _ session a sumptuous dinner was served on the beautiful'shady lSWn,l- consisting of barbecue, cold slaW;: -dfiHed - chicken, baked ham; pickles,--'Sandwiches, rake, pie and.iced tea fetc. The table was centerea-witH a large-White' birth Jay cake honoring the host whose birthdayit waji. * - - Wfr. Brooks re. 3^y ed ^ma^V ' hSngrataljiti-. ons onSbhfs '’BcScksibfi'-sCihOiig'tlidih typig brie in poetry B'dritributed by the Leslie family of Florida, as folr fcws;7,n-fi- ***’> 9-"s>*-3 iaa-Jl to suin’/ ! of . it, b'^Mi^Grid ylrinboM ,nmo« 'iwd «r5i-8br » HwmttfnJrWrt^dw jn,j}»*)^eiij beautiful music was £upnisjjei0;.by! Prof. Fisher of Roseboro, Miss MabelJ dtarbomragh,-ef. Jonesboro... and Mi^if HefcatjjBIWHwf** dMMspisww—majH m placeetJCfi^rthan X<ee Co&fiS$£i&lBi Miss !Sprinp$i|pi^iU_ ———J Broe^^pift: .^Aridj’hw Brjragf of tjreengboro, Mr and Mrs. Rufys-Beanian and Marsh Beaman-, St^itonbifrg:; C.: V. .Brooks, IS‘accariraW'-, lSer. It M.rHfwlej m Lai iPoL KMRKGs^gwttagtoiLBM *nd:M?e, ClSlFousled, >%dvS»Wh^, anf|$jp»i -SMhSr£ Btfaij'j ^||^K' C;,S SwSpJRer and jdrildreij^iWP*-14** Ida^Brooks iteljum, Wjjiington, and|Mrs. 0.L;BrO0lM"*nd jiSuuJhteik Pi*® Bosebprb./^Bindks Privett, | BatM^MriK^WdH^ Privett, Miss Helen Privette Bailey, IfcsHNswnie 1 Harvley Wigg^MuUpatfc,|*o«ta Mt. Dt, C.1 M. Gtlmo'bft.-’GreeSsbciai SSBlSiS^lPlllSI pHitidmg through West Main street is ; received its first coating of ©11 Tubs-1 ‘ day to. :tha ? those ^vlng [along Btfehigh^py* %vj| a|j inform? lid thafjPei l|orj^'oiiij^3l^<^1wi|l'-l>is' wamtiom Mr. »lKi^Jflrent, s^hson. Bobbie- of Bennettsvill^ S. C.J.J'dama. Jomfijsborp MondS^ 'Sp briiM'-ljIfc' pdiyent’a mother, Mrs. Mattief Avdht, *%ho wilt spend the week at the'home of Miss ’Maine' Gibbons, -Shealso accompanied by her nurse, Mra. Lowe, of Benaettsville. . 5traJr!Aven^:;fiif\ a former resident of Jonesboro, and much feloyed by « wida circle of JfHends,, 87th year, Mrs. Avent enjoys life and it is w •r a fliASPr^iiooa Recent Visitors. Dr. Jo»3^T<A«»¥^adift iuots during pastjjeek were Jrs. & C. Sowers, Miss Norine Sow |s, MSss Virginia Gathell. of Lexing ®n, Mis^ Jennie Jenningfe,-Sf>Utii.&os ssitOr,Villi’G. L. LasfitefjGftahdo, falter Tyl^^Pg^i^by, hd Miss,,Alice Lassiter, of Retford. Ol.H^s- 6ixgvJ> NiewdCnaidence Bei has Wo|k has* begun on a ifew hictaasOW.l&Xerected Mi$r£j© R nighl, t\vo miles ,fs©m town. The e,j]which will bd'a -modern two rick structure, will be erected .sn'niT*. b j bf fix] frl'i'/l ifflfi j Jilt /> ) i : , EARtV>UpPtfi TOP j - sub -r.bnob.vAT bofiaftib «« “ COW HORN, RUT. '*/• lo -tfiuoma IsioT ! ’ -- SOUTHERN iTUIH/.U .TATOT 'lilt m • sii!!?ul[ PURPLE '•■> KJ*s:-tW TO 1 a;U ,1() .3o,;i.,'i ?'■••••!<(. lo J>. tt: lOiiOI-.o;! [ 1' • A ; i--,:-;-: .oX fr.jnT S! - o SHOOOIN TUR f o o,o. |, ■ .0: , , , • WHOWHITE NO MIXED ' " ’ MUSTARD-SEED. || :;;:,;:; o,:ALLigBULK ?mS: *■v'-^; on the original rite of the home whkfl was destroyed W Pn about two ant is an Ideal location for a home. m toh ea(CaroHwe-!9»a4**>r1«lt<T“?ffli>y mm ta*y<oe-tfcri*.ib«#t' WjW OOIW»nf«<l;:byfiW,itP>tabeth, Ajnefit who wil spend a week or mere aatb.rir guest in Cape Girardeau. Miss Lmjra Catherine Williamson also accompani ed them as far as Washington City, where she will visit her uncle, R. R. WMl<u'Wfll8' fhide Jmhdy who.f! wiH !9fJcTf<jnr» ■ ..v-jpTua CWgeen nas Home riming ,,On 'Sunday, August Mfth, thficon gregatton of the Memphis Methodist church near %4*b£* Ferry celebrated the annual home coming day in{jjh all day meeting attended by a large ttowd covinrieifi t TX&j&Mre&Zi:0elci>me wbO $iven by; thj>pastor,^J%d E. Blalock, who also jffnached j» ^Scellent sermon on grt^i,.l!jao^!^^Pigion In -.pfa: .Life of Today.’l^lwnmsic for the morning service w#ai(iime#d by Mm, W. M. Kelly, a well knowto musician, of San The dinner served on tables tinder trees v^rtin keqiiin^^ith Mem ••fn^ffimaftenioon.Rev. 'A. J .Groves, aljSSanfprd, aifojiiiper pastor of the :hurch, made a reminiscent address in which he paid special tribute to late Ieaao.ilrUowwd^.^elovedcitizen, stew itil ltsdM in the church for many years. Hie Broadway male MgjPMMSii Tfnnf'diiH|(|gPjj )reagi<g|||d rendered Several sreciaj -npafbeU*wnich were greatly fnnHs W ° - Memphis one of the^plb MMMWb section,'''ii&tijji :or'y<iattag baclcto the civil war.: *! ’ a ‘ ~T tj > ■ «V-C. •to. jOatjhrsfe^Birthdsy. gH Spire- ijSjBivif^taron cele'brated..'her eightieth feirthdWftbist Sunday at her lomejjebr Morris Chapel, ; A large white birthday cake with lighted c*n dlSS' forfied'yt^^nterpiece for Qie lipper table which was laden with good things to eat. All : of Mrs. Caerorr’a.children were present to em ioy *he Occasion yrith her and they are an* as foUotvs t hfre. AB. Mctver. Mrs. Rachel Cox, Agnes Cameron and W. J, Cameron, of Jopesboro. ireridW^j^l Methodist Church Rev. J. C. Wooten, P. E. of the Fay etteville District, will preach here Sun \7 morning at 11 o’cIoclT,Tn^the Me h iat rftdroh, tend s : a«ai* .at,« Popl « !PJ-gaiaJfee afternoon.'at 3 o’clock. The third teiarterly. conference will be hildt following! !tbtr devotional service «kf»i• sw oyjt-.dd} ef •” Ftdefte Oak* ®*tfetj,fo*n; J . i&MMuA&cL i^tfwcfte'ideU^iitfiui^^1 tertainedfhe members of the Fidelia blsw of the Baptist church and addi tlenal gueets Tuesday afternoon M a *■%#' »t Vf heme '«CS§fe"£t., fw#^f,¥«*e!^ Miss Mabetgaun derj|.^:ie<*cher of AWelasrofSeifti dedyotibg ladies. i ;The geies&%Se seated in the flower garden at the rear of the home an j here a'mos^ en tertaining program was given* Those ‘ah&iff Part ,w?«e Rpth and Ra^el J Russell, Frances and Roy Sowers/ahd: Miss Helan Harkey. Following %e program a delicious picnic supper Was »<*»»* . . v/j Revival a* Morris Chap Revival servfcea will begin at Mor ris Chapel JJetbod&t cKurph We^nes <h»y evening:, August 23rd, conduced by the paster, Rev. J. E. Blalock; with services, eveqr night at 8 o’clock. J A Cokesbury class, under the ditec tin of Rev. O. T. Thrift, J#., will he con<Jneted'in Connection With th'ejneet *n£, Qkr l’tf1each evening, 1 v / , Rev. J;B.BlalOekand famity attend ed’the retinftaf of the Lmrtz clan ^ the home of Mrs. Lydia Lentz Ivey, at Norwood, last Thursday. Over one hundred friends and relatives were TSreimm.-TPtK WaifcrahTfSgTy^l^r Mr| Blalock’s mother. “i8»es Cornelia and Elizabeth Avent villfe Beach. They were accompan •rijr ' .1'*,V "5 -' V * w w v*vvv/*iip<stt Ted home Sunday night by. Miss Vi yiah Avent wB spent the.,week there ’ . : il'0 \ ' . -JONESBORO CHURCH * ^ DIRKfTOfcY tX '■Jhpeafoqp Preaf>3d*rian ChwA^ Rey, J. S. Cook. Pastor I R- A. Wateon, i '' ’Superintendent o/SundaySchool ; Stfe Mrs. Wayion Blue, Pre*'^®et Woman’s Auxiliary V. • ,yv;- Joiwsboro Baptist Oiurdh $ : . Rev.. Frank Hare. Pastor. v;ty T, Lanh&v;/^.-;: >■ Superintendent of Sunday School ! Mrs. E. B. Baulk, President of W. M. U. Thomas Adams -tm church, near i ___ ___ Jfdtgatilfritewt i ITrfed>iM6i-ga«,IWho died-; Monday,'»om«itf-;»tI her bane ih) PocJwt f towuahSpLafbep -jM .brhit iHrie^at Biwn TvsB. VhiU^ ut Varner -jeiafcoK ot> Vik . /Sahferdj\ a Christian church, officiated. Intermentj.-ajaai !ita SMHMk ■-rAL-■■ ;.i::-v:ii 'J .If > r if »;tr ! Idran, Mr* Erom« Lee Steven*, ot Gweiubpn); Undsay, Lprrpjne, Nel U|f,/vA4e^C(Wop,,,jUhert, ,Skllie, IWW^RlUph W<l ,K«mFveth .Morjpit h#*„motbw. fcwp, Fraij^ap T->(f? v Sru; ihj 3WJgT» n rORltP^r^eptep^ ... noA biuaovtth garage *n<*.Uj»h 'to rih&j&MHi Ittyzfza 31(1090 V'»E to 1?dmo3 jvgiiH ^ofcys«e^9aS^.^HCrt^»1 >/o(>Hj’-^ ^JT!ii;A*rT viud^’irfoO :^i^Prt8w,{WSSb»!S^«,j|^ ,lf-60»:.|aJ>'?^/ whs* |ip. cf%tsMfftc}fla on arsepata of lead; jar tops an<£i l^h&nyP-SW?, I^Wr Sbpjjjd, jrou; wed, tiny $$*(» things call; at my,^tore,o^ the.e<*jtgr .Of Wicker apd gndpr Sta-epts. ' ' Jr' :IRROOK&W|CKJEE, >yp yv b r i u ?. a ‘ »J m o 7/ P?P s'noo • Z’AkO VTli)I/; Li'Ui no '<:il t: a ,§:tji>ovo ViibJ ff n-y/vo mr/n^xf oriT .gob .'*«'•> wr,?, rroini/mmoj .jISO rfittrhiitE ?A > «?Hr i?r '•'->•/•) *>rr c-j '■ i*ntT o’Az'Y—^no? 'to >:H'rK 4l-M ifL Jiaiv ai tnoa J[ovhio3 IG ai alliM bvJM /d ,£ /it!.‘i'/I—fiC'.^^Ovl 57i/.^qho3 ’tnsr/nB H •oiJ; fc r.vvtw n: -•••/kivT r-t'tnoJ srfT > .Hovhio.^ V/ ats-iM vrf ,m-. ?! ct (a $fr£s£&2 ■“ O -.«KU't~ >;;;•!’ ,.n* a I .fi.-.T 7. .‘bldrffoW r/rr.H ,!»:> bn;; »!>. t,fT> !, CEMENT, g| rwr-i ,■<, - . 7 A .'AS|i£f|^^^0(^I^rar,BEAVE'R BOARD,; ;.; i csT - ROOFUJGAND-NAILS, LOCKS, HINGES, ! '•% 35 | & 4 $&g£- ^ • ' : ■ '• ' ••:•■.; • m i*-"1" •' -*■ - '> ••-:■ ■ ^ PAINTING BEFORE COLD WEATHER. ‘vX'? W&d ■ - • '. ’ ' ! ■' jrja . ; ’,**/ . ‘ , X" ' • -'-V • t. I«fin l iron may be completely worn out,,»nd£ worth a dime*.. .. just the luasiilgHhe month of August only, V'^bu $1.00 for it in a trhde for; *“ sf‘ Electric Iron in our, l is completely automatic, __ icator to any ironing tem- . ieybu djesire and forget the elec het$witcbiintil the process is completed.. fo danger of scorching and no worry rfi8i a haH^hot iroii—exactly the heat you' i C^want for as long a$ you want it. The last in ironing cofh4W 1 'T^d. Prices In ■ )' j > r? h|«-vT i e present low prices can't last. N creases will become effective soon. ! 1, ~ after August 31st. The prtce of the A$u If95 (33.95 with the H.0« off). Ho i non-automatic irons; however, a specii the sale., «> !;iri i v PLACE YOIIR ORDHt 95c !> ■- r. 'l : astsnjvo Ubeenjrfwn i trade-in allowance fro* ha* been r llowatirfi wiU be of $a.P5 wtM apptjr 1) fvif • ' " ANY EMPLOY I

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