• ;i WOMEN’S REALM —WEDDINGS -T. -CL' lM1] ES MEETINGS .■Jif f'fr. * -LOCAL HAPPENINGS " p —PERSONALS —SOCIAL. FUNCTIONS ******* SOCIAL CALENDAR • - - ■*£-< i. i Saturday, October 28th., 3'P.M.— The Sanford Music Club will be en tertained by Mrs. L. D. Hayraan. Tuesday, Oct. 31st., 3 P. M.—Mrs. L. D. Isenhour will be hostess to tie .Galatea Club. 8 P. M.—The Otherwise Club will meet with Mrs. Fred Page. * • f ■ 3 P, M.—Mnf. Roy Knight will en tertained the Mary Dozen Rook Club Wednesday, Nov. 1st., 3 P. M.— Mrs. W. M. Quick will be hostess to the Fortnightly Club. 3:80 P. M —The Pierian' Club will be entertained by Mrs. R. E. Bobbitt. Thursday, Nov. 2nd., 8 P. M.—Mrs. J, L Neal will entertain the Thursday1 Afternoon Club. ^ 8 P. M.—Mrs. J, f. Davenport, Jr., will be hostess to the Thursday Bridge Club, ; HiS. Jones Gives Two Beautiful Parties ■ ». -- Two very beautiful parties were given Friday by Mrs. W. £U Jones at her home in Mclver Park honoring her charming house guest and sister, Hrs. Chas, Whittington. Masses of colorful fall flowers filled the rooms and the tallies were suggestive of the fall season. - ; j. On Friday afternoon three tables of contract were in play. High score Rrize, a piece of pottery, was won by ,Hrs. J. F. Jones, and second high, a vase, by Mrs. J. B. Koonce. To her honor guest the hostess presented a box of powder. a* s . Three tables were again in play Triday evening. Hrs. J. R. Lynch won ' ladies’ prize, a box of powder, and R. W. Sutton, men’s prise, a tie. On this occasion the honor guest received silk hose. Elaborate salad courses were served at both parties:. Guests Friday afternoon were Mes dames Chas. Whittington, C. H. Crab tree, F. L. Knight, J. B. Kocnce, J. F. Jonhs, W. F. Wood, L. D. Isenhour, W. E. Ramsey, P. W. West, L. H. Gould, W. C. Moffitt, and Ernest ' Kelly; and on Friday evening the guest list was composed of Hrs. Chas. Whittington, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Por ter, Mr. and Hrs. R. W. Subton, Hr. . and Mrs. J. R. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kehnedy, Hr. and Mrs. R. '' H. Meeks, Miss Martha Webster and Glesm Buchanan. \ Juaior Contract Clab A delightful moating of the Junior Contract Club occurred Friday after* ' noon .with Miss Ailene Chambiee as . i hostess at the home ot Mrs. J. B. * O'Brien.. ^ Several interesting progressions were enjoyed, attar which the' host ess served chicken salad, stuffed ap ples, cheese bolls, sal tines, ice creein cake and coffee. Special guests were Misses Cora Scott and Allie Lee Graham. The chib will meet next with Miss Vir* ginia Moss Formy-Duval in Broad way. Mr. and Mr*. Clary Entertain Club | The Couple Club was cordially en tertained by Mr. and Mrs. S. L.’ Clary Thursday evening, there being' two tables of contract in play. Mrs. C. H. Porter won ladies’ prize, ^ .a bud vase, and C. H. Jones men’s ;; prize, a decld of cards. To Mr. and . Mrs. R. W. Sutton, who will leave aeon to make their home in Pinehurst, ; attractive gifts were presented. - In the late evening the hostess serv v ed ice cream, angel food cake, and . salted nuts. Presbyterian Auriliary. ’ The October meeting of the Wo • man’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian | i'Tmreh occurred Monday afternoon! -.at (he church. During the business session it was planned to have soma Auxiliary activity at the church each - . Monday afternoon. ■ ~~ - _. Devotional exercises were conducted l by Miss Mary Catherine Carter and ■ Mrs. N. A. Harrington, and several tothera gave readings on Korea. Circle it .was the banner circle for the month. Haleym Oub. '-'t-H_ .. " 'There were three tables' of contract in play at Tuesday’s meeting of the Halcyon Club with Mrs, I>,M. Gurley. High score prize, a deck of carta, was won by Mrs. W. R. Williams and , table prize, a Hallowe’en jack-olan tem, by Mrs. J, F. Foster. The hostess served a salad course 1 with coffee and individual pies top ped with whipped cream. Special, guests were Meedame* R, R. Mclver, talid J. C. Pittman. The club will be ^rtained next by Mrs. J. G. Formy uvaL Vanity Fair Bridge (Club. Beautiful Hallowe’en decorations! featured this week’s meeting of the1 ■ Vanity Fair Bridge Club at the Caro •lina with Miss Marjorie Johnson as hostess. | ,There were three tables ot contract lplay, with .Mrs. A, O. Uzzle as the, py visitor. High score prise, a flask ‘ perfume, was won by Mrs. Harold kepeace. ^ (he hostess served delicious refresh nts *f congealed aalad, pickle, al „.rs, sandwiches, potato chips, coffee and mints. The. club-will-meet next with Miss Allie Lee Graham. 'I - Mrs. Cnibreth Hostess to dub • With her customary gracious,hos pitality Mrs. C. Cl, Culbreth enter tained the members of the Tuesday Afternoon Chib and, several addition- j al guests this week at her hgme on Steele street. , d. -- Beautiful fail, flowers graced the rooms and all accessories were in a Hallowe’en motif. Following several 'interesting games of rook, high score club prize, hose, was won by Mrs. R. W. Sutton and guest prize, lingerie, by Mrs. Harvey Kennedy, i The hostess served delicious chick en salad, pickle, sal tines, coffee and j individual chocolate pies. The favors | were dainty Hallowe’en baskets of 'candy. Guests were Mesdamas Harvey Ken nedy, W. C. Moffitt, J. B. Koonce, J. D. Hill, and E. E. McCulloch. Saafard Literary Club A most interesting and delightful meeting of the Sanford Literary Club occurred Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R, E. Carrington. , Mrs. D. B. Teague gave an excel lent paper on "Early Cape Fear* Set tlers,” who were from the highlands of Scotland, speaking of their sturdy characteristics, and pf their great place in the history of our state. A delightful paper was then given by Mrs. L. P. Wilkins on the “life and Works of John Charles McNeill,” North Carolina’s great poet, who was a descendant of Scotch Highlanders. She also read very1 beautifully some of his poems. The hostess saved a delicious fruit i salad course with tea. Visitors Anere j Mr. A. V. Gibson, Miss Isabel Knight, I and Mrs. Braxton Starke, of Raleigh. The club will meet next with Mrs. D. B. Teague. , Yeung Vaeu’i Wesley Bible Class The home of Mrs. W. L. Seawell meeting °f lie Young Woman’s Wes ley Bible Class of Steele St. Sunday School on Tuesday evening, associate hostesses being Mesdames Fred Page, P. L. Johnson, J. D. Hill, anj J. D. Johnson. Devotional exercises were conduct ed by Mm. Hill, and the regular busi ness session followed. The class voted to pay. ISO on the new Sunday School room and to put on a drive for new members. Prayer was then offered by Dr. M. L. Matthews, teacher of tite - During the social hour games were ■enjoyed and-Mm. H. F. Makepeace gave two vocal selections. The host esses served peach shortcake and • i beginning •. trg> NEXT MONDAY A Special Factory Showing of tho Now AH-Enomol Majestic Range will ha hold in this stora mat weak. A man from tha fac tory wfll bain attendanceto show this now triumph in cooking ef ficiency , and explain ita many interacting detail*. We specially invite you to come find tee for yourself how completely the prob lem of efficient, convenient home cooking has been solved in Coal and Wood Ranges, It is easy to haves beautiful, cool and modern kitchen without changing over to expensive fuels. The NEW ALL-ENAMEL No matter what fuel you use, the same amount of heat is always necessary to cook or bake. Cool, clean cooking is never a matter of the?-, fuel, but of the Range. The New Majestic uses the good old reliable fuels that everybody is accustomed to, but it uses them wit* mew efficiency. It hold3 the hea t inside, around the ^cooking compartments, instead of wasting it outside, in the room. With it you obtain the utmost in cooking and baking ability, together. with real fuel -xonomy and a cool, comfort-. ' able kitchen to work in. Results like these have been sought for years in coal ranges, btjt have only recently been obtained. t -cj|£ ' X Makes, a Cool, Clean Kitchen IJv:| Every woman knows how an ordinary range "heats a kitchen, especially in summer, and how uncomfjpet v able it is to work under such conditions. Yet tlus tt all unnecessary. With a Majestic there is all the differ cnee1 m the world. The heat is concentrated on the work; the room is comparatively cool; the cleanliness and the can*;T • tenicnce and practical features of this modern- aid td' - godd housekeeping are equal to those in any range of any typ* — And you have with it a beautiful Kitchen, too — tor the New Majestic is a handsome creation of bright enamel color and gleaming nickel — as easy to ' keep rlean as it is wonderful to work with. "Pay as you use- it" You can get one of these modern high-efficiency Ranges for your home so easily! By special arrangement with the Majestic factory we are able to offer a most at tractive “pay-as-you-use-it” plan. Just a little down; the balance spread over many months. No interest, no carrying charges, no advance in price! Come in, this Next Week, and let the demonstrator from the factory show you how this beautiful New Majestic will lighten f* your work, and how easily you can obtain one! FREE—Nert Week only—'while the special Majestic ' Demonstration is going on—a- .4BK -full set of these heavily nickeled, C J (' copper cooking utensil* will |>e given to every t.. purchaser of a New Majestic ‘Rangel ' | Sanford s Leading Home Furnishers -ij 4"v Thursday Afternoon Club ' “ With her customary gracious hospi tality Mrs. R. C. Rush entertained the Thursday Afternoon Club last week^ there uein*' three talW*of rook in plny^. Autumn flowers and leaves the room and .the tallies-were' in a faorreapetuiinavmotif, Club prifeMwa» won by. Mrs. Lee S. Jones and YWtuW! = prise by Mrs, L. D. Ha/man, thase bw iny dainty handkerchiefs. .'Pie hostess served mar»hra«15orf wiches, pickle, galtines, and hot tea. 5 Visitors .were Mesdames M. J, Me* . Phail, E. M. Underwood, W. L. Sim*, nionfi, and >L. D. Hayanan. Mrs, J. D* Ml will be n«t hostess to «> « ,cn1"b;lM .*! :-. 'U„V..W ijMSIll «d*. Miss Pauline Kissell, student at BldftwoST. CoUegb, sang tvrth tfce’Elon «tnge» ^ at Burlington last week Theyk*** at the theatre and will also sing in Winston-Salem. ^ ’ 'v ~r-. 92 NEW JUST PUT ON OUR RACKS Finishing one of our Large Contracts^ at prices far below what we could get them for today... NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOURS! You will find the new weaves in Plaids, Checks as well as the old Standard Serges. 100 PER CENT ALL WOOL. PRICED! $9.95 (ONE OK TWO PANTS.) V-\ZCZ'? X--. . But You Can’t $ee a i. ■ 1 ■■ *r;, - ■ .• ./S' • i, 4# ■S S"-*".»Ssw*¥ - ■... ‘Current m * igfy 'fe: f*Sf Drip! Drip! Drip! /. If you could see electricity wasted by :■*» inferior lamp bulb as readily as m ' jaee water wasted by a leaky faucet, you lwould replace the lamp at once. But you \«mmt tee tit !* Thousands of people are paying for jfight they do not get, because the bulbs ;»their sockets are obsolete ... worn out r...or of inferior, unknown make. Often > they and their families suffer eye strain i as well, because of inadequate fight. !* The only sure way to guard your eyes ! your pocket book is to use lamps you ! know have a reputation for quality . . , , General Electric Mazda Lamps. We have ; them in all sizes, v Why not get a,carton of six and save ten per cent? r-:.mm. ■ .. •¥ u,m,*omti7a+m „ Stai~-10e ‘Sadi Catw «f 6—$ixm - *•**» Light - Btt*, Sight fct % t O HP* t)Al ;^C OMtlWATIQW t t * V t C l * A f*! " GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHER Super twist Cord Tiret Thin Smoflft Old fires! ^i!1* m, • Tests on slippery pavement show that new Goodyear All Weathers stop cars 77 % quick er than smooth, old tires — and quicker than, any other new tires,.. Take ho unnec essary chances on slippery fall and winterroads — put on safe-gripping new Goodyears now! ]Mpst sizes still priced low^r than last fall... Quicker-stopping •£>,. blowout protection in everjr ply — the most- miles of trouble-free service — theM reasons explain why this « the 18th year that more peil* plearebuyta«CooafMwth*h any other tire . . . And tup next best thing to GhodyAe tires Is our service—invesff gate and you’ll buy hers. ' ' i* ■ $J20 and iipi — less traUc In allow ance, for y?:ir old rirss. © GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Suportwiit Cord Tirol 5 the qual ity tire within reach of all. Bxpert Tire Mounting! We clean rime, paint them te prevent ruet, properly apply new tubee and tijree, Exper ienced tire men do your mmmm, p» mmm -.•*%w wa ros., Lessees and Operators, 3 Points, Sanford

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