Mr. anl Mrs. C. M. Reeves attended the funeral of Mr, Byrd Newton at RoaiMttej -Ve,; Monday. Mr. /Newton "w** wJniother-in-law of Mrs, Reeves *nd visited her in Sanfprd. '■ tujfii Davis, Jr, of State College, v spent the week end at home. .i Miss Mi(ry Catherine Carter and Miss Mamie Carter haver returned : ; from a visit in Greensboro. Mrs. Minnie Proctor had as her geest recently, Mrs. Otis White and children, of Lake Worth, Fla. Rev, and Mrs. A. V. Gibson visited friends in Plnehurst Monday. ' ' ' V Miss.Vallie, Dessie and Eva Groce, of Burlington, visited their aunt, Mrs. D. F. Groce, on Charlotte Avenue on Sunday. We are glad to state that Mrs. Groce is improving. Mr.- and Mrs. Neal Harrington and Mrs. H. M. Williams spent Monday in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bunkemeyer, of Jonesboro, and Mrs. Neaf Harrington visited Mrs. , Mary Jane Cole, of Moore county Sunday. Mrs. Albert Anderson and son, Al bert, Jr., of Miami, Fla., and Mrs. C. A. Jones and son, Hannon, of Wil mington, spent the week end with Mesdkmes F. E. Street and S. J. Husketh. Mrs. W. C. Farrell has returned from.; the hospital in Fayetteville where she took treatment. Mr. C. C. Bowers has returned'front Hot Springs, Ark., where he took treatment for rheumatism. Mr. Bow ers seems to bei much improved. Mr. J. C. Williams, of Wilmington, was in Sanford on business last week. He was accompanied by his daugh ter, Margaret. There will be an oyster supper at Harnett Hill school house Friday night, October 27th. You are invited to come and help the Y. P. C. Miss Luna Yates is at Lee County Hospital recuperating. Mrs. D. H. Cooper is at Lee County, Hospital for treatment. ‘ Mr., and Mrs. James Johnson, of Sanford Route 3, announce the birth «f a gon, Tuesday,' October 17th., at the home of Mr. D. A. McIntosh. Mrs. Lynn Campbell, of Aberdeen, is visiting her parents,, Mr. and Mrs. H. B.-Cooder, of Sonfoid Route 8. Min Annie Cole hag returned to Mill Springs where she will, again teach./ - ' Mjr. W. L. Sloan, who is a . street' car conductor in Wilmington during the summer season, has returned to his home on Jonesboro Route 2, for the winter with his family. He will return'to Wilmington next spring. :j , The. Zone meeting of the Cumber land-Lee zone wjli meet at Brpad'W MetRSdist church, October ginning at 10:36 a.m. All members of the auxiliaries ot this zone are urged to attend. '/ •" The Foreign Mission Study Class of the Auxiliary, of Steele Street Mef thodist church was taught by Mrs. C M. Reeves for five afternoons. The AUce Green Society held their meet ing Thursday evening at which time Mesdames D. L. St. Clair, Roy Moose and J. D. Hill presented the book ‘‘Eastern Women Today and Tomor row,” by Ruth Frasces Woodsmall. Dr. G. ■ T. Adams has been invited to preach at the" State Prison camp each Sunday. There are about ninety young men, who seem anxious to hear Dr. Adams come and bring them a weekly message. Mr. W. L. Simmons and family,! who spent the week end with rela-i tives and friends at Wilmington, have; returned home. ---—- } DON’T GET U? NIGHTS . i Make this 35c Test out impurities and excessive acids •that cause irritation, burning and fre quent desire. Get a 25c box of BU KETS, the bladder laxative from any drug store. After Jour days if not re lieved of getting up nights go back and get your money. BUCKETS, con taining, buchu leaves, juniper oil, etc., acts on the bladder similar to castor oil oh the bowels. If you are bothered with backache, or leg pains arising’ from bladder disorders, you are bound to feel better after this cleansing and you get your regular sleep. “Lee Drug:, ;Co., & Acme Drug Co,, say BUKETd succeeded in getting the Lawrence building on Chatham street for. th$ county Velfare office. The welfare office will be moved from Moori street to its new quartern at an early You need a bladder laxative to drive, is a best seller. County Auditor ,J. M. Clank hah date. Is your rest disturbed ? OF bothered with bladder irregu larities, getting up at night and nagging backache due to disordered Iddney or bladder function, don't delay. Use Dean's Pills. Merit only can explain Doan's world wide use. Get Dean's today. At jal druggist*. »,*• ! Doans PILLS r* JONESBORO NEWS LETTER BY HRS. I £. DALRYMPLE A TMMImiitiikf JMttyftn* moot On .Sunday evening, OctSolWtiEaWhJ at 7:80 o’clock a Temperance Khlly | will be held In- the Jonesboro School auditbrttim. Attorney E. L. Gavin, of Sanfortl, has been.seciired aa the prin I cipal speaker. Special inusic-will be an attractive feature of the gathering. "A largo community choir led by S. |W, Wamble and accompanied by Miss cl&riche’ Godfrey, pianist, will rerider pseverab selections. There will also be music by the Jonesboro and Broadway male Quartettes. i ,meeting is sponsored by the .United Dry Forces in cooperation /'with die several churches of the coin nity and Jonesboro school. Every body in the community is invited. Mr. JlaShaw, of Broadway, Hry candi date,-will be present on this occasion. Chib Hxwtesq J I Mrs. Seth Cox was delightful host the, members of the Merry .Mug Bridge Club and several ad di<^ori^l %uasts Monday evening at her home on West Main St. Lovely dahlias were artistically ar ranged throughout the Hving room wherbi thrfee tables of bridge Were in play. Attractive Hallowe’en tallies were .passed by little Norma Cox. Th»' table appointments carried out the .Hallowe'en idea. Tiny orange baskets filled with salted nuts and decorated with miniature black cats, further car ried but the Hallowe’en motif. High score club prize, a radio lamp, was awarded Mrs. Ernest Caddell; VMfitoijs’ prize, an attractive flower vase was presented] Mrs. Sheldon Har »^®Mrf./Low score award, a Hallow e’en noveltV, went to Mrs. W. M. Ar nold. At- the conclusion of the games tHe hostess served congealed salad, saltines, pickle, doughnuts and an iced in addition to clube members were Mesdames Sheldon Harrington^ Emory Wgtson and Mrs. R. A. Wjat if* * 4 ow’TsIh* Time to Sow Winter Bye At the regular meeting of the San JfokdlKilVanis Club, which wag held in Jonesboro last Friday night, a beau-, tification program was carried out and the speakers stressed the importance •ofwinter rye now. The Ki •has obligated to buy 100 'poypdjs of rye seed to resell at a very £paSanai>le price. It is hoped that our. ^yiC\|<^tte'.will t^ke advantage of tills opportunity and secure seed to sow in vacant lota and unsightly •places. Individuals are also urged to WdUfr-thei* tawire »thecost. ©t. tho. aver age size lawn not to exceed $1.00. ' Revival Services Close. The revival meeting which has been In progress at the Jonesboro Baptist church for the past week came to a close Sunday morning at the 11 o’ clock service. There were several ad ditions to the church and the ordin-' ance of baptism will be administered by the pastor, Rev. Frank Hare, at an early date. Rev. D. H. Ives, pastor of Carthage Baptist church, did the !#j**ehing'with S, W^WomMe, of -dentsboro, leading the siogingl., Hound Donen Bridge Chib MeedgM" The fnembers of the Round Dozen Bridge club and one additional guest, Erndst Kelly, were delightfully ' entertained by Mrs* Emory Watsoit’ oh Tuesday evening M her home on lie Street. , ; ; , . The living' room where the guests were entertained was decorated in a, lavish arrangement of dahlias and other fall flowers. High score was made by Hiss Catherine Phillips. At the close 'of many interesting, games the hostess served frozen fruit salad, saltines, pickle and cocoa. j Galled to Raleigh.. ' ■ - Mrs. Ethel' Rives was called to Ra l leigh Tuesday on account of the illr ness of her daughter, Annie, who is quite ill of scarlet fever. ; The many friends of Miss Rives, who is a stu dent at King’s Business College, wish her a speedy recovery.' . I | •. Class Hostess j The Wesley Workers Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School was delightfully entertained at the home of Mrs. W. C. Stroud Tuesday even ing. with Mrs. L. H. Joyner and C. Aj Godfrey'as joint hostesses. Lovely fall roses and dahlias were used as deco rations. A very interesting devotional was in charge of Mrs. J. P. McDavid who used as her subject “.Friends.” Following the devotional a very full business session was presided over by Mrs, C. A. Godfrey, president. The financial report for the year was read and was very gratifying to those present. The class will have as their objective -for the next few months repair work in the interior of 'the parsonage. During the social hour the hostesses served fruit saJSald, saltines, and an iced drink. Hie November hostesses will be Mrs. J. P. McDavid and Mrs. C. H. Campbell. Barbecue Supper . On Saturday, October' 28th., Circle No. 1 of the' Belle Barries Auxiliary, with Mrs. Raymond Mann chairman, will serve barbecue supper in the store formerly occupied by Mr. W. F. Loyd. The supper will consist of bar becue, slaw, potato salad,, sweet po tatoes, bread stoats, pickle, Coffee and pie and the price will be 50 cents. With each plate you will get five tickets which entitle you to as many <Hiances at the lovely crocheted bed spread now on display at Lee Furnl I tare Company, Sanford. :■ The ladies will appreciate your patronage. ' Special'Meeting..'' ■ 'j The Jonesboro Grange will assem ble in the Junior- Order Hall Thurs day night for a special meeting. This, will be “Booster Night” and special music and speaking will feature the meeting. Before the exercises begin a barbecue supper with- accessories, will be served. I WINTER RYE GRASS SEED S,Have a beautiful green lawn ' all winter at Small cost. * 12 l-2c a Pound &•£ '• tfz • >o ■ _• • PAPER WHITE , NARCISSUS ■i fEaay to flower in pebbles , and water. A winter garden v every home may enjoy. 3 Bulbs For 10c. !' ’II_____ DARWIN TULIPS Named varieties. All popu lar colors.. . 50c a 'Dozen. HOME CANNED ^ CHOPPED KRAUT Packed in Randolph county. Has the odd time flavor. Small Cans__10c , large Cans_l_12‘l*2c J. H. MONGER. Groceries andjSeeds. Phones 52 and 53 [ Sanford, N. C. Celebrate* 73rd Birthday Mr*. Fred Hamilton and two chil dren, of Hamlet, and Charles Russell and family, of Plesagnt Garden, spent Sunday ad the home of Mr. and Mm. C. EL. Russell on Lee street. The chil' ed at the noon hopt, the centerpiece . being .aJoyely.. whit* birthd*p_cafee. pJfK’r®HiH8P!BBBHt^roni jaotitle^'iter vice as Coast : tm# 'Sg,ent about three years ago, but stilish joys the best of health and is never .happier than on these occasion^ :; w)«n his children gatherj^O.cele^^hy birthday, •' *. I Reception and jMiaptUaneous Shower. I On Tuesday night, October 31st., at 7:30^o’clock ; th$" Parent-Teachers Association will givw a reception to the teachers m ithe school building. The association Is taking this oppor tunity pf sponsoring a miscellaneous shower for the cooking laboratory of the Home Economies’ department. There is a diaplfy.|'table set up at Mann’s Hardware ;S?tore where all ar ticles needed are displayed. Any gift, no matter how small, will be appre ciated.";- ■ . f When funda fop^the department .were allotted to tjjsr ischool through federal resources, it sdag on condition, that the Parent Teachers Association assume the responsibility of the minor equipment. Hie community considers itself quite fortunate in having vocational Home Economics aa.'part of its high school curriculum' this year. It is in teresting to know Jhat Jonesboro is, one of the six new departments in the State, with sixty* more applications which were not able to be filled, due to limited expenditures from the fed eral fund which makes these' depart ments possible. Any community is. ait liberty to ask for adult evening classes should any special problems arise with which the home-makers need special help. As soon as the department becomes! more thoroughly organized, regular units, of work; will be offered to any adults desiring same. Requests for special visits may be Sent direct to the tea cher, Miss Charlotte Makepeace, orj to the principal, Mr. W. C. Stroud. These visits are not only for the par ents , of those children taking Home, Economics, but for any patrons of the, School who want information concern-! big the improvement of .the’ ,general living ., conditions ’ throughout the SChopl district. ,c -• ’ The day school , work, of the depart ment is being scheduled to fk in with the limitations of insufficient equip ment. To date, five sewing machines, an electric iron, an extension cord and two. oil stoves hav^heen loaned to the school through % |he courtesy of various member# dn$e .community. These articles, with the exception of tine stoves, have given a fairly com plete sewing laboratory in which all of the class room vSk bt-.being done at present. The equipment on display at, Mann’s Hardware-store is the es sential small equipment to begin any degree of work in thje foods labora tory. Every article there, no matter hoW small, will be one Step more to ward reaching the standard goal which is necessary in order to retain this phase of work for the school. ’ Let every patron or friend of the school be present on Tuesday night, October 31st., at 7:30 o’clock. Card of Thanks. The relatives of Mr. I>. B. Buchanan wish to thank their friends and nei ghbors for their many acts-of love and kindness shown them during his ill ness and death. The friends of Mrs. C. H. Von C&n noif regTet to know that she is coxifin ed to her home by illness. | . y The friends of Mrs. Bertha Cole are glad to know that she is recover ing from a very severe cold. Womble and S. W. Wamble Sunday. Mr. hna Mrs.-FIo^d O’OMftidl, e/ent Monday /iu Purhajn with friends. [ Miss Edna Thomas left' Friday fori Laurinburg where she" will take a Simplex course under W. J. Speedy manager of (he Western Ofnion. ' ' i Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones, Jr., of Laurinburg, were visitors in the home of J. E. Tliomas Friday. Miss Ethel Kelly spent Sunday at Elise with her sister. J. E. Adams returned Sunday; from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. I. Phillips and Mrs. R. L. Smith, of Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. Raeford Thomas, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with Mrs.. Scott Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Quinn, of Dur ham, and Mr. and, Mrs. Lee, also of Durham, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stancil Buchanan Sun day. Miss Sudie Baldwin and brother, of Ramseur, spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. K. H. Phillips. I Mr. Floyd Cook and family, of Bon ' lee, spent last week at the home of Rev. J. S. Cook. miss ruioy Campbell, who is teach [-ing at Olivia, spent the week end at home. Mrs. J. E. Kelly, of Sanford, and Miss Catherine Phillips went to Ban ner Elk Sunday to see Miss Mary Phillips, who is a student there. Dr. R. G. Sowers is in Atlanta, Ga., this week where he is taking post graduate work in Grady Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. Waylon Blue and mother, accompanied Mr. David Blue, of Carthage, to Duke Hospital Mon day. Mr. Blue is an uncle of Dr. Blue and will take treatment at the hos pital’ and possibly undergo an opera tion. — i Miss Charlotte Makepeace, Home Economics teacher in the Jonesboro School returned Sunday, from Breens boro, where she attended the annual conference of vocational Home Eco nomics teachers under the George Reed Act. ■ Mesdames Cari Von Cannop, T. C. Black, Waylon Blue, B. P. William-j son and Miss Vivian A vent spent last Thursday in Greenshbro. J Miss Margaret Lassiter, Mrs. Kate Lassiter and daughter, Miss Iula spent' the week end with Mrs. Flonnie Helms, of Bethune, S. C. J Miss Kate. Hamilton and Louise I Temple, of Durham, spent the week end with their people here. Mr. H. J. Jonhs; Wilmington, who has been filling the position of Coast Line Agent, here for the past three weeks has been transferred_to Goldsboro where he has been made' yard master for the Coast,Line Rail way Company. Mr. Jones had planned to move his family here this week and his friends here regret the change. He will be succeeded here byj Mr. Edwards, of Bladenboro. j Mr. and Mrs. J. L Covington and Mrs. W. M. Cade went to Fayette ville Monday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. George Cade, who passed away Sunday at Highsmith Hospital. | Mrs. Alfred Bremer and two child I ren, who have been visiting Mrs. Bre I mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamilton, have returned to their home in New Bern. Thos. F. Cole, of Richmond, Va., is spending the week with his moth er. Mrs. Bertha Cole. ggp Loaned on Cotton This loan available on cotton stored in i Wilkins-Ricks warehouse. We now have the forms necessary to obtain the government loans (wjttjgout resources) at 4 per cent in terest ,:j'{ «. ■ j -ibJk This cotton may be held as long as July 31, 1934 unless price reaches 15c before ^thattimtt .... EVERYTHING TO GAIN! NOTHING TO LOSE! For full particulars, see John Liles or; Phone 511 at— Mr. and Mrs. Williani Vance' and Misses Dora and Helen Mann, of Greensboro, spent the week end at their parents home here. ' Murr/y and Thomas Adams, of the University of Nortji Carolina, Spent Sunday with their parents here. John D. Pe^ram, Jr., of Stem, spent Sunday with his cousin, Mias Kora McDonald, . : j • ' "J Ol iff--: i v. ‘ Sr.'" jo»ksbdko eipoiiT ; I&v. J. E. Blalock, Pastor. S«p>iees for Sunday, Qftober 89* IMS 11*0 A. M.—-Jonesboro. 8:00 !P. M.—Poplar Springs. ^ You are cordially invited to attend these services. A temperance rally will be held in the. school auditorium Sunday night at 7:30. We hope that everyone in this entire community will be present. For particulars as to music, speaker, etc., see announcement which appears elsewhere in this paper. Mr. and.Mrs. E. L. Gavin, Mr- and Mrs. Paul Barringer, Mr. ahd'Mrs. J. A. Overton, Messrs. J. H. and Ralph Monger, and Mr. D. E. Shaw, of Broadway, chairman, of - the- dry forces in Lee County, w*Hf to Raleigh Sunday afternoon where they heard the speech1 of Hon. Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, who ably, discussed the prohi bition question from the standpoint of a dry. There were probably others, from Lee County whose names we failed to get. Doctors value of be meaa„ be eontrolli The public too, is fast returning to the use of liquid laxatives. People movement without any discomfort at tbe time, or after. The dose of a liquid laxative ean be-vaned to suit the needs of the individual. The action ean thus be mgmated. It forms no habit; you.s need not take a “double dose'* a day or two later. Nor will a mild liquid laxative imtate the kidneys. The wrong cathartic mag keep gou canstipatei as long as gou keep on using tt. Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin is a prescription, and is perfectly safe. Its laxative action is based on senna —a natural laxative. The bowels will “ft become dependent on this form of help. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is at all druggists. Member N. R. A. WE CLOTHE THE FAMILY SPECIALS! DAN RIVER (PLAY CLOTH, yard! 12 l-2c •(Stripes,1 Checks, and Patterns. SUNNY SOUTH PRINTS, fast colors, yard_.1 15c All Colors and Patterns. 27 in. SHEPHERD OUTINGS, yard___ 10c 36 in. SHEPHERD OUTINGS, /yard ._12 l-2c White and Colors. QUADRIGA PRINT, Patterns and Solids, yd._22 l-2c Pre-shrunk and Fast Ccdors. See Onr Bargains in Ladies Coats and , , Dresses, .- •«' *■ ■■■ ■- ■■■■■' ■■■■•- ■ NEW SHOES FOR THE FAMILY ARRIVING DAILY AND WE CAN SAVEIYQU MONEY ON.'EVERY PAIR. WE CAN FILL YOUR NEED IN SWEATERS AT EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES ' ..MELVIN’S.. 217 WICKER ST. SANFORD, N. C. Pre-Code Specials— SUITS* Cleaned and Pressed 25c •SUITS, Dry Cleaned and Pressed 50c DRESSES—50c and up. WE ARE STILL ON! THE CODE Phone 557 ; ^ ^ Wicker St. .....

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