l»« AK0 LB0UHB8 for vacant i *idin«' i« the fight to remove the njlirphM of these crops by reducing ir acreage drastically during the :t two years, the opportunity is 6f improve the land so that it ■wm never be necessary to plant such large acreages again to obtain equal ly as good yields.. i _^5H»i» is the opinion of .Agricultural Extenaiohworkera at State College ,nvho are urging a return to the old slogan of "lint, legumes and live stock this fall. i About 95 percent of the tobacco *rowe«l have signed agreements pro-1 mislng to reduce their acreage by as much as SO per cent of that planted earring the past three years. Cotton I growers will be offered a rental and! benefit payment plan by which the1 average must be reduced by 40 per cent under that of the past five years. This means considerable laild removed from the cultivation of cash crops. To. make the best of this situation, extension workers are urging an in-1 creased acreage to legume crops this' fail. Hie advantage of having such crops on the land is well known to most farmers but there is this year the additional incentive of producing :seed for sale. Indications are that there will be a shortage of all kinds l*of legume crop seed and those in a! position to grow certified seed which array enter the channels of interstate ■commerce may secure an excellent profit from the project. I Tire prevailing droughts of sum-1 mer also makes it imperative to grow I •a much hay as possible during the I winter when there is sufficient mois-! iture in the soil. Dean I. O. Schoub, director of the | Agricultural Extension Service, says,, further that it is imperative to save ■all the legume seed possible this fall, •especially of soybeans and lespedeza. TREAT STORED GRAIN TO CONTROL INSECT PESTS Stored grain, beans or poas, put iip in small amounts for home use, may he protected from insect damage by placing in a water-tight barrel and ■treating with carbon disulphide or by mixing the .seed thoroughly with air- j slaked lime before storing, says C. H. j Brannon, extension entomologist at .State College. | “Where the carbon' disulphide is used the barrel should be filled to ■Within a few inches of the top and At least one-half cupful of the chemi- j •cal poured over the seed,” says Mr. I Branaon. “The barrel should then be! covered With a double thickness of JMSiVy Wrapping paper and left to btUhd lot tw57 1-2 W. 100 feet to a stake, a comer of building lots No. 15 and 16; thence as the dividing line between lots No. 16 and 16 N. 32 1-2 W. 210 feet to a stake in the line of Wicker Street; thence as the line of Wicker Street N. 67 1-2 E. 100 feet to the beginning being building lot No. 16 in the divi sion of the J. C. Wicker estate as shown upon the records of Register of Deeds for Lee County in Book 2 at page 460, et seq. LOT NO. 11—Beginning at tho Northwestern corner of intersection of Seventh Street and Hickory Ave., and running thence Westwardly along the. Northern line of Hickory Avenue 66 2-3 feet; thence Northwardly par, alls! with Seventh Street 200 feet; thence Esstwardly parallel with Hick otfy; AVenue -66 2-3 feet itb the West ern line of Seventh , Street; thence Southwardly along said line of said street 200 feet to the beginning, the *«ne being the Southeastern comer df Block 78, according to the plan of %he Town of Sanford^ N. G. This 16th day of October, 1933, J. C. PITTMAN, TRUSTEE. Williams A Williams, Attya. NOTICE or SALE. ' Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain trust deed made by AX.Boykin and wife to the undersigned Trustee, dated 30th day of January, 1927, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee county North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages No;. 126, page 28, demand having been' made upon the undersigned Trustee to exercise the power of sale granted in said deed of trust, by reason of failure to make payments as therein provided ,the un dersigned, J. E. Brian, Trustee, will, SATURDAY, THE 18th DAT OP NOVEMBER, 1933. at the hour of 12 o’clock, Noon, ad % the Lee County Court House door, offer and sell at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the ,following described real estate, situate in Lee County, North Carolina: Bginnng at a stake at the northern comer of Booker street at its intersec-1 tion with the western line of the right of-way of the S. A. L. Railway, same being generally known as the line of Wilson street, and runs thence N. 85.30 W. 167-1-C feet to a stake in the nonhem line of Booker street, the same being the southwesterly comer of lot No. 12; thence as the line of lot No. 12 N, 4.30 E. 112 .feet to a stake, the southwestemly comer of i lot No. 13; thence as the line of lot No. 13 S 80.10 E' about 167 3-4 ft. to1 a stake in the line of the. said right; of way (Now called Wilson street); thence with the line of, said right, of! way of (Wilson street) S. 5.15 W 120 feet to the beginning,,being lots Nos. 14 and 15 as shown on the map of Bluefieid, which map is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee County in Book of Maps No. 1 at | page 8, and being the lots conveyed to the said A. L. Boykin by S. D. McRae and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Registr of Deds for Lee Coun ty, N. C. in Book 22, at page 622. This Octobr 16, 1933. J. E. BfRINN, Trustee. Williams & Williams, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust, dated 1st day of July, 1929, j and registered in the office of the Reg' ister of Deeds for Lee County, North I Carolina, in Book 126, page 136, made J by A. L. Boykin and wife, Lula T. i Boykiin, demand having been made upon the undersigned to exercise the ! power of sale granted in said deed of 1 trust by reason of failure to make! payments as therein provided, the un dersigned J. E. Brinn, Trustee, will, on Saturday, the 18th day of Novem ber, 1933, at the hour of 12 o’clock/ noon, at the Lee County Court House door, offer and sell at public auction? to the highest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described real estate,situate in Lee County, North Carolina, to-wit: FIRST LOT: That certain lot or parcel of land located in the Town of Sanford, Lee County, North Carolina, f on the southerly side of Wall street, j particularly described as follows: Be ginnig at a point about West 100 feet from the southwest comer of intersec tion of Ramseur street and Wall St., and runs thence in a southemly direc tion paralell with Ramseur street 100 feet to a stake; thence in a west emly direction parallel with Wall St., 60 feet to a stake; thence in a north eraly direction parallel with Ramseur street,100 feet to a stake in the, line of Wall street; thence as the southern line of Wall street 60 feet ic the be ginning, being lot No. 36 according to the plan of “Bland .Land,” map of which is on record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lee County, N.j C. , and being the lot conveyed to A. L. Boykin by J. G. Phillips and wife by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Lee County, North Carolina. [ SECOND LOT: That certain lot or parcel of land located on Washing ton Avenue near the Town of Sanford and particularly described as follows, | to-wit: Beginning at a stake, the northwest corner of intersection of Booker street with Washington Ave nue and runs thence in a northemly direction with said Washington Ave nue, 50 feet to a stake; thence in a westemly direction, parallel with the line of Booker street, 110 feet to a stake; thence in a southemly direc tion paralell with Washington Ave., 50 feet to a stake in the line of Book er street; thence with the line of Book er street, 110 feet to the beginning,' being lot No. 36 as shown on map of the suburban addition to the Town of Sanford and to South Sanford, known as “Bluefield,” and being the same lot conveyed to A. L. Boykin by D. E. Mclver and wife by deed record ed in the office of the Register of Deds for Lee County in Book 7, at page 159. THIRD LOT: That certain lot or parcel of land located on Washington Avenue, near the Town of Sanford, particularly described as follows: Beginning at a stake in the westenlly line of Washington Avenue, at a point 100 feet northemly from the north west comer of intersection of Book er street with Washington Avenue and runs thence in westemly direction, par lell with Booker street 110 feet to a stake; thence in a northemly direc tion, paralell with Washington Avo., 50 feet to a stake; thence in an eaat emly direction, paralell with Booker street, 110 feet to a stake in the line of Washington Avenue; thence as the line of Washington Avenue 50 feet to the beginning, being lot NoJ 38 in the plan of “Bluefield” and be ing the same lot conveyed to A. L. J Boykin by K. R. Hoyle, Commission er, by deed recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lee County, in Book 11, at page 23. , This October 16, 1933. i J. E. BRINN, Trustee. ; Williams & Williams, Attorneys. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain deed of tipist, executed by J. L. Cov ington and wife, to the undersigned Trustee, and being: recorded in Book 124 at page 631, Register of Deeds of Lee County, securing the indebted ness therein described, and default having been made in the payment of the said indebtedness, the undesigned t Trustee will on Monday. November 6th., 15(33, at 12 o’clock noon at the. Court hduse in Lee County, offer for (ale to the last and highest bidder tor cash, the following described pro perty: Beginning at a stake in the north, sdge of Main Street, southewestern :omer of the Liles lot, now Stone’s; hence, with Main Street S. 63 W. L 10.22 feet to tie corner of the Bap 1st church lot; thence with a line of ! laid lot N. 26 3-4 W. 260 feet to an ron pipe, Kenneth Wicker’s comer; hence with his line N. 63 E. 100.2 ’eet to an iron pipe, Wicker’s comer >n McArthur and Liles original line; ; hence with said line S. 29 1-4 E. !60 feet to the beginning. ,; this 7th day of October, 1933. > | D. B. Teague, Trustee. Javin & Jackson, Attorneys. NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA, LEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Southern Sand & Gravel Co. VS. A. L. BOYKIN. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER j EXECUTION - By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned Sheriff of Lee County, North Carolina, in the above entitled action, levy having been made upon the property hereinafter de scribed, I will, on Monday the 6th day of November, 1933, at the hour of twelve o’clock noon, at the Lee County Court House Door, in LA County, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder, for cash, for {he pur pose of satisfying said execution, the following described real estate, situ ate, lying and being in West San- ^ ford Township, Lee County, North1 Carolina, consisting of one vacant lot. known and designated as Lot No. 8 in the plan of “Bluefield” a surbur han addition to the Town of San ford, as shown by map or plat regis-1 tered in- the office of the Register of ( Deeds for Lee County in Book of Maps No. 1 at page 8, reference to the same being made for a more' accurate description of said property, Which fronts' fifty feet on Washing ton Avenue, and runs back in an east ern direction a distance of 120 feet. This October 6th., 1933. 1 G. E. WHITE, Sheriff Lee County, N. C. TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL | ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power. And authority contained in that cer tain deed of trust executed by J. D. Johnson, Mrs. J. D. Johnson and R. W. Barnes, dated December 81, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Re gister of Deeds, Lee County, North Carolina, in Book 128, page 169, on account of default in the payment of the indebtedness recited in said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the County Courthouse door in the town of Sanford, North Carolina’, at 12 o’ clock noon on Monday, November 13, 1933, the following described real estate: I First Tract: Beginning at a stake on west side of S. A. L. R. R., run ning thence S. 47 W. 40.50 C. to a hollywood oak pointer; thence S. 42 E. 14.1-2 C. to the S. A, L. R. R; containing 26 acres, more or less, thence with R. R. to the beginning, This land joins F. 0. Leonard, Mc Iver and others, and being the same land conveyed by mortgage deed from Shelby Wicker and wife to A. E. Kelly. Second Tract: Adjoining the lands of Malcolm Nicholson and F. 0. Leo nard. Beginning at a stake in the Nicholson line just west of the S. A. L. R. R.; running thence N. 86 1-2 W. 18.90 chains to a ".stake; thence N. 16.10 chains to a stake with point ers; thence N. 56 E. 19 chains to & stake; thence S. 4 1-2 chains to a, stalds or holly bush; thence S. 42 E. 14 1-2 chains to the S. A. L. R. R.; thence to the beginning, containing 50 acres more or less, and being the same property conveyed by mortgage deed by M. O. Timon and wife to A. E. Kelly; being the same land this day conveyed by Southern Land Sales J Corporation to J. D. Johnson and R. ■ W. Barnes, and this instrument is given to secure balance of the pur chase price. This 19th day of October, 1933. , A. L. Hannah, Trustee for, SOUTHERN LAND SALES CORP. Richmond, Vi. i COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF LAND Under authority and by order of. the Superior Court of Lee County,1 North Carolina, made in an action' pending therein entitled ATLANTIC j JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF; RALEIGH, a corporation, versus ZEB V. HUNTER and,wife PEARL HUN TER, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday, October 30, 1933 at 12 o'clock noon at the courthouse door of Lee County, North Carolina, offer for sale and sell to the highest bid der all those two tracts or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in Cape Fear Township, Lee County, North Carolina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: First Tract: BEGINNING at a stake at a post oak on the southeast side of the old Avent Ferry and Ra leigh Road and the northwest side of the present "highway, about midway distance between tKe old road and the present highway or 26 feet dla- |: tant from either road,' and about three miles north of the Town of Broadway, and about one-fourth mile northeast of Salem Presbyterian church, and running thence S. 68 Eh 12.40 chains to H. M. Kelly (new A. M. Kelly) line; thence as the old ori ginal line N. 10 EX 20.60 chains to a stake by the side of the old Hunter Road, oak, guta pointers; .thence with $aid road ‘ S.. 60 W. 6 1-2 chains; hence S. 40 W,' 6 chains to the A vent ferry Road; thence S. 27 W. 4 chains hence S. 46 W, 7 chains! to the be ginning, containing 15 3-4 acres, more >r less, and adjoining the lands of Hrs. Edgar McNeiU. and A. £l. Kelly. Second Tract: BEGINNING at an ron stake in the most easterly line >f the first above described tract, aid line being Identified as North 10 1 3. 20.50 drains, and said stake in aid line being about 4 chains north sast of a power transmission line and hree chains and 23 links south from he old Hunter Maple Spring, run ning thence from said stake or be ginning point N. 56 E. 18.50 chains to a stake, dogwood pointers in the old Hunter Spring branch; thencee N. 35 W. 17 chains to a stake in the line identified as “North 10 degress E. 20 chains and 50 links,” thence the reversed course of that line 26 chains to the beginning, containing 19 acres, more or less adjoining the lands of A. M. Kelly and the land described in the first above-mentioned tract. A cash deposit of 10 per cent of the successful bid will be required to be paid the Clerk of the Court as evi dence of good faith. This September 29, 1933. t. j. McPherson, Commissioner. News & Observer Mrs. Ralph Jordan 1 Agent. Please have change ready for carriers. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR - Call me for house wiring end re* pairs of all kinds. Irons, vacuum dspss, motors, etc. Work guaran teed and the price reasonable. M. D. FOESTER TELEPHONE 216 In Walker’s Shoe Shop oft CSjvHotel ROUND TRIP EXCURSIONS SANFORD TO Washington _ Baltimore. Philadelphia - Atlantic City New York . _ $6.35 _ $7.80 $11.25 $13.50 .$14.60 PROPORTIONAL FARES FROM ALL AGENCY STATIONS. 'ickets' Sold LUgust 4, 5, iept. 1 2, 3, Ictober 6, 7, lov. 28, 29, 9 Return Limit August 12 Sept * October 14 Dec. 7 iame Fares Apply Southbond on dates Shown Except May 29, July 3, And September 3rd. REDUCED PULMAN FARES io Extra Charge for Two Passengers To A Berth. in Stopovers North of Washington. Baggage Checked. 7 ONE CENT PER MILE EXCURSIONS SAME DATES AND LIMITS AS ABOVE BETWEEN ALL PIONTS ON THE SEABOARD And Practically A1 Southeastern Des» riaatiaas. We Are Equipped to handle you! INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Give ua a chance. CROSS & BRINN. OR. j. C. MANN. EYESIGHT SPECIALIST * WU1 ba at hU OSe* 0«r FmI OO fU*. Sanford. N. C, KTSST VD. NESDAY fro* 10 A. I Mtr.IL t ' 1 <