TAR HEEL SCRAP BOOK f‘ (Continued Prom Solar job as' a cabinet woo?c|aftsiaan. Refreshing to those who are chaff ing to reach the top are these words j from the penetratingpen of' deorge Bemud Shaw: “Do trot be in a hurry j to succeed. What wooldyou have tq jive for afterwards T Better make the horizon yo&r goal; it will always ha ahead of yon.’' ' Too bad Paul Green’s “Carolina” has a Palmetto state locale. Now the? will lie thinking out Hollywood way that our most prominent scenario writing Tar Heel ■ ie_a. South Cma linian. # • JI. ?/* • A ne«* book ,of verse called “Lyt^ce and Legfend of > the Cape Peu Coun try,” by) H. P. Page who is widely acquainted here, should be of interest to the people of his sectifor. In this "book many Scotch terms and phrases have been revived, and penned down for posterity as a reminder^#! the dialect which once. made our t$ tive speech so picturesque. This scribe recalls having read and loyed many bite of fugitive verse with# found its way into Baptist publica tions, from the pen of Page. These were dipped in childhood and parted in euly scrapbooks. - J ic; rff ANSWERS:— 1. John McCormick, J. M. Synge and William Butler Yeats- jfcte 2. Padraic Cclum and “A, E.” 7if. — 3. An ancient Irish queen, whqe$ capsedlrelandto play into the hands of Bj^siand—A yerypromising young Irish writer who recently died. v':f .»4. Beriuot MacMurrough. V^fSy/jktareh the Seventeenth—Saint Patrick; is said te' have driven tho snakes out of Brin. - . . ###* Antrhn, Ir«lShd-4t ' ^ ha thral formation. Mr, Herman Runkis of Detroit Writes; fA few lines of thanks front -'a rheumatism sufferer—My firs’ bottle of Kruschen Salta took all oi aches and swellings out of mj joints—with my first bottle I wen’ ,'•//»V it .... ■ 1 ....——-r-— ,bfimo Camera receive* the MatfltM, •quare Garden Trophy, emblems b* of the World’* Heavyweight ChaniOMnehle from Colonel John heed Kilpatrick, preeident of the Maduoif Square Garden Corporation Haft) and Jintmy Johneton. Garde*./»r*ti>oterV I right Below—A -clcae up” * Of th# Champlonahio Troohv" < j'pHK new Madison Square Harden heavyweight chsmplonsknf.rfw, jjiby In the form of a gold. Jewel |studded belt, will be official >?,*dm jveted form the ring at the Madison Square Garden Stadium. Miami. ]£ Florida, on Washington's Btrtfaae? .when Prlmo Camera, the "sjptiliuB Alp.*4 meets Tommy Loughran, ; American challenger, la a lk'fdund boxing exhibition. r>.‘ Like tbq Lord Lonsdale boxing belts estabil&hed In various, dlvi ,-Slont of the ttstlc art in. EJnglaud »*». the new MadteOn mjuare Garden trophy does'not beooate tne L’*m*nn»oent possession at any chain T>lon after he has-won the Slat teg, '•5* the bait, aei Camera did when, he defeated Jack Sharkey recwtyyr •mtn he haa twice succeeafuiijrdh , . .fended bit title under the auspices CL! trophy then la his for -keeps.4*- j rf, *riM*K*vV Describing the new trophy Col • o*M' Kilpatrick. PrnMrti ol .the Mebteon Square fie rd**n iivrpora tion. said" **Tbe design embodies (h* fpint ol patriotic tnternalm-.Hl Sportsmanship The large cental v» surmounted dj an AuiwMOr (!an eagle, with a graceful.streamei held Ip the bill, having ou n .b< wording. 'Heavyweight Cbampioi jff/U* World, lo enamel, entwined hy the Iters anil stripes in colored f returns’ stouee. diamonds. rubies. Sn'd iapKfi irei, aTe uaeT TO bb alil ' thb dc — ■ - ~ . - - F, :. . I . ... ,*• •, .. , .- , ed up today. • ■ A force of laborers recently finish ed putting down 2,500 fleet of 8-inch water main leading from the stand-; pipe two Mocks to Charlotte Avenue and three Mocks down ($ariotte Ave* nue ^connecting with the old fttaln at the Colo&"road. nils gives riSore wa ter and a better pressure 4sfor down* as the traffic light at the crossing on Steele and Carthage streets. | A 4-inch water main is now being put down from the Lee County hospi tal to the site of the swimming pool I which is being built a short distance west id Three Points. The -work on the swimming pool has been delayed . somewhat by striking solid rock while ' making the excavations. A lot of .1 blasting- -win have to be done before Ike rock can. be cleared away, ! ^ The last round up of tobacco farm ere in Caswell county showa that '36.5 ^percent of the growers have si. ‘fedxfetibn contracts. wUMrn report" Snort tec plowing done to date than in many previous yearstj. Many growershave carefully terrertd their lands. Growers of early truck crops in Brunswick County have pooled their orders for Irish potatoes and snap bean seed and have arranged for a trucking company to transport their produce to market this spring. ■ - *'**sifccssi ATTENTION! HOUSEWIFE , 1**>*■*' • • • ^ sr £ r •' • * . ^ ' ■ • ■ mj. A ■- •, >.: • ' rangy of psut^aae^p —FELT BASE RUGS4-‘ 9x12, Full Sizejn a complete 216 Wicker St. ,, Inc. Phone 149 JONHSON COTTON COMPANY Friends, Iwill again sell Jonnsons cent PLANT FOOD FERTIUzf Will be in my office at 3-W Warehouse all day every SATURDAY and until 9 o’clock every morning. ‘ See me for FERTILIZERS, GOTTON SEED MEAL, and materials of all kinds. CASH OR TIME. PHONE 150-L BILL WOOD a————— THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN ~ m mug :—-— — > i insist om nftvintf A PirTEtM CEKT -SCAT! iti■ . Bureee’a Blend Sweet Pea Seed. Mixed Gorgeous Colors. Plant not? for early spring flowers. Two ounces 25c. J. H. Monger, Sanford, N. C. TOBACCO SEED: Yellow Mam moth, Virginia Bright Leaf, Fahcett’s Special, Big White Stem Omlcd, Gold Dollar, Kg Leaf Cash, White Mam moth, Jamacia Wrapper. J. H. Mon ger, Sanford, N. C. ANNOUNCEMENTt—Gasoline Coofc ing Problem Solved By Gulf Distri butor—Water White Gasoline for Sale At Gulf Service Stations and at Gulf Storage Plant near Court house—Hot Blue Flame, less fumes and carbon. Makes cooking a plea sure—Gulf • .Refining Co., Phone 451. K.'L, Bums, Distributor. FOR SALE—Cotton seed meal, $30,00 jper ton; $1.55 per bag. Sapona Mills, Inc. I’OR SALE—1Ten roem, two story dwelling, known as the Sion Buch anan home, on Route No. 60, near the business' center of Jonesboro, with shout 4 acres of land, well lo cated, price reasonable. Apply to FVank Love 107 1st St., Sanford, N. C. A good clean title can be . had to., this property. FOR SALE—One five passenger Brack Club Coupe, fair condition, | good tires, newly painted, new bat tery, “new license plates, original cost $2,000.00, will sell for $65.00. ..Cameron, It. G. : Seed English Pea*. Onion Sets, Cabbage Plan* ~-J. .,11.. Monger, San ford, N. C. -. /.:.. 5 Anti-Skipper Compound will save you meat. We *ell .it, J. H/Moi*er, Sanford, N. C. - . s> MEN—^OMEN: Good health. Not p>}der 18 or over SO. Wanting to prepare for coming Government Ex aminatjjona this district. Particulars coving qualifications needed fur niimid by writing Boy 36 tbjs paper. FARM FOR RENT—Located R miles ^Northwest of Sanforl; Self-sup porting tenant desired; for further r'cemi FOR SALE—Lots in thq New Ceme tery in Jonesboro are now. for sale. See us and get a choice let. YWvti Thomas, Mayor. - ’ ,1, FOR SALE—We are,.equipped to weather-strip any part of house. CPU phone 28 for estimate.’ NOTICE—Will the party who remoV .> ed the harness from Police Do* on ' Dec. 6, 1988, please return to this office or Phone 294-J. I thank you. [ - Help beautify the town, i ftaliijf hye Grass Seed, 10 cents pd£ pourafi •J. H. Monger, Sanford. N. C. FOR SALE—House and lot in “Rosk* | mont” section of town, with all* I modem conveniences; well built j house, double garage, location ideal for a home owner. Can arrange sa tisfactory terms to reliable party. I For information Address ABC, bn WANTED—A FARM FOR CASH— ;SL Will buy for cash farm 60 to 100i> acres three to seven miles fronry* . Sanford. Address 48 in care of The* > Sanford ^Express. ■_ _ . * NOTICE—Due to the increase }n our; business we'are compelled to open a , stock room at Sanford which makes it possible for us to employ moret j, ' good men. See Mr. Emory at th©> | Hotel Sanford. j ( MEN! I ‘ IS nAAnx/wure V4 vr JuvrvUKJ1; LONG WEAR SOLID COMFORTJ and R^AL VALUE " &SN— .' . 1 ;'i. -.,.'—4-** • i-' K STAR BRAND (ALL LEATHER) \-vf-.v We Also Carry ihe Well-known \ * - r “ ■’*' ■*“*'v# ‘ •t-' •-- ' o.rvir-.^ —.-r’.-.y-jWr ^i: ' ;ygf‘r If . "'i •_' ^ ■ •' ; ’: ■;. ’. r % ,-i-■'.■■. “ ;y' SEED POTATOES, ' . :'.-V ■ ONION SETS, - &: ^ -"■ ^EAEtYCQRN""^:-.:^:;;,.^ Garden Seed in Bulk and Packages. Jonesboro, N. C. iPhone 474 Sons and daughters of North Caro lina, you are fortunate! You have stood the test of faith and courage. You have borne up through duress of ^ panic—you are first of forty-eight ; T states to emerge with chins up from the depression. We congratulate you! Turn your ayes now to the oppor tunities you have created. Capitalize on that same faith, and courage. Take advantage of lessons, that you have learned and time that youhave lost. ' ' **■' y u. -'VV "5'!' V' Choose ft definite plan*- of saving *■* today—choose an investment th^t has proved worthy of. confidence. Through lean years and good years , this Association-has paid attractive -- earnings on investments;- We pay the < taxes and offer you the-1 strongest security on earth .... first mort- *' v gages on homes in this community. v Come in and let’s talk over 8 savings v or investment planforym# ^