JONESBORO NEWS LETTER M NPLE Beloved WoraanVf Jonesboro PaSsw _ -—Funeral Held Monday Afternoon Funeral services for Miss Janie Dalrymple, wty> passed away Sunday morning, were bold Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the<_ Jonesboro Presbyterian church, conducted by the pastor, Rev. }. S. Cook, assisted by Kev. L. A. McLaurin, a former pas tor, of Rowland. Hymns used were “The Christians’ Goodnight,” "Sun rise Tomorrow’’ and “How Firth a Foundation.’’ Pall beitera were, cou sins of the deceased and were Messrs. J.-R. and* W.W.' Dalrymple, R. A. • Watson, Thomas Mclverj-Prentiss and Clyde Dalrymple. Floral designs were in charge of the members if the Wo man’s auxiliary of which site was d loyal member. ' Following the funeral service the femdina were parried to the Joneehorb cemetery and interred by the side of her parent^ who preceded l>er many years ago. ..■■■ Miss Dalrymple, who had been in 111 health for the past year or mote passed away Sunday morning at the home ot her cousins,; Misses Annie and Myrta Dalrymple; Up until the. ' last few weeks of her. illness she Possessed a bright cheerful disposi tion, bearing her infirmities with pa tience seldom seen in anyone. Miss Dalrymple belonged to one of Jonesboro’s oldest and most prominent families, being the only child of the late Malcolm and Anne Dalrymple, pioneer settlers. The greater portion of the life of the deceased was spent ini teaching school in the various Kuiuuuj ox xne suite ana ner good in fluence upon the high school students, was lasting. A woman of unusual re finement and culture, she was gifted With a fine mind and character which won for her many friends and admir ers. She was for many years a loyal ~and devoted member of the Presby terian church. For the past several years she has made her home witfi Misses Annie and Myrta Dalrymple, ' who tenderly cared for her during hhr 'last illness. No immediate relatives •urvive.' ' ; Among those from out of town to attend the funeral were Mrs. T.iHiAw Bell and daughter, Mrs. Ruby Ward Poe, Rev. and Mrs. L. A. McLaurin, of Rowland; Mrs. O. 3. McDonald, ond W. W. Dalrymple, of Carthage. .. Masons Have thuapal Meeting.' t , jfhe ^attendance contest In Buffalo Bodge Which fifes been- & for the past ranee months came to a close at the Aguiar communication -last Monday 'night with the Reds led by E. B. Wat soil, Pfeist Master, winning.' •' the meeting was one of the mg^t outstanding in the history of th^ lodge there being more than. 150 pre sent representing 20 different lodges.’ The principal speaker of the even ing was Rev. C. K. Proctor, supenn-, tendent of'Oxford Orphanage.' Other speakers were Past Grand Master^Xv B. -Andrews, of Raleigh,: J. H. Andetv son, Grand Secretary,' of Raleigh,'^® - R. Smith, of Raleigh, and Rev. Frank C. Hawkins, pastor of the First Bagk tist Church, and W. H. White, H|st Master, of Sanford. Mr. White '-Sffc nounced that Sanford lodge were pufv ting an a contest similar to the one in the. Jonesboro lodge, and extended; f£ ^itatlon *° members of the WcarClodge and to. all others present -idattencU - '<■ the attendance campaign, in tfc® !.od«e here proved to be such a «jeat 'swceB» 4fee RedS-who. were the winners In the contest have gracious ly, volunteered to join 5tyith the Bluee by-putting -on the entertainment and »0|iv:tation will be extended to all WF'0*? $>■ join'with the members of the lodge in this least, the date of Which will he announced later. The work of Buffalo lodge under . the leadership of Dr. Waylon Blue, Master, is being carried on ina most satisfactory manner, _ "ft-Pftft Class Meeting. The Sunday School class of Miss flora McDonald was entertained last Fgday night by Miss fiunice Hatring 3’0*1 ?$**• Robert Smith, • joint hostess. - • , ■ [ Thd devotional was led .by Miss Grace Mann after which a very in followed. After a very full business session a social hour was enjoyed during which sev eral contests. were enjoyed. Winners in , these,, contests were Mrs. James Worthy and Mrs. Trevashon. I Du/ing the social hour the hostesses Stayed,, chicken salad, sandwiches, .pkkby caloe, and -whipped cream with axgaa,, .... Card of Thanks. 'W© With to thank our friends and neighbors ■ who were ar kind to ’ us during the illness and death of our :nrf>1Jier, Mrs. Mary Jane Sauls. May ;>Go<fs richest blessing rest upon each of you. ' ‘ I •'iaisito;' Mrs. W. H. Morris. e&rtJTS&'at . - ^ Death of W. W. Henley ! >Jjast,. rites for W. W. Henley, aged abd.- highly esteemed citizen, were held Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock, from tfie Jonesboro Methodist church, •of which he.had been a member for a number, of years. Hie service will be in charge of the pastor, Bev..J. E. Blalock, assisted by Hew. L. G. Lar kin, pastor of the Steele Street Metho dist Church of Sanford. Interment was in the Jonesboro cemetery. I Mr. Henley died - early Saturday morning near Sanford at the'home of i sortjf Earl Henley, after a brief ill* %ess.jB».wa#5ajc(atiye of Anson' equi ty,-’being reared ‘a few miles from Wadesboro. He was a member of a prominent family . of that section. ‘About 26 years ago he and bis family inoved near 1 Jopesboro, where he ' en gaged in farming. The body. ; was 'brought to Jonesboro to the heme of a son-in-law, Hasty Campbell, to-a wait the funeral hour. Had Mr. Henley liv ddhlinljl the 16th day of May he wou(d'&lye been 82 years of age. Sur rivibgi are the son, Earl Henley; 12 k^nd children and one great grand 'OhiUb Tha wife and six daughters and -one,' son preceded him to the grave. funeral of Mr. Henley was at tended by a hug® number of. friends -St;',- K-i '•fibnrto* - A. C. Sauls. R. H. Sauls. 1.. W mums wuuvjr U1U1C tJia» 25 years ago .Mr. Henley has been due of the most popular and be ■ - ■ •• . • OjilON PLANTS^ %$$$$■ || | ’ o>: ' ■ . ’"T" *1 TWi'iJ. ■ <■ ONION SETSTJTV\"^ ' r-^ ■ ■ ■,; • ■ ■. ; TOBACCO SEED, Srijv. $ tfARDEN and FLOWER SEED .fc i-*' ■ -i-.-'; y-‘ w r -■, v L»r _ Groceries and Seeds. T: Hanford, NCr - loved residents <rf this section. _ He ] was a faithful and devoted member •of the Methodist church and Interest ed in evepy phase-.^,the~work. He possessed'* disposition and .bore h':tn^r-.y Borrow* sold cHs ^pohitmofa.:! with bravery seldom age. - His ' bright j HMltb-'and cheerful words will be ■ jniwseu by his many friends and ad mirers. i MrthodiU Circles Meet. ’ :; ; Circle No, 1 of the Belle. Barnes Auxiliary, met Monday evening at the tome of Mrs. .A’. & Wyche, .Mrs. l>._ R Joyner joint hostess. ' •;> ’ fcs The devotiona l was conducted by Mrs, Wyche, after which a business session was held by Mrs. j. E. Bla lock, leader. Following the program Miss Tahnie Campbell led a most in teresting Bible study. During 'the social hour refreshments consisting of pear salad, sal tines and hot tea at the home of Mrs. W. b. Thomas and Mrs, Stancil Buchanan with the chairman, Mrs. J. H. Worthy, presid ing, The devotional was in charge of Mrs. W. G. Temple and the Bibje sti^dy led by Mia. W. C. Stroud. Dur ing the social hour a salad course was served. Circle So. 3 met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. H. W. Womhje, the chair man, Mrs. C. H. Campbell, presiding. After the devotional a very interest ing program was rendered. During the social honr refreshments ware served. ■, v j Dinner Guest* • >. On last Thursday evening at their home on Lee street Dr. and Mrs. Way Ion Blue were host# at six o’clock dinner. The dining table was center ed whir a lovely bowl of fruit and a delicious turkey dinner in ' three courses was served. Covers were laid for Dr. F. L. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dnlrym ple, Mrs. L. L. Thomas, Mary John Thomas, Mrs. D. F. Harris, Dr. and Mrs. Blue and Nancy and Margaret Blue. Jonesboro Reaches Finals. In a game played Jn the State Col lege gymnasium Tuesday night Janes boro defeated Gamer 16-14 to reach the finals in the State elimination contest for Eastern honors. The game was close throughout, being decided only after two extra periods had been played. In the sec ond extra period Gibson caged a goal from near center court and the Jones boro quintet protected the lead for the remathder of the game. , r .,qgt that Jonesboro ha»lbe<-n an Eastern finalist. Last yea* fhe team won the class B championship of North Caro " tournament at igpl iuilfoird (1 star hoir-at Steele lurch. °on, February ir Steele St. "ford, the Guil (11a Choir” under Noah, will give On Sunday a# 2&th., it 2:30 efe Methodistchurtdr; Collie “it -the direction of a concert. ; This choir^is sal vorably with theM&ripous Westminster choir of Ihica, New York, and music lovers of our toWfir and community a»: urged to attenA the concert Sun day. The concert is being sponsored •by the Sanford Music Club and a sil ver offering will be^tnk >. ai the door. to compare fa The friends of' Mrs w, 3. Temple regret to know that she is confined to her home by illness. Her daughter, Miss Louise Te«nple> of Durham, spent the week end with her Mrs. L. P. Oumjheii and daughter, Nancy, sport the'WSek end with their people here. y;,J| Misses Bemice Currie and Frances Roberts spent 'thrrweek end at Jack son Springs.. ' Mrs. Jim Davis, of Carthage, spent Sunday with Mrs. T. C. Black. ■ Friords of MlUepVaylon Blue who was sngntiy injures in an automobile accident last Sunday afternoon, are glad to know she is improving and will soon be out again. Miss Lois JSabeymple, 0f High Point, spent the. week end with her parents, Mt. and Mrs. J. R. Dalrym ple. :: e- -> Mr. and Mrs.-.B. W. Maddox an nounce the. marriage of their caugh ter, 'Louise, to Mr* Ellis Wicker, on Feb, 3rd., 1934, at the home of Rev. J. S. Cook, - Mrs. B.‘ B. Cole has returned to her home in Washington, D. C., after a few days-visit with' Mrs. Bertha Cole. Miss Katherine' Blalock, of Phila delphia, spent Sunday With her par ents, Rev and Mrs. J. E. Blalock. She was accompanied by: Miss Anne Bla lock who-spent the^ateek end with her. Miss Elizabeth' Thomas, who holds a stenographic position in Wilming ton, spentjthe end with hei parents. She hSttSBu-her guest Miss RuthPage, alsofCI Wilmington. Mrs. William Vance and Miss Held Mann,of Greensboro, spent Sunday with their people'lwre. Mr. an3 Mrs. D. L. Culberson,, ol Rockingham, ■... home o{ Di4 s m • ' visitors, at thi Mrs. . ^ K. Hun - Mlbs Alice Lee Lambeth, of North Carolina College, Greensboro, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Lambeth, , Miss Ethel Kelly was hailed to Himp last Friday to the bedside ol her, hrqt^er-in-law, Itagh Shields. Her, yyork in the'Johesborb School'Is being carried on by Mrs. Rion ®itht, Oh account of the death of one at their members, Miss Janie Dalrymple. the Auxiliary meeting was postponed fropi last Monday until next Monday, Mrs. S. H, Campbell and Mi^ anc Mrs! M 1. Feimster and children, of Greensboro, visited Mrs. R. A, Wat son last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Julian Erwin and little son have returned, to Middle boro, Ky., after a visit with Miss Vivian Ayent. JONESBORO CIRCUIT, Rev. J. E. Blalock, Pastor. Services for Sunday, Feb. 25, 1934, 11:00 A. M.—Lemon Springs. 3:00 P. M.—Morris Chapel. 7:30 P. M.—Jonesboro. The pastor and members of these congregations invite you to worship with us next Sunday. Orphanage envelopes should be turned^ in at this time. All members Will be interested tc know the showing made by then church at the quarterly conference The financial chart will be on exhibit at the above mentioned churches or Sunday. JL 1 • ».»»•«• LIBRARY NOTICE .7 At the beginning of the ytear the Lee County Library had a circulation at five thousand books among the county people alone. Since the library cannot boast of but four thou-1 b°<*9 it is teasily seen hour much the people appreciate the library. During the month of January nearly one thousand books were circulated among . th| .people, of the county exclusive of I Sanford. Last Saturday there were Stalpenj from the library one hundred (and twenty-four books to be read over the week end. There was ?. cir culation of 2,103 books latt month pirns book post. . . There are a number of good mag&* tines in the library some of which are donations. They are as follows: Ladies Home Journal, Good House keeping, American, Saturday Evening Post, The State, Harper's, Popular ^Science, St. Nicholas, Wings, Young Wings, Specialty-Salesman, The San ford Exprless, Cosmopolitan, Ameri can Legion Monthly, Seven Seas, La tersry Digest, Nature Magazine, The * ■ International Student, Carolina Motor Club News, lie Sanford Herald, The ^ American Isays, Bulletin" of N. C. ,: Federation of Women’s Clubs, Radio land, Country (Jehtleman. V i; 1 A beautiful Library desk sndityfa book eases are being' made foS Afie library by the CWA and are ■^pwet ed to be ready for use by thfe tasbted ... foe wade. Miss Glenn Ross and Isa belle Blake ate working in foe li brary rebinding books. This Volk is jbeing done through the £WA‘for the ' The Library hours are JO to 12 a. m. and 2:30, Sunday. to 6 p. m. daily ‘ except CIVIL SERVICE EXAMINATION The United States Civil Service Commission announces an open com , petitive examination for the position of Student Nurse, for filling vacan cies in St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Wash ington, D. C. WE HAVE HATS—Small Hats, Large Hats, Round Hats, Long Hats—Everything but Square Hats—and they are in a color selection that can’t be beat. COME AND HAVE A LOOK AT THEM ■■r-V.ji. CHEVROLET ANNOUNCES new €lnt 109lii , huskier models feature an entirely new engine, giving increased power on less fuel than ever! ___mm. THE 1934 line of .Chevrol^t^triitl^s— truck-built for truck service all the way through—feature the Blue-Flame engine—a great new development that will be wel comed by every truck buyer in America. Here are the remarkable facts: The new Chevrolet trucks are even bigger than last year’s models—bigger in bodies, with stronger, heavier frames, huskier transmis sions and rear axles, and larger brakes. They will deliver more power at the time when 1 you need it most. They will haul bigger loads than ever at an even faster pace. Yet, ^/thanks to the new Blue-Flame engine. operating costs are actually lower than before —and that means the lowest in the haulingfield. The net result of all these improvements is a line of trucks like no others on the market— the first to offer such a combination of big ca pacity, great power and unequalled economy. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, DETROIT. MICHIGAN m ; A general motors value h$m delivered prices and /> tii iii^ «wv G. A/. . C. terms it-::

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