PROMINENT NORFOLK MINISTER TO 4 BAPTISTS TO HAVE PROMINENT MAN TO HOLD SERVICES Dr. Melton, Prominent Baptist Minister, of Norfolk, To Be Here Week. ALL URGED TO ATTEND What do you like In religion? In * ' . your home the furniture dealer tolls . you that you! should be satisfied with V only that which is best. One wants to know that the doctor that is called into the family practice is accredited and abreast of the best knowledge of his profession. We are interested— though not as much so we could be—In-good schools for our children, that is we cooperate more whole-j heartedly'With school authorities to this end. > ~ *• 1 j ' The ministers of the churches in Sanford are deeply interested in giv ing the community what they as trained leaders in their chosen fields feel to be the best interpretation of religion. A few years ago the Pres byterians had Dr. James I. Vance, , of Nashville, Tenn., to come to Sanfoitl \ for a fine-series of sermons in their \ church. Dr. Vance represents the best i we know today of the revealed love of God for His children. The same can be said for such leaders in reli , gious thought as Bishop Mouzon and i Dr. Smith, of Eton College, and Bishop . r PenicB, of Raleigh. Our only trouble in Sanford is'that these interesting and outstanding preachers come to u? altogether too seldom, but when they do come it is to the fine prsfee " of the citizenry of the town that they hear them with pleasure and great ' . profit. ■ ' Mr. Hawkins, of the; Baptist church, I ) announces the coming ' of a notable preacher next week. Dr. Sparks W Melton, of Norfolk, Va., will preach - a series of five sermons beginning eh Monday night in. the First Baptist church. Dr. Melton cannot be here over Sunday because of the nearness f of the Easter season and the desire to be with his own people Sundays > proceeding this Reason of religions ' decision. No one in the whole South ern Baptist Convention is held in higher regard as a man and as a ^ - preacher than is Dr. Melton, He be lieves innur young people; he is hope ful about the future for them and for our world and against this background he proclaiins the. jinsmcbiftble., rugiag of God. : . Dr. Melton has jpst rounded out twenty-five years of unusually fine ministry in Norfolk's leading Baptist : church, the Freemason Street church. The membership of this church has moved to other residential sections of the city and left the old church down town in the business section. , ’ Yet for twenty-five years his congre gations have filled and overflowed old Gothic church and gallery for two services on Sundays. Friday noon for several years Dr. Melton has.conduct ' ed a downtown Bible class for men of all faiths. At present both the pregi dernt and secretary of this class hap , pen to be Jews. The public generally is most cor dially invited to all these services at the Baptist church next week, Monday through Friday nighta at 7:30 p. m. Because we can have Dr. Melton for only five services do not delay to : come for the first and let us get ail the good possible while he is here. Come reverently and. with a prayer •. for yourself (and for the preacher. ■ MATHEMATICAL PRODIGY The following news item is clipped from 'the Greenville Reflector: “Because of her expertness with figures, Edith Nesbit, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nes bit, of this city, is regarded as a mathematical prodigy. “The child, who entered Third Street School last fall, is credited with being able to glance af a column of figures and give the total immediately.” Mr. and Mijs. Nes,bit, parents of this child, formerly lived in Sanford, where they are well known, Mrs. Nes bK, before her marriage, was’Miss Laura Harrington. AN APPRECIATION • v Mr. R. P. Rosser, The Sanlee Theatre rf-; T.: Sanford, N. C, Sear Mr. Rosser We wish to thank you and your staff for the splendid cooperation you gave us in our effort' to aid the County Hospital, You rendered the Hospital cause an invaluable service when you gave us the use of your theatre, time, current and obtained for ua‘, free, of charge, such an appro priate picture. - We regret that your motive was ■misconstrued* by_ some uninformed persons. Knowing asi we do your per sonal i aversion to Sunday shows, we - are sorry that we were the cause of such absolutely unjustified criticism. ' Let us assure you that if we can be of service to you at any time, ^ you only have to call on ub, ■ With Beat wishes, Sanford Junior Chamber of Commerce LOCAL FORD AGENT TO PRESENT MOVIE Movie Production of Ford Motor r Company \7o Be Presented At Sanlee Soon. “These Thirty Years," a new talk ing picture produced by the Ford Motor Company, is to bq shown at the Sanlee Theatre, March 15th. and 16th. Complimentary tickets are being distributed by the Lee Motor Com pany under whose auspices the local showings are being held. The story of “These Thirty Years,” begins 8< <-'T - MRS. JESSE ELLIS PASSES The funeral service of Mr. Jlespe Ellis was heldfteet'i Wednesday at Cool Springs Baptist church. Mr. El lis died Tuesday of ai heart attack at his home on Sanford Route 1. Mr. Elba was born in Chatham county 65 ye&iis ago. One brother, Mr. Alfred Ellis; two sisters, Mrs. John Oldham and Mrs. Henry Oldham, of the same route, survive. fauiksottalog; oJblfoban-eTjourAdt * JfyuTUSE-"our WNU CUT & dOPyr^BRVICE Nochars&tor twit q ADDEO J"f RVICE CUTSI i^All lines of PITAIL BUSINESS T«a Million Amorieano k«n wrf Cruy Watar Cryatal* — ton* of - thorn Uto now you, o» work whoro you work. X»k than. Try Craay [Tatar Cryatala — eleanoo youroolf of was to and (npurltio* 0*4 ooa how good Natnro oau an aka you foal I TUNEINfSf STATION, WBT. - . UNDER THE BIG ;/>.;/ WHITE DOME - Pried Fixing. Ten leading packfersl are accused of 'combining to fix meat prices. The packets have been having trouble in trying to keep going during recent years. Now they are accused scientists have just completed a irtudy of a giant spider, 8 1-2 Inched long, which is found in several tropical countries where it is a principal menace tol bird life. Boast tag the formidable scientific name of “theraphosa leblondi,’ it spreadmits enormous webs* in trees and ensnares small binds and fledglings. It has a voraciojis appetite for the feathered songsters whose principal enemy it is. A study of spiders, made by the scienrje Staff of the New National I Encyclopedia* shows that spiders of one kind or another exist in every habitable comer of the globe. Many are very poisonous, but very few -species can penetrate anything so tough as the human skin. The pro gress of the art of encyclopedia-mak ing is well indicated to any student who glances oyer the information given in the newest reference bookb on a subject like spiders. In the older works'these insects were scantily treated, with a casual mixture of mythology amt folk lore. The ne w encyclopedias are accurate, complete and up to\the minute in summing up recent scientific' knowledge. ■ Rigging the Market 7 Since Senator Fletcher and Repre sentative Rayburt^ introduced their bills for, Federal .regulation of the New York Stock*fexchange, the big wigs.of the tagg^rt gambling joint in the world, are ready to accept legis lation to controjL jjjradSng Am the ex change. "Of curBe.they don’t want the Fletcher-Raybum bill. But that’s just about what they .are; going to get, despite thiir objections to it on the grounds that “it will destroy and open market er securities.” Oh, I yeah! About the Tax Bills the People Want ] During all this talk about PWA projects and CWA loans and whatnot ind the beneficial effects upon bu$i iess in the states because they put so many millions of .dollars into cir rulation, Congress seems to be shut- \ ing both its eyes and ears to a real rpportunity to put real money into j. :irculation. Just by eliminating the- . me cent Federal tax upon gasoline . Congress could put $3,000,000 on the f iverage into circulation in every J itate. . The money circulated by that scheme would' be real money—hard, cold, dol- e ars saved to taxpayers. There isn't j, iny money anywhere that is better | han that! And the taxpayers would ; tnow they were getting full value for heir money, because every one of hem would experience the saving. The trouble is that Congressmen arc very quick about enacting tax . bills, and very, very slow about re pealing them. Then again they are very, very slow about enacting some tax bolls, and very quick about repeal ing others. And- the funny thing about it is that they seem carefully to avoid enacting the tax bills the peo ple want, and just as carefully avoid repealing those the people don’t want. . There’s this general manufacturer's tax proposal, for instance. There never has bee a tax so widely advo- 1 oated, so vociferously sought as that levy. It taxes everyone lightly, yet is marvelously productive of revenue. But it has become a political football. Congressmen just won't play with it for fear of political recriminations. Nobody knows, of course, just what political recriminations are, but they must be something,, because Congress men are very, very wary of them. So that’s the picture. Congress won't repeal the Federal gasoline tax to save taxpayers more than $180, 000,000. It won’t enact the general manufacturers” tax to provide the government with revenue exceeding $600,000,000—and more, as business improves. What will it do? Mrs. J. W. Dupree, who has been sick fo» several weeWs is improving her many friends will be glad to hear. 666 Liquid Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops, Checks Malaria in 3 days, Colds First Day, *, Headaches or Neuralgia in 30 Minutes. FINE LAXATITVE AND TONIC Most -.Speedy HmditB Koovn* heat regulator will free you FROM OVEN WATCHING II nil* Just set the heat regulator on . athe modern electric range and you are freed from oven watch «ing. And more, it eliminates all guesswork about oven tempera* tures for the exact heat required ■s maintained automatically. Add to this the automatic clock control and you have ail that can be desired in cooking convenience. Von can place a whole meal in the spacious oven, set the controls and the rest of the day is yours for leisure, social contacts or recreation. At, meal-time, everything will be deliciously cooked, piping hot end ready to serve. jJji&bC - : . ■ If you have not “taken a trip” through a modern electric range, do so' today. Every step reveals some time - and - labor i saving f-’ature. V Carolina Power&Ug: it Company Aj_s • MNT i> l -if COMBINATION *7 ft. V I <■ i Ps A T F 7 " “ nS—1*, 1 i' ——utr----— 2 ,©«« Of THf Mm m TM» CAAOll*# I»» COMBINATION il«HTim ^OOKIW Ami nMatin# franca !sr i ! SOW ONE MAN . LOST 22 POUNDS Mr. Herman Runkis of Detroit •rites: "A few lines of thanks from i rheumatism sufferer—My first ottle of Kruschen Salts took all of le aches and swellings out of my >ints—with my first bottlei I went n a diet and lost 221 pounds and now :el like a new man.” To lose fat safely and: quickly take ne half teaspoonful of Kruschen alts in a glass of hot water before reakfast every morning—an 85c -bottle lasts 4 weeks—Get it ft any drug store in America. ' „.*> : If not joyfully satisfied after, the first bottle—money back. Xi-.JfSS ;! % FOE SALE!—One oak bedstead, dress* er and washstand. Apply to R. & Wicker, Sanford, N. C. BRING US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS . For Quality, Service and Prices— Thomas Drug Store. We Save; you Money, Phone 48. FOR SALff—Cotton seed meal, {80.00 per ton; $1.55 per ba&. Sapona Mills, Inc. • rv. ./< I DIDN’T LIKE FUN AND PARTIES. WAS ALWAYS IRRITABLE AND NERVOUS. MY FIANCi GUESSED MY TROUBLE. INSISTED THAT I . TAKE UP CAMELS. I ADORE THEIR TASTE. MY "NERVES"? ALL GONE I r. See Us For .. Heavy BARBUt) WIRE, roll $3.45 32 in. FIELD FENCE, roll $6.00 58 m. P. & G. WIRE, roll $6.00 60 in. POULTRY WIRE, roll $3.75 1- Horse WAGON $45.00 2- Horse WAGON $7S.00 Also a Full Line of PAINT and ENAM ELS for both Inside and Outside. Lee Hardware Co. %'-v. * “The Winchester Store.” BRING US YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS * FOR Quality, price. Compounded by our stalled, registered Pharmacists, and insure complete accur acy. Thomas Drug Store, WE SAVE YOU MONEY TELEPHONE No. 48. We Have a Full Line OF MEATS DURING THIS COLD WEATHER, ALSO FRESH AND CANNED VEGETABLES, CAKES, BREAD AND CEREALS. , . CALL PHONE 509 AND WE WILL DELIVER PROMPTLY. .. , ■ , I V ■ \ Lemmonds & Jones, . CHATHAM STREET. ■> ' . .