JONESBORO NEWS LETTER - j.tL (taHs. v .rtceuiii. jVV--.’ CM* Housejihfected. j' v. The members of the Pignut Club, composed of 18 members in the Wor ' thy section have erected s .club house on a lob donated by Mr. R„ R. Knight •Just aeross the highway from his re^ rridence. The house is built of logs hnd contains a large fireplace and ample'windows. The logs Were fbr hished by husbands of the club mein bers who also gave one day a week to the building of the club house. The ladies of the dub, of -which Mrs.' Raymond Knight ia president, -hie cooking cakes each week for sale to raise funds to buy necessary material to finish Its construction. When com-1 plete’this attractive building will hot only furnish a center for club meet- | ings but for all community activi ties. Such a project speaks well for the cooperative spirit of the com mqnity, '• •;j1 v' ’ 2Vi.- - 'y~' .-rjrv ' Mrs. Black Hostess.-)•1 Mrs. T. C, Black was graclo(is'|ioat ess to the members of- the Merry? Go Round Bridge Club Monday etching, at her home here. .. Ti^e living room,, where three tables -were in play, was most attractive with a lovely arrangement of jonquils, primrose and pussy1 willow. High score prize, , a lovely begonia, .was presented Miss Myra*: Godfrey. tTo Mrs. Sheldon Harrington, holder of visitors’ high score; was. presented dainty handkerchiefs. Low score prize fell to Mrs. W. M. Holt. At the conclusion of the games the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Way Ion Blue served a salad course carrying out the St. Patrick motif, consisting of -congealed fruit salad, saltines, hot cheese-sandwiches, pickle, hot bisduit with baked ham, individual chess pies topped with whipped cream, and coffee. _ ' Special guests were Mesdames-is -B. Watson, Charles Hamilton, ^.ulk, and Mrs. George Hunt and ait early recovery for each earnestly paired. 4 v-j;;- Revival Services. . - Revival services will be held in {he Jonesboro Methodist church beginning the third Sunday morning, March 18 and jvrdl continue through the follow ing Sunday. I Rev. John A.'Russell, ol Dunn, has -been secured to assist in meeting. Rev, Russell is an ex enced and greatly beloved postal just completed a five yeai pastorate at Carr church, Durham. "ft Service At Baptist Church, v. Frank Hare, pastor, of.tb church, will use as his sub next Sunday night, March 11th. “Who Is To Bl^te?" The public it cogdially invited to attend. 1 Spccial Pregraia At Preebyterian v, -. Ckink Lut HwA;. l ? A special Stewardship program was given Sunday night «t the Presby terian church by the ladies of the Broadway church, Tiie pageant was well -rendered and very impressive Tim young people* from, St. Andrew! ehUreh also presented a pageant 3m titled “What Lock I Yet?” wind vris greatly enjoyed by all preedit, Thp devotional was conducted by Mr, SUvy: Shaw. __ ,1$is hoped, that these thUrt^tes wilt -favor .ua with: another program at an eariy -date. 7 • • f V | .* 7 Jf— ~ Birth AnamMieMteat. - Mr; and Mrs. S. T. Cox announce the birth'of a son, S. T., Jr., at theii hornet, an West Main street, Thursday March 1st. ; .. ; - t - i Class Hostesses, s ■ ii-Onf last Thursday evening' Mes iftin® J. E. Blalock and'J. K. i>ai Jymple were joint hostesses to the members of the Wesley Bible close of the Methodist church at the home at Mrs. Dalrymple on Weet Main St, The devotional led by Mrs. Arthm Rives and -Mrs. Will Moses was un !y interesting. ONION SETS,' g;|J SEED POTATo||^fl:^;: EAMiYSEHb^Rtf ‘ '>*7 $3S!l# L ' S WE RECOMMEND ?* Kale, Mustard, * #tgg Spinach, Turnips, also Tendergreen or Mustard Spinach ^Groceries an&Seecls. ;S Wf.,?XW4*fc* ! * Phones 52 and -53— Sanford, N.C. • . *r*r- ■ • ■ » v. - ■' . .4 fF’Snmun* ***■*+£ - Following the devotional - a busi ness session was held-by Mrs. ij. A. Godfrey,. president, during "r, which plnns'.-^ere.jjade '•fo-'d'o fotfripr wo?k fteeessary in the Methodist parsonage. ,Ui fttriiig'a very‘pleasant' social hour 'the'hb'gtfesses, * assisted jbjp'^ijtisfies Anne Blaloclc and Dorothy Dalrymple,' served a salad course carrying out the St. Patrick motif. The class will hold their March meeting with Mes dames Harris and Thomas. ' Belle Barnes Auxiliary. Circle No. 2 of the Auxiliary was responsible for tile program at the regular monthly-meeting which was held at the church Monday night. Af ter the devotional, conducted by Ri». J. P. McDavid, the president, Mrs. J. K. Hunt, presided over a very inter esting business session. Following tills the meeting was turned over to circle 2, with Mrs. James Worthy, chair man, who put on a splendid pageant on Stewardship. Those taking part in the play were Mesdames W. L. Tho mas, C. A. Godfrey, R. R. Knight, Janies Worthy and Myra Godfrey* Mrs. W. C, Stroud directed the play.' Circle No. 2 was also banner circle for attendance. • - ‘ 1 Y. W.A. Meeting. I The Y. W. A. of the Baptsit church, hep its regular monthly meeting on February 26th., at the homeof Misses Louise and Josephine Faulk. I A very interesting program on “Early Christiana and Our Heroes,” was in charge of Miss Louise Faulk. Others taking part were Misses Grace Yates, Josephine Faulk, Ruth and Maxie Gunter, Adele and Mabel Sanders. Duringithe social hour jello topped with whipped cream and cake was served. Misses Frances Leslie, and, Florence Wicker will be hostesses at tiie March meeting. Play A Great Success. The musicas comedy entitled “See You Later,”, put on' by local talent on Tuesday evening, under the direction of Miss Katherine Kirkpatrick, of the Triangle Producing Co., ' of Greens boro, was witnessed by, a full house. Those asked to take part in the play "showed a fine, spirit of cooperation which Was responsible in a large men sure for-the success of the play. The knembers of the.'P.; TV, A.are greatly indebted tsb Miss Mabel Yarborough, phudst, who gave so freely of her time to the practice of the choruses. The funds received from this play will ho used for buying books for -the library.-. Wlcker-KeHy. Mr-Claybome B. Wickar. of San ford.and Miss Louise Kelly, Of Broad way," were quietly inaifi$id^ at the Methodist parsonage'Wednesday mom ing at 10:30 o'clock by Rev. J, B. BWock,: OAly a few . close friends w4re present to wititees the ceremony. ^ Mr. Wicker, holds a responsible position wth the State Highway de partment with headquarters at San | ford. MrSL Wicker is the attractive 1 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Kelly of Broadway. After a shortf wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Wicker will be at home in Sanford. ' 'Mrs. j. P. McDavid returned Sun day from Wilmington, where she went to see her mother, Mrs. F. M. Foy, wh? is recovering from a stroke of paralysis sustained several weeks ago. Fhfl Cameron left Monday for Ra leigh where he Will enter King's Business College, Friends of Mrs. T. E. Wyche are glad to know that she is recovering from a very severe attack of cold. Her daughter, Mrs. Paul Eason, of Smithfield, ig spending a few days with her. - - Mrs. Maggie Cox, of Jonesboro Rt 8, passed away Tuesday night fol lowing a-stroke of paralysis. Funeral services. were held Wednesday after noon from 'Morris Chapel conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Blalock. A more extended notice will appear next week. Miss Amy Womble, of Siler City, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, S. W. Womble. Miss Myra Godfrey and Mrs. J. E. Brian went to Raleigh last week to see their sister, Mrs. H. C. Buchan, who underwent a serious operation in the hospital there. ■ 1 ! Miss Louise Temple, of Durham, spent Sunday with her mother, Mra.: W. S-. Temple. The many friends of Mrs. Temple, who has . been ill for several weeks, are glad W know that she ig out again, ” Mrs. D. F. Harris has returned from a visit to her sister in Fair mont. ' r ■ * ; -V. Mr. and-Mrs. R. R. Morgan, of Raleigh, spent Sunday with Mrs. Mary Caddetl. . . The ladies of the Baptist' church will serve supper to the Kiwanis Club of Sanford on Friday evening at their church here. , -*\> T. E. Wyche, Jr., oil Albemarle, spent Sunday at the home of, his mother. Mrs. John. SC Ingram,'/rlftv^q,lk tomeh^ ingj^hool JStsaj,.. wm ft hoiie a fet^ 1 ing. uhabie to operate.. - J Collier’s saya that Uncle Sam has 22,000,000 employees on his pay roll no wonder the United States is in the W. -. vv' :>• - . •• . . t'i Mother of A. B. Cox pies TuesdayEvening rf--<1 ,,^,-5 i ferryman Cox died at her home on Jonesboro Route. a Tuesday evening after . a brief ill, ness of paralysis. The funeral ser vices were held at Morris ■ Chapel Wednesday afternoon and interment 1st the churchy Cemetery, Rev. j, g. Blalock, pastog ee County Hospital, is improving and is abib to be at home. Mr. and Mrsi, Neal Underwood 'have moved frojgi the Cunningham house and have ah apartment with Mrs. H. M. WilUams. Mr. and Mrs. M. D, Poister have moved from the. Ray apartment on Hawkins Avenue into the S, V. Scott home on Carthage" St. ' . . Mr. and Mrs. 1C. A; -Pendergrass, Mr. J. C. Pendergrass, Mr. and Mrs, S. G. Groce and Mrs. Marvin Stewart attended the funeral of Miss Vallie Groce in Burlington Monday. Miss Groce was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Groce,; ef Burlington. Mrs. W. H. Bruton and Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Glasi. of Sanford Route 8, are improvirtg safter sevral weeks illness. j. • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Freeman and child, of Washington,. D. c,f are jn Sanford at the bed side of Mr. Free man's mother, who is critically* ill. - Mr.: and Mrs. 4, B. Cox have been spending some time at the bed side of Mr. Cox’s mother, who died at her home on Jonesboro Boute 8, Tuesday night;. " : Mk Sampson, countyj it spending 5* few ;days in Sanford With the families of this sons. • ■ - i f Mrs. Annie RoM„,wf Carthage St., celebrated her eighty-first' birthday Tuesday and enjoya splendid. health. Mr. and Mrs. 0. H. Cooper. Hobson and Lemuel Cooper apent Sunday at Autreyvilie with Mr. Cooper’s father and Maters. ■P*- r' aJdC :- V.r ■ ■ -Recorder’s Court was not held-Tuei day. Judge T. J. McPherson was notj well- and'called off) the court for this weelt. He has now about recovered and is at hie place of business, his many friends will be pleased to learn. There will bel services at the Lemon Springs Baptist church Sunday mom- j ing, March 11th., at 11 o'clock, con ducted! by Rev. A. H..Porter, of Bon-; lee. The public is cordially invited to' attend this service. | Mrs. Belle Dunn, who had the mis fortune to fall and break her ankle while visiting her sister, Miss Mary Mclver, has suffihiently recovered to be brought to the home of her niece,1 Mrs. Ethel Watson, where she is now visiting. Mrs. Dunn's friends hope to see her walking in the near future. I The Hilltop, a college paper pub lished by the pupils of Mars Hill Col-| lege, states in its current issue that the honor clubs of the institution in electing officers for the semesters,1 made Bill Harkey, a student from' this place, president of the Foreign Relations Club. Little Miss Josephine Holler, dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Holler, was painfully wounded in the eye by a bean shooter last Friday. She was sick in bed at the time the acci dent occurred. It will be several days before the extent of the injury can be determined. Her friends hope a complete recovery may be her lot. Mr. Paul Leonard, of Statesville, secretary and-treasurer of the North Carolina.Fair Tax Association, spent a few hours in Sanford today, dis cussing the question of a just tax for the State with business men of town. He is well known to the local mer chants, having at one time been con nected with the State Merchants As sociation. At a preliminary hearing in the office of J. R. Rives, Esq., in this place last Friday Howard Edwards, who is charged with criminally as saulting Agnes White, eight year old sister-in-law of the defendant, he was remanded to jail without bond to await a hearing in the Superior Court. Tbie child and several others were put on the witness stand. K. R. Hoyle appeared for the defendant and State Solicitor C. L. Williams and 3 Solicitor of , the Recorder's Court H. M. Jackson appeared for the State. W, C. Hammond, of Asheboro, re signed the .first day tVf -March as deputy commissioner of Revenue af ter thirteen years of continuous ser vice in this state department. He has accepted other work. During these years he-was a familiar figure on the streets of Sanford at this season of the year while collecting taxes for rthis department. He is succeeded in -this work by Joe E. Caviness, of Lillington. Mr. Caviness also collects the sales tax in this part of the state. -He made his home in Sanford when a hoy. /two honor prisoners, who were left to distribute the top covering on one of the State highways in this county on Wednesday of last week, decided ' that they were sufficiently amused with' Lee county camp life and at once left for parts unknown. When the authorities missed them they no tified the State’s Prison in Raleigh, but so far nothing has been heard from them. They are Phil Herbert, serving four to seven years for break ing and entering in Cherokee county in August, 1932, and Adger Stamey, serving two to three years for larceny in Transylvania county. Republicans Announce ] Date of County Meet _ ' Notice is hereby given that the Re-1 publicans of Lee County will hold a county Convention at the court house in Lee county on Saturday, March 81st*, 1934, at 2 o’clock P. M., for the purpose of electing a County Chair man and Secretary and a County Re publican Executive Committee, nom inating candidates for the county of . flees and selecting delegates to the State Convention, which will be held in Charlotte on Wednesday, April 4th., 1934, and also selecting dele gates to the Congressional, Judicial and Senatorial districts to be here after called. I The Township Executive Commit-, tees for the various townships and voting precincts in Lee County are nequIEsted to call a meeting of the Republicans in their respective voting precincts to be held on Saturday, March 24th., 1934, at 2 o’clock P. M., at the last designated voting place for the general election, which shall be called by the Chairman of the Committee or in the absence of. the Chaifman .by ajijr other member of the* Committee; and at such meet ings there shall £e elected a precinct ^Executive Committee and-, delegates to the Cdunty Convention. ,, I | It is urged that all Republicans at tend the precinct meetings and county Convention.' is time for shad to be running In the river at Buckhom. i TheJShoeJand Hosiery Store. Sanford,N.C. PUMPS for Spriftg ate wiH like cotes ai Paris G and White. PRICES ARB REASONABLE—$2.98 to $5 And We Have Lots of Sizes, Widths Too. • / CAJ^L IN ANDL ET US SHOW YOU THE NEW SPRING FOOTWEAR ♦ 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 * Poultry Sale March 10th Car will Be on Seaboard track near Passenger depot from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Saturday. Poultry \foll be bought at car door at following prices: HENS, pound ...______13c LEGHORNS, pound ____^_ 10c STAGS, pound —______8c ROOSTERS, pound......6c TURKEYS, No. Ts..... 14c TURKEYS, No. Ta_&__;.12c DUCKS and , GEESE, pound --- .-8c Do not feed chickens on day of sale. Do not tie their feet. Do not in .sacks. iijsu For Further Information See: G. H. Wilkie,^Bec. Lee Fanners Mutual Exchange or E. O. McMahan, County Agent, Sanford, N. C. SEE US... ■■ i - %?.' * : FORA « GRIFFON SPRING SUIT! You’ll Be Proud to Wear Dalrymple, Marks &Brooks WICKER STREET, SANFORD, N. C. Dollar Days! Thursday, and