DfxuTitmnr TnErrs-EBTTBHP? BY HRS. S. H. ROSSER. 4 Local Girl Receives Honor. - f;,- , i'. Mary Elisabeth Shaw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Shaw attended the State meeting of the'Building and Xoan Association held ai Elizabeth CitjT last week. This was a two-day meeting and at the list' program which was Thursday.night the final . contest of essays on Thrift and Home Ownership'was held. Ten contestants representing 10 districts appeared at $his time. When the judges rendered their decision it was found that Mary Elizabeth Shaw had won third prize, which was $25. Miss Shaw won that _ in the county contest which was held in Sanford in April. In May the dis trict contest was held in Rockingham and she again won first place entitl ing her* to go |to the State meeting at ^Elizabeth City. Her friends through put the county congratulate her on the splendid way in which she repre sented Lee comity at this time. Boys and Girls World Club • The Boys and Girls World Club met Monday afternoon at the home of ' Kenneth and Claude Chandler. Twenty ‘ .mongers and ! visitors were present. Throughout the past quarter the cluh had made a study. of Kgrea. This meeting was devoted to a summary of the work dgne and stories of Korea told by1 Mrs. S. H. RossvrTWrilTgThe social hour Mrs. Chandler served ice .cream and wafers to the club. The July meeting wilLhe at the home of Billy' and Margaret Darden. V Death of Mias Martha Coram. /. Miss Martha .G. Coram.died Mon daymorning at the home of her niece, Mrs. J. D. Cooper, following a short illness. Having sustained a fall a few weeks ago,/she had not been able to gist over it. Having lived in Broadway only a few years, she was not widely htiown here, but those who had the pleasure of her acquaintance held her in high esteem. As she was a native of Yadkin County funeral services were held in Richmond Hill Baptist , church, of that county Tuesday morn ® ing. She is survived by a brother and several pieces and nephews. Richard Brown, of Sanford, is visit ing at the home , of his grand-mother, Mrs. C. A. Gray. ; Mr. and Mrs, Lemon McNeill left Bungay for an extended visit with re latives in Georgia. ' Miss Lucile Thomas, of Siler City, spent Jast week- end at the home of ...Jlrs. William Darden. Guests at the'home of Mr. S. M, ' Rosser last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Martin fGastef and Son, Graham; Jjjrs.' $f. J. Cameron a»d;spns,'®Ml. and Dan, ofjonesboro; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rosser and sons, J", T., Jr., and Alston, of IiUington; and .Mary Eli sabeth Rosser, of Broadway. '/ Mrs. James Thomas, of King’s-Busi / ness College, Raleigh, spent last week end at the home of her father, Mr. H. A. Rives. ' Doris Burgess, daughter of Mr, and ' Mrs. J. L. Burgess, attended the clinic at Lee County Hospital last Friday and had the tonsil operation. ■ Her many friends are (dad to know that she is about entirely, from the opera ‘ tion. Miss Thelma Caster spent last Sun day with Miss Mattie Harrington. >Miss Addie McNeill, of Apex, is visiting at the home of her parents, i Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McNeill. " 'TIr, and Mrs. D. EL Shaw and son, Winfred, accompanied Mary Elisabeth Shpw to the State meetiiig of the Building and Loan Association at Elizabeth City last week. While «n route they visited . several places of historical interest in the pastern sec tion of the StateL Among them were - Manteo and Fort Raleigh. Between these places is the “Mother Vineyard” With the vines that originally came ’ from England. They also visited “the Wright momgnent, Bay View and the - old town of Bath. They saw the his torical 'old church at aBth which is made of brick that came from Eng land. Plans are being made to re build the churchi on the exact original plan. This church ja 200 years old tips year. Another plash of interest was '• the “Dismal Swamp,” which they Move through op the way down. They retOrhed Saturday itfglttl : : IK ... Li " - i j Sanford Route Three' ; Hf-v.. -,j ^ . Miss Janie EUis, of Rocky Mount, la visiting relatives on this route. Mr. andMr*. L. S. Poe and son, Ralph, of Cooksvilie, Tenn., returned , home last Monday after a two weeks visit here with relatives. Mr. and Mi*. Lewis Thomss and son, Harold, of RoxbOro, were visiting their people here recently. s i Mias Joyce Glass, of Hainlet, is spending some time with her relatives. Miss Annie Lee Poe, of Durham, spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Poe. Miss Edna ,Knott is spending some , t. 'time with relatives and friends in Washington, D. C. Mrs. “Sis” Caddell, - of Carthage has returned home after spending some time with Mr. and Mrs. Alo> Knott. ' -/ Eugene and Billie Poe, of Sanford Spent last week with thfeir grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. J, T. Deane. Sorry to report Mrs. Ella Wonible on the sick list. Her many friends all wish for her an early recovery. After pisiting relatives in Bear Creek, Mrs. Alex Knott has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Poe and son, Ralph, and Mr*.'Jeanette Fee visited their relatives in Fayetteville and Roaeborp during the week aid. Miss’Katie Payne is spendinb some time with relatives in Florence, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Poe aiid fam ily, of Cary, spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. K. Poe. Mr. John Pickard, of Fort Bragg, spent the week end with his people on this route, . . Mr. J1, M. Thomas is visiting bis sons, Bernice and Lewis Thomas, in Roxboro. Mrs. Ralph Marlin and children, of Bear Creek,-spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knott. TAKE CARE OF BIRDS AND GET MORE EGGS A decline in egg production during the hot summer months can be partial ly or wholly offset if the flock is give en the right kind of care. The main factors to observe are: checking for mites and lice proper ventilation of laying houses, adequate shade, full feeding, an ample supply of fresh water and rigid culling. Mites inhabit the (laying house and are usually found on perch poles. They attack birds a night and return to secluded spots in the day. Thor ough spraying of the house with carhp lineum or a mixture of old cylinder oil and hero sens is recommended by C.F. Parrish, extension poultryman at the State College. > Lice stay on the bird's all the time Nicotine sulhphate painted on perch poles will drive lice away from the birds. Qr the individual birds may be dusted with sodium fluorie or a aim ilar preparation or dipped in a solu tion of one ounce of sodium fluoride to one gallon of water. The treat ments should be repeatd every ten days if necessary. ' The houses.should be well ventilat ed. but without drifts. Shade is a necessity, since the temperature - of the birds influence their' productiv ity. Sunflowers grown around' the poultry houses or brush, arjhors pri— vide goo d shade. Ae body weight.of birds should be watched closely Excessive fat oi leanness should be avoided by decreas lug or increasing the amount of fat tening feed as necessary. The feed ing of a moist mash at noon will stim uate the 'production of birds which da npt . lay. weli while . at . tire proper weight. Two and: one half pounds of dry mash mixed with water or milk is enough for 100 birds. > SIDE DRESS EARLY FOB THE BEST RESULTS 1 Best results will be obtained when com and cotton are side dressed early, according to the result of experiments made by the agronomy department of the North Carolina experiment station at Raeigh - -- Both of these crops absorb most of the nitrogent need in the, production of seed during' the earlp period of the plant’s development. Usually usom should be side- dressed' when knee high and cotton at tire time of the first of the second cultivation after chopping. • . Many farmers have ^en mislead by the fact that latte applications of nitro gen are effectove in increasing the yield and color Of stover, but this does not mean that the maximum yield of grain is obtained. > Late applications of nitrogen to cotton increase he growth of the plant but delay the maturity of the boll, hoth of which need to he avoided when boU weevils are present ' If a good growth of legumps has been turned under before planting the corn, the amountyof side dressing needed will be much less. :In thd’fcase of cotton and some oher crops, • the side dressing may be omitted entirely if thfe crop follows a good legume turned under, 'is.. s'-"'""* Furthermore, if the amount of land the grower ha*in cotton is going to nrodude without side dressing, all the pbuhldage hd will be allowed to sell, then rid nitrogen should be .added tc the soflL : I' On Ught lands 1Q0 to 125. pounds of nitrate of soda per acre will pro ’'Vide all the side dressing needed under ' average normal conditions From 75 to 100 pounds per acre is enough for sandy loam soils.. Heavj sandy loams,, clays, and similar soil: require only 50 to 75 punods to th< •ere. '** "W|IIV Only readily soluable forms of nr trogen should be used; such as nitrat< .of sodp, sulphate of ammonia, leuna CAR Dll I 1 por ) 'XWOMENA BRIEF FARM NEWS. ^ I .Cool Weather has Idled considerable cotton in Bertie county and the stands in many fields will be poor this year Pi i " — ' 1 R. It Rich, Gates County Agent, has prepared and checked 208 hog corn contracts. ~ ’ ' Hyde county farmers are planning' to cooperate in the selling of wool sheared from their sheep . - Pitt and Bertie counties completed their cotton contracts recently and sent thfm on to Washington for final approval A batch of 840 cotton rent al checks arrived in Vance county the other day. Practlcaly all the tobacco rental and equalization checks received in Frank lin county have been : distributed among the growers. ^Farmers in he Piedmont and west ern parts of the atate have b^en pleas ed With the simplified form of measnr ing their wheat acreage. Speed has been-necessary to complete the meas urements before harvest time. . V , The creamtry business in Haywood county is picking up, reports County Agent W. D. Smith. -s ... -f A Richmond county farmer reports that the valqe of manure from cattle he bought last fall has now equalled file cost' of the cattle. ' , -—Efforts are being-made to-have the Deep River soil erosion control project -extended to include the Haw river watershed. '■ ”tT.; FORD MOTOR COMPANY ‘ :/ REDUCES PRICES Reductions of $10 to $15 in fist prices of 1934 Ford V-8 pasenger ears and $10 £o $20j in list prices of Ford V-8 commercial trucks were announc ed last week by the'Ford Motor Com pany effective Friday, June 15th. i Ford prices had remained unchang ed pince thei ntroduction of the 1934 Ford V-8 last December, the Ford Motor having not participated in the | recent general automotive price in crease. The reductions announced, (are therefore, a decrease in the ori ginal price*. j The price reduction on the stand ard and de luxe Tudor Sedans^ most | popular individual models in point of sale, is $15.00, Prices of other i standard and de luxe body types were j reduced $10, except prices of the (Roadster, Phaeton and Cabriolet de luxe 'types, which remain unchanged. | Both standard and de luxe passenger j cars have the same V-8 engine and .112 inch wheel base chasis. Body types for both are identical except j for the de luxe equipment. WANTS TO SEE TEACHERS iL PAID BETTER SALARIES j Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, wife of the social minded President of the .United States, is disturbed and dis tressed that the teachers . of•> North Carolina are paid such low salaries and fully expressed her feelings in that respect on the occasion of her re . cent yistt to Raleigh. - “We should see what the govern ment does With thewnoney we pay in taxes. We should see that jis money is spent as we want it xpeut. Much of our difficulties come from not being interested , in how the tax money is spent. “If |we watch these expenditures,” she said, “we will pay better salaries to our teachers, and we should pay them better. I do not understand why we pay such nfeagre salaries to those we entrust with the resognsl bility of teaching our children. Many people dont’ seem to know that the most important thing in the school is the teacher,” mfttW Mrs. Roosevelt said that she had witnessed young teachers just | out of school themselves, without prop* er training, attlempting to instruct the children. . ^ ' "That is not the way to run the schools " she said. "The result is poor, educational advantages for our children. We should spend our tax money on things ttyt will Ultimately bring the best results.” Mrs. Roosevelt told of visiting a community in which was located a fine school building, but she found (that it was closed, and there was no money to run It, because the people of the community had not*paid atten tion to government. The officials had spent too much, for building and had nothing left 10 operate the school. ‘“If you don’t pay attention more of this kind of thing will happen. You won’t have good public officials unless you are good citizens. If ^pu go to bleep, then you will get what is cool ing to you. Women should think for themselves and know what they want. Don’t criticize government unless you %Jnow what you want done aod elect the proper people to do it.” Lfguid Tablets. Salve, Nose Drops, ■ Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds -First Day, ■ .. Headaches or Neuralgia in 3S v "■ Minnies. ■ . ... FIN* LAXATIIVE AMP TONIC Most Speedy Rem dies Known. Barwar^|»m Mr. and Mrg. ^Weal Harrington, of Ixmisburg, spertf the week-end with Mrs. N. McN. Harrington and Mrs H. M. Williams.? Miss Annie tee Parrish, who has been visiting relatives in Greensboro, returned home Sunday evening. ItOTlCE — OF FINAL PASSAGE OF SCHOOL BOND ORDINANCE OR ORDER. There having been introduced and passed by the Beard of County Com missioners of Lee County, North Carolina, the following proposed or der oi Ordinance in regard to the is suance of School Bonds: "Whereas, the PWA is willing and has approved A loan and grant as pro vided by law of 30 percent of certain expenses in connection therewith: "Be It ordained by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Lee. •7’4|p "SECTION 1- Tiiat pursuant to the authority of the County finance Act of North’ Carolina bonds are au thorized to” be issued for the purpose of School Improvement in the princi pal amount of „?46,000.00, the same being negotiable general obligation Coupon bonds tO be dated April 1st., 1934, bearing interest at the rate of Four (4) per cent per annum payable October 1st., 1934, and semi-annually thereafter on the first days of April and October in each year, to mature serially on first day of April of the following years! Amount =Z -X 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 ;1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 _ 1948 2_r_ 1949 ..U_Z 1950 __ 1961 ___ 1952 _ 1953 1954 _-£ 1955 1956 ___ 1957 _^ 1958 1959 .. --- $1,000 . $1,000 .__ $1,000 ... $1,000 -... $2,000 .. $2,000 .-..$2,000 .-.. $2,000 ..-..$2,000 .-__ $2,000 ... $2,000 ... $2,000 - $2,000 ... $2,000 .. $2,000 ---- $2,000 -—._- $2,600 - $2,00( -_ $2,00( - $2,000 —...$2,000 - $2,000 __ $2,000 _$2,000 ___$2,OHM “Said bonds if and when issued t< comply in all respects with the pro posal for purchase which hah beer tendered by-the United States oi America by and through the Federa Emergency' Administrator of Public . Works. I “SEC. S^jrThat a tax sufficient t< pay the principal and interest of saic bonds shall be, annually levied ah< Collected. '■£ 1 “SEC. 3—That a statement of tb School debt of <$Ss4)ounty of Lee shal be filed with' the Clerk of the Boan of County Commissioners of sail County of Lee in four (4) days to be open te public inspection. “SEC. 4—That this order shall tafc effect thirty (SO) days after first pul lication after final passage unless ii the meahtime a petition for its sub •b’ssion to the voters is filed, unde fne provisions of the County Financ Act; and that in that event St shal take effect when approved by th voters of the County of Lee at ai election as provided in said Count; Finance Act.” THE CITIZENS AND TAX PAY ERS OF LEE COUNTY WILL TAK1 NOTICE The foregoing order was final! passed on the 4th day of June, 1934 and was first published on the 14t) day of June, 1934. Any action or pro ceeding questioning the validity o said order must be commenced with II. lHCllVA \>OiX, UlClrti ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Lee County. Having qualified aa administratrix of the estate of Charles T. Cameron, deceased, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Jonesboro, N. C., Rt. No. 1, on or before the 17th day of May, 1936, or this notice will he plead ed in bar'of their recovery! All per sons indebted to said estate' will please make immediate payment. This the 17th day of May, 1934. •" Mrs. Nettie Cameron, Administratrix of the Estate of Chgrlis T. Cameron, Deceased. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Having qualified : as Administrator of A. A. Gaddy, deceased, late of Lee County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against said deceased to exhibit the same to me at Sanford, N. C., on or before June 8th., 1935, or this notice will be plead ed in bar of their recovery. This June 8, 1934. K. V. GADDY, Administrator for A. A. Gaddy. MORTGAGEE’S LAND SALE Under the powers contained in a certain Mortgage Deed from Edith' Gray to I sham Rosser, dated January 131, 1931, and recorded in Book of Mortgages No. 15, page 667, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Lee County, North Carolina, default, hav ing been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured to satisfy same, I will on SATURDAY, JULY 7th, 1934, at the hour of 2:30 P. M. offer and .sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash ' at the Courthouse door of Lee County the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: Beginning at the intersection of the northern line of the right-of-way of the Norfolk Southern Railroad with the center of the highway leading ; from Sanford to Lockville, N. C, and running thence as said right-of way eastwardly about 86 feet to Lawrence line; thence as that line north 5 East 495 feet to the old comer in Keily’s line, a small ash tree; thence S. 63 W. 1024 feet to the center of said highway; thence as the center of said highway South 22 1-4 East 464 feet to the beginning, containing 9 5-10 acres, more or less. This June 6th, 1934. IS1IAM ROSSER, Mortgagee. ——-x-x——X NOTICE OF SALE -| UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the -power of sale contained in a certain ; Deed of Trust executed by W. B. and ; K. R. Moffitt to C. L. Williams, Trus tee, dated June 15th, 1931, and duly . recorded in the office, of the Registei [ of Deeds of Lee County, North Caro [ lina in Book 125 of Dees at page 316; | default having been made in the pay . ment of the indebtedness thereby sec ured, and application having been I made to the undersigned for foreclo i sure as in said Deed of Trust provid ( ed; the undersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, JULY 9th, 1934, . at 11:00 o’clock in the forenoon, at , the Plant known as Moffitt Iron 1 Works, on Maple Avenue in the Town of Sanford, Lee County, North Caro , lina, offer for sale and sell to the , highest bidder for cash, the following . described real and personal property, lying and being in East Sanford Town . ship, Lee County, North Carolina, 2 bounded and described as follows, to wit: I -BEGINNING at the southeast in r tersection. of Maple Avenue and Mar ket Street and running thence as the J eastern line of Maple Street S 12 E 250 feet to a stake, the northwest cor . ner of Lot No. 8 of the Moffitt Iron Works Company; thence N 78 E 200 feet to a stake in the western line of When in Need... Of Office Supplies and all kinds of .PRINTING. Call or Write us. Sales Books In -stock and made to order. Printing Company. . Printers/ Paper Rulers, Binders. Telephone 7-0 Sanford, N. C. a stake,.the southwest corner of lot i No. 2; tjbence N 12 W 100 feet to a . stake in the southern line of Maple i Avenue; thence N (78 W 100 feet to the beginning’, and being lot No. 8 as shown by a plat of the property^ of Moffitt Iron Works Company made ;* by W. F. Cooke, C. E., October 26, '] 1929,> and recorded in the office of the ] Register of Deeds for Lee County in Book of Surveys No. 2, page 14, to < which plat reference is made for a , more perfect description. " , ALSO all machinery supplies, equip j nent, furniture and fixtures of every f kind and description, accounts receiv- , able,chases in action listed as follows: j 1 36x20 ■ Putnam Quick Charge , Lathe, with tapes, attachment and . face plate, drive, including left band right H and straight lathe tools; 1 5-tox Yate Triple block and trolley and bars; 1 16 in. x 10 ft. Lodge and Shipley quick change lathe with stan dard equipment; 1 18 in. x 5 ft. Lodge and Shipley Quick Change .Lathe with . equipment; 1 14,in. x 6 ft. Lodge and Shipley Lathe with equipment; 1 16. in. Stytoe Shaper with tool holder and vice; 1 24x24x6 ft. planer with tool ^ holder and vice; 1 No. 64 Prentice . Vice; 1 No. 106 Reed Vice; 1 20 in. J Drill press with counter* shafts; 1 36 in. Drill Press American with counter shafts; 110 in. N N Emery stand; 1 ' 16 in. N N Emery Stand; 1 Davis In- , temal Key Seater No. 1; 1 Whiton ' Hand Gear Cutter; 1 36 in. Lincoln ' Type Milling Machine; 1 Power Pipe threading and cut-off machine 1-4 to z in.; i ripe cut-oil ana tnreaamg machine 2 in. to 6in; 1 Acme Bolt Threading Machine 1-4 to 1 1-2 in.; 1 6 in. Pearless High Speed Hack Saw; 1 5 in. Fairbank Centering Ma-1 chine; 1 set Rockford balances; 240 ft. 1 15-16 line shafting and bolting; j 30 1 15-16x24 in. shaft rangers; 41 j American Steel Pulleys form 8 in. to 30 in.; 1 stove; 1 floor truck; 3 an-' vile; 1 blacksmith vice; 2 blacksmith forges; 1 20 in. fan with shaft and belts; Blacksmith tongs, cleaner and swages; 1 6x7 Air Compressor and tanks; 1 30 H. P. Peerless pinioned Valved Engine; Patters and core box ! es of every and various kinds used by I Moffitt Iron Works Company; 1 Mono Rail overhead trolley, 450 ft. with 9 switches and 3 trolleys; 1 1-ton Yale extension hoist; 1 600-lb. Ladle; 1 400-lb. Ladle; 1 30 in. Cubulo with tares and fan; 640 ft. 12-lb. T-rail used, 2 turn tables, 36 in. gage; 2 Floor trucks,36 in. gage 12 in. wheel; 1 30 H, P. Nagl boiler with 60 ft I stack, grates front enjector; 1 1000 pound Fairbanks Floor scale; 1 Ameri can Edger used; 1 150 ton Hydraulic press with pump; 1 20 ft boom 2 ton stiff leg derrick); 1 set 36 in. sheet roll; 1 3-4x4 Power Sheer; 1 casting tumbling barrel; 1 Friction Hoist; 1 16 in. wood lathe with counter shaft and belts; 1 36jt7 in. surfaces with counter shafts; 1 rip saw with coun ter shaft; 1 Egan Band saw with counter shaft, belts and 12 band saws; 1 14 in. Square Head Crescent Hand mortier; 1 Grinding Stone 30 in. rack; 1 No. 3 Chicago Air Drill; Bits, planes chisels, braces and hand tools; 1 stove; 40 ft. 1 15-16 shafting 4x24 in. cast iron; shaft hangers; 7. S S pulleys; 14 in. to 50 in. and belting; 1 24x6 American Planer; 1 30 H. P. Nagle Engine with governors; 70 ft. 8 in. '4 ply rubber belt used; 2 12x8 S S pulleys; 2 42x8 steel split pulleys used; 1 40x8 Steel Split Pulley used; 1 36x18 steel gglit pulley used; 12 ' Cooper plates for newspaper adv. for Saw mill and equipment; 1 L. C. Smith typewriter; 1 Dalton Adding Machine and stand; 1 Cary Safe 36x 36; 1 wooden 4 drawer filing cabinet; 1 wooden 10 drawer filing cabinet; 1 3x5 table with drawers; 6 chairs; 1 clock; 2 book dases or cabinets; 1 check writer, broken; 1 book-keeper’s special standing table; ink wells, pens, baskets, files, etc. This the 6th day of June, 1934. CLAWSON L. WILLIAMS, TRUSTEE. Williams & Williams, Attys. -X-X-X SPECIAL LOW ROUND TRIPFARES i SANFORD TO j NIAGARA FALLS N. Y. *29.50 June 8, 15, 22, J29, July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3, yO, 17, 24, 31, September 7, 14, 21. , J ATLANTIC CITY, N. J, *21.00 June 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, *0, 27, August 3, 10, 17, 24, vl, September 7, 14. Tickets limited 18 days. Rates to many other New Jersey seashore r» sorts. Stopovers allowed. For information see R. W. VICK, Ticket Agent. H. E. PLeasants, D. P. A. Raleigh. Seaboard AIR LINE RAILWAY ‘.<4. ... - *ao^>T^T»f«rvw J_ iressing; Nitrate of Soda, Sulphate Immonia. To dresa your tobacco with Sulphate of Potash, 17s or our agmf. SAPONA MILLS, Inc. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE } forth Carolina, <ee County. .v' Haying qualified as administratrix f the estate of M. S. Bradley, de eased, late of Lee County, North larolina, this is to notify all persona laving claims against the estate of aid! deceased to exhibit them to the indersigned at Jonesboro, N, C.., tFD No. 2 on, or before the 31st day it May, 1935, or this notice will be (leaded in bar of their recovery. All (arsons indebted to said estate will (lease make immediate payment, This the 3ist day of May, 19§4. Elizabeth Bradley,.;; i p Administratrix of ' M. S. Bradley, Deceased! FERTILIZERS— ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE forth Carolina, !ee County. Having qualified as Administratrix (f the estate of M. D. Wicker, de based, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons raving claims against the estate of. laid deceased to exhibit them to the indersigned at Sanford, N. G., RPD ffo. 1, on or before the 14th day of May, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 14th day of May, 1934. Mrs. W. E. Yow, Administratrix Estate of M. D. Wicker, Deceased. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Lee i County. Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of G. M. Gilliam, 'de ceased, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sanford, N. C., on or before the 10th day of May, 1935, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This the 10th day of May, 1934. Mrs. Margaret Gilliam, Administratrix of the Estate of G. M. Gilliam, Deceased. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE North Carolina, Lee County. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Barbara Luther, de ceased, late of Lee County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Sanford, N. C., St. 2, on or before the 3rd. day of May, 1935, or tins notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , . t . This the 3rd day of May, 1934. ALTA McNAIR, Sanford, N. C., Rt. 2. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of R. E. Michelbach, this is to notify all persons holding-claims against the estate of R.. E. Michelbach to present the same to the undersign ed within twelve months from the date hereof, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. Any one owing the estate of R. E. Michelbach will please send checks to the under signed at once. This 26th. day of April, 1934. T. H. LUTTERLOH, Executor of the Estate of R. E. Michelbach. J. C. Pittman, Atty. News & Observer Mrs. Ralph Jordan Agent. Please have change ready for carriers. We Are Equipped to handle your INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Give us • chance. t . CROSS & BRINN. DR. J. C MANN, EYESIGIIT SPECIALIST I Will be at his office over Toet office, Sanford, N. C., every WEDNESDAY from 10 A.M. to 8 P. M. __£.

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