r ; The Southerner. TAWBORO': OCT. 23. not over twenty years of age and wa3 the expedition. In the fall of 1853, greatly agitated.: It was proved the while engaged in a scientific exploia 'prisoner was extremely poor, but pro-' tionand. -survey of the' I'irina hid I i 11 l . f 1 T V ' ..Iff verbiaiiy nonest, ana supporrea nerscii raraguay rivers, sne was wintomy nrea and family by her ' own exertions, and upon by order of Lopez, from the Par? the kindness of "a few humane neigh-" aguayan fortress of Itapiri. The pre bors. Some moutha since, Allen for- text for the outrage was the unwilling cibly entered her dwelling and unlaw- ness of Lopez to suffer any .foreign ves: fully levied on her furniture, for the t sel to enter the waters of his state; and purpose of selling it. While entreating-as he has always refused to make any hira to forbear, he added insult to inju- compeusatiion either for the affront or ry by abusing her in gross terms." for the injury (the Water Witch was Frenzied by this treatment, the unprn- hulled and one wan was killed), it is feetrd woman s izid a gun and shot presumable that he still adheres to the hiu l 'vh Thii Jury acquitted her, policy which dictated the act. and i he verdict was received with great It is stated that Judge Bo wlin, our State Elections. The recent elections in Pennsylva nia, Ohio and Indiana, have resulted in favor of the Opposition and, in South Carolina and. Florida, in favor of the Democratic party. Bank of Wilmington. It will be seen by an advertisement, that the Annual meeting of the Stock holders of this Bank, will be held at their Banking House, on Tuesday, 9th prox. State Fair. The lialetgh Standard contains the programme of the State Fair which commenced in that city on Tuesday last. The Standard says there were 277 entries up to five o'clock on Mon day evening, for Floral Hall, 200 for Mechanic's Hall, 88 for Planter's Hall, .and 152 for live stock. These entries arc larger than those made up to the saine time at any former Fair; and sev- Corn, $2 75 to $3 00 per bbl; VCotJton, 10 to 11 jts. v:'.v:-, v Bacon, 12 to 13 cts. V Lard, 12 to 12 J cts. cheering by a crowded audience. A Windfall. t- n old man named Boon, eighty- five vears of aire, and an iumate an estate worth 8150,000. He has wife and three children, who, prior to this windfall, were all in the alms house at Kiuston. Goldsboro' Trib. new Minister to Paraguay,, will be in structed to demand first, an explana tion and ample apology for the indigni ty offered to our fla.j;. Second, full .. t, j indemnity to the South American Xav ot the! . .. .f . . . i igauou LJinpany tor all losses susiaiu- f y iormeny negotiated ny Mes srs. Scheick and Pendleton. Upon the refusal of cither one of these de mands, Commodore Shubrick will be called upou to eu force them. Washington Market, Oct 20. NavalStores-1-arc infgood request- sales of Dip 'Turpt $3, 15; Scrape, cornea forward, sparingly," it would sell at about 1,80 in large lots. Tar 1,40, a. 15(1. "No sale of Rosin or Spirits Turpentine. Corn last sales of Up River, at GOets. . y Wheat 85 a OOcts for 60 lbs. Cotton -has declined to llets for middling. ' 2,000 Acres of ilarsh iwamp Land poor house of Lenoir county in tins n ' . . . . . . , ei by them: aud third, a ratification State, is said to nave recftt'y inherited f J . f i the treaty formeriv negotiated by Mes Rode on a Rail. An Irishman named Murphy, who had rudely insulted a lady, got his de serts at Wadesboro, on Monday night week, as follows: The ruffi.in was ar retted, tied to a tree, about two hun dred lashes inflicted upon his persou, aud then ridden on a rail, after which the application of a littte tar aud a few feathers satisfied thed'imands of justice for the time, aud he was. dismissed the people aoeomp inyiug him for some distauce on his w ty with music the drum playing the Rogue's M ireU. To be Hung. Willis, a negro boy, the property of Willie Riddiek, of Gites county ac- Wilmingfon Market, Qzt. 20. Dip Turpentine Virgin is selling at S3,10; Yellow, $3,10; Hard, 1,75. Tar, $2 00 to 2 25. Cotton, 111 to 12 cents. Corn, 75 to 80 ceuts. Bacon, hog round, 13 to 14 cents. Lard 12 to 12 J cents. Petersburg Market, Oct. 20. Two ChilJrt Carried'offhja Balloon uH corrected weekly by N. M. s . r ! Martin, Bro. & Co., Grocers and 129 Sycamoro street. Cotton. The market was rather steadier to-day though unchanged. Saks of 200 to 300 bales at 11 a I li for prime, fair to good lots 11 a Hie. Rtoetpts. continue very heavy. Com. Is in fair demand at S5c for pi imp. Bacon Hog round is ia very good supply and market dull at He. L ird. is in fair request at 13$ to 14c tor prime Virginia and North Car olina iu kegs Stock light. Flour has advanced We quote S Fiue at $6 75. Extra S7 75, aud fam- On Friday last, a man, named Wil son, made an ascension from the Fair j Ground, at Centralia, HI., iu a balloon belonging ta Brooks, the aeronaut, tie descended about eighteen miles distant, at the farm of a Mr Harvey. After the grappliug iron had been made fast, Harvey, to am use his children one a boy aged about four years, and the oth er a girl .f ight years placed them iu the basket car, and permitted them to ascend, several times, as high, as the rope would aJlow. Uarpeetcdly, the grappling iron slipped from the father's hand, and the balloon, with its precious out ox sitrht. As irciuht was waited " enty-fivc more members of the Society CUsed of rane upon the person of Mrs. soon as it was possible, the whole acigU- "J 49 la a reum wa? Jj,ure 10ls have been enrolled than were enrolled j Wiikins, of the mm c unty, was tried 1 boring ouutry was placed on the alert cuuIi be brought lower. last week befo e Jude Sbepperd, and ; to watch for the balloon and chiidrca. up to the same time at the last Fair . Fine Potatoes. We received a few dayg since about a bushel of as fine sweet Potatoes, as we have seen for many a day. They were sent to us by Wm. F. Mercer, Esq , who will please accept oar thanks for his very acceptable present. We weighed a few of them, and found them to weigh four pounds and upwards. coudcinned 10 be huug on the 12th of November. The Kehukec Baptist Association. We arc indebted to a correspondent of the Wilson Ledger, for the following particulars respecting the session of the Kehukee Baptist Association, held at Lawrence's meeting house, 4n this coun ty, on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th .intsts. which we were unable to attend : The following ministers were present: Mardrr. i ,Thc Wilmiugtou Journal learns that : on Friday, the 1st instant, a murder was committed ou Mr. Alfred B yt, of Duplin county. The body was u t discovered uutil last Tuesday. Turee negroes have been taken up iud com mitted to the jail of Duplin county, as being implicated iu the matter, one of whom confesses the crime. One of the negroes belongs toMr.Owcu Keuaa, the other two to deceased. Saturday morning, at daybreak, a fa mer ..ear New Garth ,ge, 43 miles Tfl cou 0Q Thurs(i CTeoi di-tantfrom Mr- IJarvey s place, d.s- by David Cobbf j., 3Ir. WUlis covered the balloon suspended in the LitfJe tQ Mss garjh Jlurdy, daughter air, att.-K.hed by the grayling-rope u of AUcu ,lard dec,d aireeiuhis yard. He immediately i : t: I t -I l 11 ... 1 I L- I C O uameu enc uauuuu uuwu, aua luuua Jth jnst., at the r. &idence of the bVideV .1 .'III tlio younaCste:uia asleep lit me tooiium f , h , Rfi Mr Ktht,i j do. and also to inrmi into the terms ill doubtless be found satisfac- FOR SALL. THE Subscriber offers for sale his tract of LAND lying on Marsh Swamp Mont 5 miles South of Halifax, And about 'the same distance North from Knfirdd. This land lies on the I Vr;lrv.;Mtnn Xr. Wfddnn Rail Rn:ifl ami is so situated that it can be convenient ly divided into two farms of a thousand acres each, or even in smaller sub-divisions if it should be deemed necessary. The ."aid laud possesses more advan tages than are .usually, found on farms in this section of the State, the land themselves being of excellent quality, well adapted to the culture of com, wheat and cotton. There is about s v cn hundred aeret cleared and under cultivation. About one thousand acres under original forest, five hundred of which is rich swamp cap ible of being brought under very profitable cultiva tion, besides -iffording an inexhaustible supply of the richest and most valuablo material for the making of compost, such us rich muck, marl &c. About three hundred acres is uudcr secondary forest, much of which is valuable both for its timber and for cultivation. There is on the premises a good DWELLING HOUSE, Barns, Stables, and .Negro Cabins, In addition to this it may be added that excellent wa ter abounds on all parts of this farm, the lecation ol which is believed to be as healthy as any iu this portion of the State. If it should be desired, any one pur chasing the lands may purchase also the Standing crop, together with the stock, farming implements aud other fixtures about tlx farm. As such an opportunity for a profita ble investment does not turn up very often, it is presumed that persons wish iug to purchase will call and examine for themselves, as they are invited to Imp find of in i basket, and the eldest careful y dred lluffi) of Wjjson couotv uud Jisa j which wi nng over her little brother. They Kliribeth Lee Kennedy, daughter of'tory. watcn had been w tfied c wren's of air tnrouirhout the ni:ht. about by different ro, Wuj L Akenue(jv anu nau come to a unit. our. a while before they were relieved. The siory that the girl told was, that as the ball -ou aseendeu, she cried pite ously to her father to pull it down She sai l she p lasei over a town where litth Heavy Loss. Robt. Y Thomson, planter of ikTorth Carolina on his way home from the .North, was robbed of $5,500. in bank notes, checks, and drafts, a: Frj 1 ericksburg, Va., Thursday, When the cars reached Richmond, he could fiuJ " 1 ! i! i a i i i u Elders Purrington, of Washington Ci- ,no Pieman , u e u p, uu -n-V , - r. son suspected of the theft made his es- tyj Ward, ol lenneesec; otadier, xn Caswell, Hart, of Granville; Davis, of j cape. Onslow; Canady, of Johnston; Ross ljod Trayt(ly a, (hn Tennewt State and House, of Pitt; Moore, Hasseli, Whitaker, Purvis, Perry and Cox, of .Martin; and Daniel and Bell, of Edge combe. Elder Moore, of Martin, preached Fair. Nashville, Oct, 13 Th fight on the fair grounds to-day was a desperate af fair, originating in a family feud Twelve or fifteen persons were engaged in it. Sandv Ovren was ki!4cl. and his the Introductory Sermon, in a plain I brolhoc was dangorottsjy W0Unded. and most able manner. The preachiug ; qqtu j, a. Battle and Sam'l (Jowau was out doors, aud the number of .per-1 were mortally, and several others sc- It i .Rons nrescEt were estimated at several i verely wounded Wm. H Ponton. October 20, 1858 moving ortant Sale tf xeai estate. THE undersigned by Tirt f crees of the Court of Equity 0f vT combe county, will expose at PttS? SALE at the following times and Df TOWN LOTS Hereinafter described, to wit ON WEDNESDAY, the thii of November next, he will sell at A residence of the late Charks the said county, the following Tra! which he died seized, to wit : . The Tract, On which the said Charles !abrey resw ded at the time of his death lyjn Gum Swamp, adjoining the J. Edmond D. Folk, R. R. Bridgers J others, and containing about four dred and sixty acres. This Tract wjn be sold suoject to the Dower of Widow of the deceased. The Tract, Situate in the said county, adjolnio th'e Lands of the said R R, Bridgers, Henry L. Staton, Josiah Luwreuce ami John Lawrence, lying on the north gid of Fishing Creek, and containing tbuat eight hundred and seven acres. And a small Tract, Adjoining the lands of the said R.R, Bridgers, Etheldred.IJryao and others, and containing about seventvei acres. TERMS: The two Tracts first abote described, will be sold on a credit of one, two and three years, couimencio on the first day of January, A. II, 1859, the price to be payable in instil, ments of thirds at the end of each jear with interest from the said time. Tin last mentioned Tract will be seldom credit of one year, with interest froi the said time. AND, ON TUESDAY, the ninil day of November next, before the Court House door in Tarborough, he will seS the following Tract of Laud and Tom Lots, to wit : The Trad of Land, Of which the late John L uiiam mm. wotice. tttt? c..k :i :.. n Una rnnntv Unniinv Uist jtrrtfvl " J ' " i -c ;n u: 1)1..,...: : i-.j j :.. l. i. . -j . ,. about CO Te'irf IMr William 1 Pet- i ' "UM,""1 wu sciaeu, auuaie in iuu aaiu cuuinj, y, formerly Sheriff of this county. ' buJr and forty acres of jn the north side of Tar river, idp In this countv. on Thursday. Hth ' 11 '? - ni u 1U a UC"UJ irc,o"- "g e wiiu vi tihesaw a great many pe pic, to whom ins'' aneJ about 25 years, Mrs Eliza- shiWikew se annealed at the ton of her eth Jenkins, wife of lr. Joah Jen- it r voi-ue. This place was Centralia. The bajiooa was seen to pass over there, but the people little imagined that it carried wo persons in such dat ger. Her little brother cried with cold aud the heroic g rl took off her apron, cov ered him, and got him to lecp. Iu handling the ropes, she happened to. pull one ihat had the effect of bringing the balloon down, aud although not un derstanding the phi losophy of the move ment, -she was quite content to keep the valve open so long as by so doiug she found she approached the earth. The youthful se;ial voyagers were in the balloon about thirteen hours and a quarter. borhood, About ten miles from Enfield, others, and containing about two hun dred aud forty acres. FIVE LOTS, kios and daughter of Ki.hard Carney, Halifax and Greenwood, six miles from dee' l. She lefi three children, one an PoIIihVs Fitt. :ind thror milnn-frnm Situate in the Town nl Tarkn iufnt a few days old to o.ouru her lots, i Crowell's ! Roads. The facilities for: And designated in the plan of the said maKing compost are convenient to near- Town as Lots number 19, 30, XI, ol, ly all portions of the Farm. j ant 10. The Lots number 19 M It is a wVll watered Plantation, and being those on which the Revd-TncB-has a good well of water. It is well as ft. Owen now rssides Lot numta adapted to the making of Corn and 51 bein that on which the late Naocy O'Brien resided at the time of her death Lot number 1 1 being the cot - 1 t 1 ri u.-.IItrt THE ANNUAL MEETING of the With four rooms and a Gin house and j now cupica oy uosepa a. Str.r.klw.u-.r ,-f tUn v .1 ... . ..a ! s,.,, nA uw k..;i.i j as a stable Lot and Lot numDer Weldon Rail Road Company, will be ings. Those who wish to buy a Plan held in this Dlace on Thursdav. thc'taiion. will nlcasc come and look' befnrft i - i ' r " ' - ice Wif. d' Wei R. R. Co. Wilmington,-1 8th October, 1 80S. Colt jo. Also, it has A comfort abU Dwelling House, tin thousands, who were ad dressed at in ter vals by the Elders present. Elder Pur rington is characterized by the writer as "one of the most remarkable men CVithara, ( W ,) Oct. 5.Tl It appears that a fettd of a very Ut-i,l,-s' ' ter nature bas fnr some time existed be- S f legal proceeding, against a 1 Ithduy of November nMt. Ry rder. James S GrecHy Secretary. Oct, 18th, 1858. Bankof Wilmington I . buying elsewhere. The terms of sale will be made easy. FLU An POPE. Halifax county, N. Carolina, Oct. 1858. 43 John Jamn aud Sandv 0n. y 01 negroes 10rsurr.1un.uug a iram 1 n vvm v 1 ROTta nf Kvrtt Owen, of Williamson M..nt. ....!& un.i (Jo VVMWn.!and taki,, forcibly therefrom a negro j j - - ' bodv of negroes forsurronn; litter u train! THE ANNUAL MEETING of the sf cars ou the Gieat Western Railway i Stockholders of this Bauk will be held 1 l l -l : i mr At i: Weecr Wdintlepu1p.t"-aDatra'of Mr. Oweu's wif by . former 8 . . - we ticT ut.aiu 111 me jjuijjii) aua nu r M planter from Missouri. Ten or twelve .... . . 1 n tax inn i ?x 1 1 ijtiwdii 4.1c l i, t . w cu. . 1Y AO UUU VI XI tO UlVdUUl lUlIIIJbVIO a v t tilt 1' 1 Jf who had his wife leaning upon his arm, marked afterwards, he 'could say mora ! at the Flir yesteruaV m(iruing, and spit in one hour than other men in three Ch his face, Shortly afterwards James literally so in words and incomparably 'and Sandy Owen met Sam Cowan on negroeS iare bound over for trial. The negro was taken against his own urgent entreaties. at their Ranking house ou Tuesday, 9th of November next. S. JEWETTy Cash'r. Oct 20, 1858. so in matter." - The preaching was able and effective, and the congregation orderly and at tentive. The unusually large number of visitors present, among whom were Judge Biggs and family of Williams ton, who were kindly and cordially cn tcrtaiued by the people in the vicinity, with gcuuine Edgecombe hospitality. the promenade back of the upper seats, when Saudy Owen commenced an at tack upon Cowan with a stick. Cowan then drew a pistol and shot Owen thro' the heart, killiug him instantly, and simultaneously the friends of the pari ties interfered, making a vigorous and fearful use of sticks. During the me lee that ensued, four or five, or perhaps six additional shots were tired. Upou 1 , --Wake-Superior Court. Ou Wednesday morning the case of Patrick McGowan vs. the Everetts, for 'damages for injuries inflicted ou him in Weldon in March, 1855, was taken up. On Thursday, after a charge from his Honor, .ludge Caldwell, which was by no means favorable to the plaintiff, the jury retired, and nfter remainiug out eome half an hour returned ywith a vcr . die t of $500 damages tor ' the plain tiff. Ou Friday, Martha Morgin, a veiy handsome young widow was indicted for the murder of Alexander Allen, a Constable of. Johnston County. JSlie enured the Court accompanied by two yua children. She wai Tidntly Foreign. Late news from Europe The steamship Ariel has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 6th inst. Cotton was dull and offered at a slight reduction. Corn dull and prices nomi nal.' Provisions generally dull. LATEST. Halifax, Oct. 120. The Cunard stea- Coal. 150 T(S, "Red Ash" COAL, Egg Size, for sale low by A A IVillard Washington, N. C. Oct. 20, '58. Pocket Book found. bringing Sam Cowan to the city, it was mer Europa arrived here last night, ascertained that he was mortally woun-!with Liverpool dates to the ninth inst. . ded by a pistol shot, the ball having The Atlantic Cable was st'll uucAian entered the upper part of the forehead ged. The London News hopes that and ranged backward, where it lodged, when the combined improvements of Hughes, lhonison and Henley, have reached Trinity Bay, they will be suc cessful. Cotton quiet. Advices from Man chester, are unfavorable, Breadstuff's very dull. Provisions dull. Bullion in the R mk of England in creased 336,000 pounds. The Paraguay Expedition,. The fleet intended for the service against Paraguay consists of sixteen vessels, carryiug 188 heavy cannon and two thousand five hundred and eighty oue men and two hundred and fifty-two officers making in all two thousand eight hundred and thirty three. There will ot course be laud batteries, aud we presume some additional force of luariuc aud artillery men or engineers. The little Water Witch, one of the v. aeis, i-, in 9 incafcuiv, the cause ot Markets. Tawbobo', Market, Oct. 22. Turpentine Dip, S2 20 to 2 25. Scrape, 35 to 40 cts. per 100 lbs. Tar, 91 90 "to SI 10. - ' IN the eaViy'part of July last, a per son attached to Bailey & Co. 's Circus, came into m Store, and previous to his ueparturc said he had lost his Pocket Book I have recently found ope, con taining a bill of sale for mules, wagon. and show fixtures from Henry Lacy to U. J. Lacy, and some money, supposed to belong to-the above individual. The person to whom said Pocket Book be longs, can have the same by indentifv ing it, and paying for this advertise ment. . ;JV. Matheuson. Tawboro', Oct 20, 1858. , Molasses. $t) hhds ENGLISH ISLAND MOLASSES, a Terj eupenor article, dirrct from the West Indies, for eale bj A A.milard .Washington, N, C.t June, 18?. NEW FIRM! New Goods !! OFFER to their Friends and the Public generally, a very CHEAP and CHOICE selection of Fall and Winter Goods, viz: Dry Goods, Boots aud Shoes, Groceries, Wood ware, Hardware, Tin ware, Crockery, &c. Ac. Which th 7 are determined U sell at unusual low rates. An examination of their stock and prices is earnestly soli cited. MACNAIR & BRO. Hugh Macnair, Tawboro', Colin Macnair. Oct. 1, 1858. The Subscriber, TENDERS his sincere thanks to his friends and the public, for the liberal patronage exteuded to him sinee his commencement in business and hopes to receive a contiuuauce of their favor in the New Firm. Hvgfi- Macnair. Tawboro', Oct. 1, 1858. Appl ication -;WILL BE MADE to the next Le. gisla i urej for authority 1 o correct t be spelling of thecoVnty seaVof this coun ty; and make' it read Tawboro' in place .f TarboroY Oct, 10th, lSdoV being a vacant lot, lying on or near Beaver Dam Run. TERMS: The last mentioned U of Land and Town Lots will be a credit of twelve months, bomlwN cured being required, bearing inter from the first day of January nexi W. H. Johnston, C.M-E. Sept. 29th, 1858 Important 9 1 TV TUT? nj;nJ Kr virtac 01 1UU UUUCl?lUV- . cree or t he Court of E dcecombe coodJi c";ii vn o Pnkiirt Sale, on the p"; n 111 IJ 'JiJs uv V . .- . . no raises, on Thursday, the October next, Sale on i" r 28 th day Tha Trad of Land, ,r.l- Of which the late CHABU.r RREY of the said county, died warn Situate in Martin County On Hyman's Mill Pood, DinJ Lands of Elisha Everett ana Containing ahoui '500 A The same is the Unlt on wbich L Knight now resides. j m. j enured . lerm. ionu m pw -required of the pun-baser, paj three equal installments of and three years, the whole terest from the first day of JD 1 & W. 11 Johnston, I' Sept'r 20th, Commercial Bank OF WILMINGTON. . 1 La ... Mill D of tnis nau, M THE ANNUAL M Stockholders K;r Rinfciuf House, on the Ul day of November next. - ,T.' Savage,1 Oou 13. 1858.

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