r ?lrju? of tb? power of Ml* can iwi. in a mortnie deed Mtcatiil ? M Sfiau,,, 8. ML W* -%}. M. Brown, dated- 1st day of June. 1?0I. anddoly recorded in book No. HTWe 428, Register's 'office ef Beaufort county. IHklCft IB . Htfjued: i. 1 will offer for s&le to the.-high est bidder at public auction, (or cask, at the courthouse Soo?> In Xh? lowrr of Washington, N. C., on MONDAY, OCTOBER 4. 11^ M 12 o'clock^ the follow lng_desqrtbe<l property, to-wtt: A certain lot of land'iying and being " In >>? tltir nf Wftlrffftn. coonty of Beaufort, State of North Carolina. ? aacl being the eastern half of lot No. , 10"7 In' that yart of said city -called] "MacNair Town," equated on the] uf Ow In* a frontage on Second street gf 60 fttt*. And running north 2X0 feet. v Bounded on: the north toy the lot of '???* lot of 8. R. Powle, on the weat by the lot o f John Dowty and on the south lot of land conreye* by C. M. Brown and wife to Samuel 8. Hardlson by deed dated June 1, 1903, which la duly recorded in the Register's office t cduaty, Ud. U ,B?rtlirrS=1 ferred to. % 11 Tfcis September 1. 1909. _ , C. If. BROWN. Mortgagee. 1 y ~r ? : ? - - ? ; _ ? J NOTICK OF 8AW. By T^rtue of a decree of the Su perior Court' of Dekufert count j, in ? special prufwdiug therein pending entitled . D. B. Hooker and wife, Mtirrfe- James L^Slayo and others, which is hereby referred to, and as commissioner therein appointed, I will sell at the courthouse door In comity. on MONTI A Y OPt ?'TOBER 4, 1909, at noon, for cash to the highest bidder, that certain tract or parcel of land situated, lp Richland township, Beaufort- county, . adjoining the lands, of B. Tuttle, B.* J. West, Jaa. Potter, J. W? Mayo and others,. described as follows: Begin ning at an oak stump fn the Bpriag or I Bond line At the poeosin abovp the] ft Jiead of 8node's creek, and ruining *north 65 west 240 Voles at or near swamp sotath 20 west lio 1 SSSiy" thence into the poeosin south l east 500 poles to or near the Mixon line; thente north . 32 east 870 poi -s to Thoa. Campen's.llne; thence nor h 20 weat to the spring or Bond tpper corner in the poeosin, aifd with (heir . Itoeto-tlre lMginnIng Thlg July 1, 1909. A. D. MACLEAN, Commissioner. NOTICE OP ELECTION. Notice la hereby given that it a meeting -of the Board of Aide neu held en July 14, 1909, an ele tlon ? far ?he city of Wasmn&ton was >rd ered to be held in. the various * irds of aald city of Washington, on 1 iea day, the 14th day of September. U09 for the purpose of voting on a fcnd !?ue of as provided fcl In chapter *81, Private Acta of oier ? aion of iWT, the fnnda arising f pin htfad mae -w- be fafr 2nt~ purpose of Improving tthe street of the city of WashlngtQn. That at ild election those who are In favor o I sv suing said bonds and levying t :es shall vot% ballots with the w :3T "Fo? Htrwt -Tuiwu'emeuta." nd ? those oaposed STIasultta aald be de shall vote ballots with the w< da ."Against Street Improvements" v it ten <Tr printed thereon. Tho at ve - notice IQy ordeTTrf i rrwrwi iiiwmbb r+ Bf itn Ctlj Aldaiuiiu, the fullewhg registrars were appointed for the ?y to act during the coming electln ? ?Ffc+to the Question nf lianlng boas Improvements will be voted on. First ward ? N. E. Mitchell. 7 Setuud ward ? W. E. Laughli - house. Third ward ? Jesse 8. Hodges. Fourth ward? W. J. Whltford. First ward ? Wlnfleld's stables. ' Bacond yawl ? Ciiybatfc Tfclrd ward ? Howard's stables. smith shop. ^ v. .1 ! TUU 11th flay of August. '??. ? 'W. B. WINDLEY, City Ckf NOTICE OF SALE. " tained Is a oertaln chattel mortgai * Berry <Inc), duly registered the ofAce of the Hegiiter of Dm fftT BMllIort Cfttfnty, In chattel mo gage book-No. ?6, at page SB1. whl pr ( inc. ) will offer for sale, for cat to the highest bidder, at their pla of .business, in the city of WashUD ton, on Main street, at noon, on Se I- goods, ?ataa.sad merchandise, fu 7 nlture and fixtures, described In tl mortgage above referred to. Ad li vea^ory of aald goods, furniture gn fixtures can be seen at the itor* c Buskin * Berry (U ic.). ?__:Ihla -September 1, *???.' STJ8KIN A BRfcRY (Inc.)' | IF YOU COULD SEE What Pure Materials form the basis of Hardy's" Cfolif Cream You would understand its lovely white ness, its smooth and greaseless touch? its purc|?weat delicflte nrlnr. and you'd know why it is the softest to use. ? - ? No othet ColdGtcm is anything like it in appearance. No other Cold Cream gives anything like aha. ^ Get in a! supply today. 50c. Jars. - DR. HARDY'S DRUG S' ORE The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. t ? "? ' -r ' IS. REPRESENTED IN WASHINGTON ~ ? AND BEAUFORT COUNTY BY ? CD.' PARKER YOU BETTER HURRY ?round and view oar mgniflceBt al? play of <?rer I, OOP resplendent Fall and Winter Woolen Innovations. We_take jour mensure, by the. n?P? complete and ingenious measure-ta king a yatem known, and have Baker to take a' front and flfle vley photo* Kraph of each customer, which en* . utiles the f utter to draft a suit tp FIT yon.^ . ? , And when it come* it is a master fir | ? ^ ' H.lt ? jrwo-H Ue tlckl?l "t the B?. ^Wright's TflSlpri^fe Parlors, "Who Tailor Best In Washington." by ouf new French D*y Cleaning Process. Makes them look like new. Our new Dry Steam Sterilizing Press team Sterilizing ] ing Machine is doing excellent work. Ladies' Suits a specialty. Have yonr laundry done here Coaf Anr process destroys germs. 'Phoae242. Alderman-Capehari Laundry7 Inc. 131-4 WATER STREET WE BUT Town Tglk Flour in Car-load Ix)ta. The Price U Right. Tele . phone - Walter Credle & =?.. " ? WwriwieRNei STORE BOGART'S TALK Ihm JJ-mVill1! 1-1 nj.n ? 1 1.;; ' j lEWMSEaE ?? Dr. Whit McXalr passed through the city yesterday en route to Tar- 1 f"" rtfT. s "? . ? ? . Mr. R. A. l*oyd went to Wilson | yesterday on the A. 0. L. train? Mrs. J. A. Phillip# and ton. Willie. | went to_ RoblnHouville yesterday. Mrs. Win. Jordan went to Tarboro I yesterday aften?6on. to visit her | daughter, Mrs. Afrnon Hsrt. 4 ' ? ? 3ff.~X"IirBiWHu.- of Bay srOF. spent i ithe day hero yesterday, en. route to yRocky Mount,* tin a bunfut;n trip. . Messrs. 8haw Bonner. Chas. Mld yotte, Hardy Thompson, John Hook er, Bryan B. ^Ildyette and Wm. 8. aad? Pamlico Beach* spent the day 1n town yester day. islt yi son. * Mrs. J no. Rodman, tot her hoffi^tu~Jwt>=-i Mr .Ouy Weston went to New Bern I yesterday . % Mr. Q. WTFTWlKan went td Rdcky Mr. -an# Jtfrs: F. F. Cherry return^ on Mondtfy from the Alaska Expo Ion at Seattle, and report a grand Miss Olivia Smith, who has been visiting Miss Katie Bragaw*. left ..yes- 1 terday for her honie in Raleigh. ... ? ? Col. W. B. Rodman, of Charlotte,] was a passenger on th? morning AU lantlc -Coast Line train. ? . * Mr. W. C. 8tryon, son. of Captain I A. W. Styron, left. for the Agricul- | fTUl'Sl 4Uld sume his- studies. ? Mr. rax ton WestonTof Lake Com fort, went to Raleigh this morning, to enter the A. & M. College. ~~ .A ' I Mf. ftanrft.m l.f. .M?| morning for Warrentop ~to reenter I the Warrenton High School. He. was | accompanied by bis mother, Mrs. W. P. Baugham. * 1 . ? " ? ? ? Mr. J. D. Etorn, of Baysids. Was a Washington visitor yesterday after- J Miss Carrie Bright a?d Mr. Macfc Bright went to Frederick yesterday L^rntwiiwin.- tpvlsit pfr ttr~ stein. ' : M'*"?" ife* Belle and Katharine Small left tWa morning to visit MIu Mtry Pendleton." In Elizabeth City. bean v HI tint Mr. and Mri t?n. rwunwd to, Mr hom< and little daughter. Mar; Verne, of Norfolk, who have been visiting Mrs. K A. Ntcholla tor aeveral days hare returne d to their home. * ? John H. fttSir wIll leiv. for1 Norrolk tomorrow, where .he will meet John Snail, Jr., who return! from a ftmr at a boy's summer camp In tJrcWhtto monnuini. ? ? r Mr. ^atifr ?, of WtUfanreton, arrived In the city ^yesterday, and I* Tisltlng Mr. WIU Knight. Mlas Saliio Benaon. ot Ropor, F& twrnad today to -har home. after, a jjiat to Mr. and Mr>. Ed. Jennett. - ? ? ? * i Miss Mary Murray, of Norfolk, ar rlred-thl. mor.dtid and will vl.ll Mrs. -Miss Augusta Charles returned on 'the afternoon "train- yesterday f ruin a long visit to Virginia Beach, Nags head, Elizabeth City and oyier points. Mr. Will Beaaley returned, yest'er day from Norfolk. ' SW?aiM Myers "lBfi-y?sTst aay "ST" ternoon for bis home in Greensboro [Alter a abort visit to-hls mother aniT "tyer. MlwsNcill^ TaylfT spent the day lere yeatariUj^ on har-wey ty-her home tw n , | j[|~ f Aurora. * -V ? * ? * , Mr*. Emily Mitchell and daughter. [Hiss Emljy, spent yesterday In ChoC I owlnlty. ~~r^? | * - ? l= Miim Annie Weapon went to New Bern yesterday tor a short visit. \7 . ? . Master E<! merit! Credle, of Pan |tego, arrived yeeterday to visit Miss Maude Wludley and ma slater, whoJ H. 'he guest ot Mlaa windier. jJ uumay, a* ha^Eame'oju AefclMilh ,?treet. ' ? . -? ? ^ Mr. B- L. fimither wetU-_ ui \Vest ?JPojat^Va^ t<^?. Jtr. C. C. Mayo, or South Creek" Is t? tfie city. ? Mra- M'i F' ytUon- hajt rqtiirn<??l~| | home f f o m i Vpfciaih t_ v I s 1 1 t o Low- ' *nd othrr point*. Mr. A; IS. Patll . son of Mr. Tliman I caul, or Aurora-, leTl foaiy to attend' ?Ingham 8cho6l. at Asheville, N.~C. The pictures at the'Qem last night. were fine, and tonight they will be fuiraI~good. and there will be aToT of laughs In the. pictures, too. - The' Brtde of Tablvla is a beautiful Indian 1 drama, with lovely scon cry. Thstwfr sonB is also a good drama. While the Uplifting of Mr. Barker, Nick Carter's Double, and Calling day lire all clever comedies. The orchestra will please ybu, "as usual, and some new mnslc will be on the program. "SAY HUSBAND. I want a good photograph of J^oy. 1 don't know how you feel about'fc I know youiiaveyut your life Insured for to benefit, but if-you were to die before I do, I certainly would hate io Think I had sm likeness of you. "for you are an exceptionally fine man, and ynn i should feel congratulated, knowing that 1 forsook all othera for you. May you hufTy forth to BAKER'S STU DIO." AT THII 1)1 X IK LAHT NIGHT. TEe p5rT3TOW5~TITOT ? ST ? Hl* DixFe last night was another hit for enthusiastic applause. Mr. Devoe is one or the most mysterious charac ter* thai- hop ovor made his appear ance here. The various features 'of Mr. and Mrs. Devoe's act are very in teresting and_ bewildering all .the way through. Tonight they -gixa. aqpther change of program. On Friday night at 9 o'clock Mr. Devoe will make the box escape. In. this act he will ob tain a drygoods bos from some of ohe merchants and place it on ihe | stage. Ha- will then lnvltq ?a" mlttee of thr&eor four men to nail | other means they may see fit to place around the box. and in two minutes he will mafce hito ecape from it with out drawing any nails or defacing it In anyway. This will take place o ? Friday night at 9 o'clock. did you Ever STOP TO THINK That electricity is the best light obtainable ? cool, con venient and cheap? . If you want solid comfort this win ter, let lis figiirp with ynji ?n | W I R I N GH YOUR HOUSE We ? are glad to give you a free estimate. Call or phone to. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC plant. ? -rrr YOUtOSE, HE WINS byjwaiting too Imzz tGKAMAL REDUCTION] 1KJ. LESS EACH PAY!| Original Price Todajl jLady'? Watch I3IN $29.?d I Gent'* Watch 44. M 39.4M ?Gold Ring It.#* 9 ill ?Locxt and Ch?tn 12.54 11.5*1 ^rooch ittl 9.J JSol KoIvm * Fork* !?.?$ 1J.W ISHver WaUr Sot 14. M 13.M PitrheruidGluMsl*.** - fiWCflu Bowl l.tl i.tf landaomc Umbrella 6.5Q S.H These sales *ill count IntHe . . 1 BABY PRIZE Jk y ? CONT#T Get Busy ! LG. SMITH ER) Mir i"Vt. 1 J ir Walk or Ride. ? I The' Telephone. aBMHiapoB You can have a Telephone put in your Tib use In the* flly"" 'or. at your farm at a very sur low CQft, ixx) HW ions drive and i>er hyp? a life by being in direct i|| and instantaneous touch with Jj -your Doctor GfOcsr, SUr- " chant and Brok< r, " 'Weather reports and mar ket quotations can be secured dally. Interested parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W,BeII,.Ml'g,f CAROLINA TEL. AND ? TEL. CO,* Washington, N. C. rtlls pfopositioh willlnter est you. and it would be welf to investigate before the ap proach of the cold Winter months. There', wort for ? ?r.?t ?<1^ the new home furniture dinph still useful "used things." . tut inili ? e*t*tg hargaH^to i WHEN you tee styling u it should be, tailoring thatamacks of the cuntom-shop and fabrics and patterns that possess the air of exctu siveness and distinction, then jro?| Will reallre th* Import juic of buying 1 fail ..,i?h ?k? rnnrmM We have every accepted style of the season, evrxv ?lt?' fnr all ihip# of man. whether tall, ?hortr~*tout or tlim and we guarantee the fabricate wear and give entire satlafactMMB. What more can you ask? ? / OUGHT TO BE THERE ! lMfcM w?lt?faok better ?nd lut iS? 5y <*h*r H SPECIAL SALE! Candy which you have been paying 40c. forwifij |^rcduccd^tc^l^nd-30c7 per poured. ^LKTAYLOE, The Grocery Man. j[ "111 AUi JIlUlplU l/v *4 II VI V I When4he Ad deader Gets '""When the ad. -reader gets busy-Jtfith a pair Lbeginstnrlip nut ads., ? YOURS For thesecliiyed ads. serve as tBflHIOftmli on little trijJs? little "Buying excursions ? shop ping, house-hunting, property-huijting, serv-~ ant-hunting trips. They decide the trend of the day's quests. -They influence th? day's ness deals ? more than that, they initiate them. 1 Many olthe day's deals, sales and porch? m would not have bgenmarle at all but far th?m. So, haveycmrtd. there when the ad.-rcader looks for a pair of scissors. _ . ? ? X

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