T rousers ' are easy in any position. They aic I cut to fitr shrunk to shape, made ! to stay. Every pair warranted: JO cents a Button; $1 a.Rip. I J. K. HOYT THE HOME OF THE DUTCHESS IN WASHINGTON ?F=3F1E rlSPECIAL VALUES PRICES. Mens Shoes ? ? SI on " Dress Hats -SO Unrfbrellas. Boys Suspenders China Matting .12 1-2 Bras Extension Curtain KodS" ttr OEM Theater TO-NIGHT FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA HUE iUSH?K OF T.i\ ii.mv- ? I ii(4 kui Dfllnfa. -PTfJ =T-tS-C-lAI - ? "TIIE T\V? !S< >Ns,T? -Ora n:a . -THE 1'1'LIFTIXG OF Mil. l'.AH Nickel Alarm Clc'ks .75 '"Looking Classes .15 & 25 Ansona Watches $1.00 ?RUSS-.BRQS. "tWI.I.lXCi l).\Y"-*-C'r mcdy "Midv cahteji's Ikht.u: ?I CCTr.edy'. THE (JEM Ol'F.XS PROMPTLY AT4 ? '?* THE PIC I I'RWRAMERS. GEM THEATER ?; EXPECTING A CAR ?~5_ SNQW DRtFT LARD to arrive in n few dtrysr Will make special jprice.TrlLinterested write us. ? E. R. MIXON & CQ. best advertisers are our satisfjed clients. ?its' liandiness and its (economical fea tures. ' We will guarantee that then you will call Tt W. PHILLIPS & GO. Dealer in ^ IY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, MILLINERY mxathfe Bromo^i^Mnia A Few Nice ? HAMMOCKS left that will be ? . r ? . sold at. a bargain. ? -- Harris Plumbing ? - and Supply Co. For a Proof Of the superior virtues of the GAS RANGE, call on that friend of yours - who has one and do a little i it ? ahd also secure .her opinion as to TOO MIQH. The Way war Long and the Hangar Great Bui ? "Principles ia ffrhKlpltV** The New York Tribune says that an olii man boarded a train at a stsiUon on the Pennsylvania Railrold, carry ing in one band an umbrella tied- up with a Bhoe. string, and In the other ?n ^iifj l'K'ke'j have be^i\ wtth l^e at Appomattox. He sat down near the door. depoalt?i(t his property bojlde him, and beckqnr ?rti to it train boy -who waa_Jwl|rf Uioaj, passing with a basket. . \ "Cot any thing tor eat. younfrfl^Hef ?" ?' "Sandwiches ? - ham, chlck??n and tongue." AH; l!igy 1FMI1 "Certainly." I "There-ain't no 'certainty' abovit.ltT,* [-ohjeffttMi thu old ?>hu. "Tito nandwioh business is mighty ticklish in ; hot weatljej;." I * "They're -fresh." said the boy.! imtifutly, "only frrfw made ?n h<iur.r. "I'd rather like a chicken sahdwich if I knowed I wouldn't draw a wing." "No wings, sir; all clear meatL" - " 'Spose-you-krt nle see one" of tiem sandwiches.1' "Can't, sjr; they're all wrapped Take one?" "How tsuch do you ask for 'em' "Ten cents." "I don't want a dozen; how much for -one?" "Ten cents." I "i , .:iy 'n met nip'! " gasped the old man. "Ten cents for two bites of bre*nt*? ? smell of chicken.' I'm hungry enough to eat a' pickaxe, but I'm game, an' I tell you what, before I pay ten cents for one little Hand* wrlch, I'll set here apd roll my eyes and s w oiler, al. the way to Eoylter uur." lm SIGNS OF THE TIMES. [ First Boarder (dismally)? Well. I pee we're going to hare spinaeh again ' flllUJUUH. i 1 Second Boarder ? How can you tell? First ^kfarder? Why, the hired man iere cutting the front lawn. Comfoi'UbU tut. A A rortJik^ Stately, middle-aged lady las the habit of addtng on to her sen :ences phrases out of their natural or Jer. thereby not infrequently electri 'ylng her hearers. Recently she was greatly surprised to have the follow ing simple statement of hers .greeted wlth^ghmity gf-Mnghtrr-. JlVVtaen J ar^ rived at the house, there was * the (Minister sitting on a chair and three ladiea." Courses for Teachers. Fall seMlon be gins September 15. 19*>. Thoe* desir ing to enter should apply sa early a# Possible. For catalog and other infor mation add res*. 4 f- I- FOyST. Prea,, Greensboro, N. C. chic; PAUL & CI THE NORTH C AROUN A State Normal and Industrial College Maintained 1>y the State for the wom en of North Carolina, foai RtguMr 1 jm* ' T no T sua No one understands me!" he groan ed; "no one on earth." ' It Is the old story wrung from many i a tortured, youthful heart. The suffer i ar Is gnnernllr mistaken, but tho pain ['a no less poignant. Yet In this ln j stance^the^mnn'^ complaint- wtta true. him. I For he was an announcer of trains Their Latest Gam*. A busy mnthar arhn naa by the not HP in the nursery hastened to the room and said to her little daughter: "Mittui?r, what du' you ? Ui uau * by shouting and screamipg? Play quiet ly. like Tommy. See. he doesn't make &- sound." "Of course he doesn't." said the lit tle girl. "That is our pm? He la papa coming home late, and 1 am you." A Politician. "I'm afraid 111 never be able to teach you anything. Maggie, " was .the despairing utterance of a Trenton woman co . a ? new ? Irish domes tie. "Don't you know that you should al ways hand me notes and cards on a salver?" "Sure; mum. I knew." answered Maggie, "but X didn't know you did." Fierce. All Right. bean deaoHbl^g the, hah! is nt bears, ; "what Is the fiercest animal In the poTar* fegtrtnjr. Tohirtf T"1 ? ^ ^ _ "Why-er'er.4 stamifaered Johnny. '"Come, dont you remember? T5S1 Pol? " - *- ??? \-1 "Oh, sure! The pole cat" The In the^LixwgfelTovr^blK *i toy, trl?l tti Klirfon -fatled- to agree after elferen hours deliberations ^and Judge jVVard, presiding. ordered a mistrial! i> I *cuig follow was required tq give a bony-ol >2,0007 torTHs ap pearance , at ntxtterm of Lenoir Su perior cOfcrt lrf December. 'The bond was ? i ?n\? NAw^arn .tflurMl " v Prof. W. IV kagsdjd^.'of the chair il Public actr^^artqtfi^trat^nn in. the Eastern C n r 1 na Tee^ h ers ' Trail ing 'School at Greenville/- wai here yesterday. He faya that aapljoatlons ait- helm melted lu gui-h laimWTr that thore Is-prdmlob ot a good1, open ing on October \-C*? "When the \ term commences. The- buildings are about completed and equipped, and a groat' i roiyd Is expected the Inaugu ra tion '9 f President Wrt^ht on Octobet^ Sth.'?yews and, Obser^eit-l^^ The solicltorlbv&lrto- Ui the ,?0^rt room, had- much tn^appcaxonce of 'a blind- tiger fit one. tim^Coo Saturday^ a tri^LCpmlng" Under that head was in progress, and the State was on hand with the gpodfe. Therte'were bottles of liquor of all sizes and shapes in evidence, showing that the defendant had prepared to do busi ?ut si fin aelarga srnlr^ -Ami? Ixaai-lL TTTTT ir;ake some ftiouths water through desire to come in ^contact w-lth tho necks of those bottles. ? "Green villa Rellector. _ .n. S. KlrigaTore. one of the inmates of the Soldiers' Home here, passed :\way _ yesterday ufternoon at nan .past two o'clock.^, He was a member of. the ordnance -department and came to the Home from Wilson In 1 1903. He was lu his 73d year and for a long time had "been a member of. the Methodist Episcopal C-hurcl{. The funeral will be held In the Keade Memorial Chapel this morn ing at 11 o'clock, conducted by Rev. I. B- Jones, pastdr of the Central M?'i iu'iliut ? r'lntrrh Yryf and- Qb Dr. George \V. Williams, colored, was before the recorder this morning charged with a violation of the city ordinance which requires the attend ing physician to -report all cases of IKE* PHJ In- A 1 1 II UllHt'l. 1)1. V. O. 1 Hawlcy, the patient-hr-this instance being a colored girl, Florlday Rhyne, who died Oh East First street Satur* day mprning. The doctor. 6tatect-hr had no intention of violating the city ordinance, hut that the case devel -Jo rapidly he did not have time to. make a satisfactory diagnosis be fore death resulted. Undor these circumstances the case against him was dismissed. ? -Charlotte ^Newa. 5 The work is tb begin Monday on I the const! uction of ? a ney theater feu* Raleigh." It Is to be about mld naj the -first block south of Capital Square on the west side of Fayette viUe street, if' "will be known as The Grand and will have an arcade entrance from Fayettevllle street. It Is to "have a T7]TQ0 seating7 capacity [ with mwt modern theatrical equip '"pni xhii ? special purpoae U ta run a high class ten cent vaudeville show with moving pictures between ut'ls. ? John Drewry la one of the principal incorporators. The changes include a new three-atory atoxe^and office building bela%'uow occupied by Johnson & Johnson, The Standard Gas & Flprrrin -Co., and YOUng & Hughes. ? ? : ? Deputy Marshall BJaylock has re | g1mlrytr0in & reVCn,Ue ta,d Mont_ Ling Morgan, Clark Morgan and Phil Lucas, charged with Illicit distilling. The men were given a hearing be fore the United States commissioner at Troy. Ling Morgan was dls dence, but the other two men were" locked up in -default of bond for tfaetr appearance at the October term of Federal court in city. The ar rests were made in -Eldorado town ship. which is right in the forks of is considered- cme^of-t he moat danger | ous sections In the country for. rev^-l pnticrs, 'fhssc? arc ssid ;uer. brought, out ^f this* section for. blockading since the killing of Sher U^moffltt, who lost his life while at-| tempting to arrest a blockader fif teen years ago,. ? Greensboro News. Secretary of Agrici^ture Ellas Oarr saye-ootton in the eastern part , A the Stale is' shedding very ba*4y. 1 Excessive rains In May, June and July have caused the roftta to come I to the surface, and the drought of |?he past twn weeks having cot off the feeding of these roota. There has not :?een so much rata in the central sec I tlon- as In the eaat. From cotton men ata Raleigh It la learned that the tnfo 1 weeks of drought has not only caused , much aheddin*, ' Irat forced ^rottfrp t m open prematurely, though ihe crop Is, ten days iate and ought not to be ppe?ed yet Farmefs who came to Raleigh la?t wm! Mid they ?rare tdsklM, Reglly a t**1 ^ the fruit hw? been ahed In this section >s well as ia the eait, and the crops jave sufrered. jnaterial damage dur ing thi pirn In days ? There wa? promise of the full crop of red stiff CITY MARKET. ' ifi SOc ?Qpriut chickens - 10 to 28c Hides, green . . .... 8 to 7c Hides, O. S^. . k ? 8*e ?W?if ax ' *B1 Mixed WftSf, . M . i . . j . . is* to 80e BuTry wool... . . . . . ...A* to i*?J Tnllo* . .J\ 3 l-Sc Woo}, free from burrs. m . . . ^Qci 6heepeHo ^ . . . . , .4 0 ~tu V88 L Lambskin 25 to 40e Khecrllngs . to 1,0c Ducks 16 to 20c ? JbMe'AJUtfk for a want AU.~trli^h you " have n K??cM bnsfnnw plnn, *ml mni "bsAtai.1^ " 1. ? BUT SCANT COURTESJf is shown Group, Colds^ Bron olutis or Pneumonia-' by Vick's Croup and Pneumo nia Salve. No wise mother will dare be without a. jar. i POMPEI AN Massage Cream . Cleanses Where Soap and Water .Fail ' Washing with aoap and water znakeB the face look clean, out it cieana tBer-< surface only. It does not clean out the impurities in the skin that make it muddy and aullUVT. Pon^peian Massage Cream goes through the surface. I? ??r?U? jam ?Y?rv pnrp ? reaches and loqeeiis all foreign dirt and'iinpuri ties that lodge in the pores. It is the only facial cream ? free from grease and that keeps the face free from it. Does not ? cannot ? promote the growth of hair on the face. ___ Price 50c and $1.00 per jar. *" 1)11. "HAIllJY'tj DIICO i-*TOHgr TO OUR NCW AND V ARIED LINE OF Which comprise . '? * *?ys? "Best Place" iu Which to Buy It! "i Felt Mattresses. ; - Just received a new- and complete line of F6lt | Mattresses manufactured by the Southern Cotton I Oil Company of Charlotte. They ard durable, coni-^| fortable and will last one a lifetime. Carolina Brand $1^00 DreamlandT n - Jefferson Furnit " EAST CAROLINA -Teachers' Training School Established and maintained by (he State fotf the young men ' and women who with to qualify themselves for ttiej?rofe??lon of teaching. Buildings and equipment new* and modern. Sani tation perfect* *> " """ * T> SESSION OPENS OCTOBF.R3TH, 1*9. _ For grotgtctugand Information, ?d4nMi ROBT.If. WRIGHT,. 'MpVp'<JBE Water Coolers, Oil Cooking Stoves, Hammocks, Porch SJiades* at great reductions in price. Are bargains. Come and see | McKeeHfchardson Hardware^ar 3PN * The ? Triumph of ;SB0MAKIN? > The Best I $3.50 ami $4.00 Ever Produced fn Woman's Wear, KnighfShoeCo JUST RECEIVED Ffesh lot of = PORTSMOUTH ? - DRESSED MULLETS

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