WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROUNA, TjjW^Y-XrTf RNOON. SEPTF.MRF.R ? W cached His Goal in Apnl I908, andjfes He turned to Lervick- Apprehensions Ex pressed for His Safety One Time --Dispatch from LervicfcGives No Details. ? ? - w:n F.MENT OVKR THE NEWS go?T?g"Bf00Hyn jifrplorBr hed the North pota-^?1uM safely across the ice hoes to itspatch was recel red. here tm ly-from Cevrlk, addressed to the lift] "office and signed by' Cook in H tfte ?ftH)rprvav4*.?Mt In forin;'. tbat on April 21, 1908, he tied the pole and uncovered the ?ties of tho northernmost point te earth's axia. p. Cook for many months was *ed to have perished In the ice ie frown north, for hothlng had heard from him alnce March t At 1)^1 L IL.C Lc.Ui.ii k_; l. ? i_iL tght and, hatj^ reached the Ice l-Cape Tr.l *?* I v 1 *? 1.. TMv r"T ;TC Wfcbua. pqa'ry 'a- MuluL ul dvpar ip his expedition of 1*06. He "then weH and expected to be d from again In three months, ^^^fcfaar passed without fur irord from him. lie dlapatctl from Lervlc Rives no lis of What tflals and hardships explorer and his companions had >}thatand. No white man accom ed Dr. Cook. He Set out on the pft-Uff POlfr *Ith eight Eequl x, twelve tyams of dogs and four I. A minimum of impedimenta wi-. y ? ? ? ~ . {Ok's'TixpedltiOn was the molt a a i? y_ * ** - ~~~ si^onat-evor caivHra inir uj" an excitement which will, without , spread the world over. Among lsts here who hare watched for jfe a?nr gipgdltlon* Knttrnti d the pole 'and .plant a flag efj -rr. -.i-i,. ? ~ ? "?v- fn?t : CHURCH "" ] QRGAMZEP tit Baptist* Have greatest enthusiasm exists x?ver~The report ot the final victory and tfci highest of praise i?bein?feounded for the wonderfully plucky American. ?That Cook escaped With h la life af ter his two years' fight for1 this proud achievement is considerably little short of mai-vetous. Even while the Peary relief expedition was hunting for hint In tbelce and mountains of frozen snow beyond tho end of land, he >b believed to. have been at thfe pole making hurried observations tor the scientists the world over. The last word from the explorer was ro cfcl^ed th May of last year. " It was n letter, to-his son Frank, telling him to return to Ne* York. He wmT then in .WMurn ^isiirai^lelkpd,' apont llStf miles southwest of Cape Columbia, th^ -northern rfmM nnrflnn nf the \r? JTc~ mainland. ' T'Se^retiifn dfFjrank hardslps which gt*e rise a- to fear$ that the father would never be^eeejf alive again. It waa Dr.- Cook's plan to make his bastfof supplies, or permanent cftmp^ at Anna Toak, In Greenland, about on mlloa north nf F.laK ?nrt ah^nt thousand miles from the pole. He left there In December, 1907, and than gjade bteway westward -out-of ?the ^ache Peninsula across to Ellsmerelnnd. It Is believed he reached this In 'February, i?08 ? WheirrOrr-CcmkTtsartetK hcleft bcr blnd at Anna Toak the only remain ing whlt^ n^n parQrfltmtotptrj FrancUe. a young German. Fraaahd Jiad been told by theexplorerto wait | ir to from him, and when he 4td he Ab^.matruoUons literally. On May 7. 1908-. Kranche received a messago from Dr. Cook telling him to go back to New fork If he did not teturn to Ann* Toak by early June. Thia^was* the March it l?tt?i? | must have been written two weeks ?ft*i^rm ?t?M; Tuas oa? m-j pf ,rhnk rtlif nnf m turn. Franche therefore, obyed and rede rick A. | cxploi er. - reached the non|fr polo, according toi advices which were received togay I | by members ? Cook to the far North. expedition" In time to take advantage of the sonrmer 1b Oro Arctic. Little was made^- but bis progress was steady and without accident. Df. Cook. Cable* His Wlf<* ^-^$w York, 8ept.?*? The following cablefcam for Mrs. Frederick A. Cook', waa received, at her home In. Brooklyn today: "B^Voeaifnl in addrefes to Copenhagen? - < Signed) -^FRED." This dispatch confirms the di?cov The message was forwarded to Mrs. g-9?fc ^ M Teuth Ilart swell isUud, Cascol^ay, Maine. -4t Girl Dead Newe was received here this mjrn tng announcing the .le.th of Jtmmle. | m" hatfait. of .'Wfcarteiie, ttr C. The end came tills morning. Mr*. .JackMiu, of thle city. Jlmtnle wee ? bright and InUrentlng little girl. The funeral will take place LA ROB SAFB. LABOR LEADERS OF ENGLAND Attending thelnternation al Trades Uhion In 7 Paris. , London, 8ept. 2. ? Several -Social lit and labor leaden of England are In or the International .Trades Union In Pa rig. One pf the principal events of an_ International antl-mi|itarUt congress, which openly aMouncealGT purpdse to /'evolve tome practical means for the promotion of desertion among soldiers of ail Rayons when ? my 1* declared" -bits tmpstrffrfle society hu met with 4e opposition or tue more cuuwi lative labor lead ers,' among them Mr. ttompers, pf America. Mr. Gompers will return to Eng land this week to take part in the session of the BHtlsh Tl*ades Union Congress, which opens at Ipewich on Monday next.- If Is likely that he will spend much of the month here and will sail from Rotterdam for America on- September 2 5. Since .his arrival on this sidAMr. Gompers -has been enjoying what ia known here^as "a busman's holiday." When a London omnttrus driver takes a day og it is supposed that be spends At ridtey around on the top trf a friend.'a - bus, seeing how he .does tlilngi. Tm U llil Wit spending' his holiday. Slnfift.he land ed here has beoh rushing around from -labor headquarters to labor headquarters seeing how the labor men do things, and setting points for us^ on his return "to America. '"XsTfBff about the difference be^ ttjjjitfKl aTwl th" trade unions Gompers said that he found the English organizations su perior -to- those at heme in some re Ape ot's s n <1 Inferior In others. He thought that the benefit features of the English unlohs.were much in ad -vance of-thoee of the African nr ganlzations, while t ha American Galons lie luubMIh cd nLa be b *TUtf ornnlmrt for fighting fonrnra? .Hs paid a high tribute t|> the English Intelligence," he said. V'l hare npi rnei une who ts nnr atirT^R^e^aYer. age," but when he was aaVed how they compared as to strength and forec f u In Q the lea^^s of labor tiarf their light* 'nn thU ?M+ haven't they?' Mr. Smith Was ..In publishing [flecMon of a now was an error bo fir as hts^Kdidacy was ?on?(ori>ed ? While eo^Bj ot the friends of Mr. Smith here ?>senti?rf hi?' name~to~the~bQard71ir^E~with^ out his knowledge. Mr. sBth pre sented no written "application "and knew nothing of what transpired an tii- informed by The tV?wg, A NOVELTY IN FIRE EQUIPMENT Crack Hose Cuiupuiiy Hag The Volunteer H?n Wagon No. 1, ? oat "P the itreeta yesterday on parade: To the wagon was hitched rto Hue hmUnt, made* ?raya.. ?lick and span: arrayed In their new doable harnees jpet re^lTW) (,T llM City. The drop-harnaea la tha most tonipUU UMlHMni. It re^uliea only Six anapa to rasun completely ttje procsaa of hookina up and ready 10 the horses are ? ?Pectl^ely "Bl? Chief" and ''Captain Charlie." The tralalng oftha horeee to the wagon ptarta todayT>he tan - ^ ? l-n .1- - - -a-" bruised, will recove we Bjlghtly Injure WmU' skull vu^ broken and he suS Juries. Stroup'jB -tl and he luflmdMi juries. Ponderar^ 10)1 Head- injured and internal Injuries.. ^t the time of 1 workmen were on1 when without .the middle wall of t triT MA WM o! CM and huge Iron glrde selves through' low cellar, five stories 1 warning the men ha ln?-Ol-a-4arge Umfc< khed, his ribs ied other in were broken ? Internal In were "brokeri. 1 also received * accident ten Iuj fifth floor, $nt*s warning4 building gave V brick, stone dashed them flpors to the ?w. The -first ras the break They started w got out of die wall gave of four iron Men weie *?gh the air, mrled beneath danger before the jfcy under a wel girders weighing and when found When the crnF ifife^i httff*rethr rushod to the scene and they could hair the agonized fttes of buried men, but none daredjltenture beneath tbei hanging floors al&bve, which tlere swaying with slckentfllg motion, and a? eyery moment -looked as If they great opening made the wall upon the % below.. For a few seamed Jlke^ hours, s upon the sidewalk ' the cellar, from wble the falling of fortunate men econda: which wig men stood id gazed ? Into eame the mo?t_ human ' ?? ""?,IUII |l? and for fifteen minutes Worked with tTowjbe bodies of their com BUuup 'and Ponders were unconscious when carried from the rulna and. removed to the home ?_f Mrs. Dora TClchol??, ? tance-from the scene of the accident, i The men were nl?r^ qp n,ota on_tha porch and qvery phyaiclan?le-^owir Immed lately after the Mayor_l>ysart had the cont] my ran oi man mlssing>- Ropes were sro.OH th, accident ictor call any were stretched placed on guard. NOV REPORTER'S I Embryonic Ouiil.Pfifrher is Bidding Fair-to Rival > Horace Grecly. ? 1 Reporters. like cooks, are born and^ not .made. It t&kes ^tnger.*grltr "Eosfa, cheek, and a ' rtniH^?rt>?JTV.* hide over yout-iiersonal feelings *o find out oth^r pooples' business when you-dun'f reallr care yourself wb?re they are going, or who they. are. or ??y otlltr Item ^bout them, whlrh you ask with gushing Interest. Some one does care, and it is-toi^tbose who do that you make yoruaelX into a per petual question mark. Any timidity on the part Of the reporter mesns-s. name lOBt, or an itfetn ungleaned. Such alas! was -the: case yesterday afternoon at tber A.-&-LL depot when service to. find out the comings and goings of the passengers. This is the report he turned in: "Two'cullered iadles-'and one nig ger baby left on tho A." C. L. this p. m., but our new reporter failed to learn tbeir destination. "Capt. Ellsworth le?t on the A. C. L. train this p. m. for P^rmele and 'wilt* Teturn tonight." , *? There are several things .to 6e said la favor this rather trrierVeport ; it- may not be Very startling, but we feel instinctively that 4t is true, and we all know that truth is ever strang ej than fiction. WINE MASH IS PROHIBITED! Distill til Spiiits on Mai Let W ithout Pay ment .of-" Revenue Tax, Washington, Sept. (2 * ? Rectifiers I are prohibited from making wing ture of compound liquors, Tinder an 'order issued by the internal revenue department which became e effective today. U is alleged tbat the prohibitive practice ip the ^'~oduction of home-] l made wlnog '*has been in several_ years. ' A growing industry U*l been t&e rofcit. and there have been many fraiMs. Officers of the internal revenue servlce-have found TEat distilled spirits have been"pu't 6n the market without the payment of Internal revenue tax. tn the ftrture wine mash with the sole purpose of bringing substantial and practical -Information and benefit to those who are engaged 1 in the cultivation of the soil. Th? meeting will begin at 10 Q'clock a. m. and there will be a forenoon and afternoon session. 1 Yery respectfully, -v H. SMALL., Washington, N, C,, 8ept. X CENTENNIAb^OF CHURCH. DAfcY NEWS Y .declaring that he would run. the risk arypn bm me aoMHifi) wouia Hhd ? == htm working fur humanli) u liPirttiey * made the capture. ' ? ? ? 3 "" The relief work was slowly' going forward, especial attention being paid to the Santa Catarlna' river valley. - L* I g h t_lj undredoorpte r hare been found, a similar number still remain In the floo'ded district either covered by debris wf floating In- the swollen .stream. ?About JOO Americans- from^tlrp" ?. local colony are awaiting tht? -AlfiL traln for^exico City, anxioiirto rid their eyesC^f th death and disaster. Tho Ajaerlcan- consulate bus been turne.d Into a boarding house and food Is being served to the TefupeFs: "telegraph wfreB ar? being restrung to the UiTlted States border ^and survivors are* sending friends and relatives word of .hope. Ttre National -RSTivray has managed to establish a line from Mexico Cltv hut ?lm trains are so J xtie- -soialers - hsrio take u band -and F oo