mm mummm HAVE A UNION STATION? W the Population, Possess the Re ^Number of Roads and Deliver the s. Let's Present Gut Plea for This ' ~ ? _ . - ' ? >vement at Once. stination The Thief of Time re bu not been apm.e effort tbla direction loiag kg of Is lit? entitled to It, ud ahould r towns la North, Carolina. Th mmadu tntn wtiainf re long ago p+an *??rd?d thU fcte Improvement, . .tout they work for It. -TJiey djd aot alt the irayalde and wait for it, t a mpve on CfcemaetTea. With uh they won out with bands thing. The law of the then the right to author .they decide it la essential. ?opie here", and the tOWn li rapidly. Thi. Atlantic Const ^.Norfolk and' Southern, the ten ?n<| Vandemere, already Into Washington, and who rot what the Mattamuakeet fht possibly be added within year? hgton has the requisite pop ind the^ required number of Mmg so. what la to pre MJjWURig lui a TTnltfn "eta Jfere should be and Is none. It the cittsens here ara so Why can't there be more CITIZEN DEAD rs wag received In the city last announcing the sudden daMB r.-John P. ^cjd, - a prominent ?mpd rtttran nf Pltr rnnntv ? Boyd was about 70 years_of ad married Miss Emma, daugh thitflttUtr. Jimyti la hity. Three of Mr. Boyd* 9a were visiting here when his oame, Misses Louise, Sudle and Qaeph Boyd. They all left on wattle Coast Line thlsmorrilng end the funeral. Mr. Boyd was .?e Confederate soldier and ft liked -and hundred. ? Htr Dany friends In Washington. > funeral ^wlll take place. some tojaorrow at Hie homestead In ED PULPITEER HERE SUNDAY Jotin F. Boyd Passes] ' Suddenly at Home in Pitt County. matter or granting conces vested In the power of the ^ JMf ly^v. D. A. to Pulpit of Methodist . i Sunday. obert *>t the Metbodut > looking forward to next cations pf ploas Tf N. Ivey, D. D., editor 'th' Carolina Christian Ad h.. N. C., is to 1H1 the Drornlng and evening, i pulpit orator of fltafe , and is one of the strong Ttbe Methodlet Hath 1# While In the ijlty he wU? :M|j. E. n 4 "Street. . (Inter lad piilh engendered In the peepie so *? iv i??ng waw I?eu?ui Uon when It > tares them In the fsce. ready to come, yet no effort or more la made? As to- Where a Unlo# depot would be located. The News doee not care to discuss at this Juncture. Get the Corporation Commission to "dallrer ftSeTfBBde" Brit and ae to a suitable site, thla c*n be decided op l?t&-. The business Interest of Washington atihtnd u? t.uim aspot w atw ed (or Washington. No town In Baat ern Carolina todtj ujtsmls to the re specUre roads entering our .borders more patronage. The branch Hue of the Atlantic Coast Line here. U has been ao often asserted, pari better than an 7 one on the system. and the Norfolk and Southern certainly haa Jo, right to kick Every merchant and business man In the etty what th? Washington and Viande mere road Is accomplishing During both In paeeenger and frelght-Hf the Msttamuskeet road Is so fortunate own. we Bare the railroads, snd ws Should hare the Union depot. The Chamber of Commerce, the Cltjr'jill ^erm*n*'the buala?? men. all shdald unite, pat their shoulders to the heel and work day and- night, as a unit, looking toward . securing a Union depot The Corporation Com mission will do the right thing, and' If the proper argument_ls presented The Newa feels confident the result Wesr ? III > ? nil hiidsi laltlai S mm be Crowned with success. The ?fti ien? of the city can at leaat make the effort. Suppose they try. Y MISS R&BA l)CT J1AXG1YJES DANCE She Entertains at Country Club in Honor ot Her- ? - ' " GnfUttf. ? ' - 'An exquisite mooalight night* ~a tall down the lovely "river, a bright, leered pari Hon, a coej club puate with a great snapping are in the big fireplace. making a jolly crowd atiil more cheerful add at home. All thla added to the pleas ure of the dance given last evening [yn?1*y ?WTlfffo jzxa&otaam Clob in honor of the guests now vls Itlng at her houiel. All the" younger (??t, with a good sprinkling of out-of buys und 'girls, ttieie. alao a few of the matrons and more ma ture people, who aat by the fire and played bridge, or pool, or danaed as they willed. There was. a delightful informality . about the atfatr which raadtr everyone feel at liberty to ^sunuae mmseW aafre willed, epd cer talnlr thnre l.irfc otftntfrttflii* the charm iifg hos mldnlght l^e cream and mannn|nnnn mana Auriii In tjia nUU houae .and some the guests went home in . easier boats, leaving the more atrenuoua -set Still' whirling "dvef the dat^cin'ff floor. Oyer a hun dreil gnatfcasaaa4e*=^h?i riant is Out oT town goest*: Messrs. Peek tosrt, spencer Hart, Oeorge Pennltff ton. snd TBad Hussey.'farboro; Har Jrrsiggs and WUil a Watts. Williams ton; Mr. Greenville, and Mr. Bell, Kew Bern. Chapf rones : >Mr. aM Mra. Du and daring adventur ers. thfc dream apparently haa nor becoatfe a reality by the achlevemeat of Dr. Frederick Cook, of BrcMft&a. whence ha la proceeding to Copea hagen, -saying : "Successful. W?*L - AddreeS Co^ penhageo." Several daya must now elapse bo from Dr. Cook, In which he relate* gn account of hla experiences. Speak ing qf hla trip,. Dr. ^ Cook Mya, in Part: . ; - * ? ^ "Alter a prolonged fight with faka Ine and front, we have at least suc ceeded in reaching the Jforth Pole. A new HlinWk^ .Willi ih Interesting atrip of, animated nature, haa been explored and. big game, haunt* lo cated which* will delight aportmen ahd-extend the Eskimo horixon. "Land * haa been discovered ?? which reata the earth's northernmost rocka. A -triangle of 30,000 square miles has been cut out ?f Ihfe terrea tlal unknown. , The expedition was thV ^aectiiuu ul ? juuimmi tuiiw iu the Arctic' seas on the schootfw Brad ley, which arrived at the limits OTWion lfi Bgttth Bound late lotTntf |to launch a venture to the pole. J. R. Bradley liberally ajip plled from his vessel -suitable pro visions for local use. My 'own equip ment for emergencies served well for ^ry purpose in the Arctic travel. ? Eskimos **??* /"* land shores at Annatoak for winter bear hunt. Immense ouantities of meat had been collected flpd about the, camp were plenty of ftrodg dogs. * "The combination was. lucky, for there was ko&} -for equip ment. All , that w.. required "Was conveniently arranged for at a point only seven hundred miles from SHre Boreal Center. A house and work* paUnk bum Hi* willing hands, and this uui tliei umustj tribe-of-fioO people set themselves to| the problem of deviling suitable out fit. Before the end of the long win ter night we were ready for tho en terprlae, and plana had matured tcr force a new route over Qrinnell land nothward along its west coast out on the polar sea. "The campaign opened- with a few. scouting parties being a e mooter the American shores to explore the way and seek the game haunts. Their mission was- onl^Darthr aurcftaafn because of the storms. At sunrise of IfOfl (Fgbl'UITT IJOTlbe" main tiapMlliBw embarked un Its -tufugw to the' pole. It consisted of 11 men jLnd 103 dogs drawing ejeven heavily ladOIL-^ledgea. ? The expedition left the"* Greenland Bh'O^e and pubaed westward over the troubled ice "of Smith Sound. The gloom of the long night was relieved' only hy_,a:rfe?--. hours of daylight. The chill of the Winter was felt at ltsjcorst. As we orossed the" Tfelghta of Ellesmere Sound to the Pacific slope, the tem perature tank to minus W-nefcHll grade. Several /dogs were Troxen 'and the men' sutferen severely, but ^ we which the way was easy. ^Vo forced through .Nanse Sound to Lands End. In this march we secured 101 musk oxen, seven ooars and 335 hares. We pushed ^rt? Into Ihe-Bolar f *-*>?>* the southern point of Herbert 'Island on March 18. Six Eskimos returned from here. With four men and 46 HUP HUlfm flUPPllflfl MJH M&W ' rrriim pnjar ppnlr VVi begun. Three daya^ later two other Eskimos. fopnlng-lhe last sup porting party, - returned and the I trials had now bwi reduced by the survival fltteaL*rhe two best men and 2 ???oga were picked "tor the (ln*l mar), , -? .--- r* - "Tlieie before us In an unknown U6e of 4 60 miles lay our gdtfl. The first days provided long inarches and we made encouraging progress. A' big lead w,hiclr separated the land from the tae of the oentral pack wIm crossed with little deltf. The Ijctw temperature was jferalsterit.and the wfnpl iuadt> ltfe a ?tcrrtnre.,,^ Q\iT cooped in our i'riow houses, eating dfled beef tallow* and drlnklhg hot itea there were some animal comforts occasionally to he galnod^ . ? ? . FORMER v OFMILCrONAIRE JRWg,4'| -"r. A ' Mrs, Duk^Now: "Thought Court. Chhwco, Sept. ? ? In the unkempt. Illusion-haunted WNBU NbflM fever ish Una su?were - ? . pllea to. the effect that ahe la worth millions and tiiat these **ia a plot] against her life. 18,000 MILES ON THE BRfNY DEEPl Mr. Hugh Styro%Afakiug Tour of World' in Stand J . awl OH Ship ^ ? Mr. Hugh flfjrron, aan of CapU A. W, 8tryon, of thla city, who left here over a year ago, la now making a trip to China and other Aalatlc porta III u S limit I'd Oil ship. He has al ready gone around Cape Horn and wfll aoon be In Chinese waters. rThe voyage will take about eight months to finish and when he returns home be^wlll hare traveled over 18,000 Mr. Styron writes most interesting^ letters home telling of experiences on the trip. School Building^ Being Repaired 1 Workmen are now engaged In re pairing the roof of thei Washington Public School frulMlni. on Went Second street." From the first the root has been defective and the part covering the andlterliih 'l.av^i ... badly that the plastering baa fallen In" several pieces. It la to be hoped that when the repair^ are/.compIeted the leaks will be sKSi>ped.s THE BALD HEADS HAVE ORGANIZED Are To Go Hatless< During' * " SIX MOfltns 6t'lha I '?Omaha, Neh-. 8ept. 3. ? The Har Ctute of BaTd headed Mfen, which was orgahized In Omaha laet gprlng. has become bo popular that it a scope is:now almost national. Or. ?kwJt. the national president ant-originator o f the movement, Jia? returned from Milwaukee, Where &D0< bfctcffeeaded men met in convention. Spenkin* of the results, he said:' "Delegates ? all b&ldhsaded ? wero, preqentfrom all oyer .country We adopted a ' rule t^ajp makes it cumyutfor for every member. upon all occtwions, it9?Jgo baftefes between April 1 and Ostober \ of each year. This may se?m silly and like a joke, lyyawinBtoFi ?(mi ii t htunti MUST PAY TAX AND WORK ROADS .sf . Attorney-General Renders a Decision on Chapter 551, Public Law* of 19#7. The editor ot The Newe addressed a- communication , to, the Attorney Onrmral ot-the Slate of KurUl (tlto llna thla week, aaking hla opinion aa tp ? \whjpther op not after toting a jap treba road tax &a provided in chap ter Ml, Public Lawa of 1907, the ^people are required to pay the tax and still bejubject to road duty. Ttffe opinion ot- the Attorney General fol lows: .V.r . ? Stfltot. Dally News, Washington, N. C. Dear Sir: 1 have the honor to ac- " knowledge (he receipt' of youfs of the 3 1st In which you aak whether or not; after voting a fpecltl thaA t&x as pro ridyi in 'chapter 651, Public fcaw 1907, the people can be Tdfculred to pay the tax: and acjll be subject to - road duty. ' j - While an opinion from thla, office on the queetlon presented would not i be binding on anvonft. 1 ?rhiwrfiuiv . give you my vtewa for what they are worth. - * - . Section 27 26 'of the Revtsal jnakes , all gble.bodi^d men between the ages of eighteen and forty-five subject 16 road duty. There la nothing In chapter 661, Public Laws 1907 which direct ly, or by implication, repeals this sec tion, but on the other hand, it 16 clearly contemplate^ that It shall re- . main In full force and effect. ' Section { .of the chapter provides: "Tbn Rnanl of Road Commissioners shall, at their 'first meeting after their -election, or as soon thereafter aa practicable, appoint road overseers ror the~"T4tk>us public roadB of said tow?hip/'. : : r? ? . Sec. 5." "All moneys paid in lieu of labor required to be performed In iaaid- township shall be collected by. the ovepaebr of the section to whleb' - said person was assigned to work." i Be<;. 9. "That any -person subject \ to toad duty under the general law ifaay pay to the road oferaeer of the : section to which he was assigned 75 cehts a day for each day he p re which shall relieve such person from further road duty for said year." ? The , whulu chapter totHeSiglates jhat the work done by taiatJoqlS to. , supplement that dope by the "handa." 'm and Is not In lieu of It. Very truly -yours, ?* -T W. RICKETT, ; Attorney Qeneral. - Superintendents Are In Session [ Hondersonvllle, N/ C.,* Sept. 3.^? The county superintendents met here )H a 11 n 11 H I iajupqwci iniefldent of Public Instruction Joy ner Is presiding and C. H. Mebane Is secretary. , there are eighty Buper Intendents present, all being quar tered at the Hotel Gates. An addre^ -of irelcome -was delivered -by -Mnyor Staton, the, response being made by Superintendent Joyner. Mr. Joyner told the superintendents that th&y and night being set aside for work and the afternoons for play. Pre*. J.- A. Direns 'discussed the Home Study course last night and Superintendent Joyner said the tea&hers- wJj?>.do not take this work cannot expect to ha re their five-year certiflcaiea renewed , and he' felso in renewals of flrsrn?Fad? certificate* no doubtTwould soon de wnfl uimn iwlivr.i latilnr Ihln hnmn study course. The/ State "Department or Educa tion will prepare uniform questions To'r teachers' certificates for the Oc tober examination *n[f ten dent wftl grade the papers. superintendent j. K. Ray, of the Blind Institution, made a short talk urging the eupertntGhdenta to get complete BtaUfiUjus regard 4.0- deaf, dumb and blind children. ? This aborting the superintendents dhrcueee puamnkG& Mr. Samuel R. Fowk Making Im .JT provementu to Home. Mr. Sartuel R. Fowls la making' improvements t*~h?e already hand | softie residence at the corner -.of Van painted. '/ ? ' i" Ml*. R. D. Walls, who njt ft MHoua operation at Ik* The Baby Carnival v ?/ / - Held Yesterday Talk of . ^ - Cffy~Prize$ Awarded ? " Yeaterday afternoon Washington wab tWiated to a novelty In the way of a baby show. Few people had any idea that It was to be on ao elabor-j ate a scale, "anrf the Ion? line or dec orated go-carta" and carriages was a aurpciae to many . . ? ? The^ parade formed In front of St. ?ii?xX Church. and from _thore wound up Main ptreet to Gladden, thence to the Methodlat ChiiYph yard, in the line, .headed by two drufnmer boys, were^^e^. following carriage*: Annie Louise Reapaaa, In bltie and white cag ? -* 7 Louise Jackson^ of Roanoke. Rap Ida. in tlue and white. . Lillian ands Hilda Dalley. pulling red. white .and blue wagon with May Holt6a and Elizabeth Holton in In dian and Chineee costumes. ? Aubrey and Minnie Lee Gurganua, In go-cart, white and red decorations, _ Elisabeth and Albertine Oden, in white and blue float. , f ? Lou lee and Brelyn Jonee, lu red. white and blue cart, drawn by goat. Sldtgr Archbell, red and white go cart*^- ? J v John- Blouht Mayo, In ' white and- 1 blue go-cart.. 1 Jessie Burbank Brojfn, in gA tvf>irlf> I fill n PaT l-r Frank Mixon, Thomas Sparrow. Bonner. : John Tayloe. John, ttoyt, Fred Moore. Chapwopo. Miss ! EUtatwUl Warren. SHOW WINDOWS MUCH ADMIRED Merchants Sho.w Skill and. Taste in Displaying Their Goods. The News doubts If there 1ft. tows In North Carolina where mor. .kill MA Uate la displayed In window decorating th.n In Washington. The ?how windows of the dig.Wt mea ch.r.ta allow the work of an artfit. In recant jeara this teatiu-e ot our ? ' nr | pllmentad and Juatly ao. The dtapl.y would do credit to . rlty the lira of Uaitiwaw- vumti*. ? Albyrt Qreen Morris. In white fo cart. big bunches of pink j-oses. - Helerf>DjHey, In trycrcto with pink" ; ^^^^c^no^py.^drlylng Elsie iter Robah B. Bland, as farmer 59/ oil wagon load of hay with rake. Glenn and Julian. Ross, in wlilt* Lacy Mayo, in pink and white wagon. ? driving 4 Blafich$ Risks, and Ruth Mayo. Lilly Stewart. In white and blue, pushed by Elisabeth Mayo. ? Bdw white. . . .4 Thex, carriages wereV most tastily docorat^d. and the dlrecfcohi and lov ing .parents and friends who were re sponsible for * the parade yesterday deserve a great deal of praise an* credit for. their work^speclallj tk? Ladles' 'Ala Society . of the ch arch. ??-? ^ter the arrival of "the little folk' at the cfi'urch, the prizes* were prw seated by the following Judge*. Dl. Ira M. Hawly. Messrs. Thomas J. ta tham. Jr., Jno.- Sparrow and E. B. Moore. They all said it was the Mkrdest task df their lives to deelde^ between all the lovely cations there In Mne before. Them. First prl?e, for prettiest* float, wag awarded, to Frances Dalley. This was a most beautiful' float with scrolls in Wife arid body -ot white. ? Grout blue flowers were "Scattered all ov%r It, and on t?e. arches and the general effWl WkiJmost fairy-like. - ? o? were undecided as to who shpuld be given the prlif for prettiest float. Frances Daily or, Betsy Roper. f*\ in the popularity contest llrst prise ^ to Ellzabeh Roper, sec ond to Jessie Bnrbahk Brown. First prlte to ^ nr?ttlA.f K.Kf ennie was awarded to Jennie Buckman, and second to Helen Dalley. The proceeds netved, taking in Ice creamy sold' and money for votes, ametrrrwfl to spthething over $43. BA(ore the contest ,cloee4 - at the chuYcfc there were 14S voTes for ?efy,j&QB*r_and _9j vntea for JenaU BuckmaiTWered. which increased the proceeds $24. Refreshments were served hb d all nf panning an sftsrnftnn filled with pleasure, and merriment. ' LABOR DAY NEXT MONDAY It Should be Fittingly Ob served in Washington by Alj Clasps. _ ? Neil Mnniiav HpIbp I Th> News hopes it will be fittingly ob **rTed-'4n-Waahingioii.' This Is one a11 the year when those who have labored and tolled by the sweat of thelf brow should have a day off. and the' different' business houses, manufacturing Industries. fcc..ahould give holiday. In addition to t?e hol iday those celebrating the day should arrange to have a program suitable and fitting In commemoration. *.sis usual the dtfl^rerrf banks, the post offlce and other public, plaee^ will be closed. ANOTHER CAR ^ LOAD OF LARD Received by E. R. Mixon Ga. ToUaj Oenjutl One in 30 Days. ' ' / The "Well-known wholesale, firm. E. R. Mixon & Co., are today engaged In unloading a car load of dnow Drift Urd. weighing *5,000 pounds. This f?cond car load of lard received Arm during the paat thirty days. R Mixon & Co. Is one of the largest wholesale mercantile firms la North Carolina. Their growth has been wonderful In the past few yssrs. They eqjoy and have the con fidence of their many Custosnrers and lipE/Oba. ? "V . ~ ?