jscutsd HBP -^JMljfiSEC -7W1 dated ist day-of June ??1 Jui? iw-mJil la fouk No. *r~ 'tf Hnylnlrr't nmriTiir ? county. Which la ntunl. o, i wfll offer for sale to the high ,... SmM? afSiWTSsniilirlDr-nMti. at (he courthouse door, In the town of WuhlAolpn, S. Ci, on MONDAY, ? -OCTOBER 4; ttfit. at.il o'clock, Ch4 .... ? de?rtbed property, to- wit: l . |Tl?. n* i ? rn-;- ~i SUte. of North Carolina, 07 In that part .of aald city called "MacNair Town," situated 'on the Berth side of Second Btreft and hav '"^VflSftUga-Mi Second street af 6.0 -and running north ifofkeU * Bounded oo the north by the lot of T T. McDonald, on the eastb* the irB. R. Fowle, on the weetby the kit at John Dowty and an the eouth ? street, and being the game lot of land conveyed by C.M. Bran, and wife to Samuel s. Haralson by deed .dated June 1. lHOS, which la duly recorded In the Register '? oflce of Beaufort county, aaif^i herein Utt NOTICE <>p SAM-;. By Ttrtue of a decree of the Su perior Court o> Beaufort county. In a special proceeding therein pending ailljum ? D ? Bv ? Houltm ? mrl ? wife, Mary, Ta James L. Mayo and others, which U hereby refyred to, and as 1 Aommlisloner therelEr appointed, I al ll^e coiirth^^ne door In unty. 3 ? ii ? "fv Beaufort county, o* HON DAT, OC TOBER 4, 1909, at noon, for carti to the. highest bidder, that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Richland township, Beaufort county. Of J* TjitUex B. J. West, Jas. Potter. J. W, Mayo and others, described as follows : Begin ning at an oak stump in the Spring or Bond S^a at Uie pocoaln above the head of Snode's". creek, and running umHijiii wear 04 0 rfftles at nr npnr the Warften line; thenco up . Paupau south ZTf ? wont 120 poles; f&ipiCe Into the. pocoein sonth- Uoml 50*> poles to or near the Mlxon line? thence north 32 eaet 370 poles to Thos. Campen's line; thence north 20 ngprr. ner In th? pocosln, and with their Tills July 1. 1909. A. D. MACLEAN. Commissioner. | NOTICE OF MUbQ RON. Notice is hereby gfven that at a meeting of- the Board -of Aldermen ^ >eld on -July U, 1909, an efcetion for the city of Washington waa ord. *red to be held in tko various wards ! said city of Washington, on Tues - Hth daynof-aeptemberrlM^ issue of $25,000. as provided for in cbnpter-281. Private Acta of Gcner i)'.frT*V Assembly .of North Carolina. boo -nlon of fund* arising from Imid bo till Usnrt _to_J>e used for the purpose of improving the streets of tAe city of Washington- That at aa^d ?lection those who are In (svor of & suLng said bonds jind levying taxes ?hall ynfA Kallntji the words "For 'Street Improvements." and thos^ opposed" to issuing said bonds shall vote ballots wUfc, the words Q.r>.f 1 mnrntfyniPnt." writ ten or "printed thereon. Vne above , notice is by order 'of *tfie Board. 11 iniuilllig III Hill Kumil of the City Aldermen, the folfowing registrars were appointed for the dty. r-^-to act coming electtxnr ? vhep the question of issuing bonds to the ainount-ofTZB.OOO 'or street improvements wiin>e vOlc'd ovt. First ward? N. R.~kltchelL Sjj tiewmd" 'Ward? Wr -fc ? fcaughing house. _ ' Third ward ? Jesse S. Hodges. Fosrth ward? W. J. Whitford. Polling. Places: ? * First ward ? Wlnfleld's stables. Ii r Tljlrt ?t?bW ? Fourth wird ? R L. Jones' blacfc ?mlth ?hop. ? - IT?. 11IH ,1.. nt tnirii.l '09, W. B. WINOUEt Oltr Ctpfk. ? By virtu* of a power of sate con- 1 talned in a certain chattel mortgage. ? fliMiw Inuin tn finikin! ft Berry (Inc.), duly registered in thr ottce of the Kiglitff uf Deeds for Beaufort counVy,"ln chattel mort gage book No. 66. at page 251, whioh is hereby referred to, Suslcin ft Ber ry (Inc.) *ill offer for sale, for Cash, -to^the highest bidder, at their place of business, in the city of Washing ton, on Ifalfrstreet, at nootr. on Sep tember Zl. 1909. all of the tsoek of goods. WA rgf and Merchandise; fur iDfUoge above referred to, _ An ia ventory of said goods, furniture and fixtures can be Been at the store of 8oskin ft Berry "(Ints.). This September 1.M909. BUSKIN ft BERRY (Inc.) KOflCE OF AOMIN1HTRATION. ? I kin tblm <J?j 4?lr nullified w ARE NOW DUE! ~ Vote? for the Gold and Only to Those Who PayfEt^HH^ Office tffE INSURANCE Satisfied policy holders are my references. Let me show you a life Insurance contract. It will pay yQu. qP, PARKER, ? ? GENERAL INSURANC. ~ Havens-Small Bid's , YOU BETTER HURRY . - HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED - by. our new French Dry Cleaning Process. Makes them look like new. Our new Dry Steam Sterilizing Press pvt-pHynr work. Ladies' Coat Suits a specialty. Have your laundry done here, vjur Drocess destroys germs. 'Phone 242. 1 _ ,f Aid ornifl n -Capeh a rt T.aundnr. Inc. '. " ? ? ~ around and view oux magnificent uis- 1 piny of over 1,000 resplendent .Pall j and Winter Woolen Innovations. We take youV measure by the mo** | complete and measuTv-tn kinfc system known, and hare IJakei-| fi mil and alili ih W pi. ?? > "Wanli of fimli- customer, irMch en ablea the cutter to draft <* rail to FIT | you. ^ ? i And- when it come* it In a master | Suit? .you'll ho tickled at the fit. -"Who Tailor Best lit Washington." WA^WN PRKES FOR NEXT tST^YS To .clear oilf printed Press Goods we will offer our en tire line ot ligtit weight bress Uoods as follows: ~ 22J1 -2c PtgnreSMIk 'l'lmiff ISc ISO FtorerUtnr Organelle, 'j 1 jc itc" bape Dt Und* TO' B l-2*nd HcOonHlle and jcla !3*f-2c Ariato Organdie, 8c 15c DottwLSwtaa MfflTln. ?2 1-Jp Alt^Jto BattaW^T ~ ^ lVt-Jc PirtaJmnt, , <*? ic J. E. BUCKMAN & SON Walter Credle & Co. ONLY THE BEST r HEAVY and fancy GROCERIES of ^our .kin. *? buaUfol completion and ? ' Telvety skin can only b? ob tained by taking groat care and ualng < HARDY'8 FACE LOTION. ytffda flay hst ,!J ? 1 1 ?with ostv taiufloluu mid the result U *b*t Inevitable bura , *Pf and chapping and. redden : J. Ins or tbe ikin." Wcfy'a Pan- " 1F?tt04 Will glv? you the needed protection . IJae It. rta a duty you owe yourself OraliiKttr. of Gohlaboro. C., who ipi; tbOiMft man in Qjt" Smlther-Btewart nuptials. left y??ur ; day afternoon tor his home after be ing the gue?t of Mr. Edward L. Stew art. ? Miss Hattie Jones la home from Beaufort, Ne*c Bern and Vanceboro Mr. W. J. Butj|; of Portsmouth, ?wilja.jgiwflfjuh jesteiday; ? Mr. J. BT-fcatham is home again } from a trip" to Aurora. . Mr. Carl. A. Armstrong lias - ro glgnud his yurttiun at .the DUlo tho !*UH_AreU will lonvu lor iieiuUTSnn . where ifo .ixas ^cf.'iJt6jnr~noslttotrT a theater. ' I-4 ? . I Mr., and Mrs. Ueverly Moss aro ex- 1 L>ected home this evening from their | bridal tour.. _j_ . ? .. _ ' " Mr. Edwcrd *Loiig and Master Ed? ward-Ayers win return from Phila delphia this evening. Mr. Long .'Jjas also beeh recuperating at*? Buffalo UUlilu lU'ilm ? ????? ' r . ? ? Rev. Mr? Canipe and Mr. Geo. I. .Swindell, Qf Auroro. are In -the city, today un Vuainw'- - " , ! ? ? >- ? ? ' Miss Patty Bdugham left this morning lor Scotiand 'Neck to visit lor som?. time? Mr. and ttrXT^Tlcfilia and fam ily, Ah Qf.Ue, Ni C.. j\Tf? in I ho nifv visiting Mr i-:. n-gf?Trr,. j-prf'YPr-pf-Hr^ & 8.. nassed. through the'citv day In bis i>rfVate car, en route to Norfolk. , v - . m ? P ^r'- Thoa. W- Pritchard returned pnl^mornlng rrom a trip to Washing ton, to. c . and points in Virginia. I Mr. and Mn. George Hackney, Sr., jaTriVod tills oiorfiliig from -A&'tlson . to T,Bltvai the hom^ of Mr. and Mrs. ;Qeo. "Hackney, Jr. Slll? mitei'day. ' ? ? I RCT. H. B. 'Bteck ?? ? paawnger n the Ral*lg;h train yesterday^ ? ? Spner returned yoaU>r Ulichard Neat la back from n\ business .trip to Mackey's Ferry. ? -fcfn? fTurwell Jonea was a passen ger on the" N. & 8. train yesterday | fronr Mackey's Firry. ' '??V- Sfi ? i I Mr. W. M. Cahuncey returned yes terday-afternoon from Mackey's Fer-j ty si Q. Mrsv John 'Ai Roberts and children have gorie to New Bern to visit rela tives" and^riends. They expect to be *b?ent aever^l week*. Mr. John. Br Respess, of Bunyan, was a Washington visitor this moru Rev. J. T. Butler, pastor of the Freewill Baptist Chureffr hm. left this morning for Columbia, N. C., to jlll ail appoiatment. * ? ? ? f " ? ~ ? Mr . W. H. Russ returned, today I fggwi Wii.ii ... | i n 1 1 1 1 1? fitfjithcnnj markets. | Mrs. John' Hughes went to ChOco mflfilM __ _ ' ? Mrs. Mary Wright and-daughter. Mlaa.. India, wBo^hav^J^en VUUClBs Mrs.' M. M. Jones, left this morning fru thafr hnmi.ln Norfolk, accom eanled byMlaa Mi-rtle Ecklln. Ireen vllle 'Where she Mm. M. A. Pickles returned from Bayboro. where sLe has been visiting Mra. E. II. Pickles. Mr^ Lena l?piaanlt, of Greenville, a o &** Dee?; visiting Mr?. G. W. ?eeman, left 4bts morning to visit Capt. and ^rs. Aubrey Hawkins gniTiUli, Albeit,' whu liaig bpea visit teg Mrs. J no, W. Oden, left this morning for N?t Bern. . - <? Mr. W. E Yelvertdn, Winston Salem. Is in the city. * The Vostera, dram* last night at the Gem waa a ftne bit of siting and the aceaory, waa grand. It was al ? -.X- _ ? 1 Mow in Vogue sgTTI The Union Grocery Co., Bergeron and Cufler, tfroprlet ora.. Fhave . QltM ' op and are running an fnp-to-date restaurant over thelr,jpt> atoro on Wrfter etreet. A first-. chef la ?mployed and mfialB juicl lunches are served In the lateat style; I pleading to the moat critical epicure. A Fine Stock Farm Here Mr. Jonathan Ha vena la fast gain g a reputation as a raiser of mark etable beef. He has a large stock farm about. three mlleelq the coun tq' and pays special attention to the hrSlSlttg; - of beef for this; ?b?1 other market*. The claaa of Beef he sells romuarea favorably with the Unci New Scat* in Auditorium Public School audi torkna have been Installed. There are ^39 in all, eaclr seat being numbered. They are made by thQ American Seating^ Company, of Chicago. They are what is called the automatic opera chall-. of ma*' hofcany-HnJeb, with keaY?_.ir on stand ards. The seats are very attractive and comfortable. Besides the instal lation of the new chairs a large 53 electric light chandelier has -been placed, beside^ two smaller ones. Bo fore the scata wore placed the pupils df the school had to either stand or | kit un the noqr during -n.t sfcrvl^e. AT THE DUlt LAHT NlcfHT. ?The Dixie last night^had a record breaking crowd. At times the house was sold ouC'aud standing Toom was at a premium In order to see the "wonderful aet of the DeVoe*. To night they give a change 'of program. and one of the jeainre^-ot- their " act will .be the box Mr rfamnn will nn"*''' >? (?" box iligi nal OWU especially uon? strudtea rorthe purpose^ and will in leas than* five minutes' time make his escape from the box without aid of any description. . This Is *n act that has mystified .thousands, -ana one you of observing,, und you should by ho ; means miss this chance of seeing something that i? truly out of the 'or- . dinary. This act alone IS worth double the prlcte of -admission, and if you miss .it you Will be sorry. The p.cturcs last night were excellent, and' T,h'6se for tonight are jot an ex optionally high grade. t' MKK.TIXG OF ELKS. ? k The meeting of the B." P. O. Btks la called <to" meet tonight at Si o'clock Inilstead of &:30. This is^done ih pnvter tn tran^aci all buaincss Jiefore C?nlmerce, no tliosc members winhinfif to attend th^j latter meeting' will be able to do ,po? ? Xus ? Pnrtaln tell ..this morning bound for Philadelphia toeing lum- ] m WHltr WWW! i?? WWW H piqk up on her way six more badge's j all loaded with 25i0,000 feet of lum- | Sfr- ? YOU LOSE, HFW by waiting too long. URAiillArREDUCTlT^ SALE STILL ON 10C. LESS EA'CHDAY! .^_Oc%in?IPriciL TodaiL-J Lady's iVstch $*?.*? SM-4(| ' fGent't Watch , 49 ? W jfi Id Ring lf.H 1 ... , caetind Chain 12.JJ }Vjd . icelet , |Set Knives & Forks 14.54 13.9M UfeUvaf W?lsrSet 14. ?0 l.V4fl (Pitcher ?nd CJ !?**?? II. M 9.W Cat Gists Bowl v 5.44 4.4t Handsome Umbrella 4 JO $.9H v These sales will count . in the -BABY prize CONTEST Get Bato't * ft&SMItHEBl DON'T. Walk or Ride. Talk Over Thig Telephone. You can have a Telephone Put in your houae in (he city * t your farm. at a vary iur SBSHaHxIow cSEiBi Hvt many a long drive and per hap. a life by being In direct and Inatantaneoua touch with your TJoctor, Grocer, Mer chant and Brokt r, , Weather re porta and mar Jtet quotations can be secured 1 daily. ; ~ ? " Interested parties are re Mr. Bell, M'g'i CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO^ Washington, N. C. . Tiilspropojiaon will Inter - Ml >ou. and J> would be well to investigate before the ap proach of tKS" cold Winter. DID YOU EVER -Slffl-IflLIHINK I That electricity is the best I light obtainable? cool, con I venient and cheap? If you w*nt solid-comfort this win ter, let us figure "with you on" WIRING . YOUR rftoTJSE ' ?iv^-aie-aadto^ivr^fqr a free estimate. Qa!l or phone to E^ASHINGfON ELlitTRfC - PLANT r Countless Coughs have been permanent] r cured with Pi jo b Cure. ItiscoHi posi-d of the meat effective "I remcda-i Lnovrn in medKiao ?w tbc treatment of couak*. cold*, bronchitis and *11 cheat i ???ffiiitiafct. and has fx-comy wrirlti f.finous tbrmiKh at-atiy^ halt a ccnt'iry o( n\arvcloaa tacceu. * I At DraggUts, 23 Cent* WHEN you see styling -as it should be. tailoring that smacks of the custom-shop and fabrics and >atterns thst possess the sir of exclu ivenes* and distinction, then you vill realize Hie importance of buying i faHsult with the GRIFFON mark. We have every accepted style of he scasonr every sire for all shapes^. >f men. whether tall, short, stout or lim and weguar?ntee_ the fabrics to vear and give entire satisfaction. A' hat more can yoi^ jik? SPENCER BROS rHENnHTHflAKlllJ^ State Normal and ? Industrial Collfege Maintained by the State for the worn-. 1. en of North Carolina. I'our Regular Courses Leading to Degrees. Special n bourses for Tcachers. Fall session be gins September 15; 1909. Those desir ing to enter should apphy as early as. possible. For catalog and other infor mation address ? I- I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboroi N. C. There's work for a want atl;? uhfa - [he cleric ottgrow his Job. ? Tiwo'fc uuik fur a ir;inl nl. ' FVu*ve lost or round so rat lliihg, ? uiritCBi PBIfTfl paid for GHICKENS^JEfifiS ?*>d all '< COUNTRY PRODUCE) We carry rt?y, Grain -and all kinds Feedstuff ? We hanitir - the very best Flour at whole- ^ ? sale. . r "PAUL & CUTLER BAST WATER STREET. ' SPFrtAi yt~ . - ? - ~ ??u ?>/U. uc [Tuesday, Atrg.^H, at 2 p. m. have been paying 40c. for willl "V. pm puuitd. ? Sgte bt:giiis|

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