WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY AtTERNOQ^ SEPTC^R~yIm NO. 28 Etfuca lad school In the Small dle chlaad township, took place f. There *u also a picnic r.the grounds There were crowd present; estimated to 690. Addresses were made "s- J. F. Tayloe and Norwood ona^oT this city. . ' I. D. Rove, in appropriate on tftceonty dnr He also called rachpon, all returned to the se where Mr. Norwood L. was presented , in ornate Prof. Jphn Paul, -principal hour on education, picturing ranee of clrlllsatlon from the Ift* to laodom - tlmee. The ?were highly complimented. BRATES DAY Hns in IIuuui ofHt? Birthday" With a iter Stephen Mendal Suaman, f Mr. and Mra. B. L.. Sutman. it home yesterday afternoon .i. to 6: JO to lilt many play ! fileuiei The eecaplen he celebration of his eleventh lay. Games and other pleas rere Indulged la, and the after en tertalnfed so lavishly anrf igty. A , drire waa taken i all the principal streets of and out in th+ oouatry. The Otnrned about 8:30 and b'.d I to 'Master Mendal aftef ea r great pleasure In being pei; wdfe In, high glee and remember the oocasion e. The following were beth Carrow, Dorothy Brown. I Bonner.^JuIOT-FT. BHght, JtrtMm, Carrie U Hoyt, Jessie McCullen, ?ou, *Erelin Jonas, Norma ? Jones. Wllllan) Bailer. *TTT. Km Ml Clark, wil ?n, E*a Lea ChauncV MR. a L HUUGfcS WR1TESHISMPLY Answers Attack on Him by Editor W. K. Jacobson Recently. Waahlngton, N. C., September 1, 1W> Editor Dally News: .Bnclosed you will find my reply to W. K. JacObson, you can pupllsh It I kmd no thought or wounding tE? filing!! nf nttle J a key whan T the article asking for Information In regard to the road law, but I have heard It said tjiat the hit dog fTwaya. holler?, and judging from the way that little Jakey hollnwwd he dtnst bare been hlfvdrrhard. I asked the question for the benefit of all the Voters and taxpayer? lnthe township. , and when you said In your comment upon my ahlcle that asked W. K. Jacobeon and .Hon. P. B. Hook er for an explanation of the law that tba explahktldn would be for the ben efiNof all concerned, upon tba ques tion at Issue. mBnt the article of little Xakey was motje ? a personal abuse iTon'tJhlak the public Is sspecial ly Interested InJakey or myself, and la Tor filsa&use of me, I nave. De fifime. accustomed ta it, and I can say of a truth; that ? I .kqlf no, B?llc^ against him, fnr.^rin nnl thlnfc he U responsible for what he says, for I feel that he bejonga to that class for ?which qur Saviour praysd when~He said "Father forgive them, they know not what they do," and as for my polltlds, uo one. seems to be Jnter asted In that qxcept lltle Jakey,- and I. tall ilfrirttt wrdw of my po litical opinion, because I know this government wlir never- be controlled by men the ma Jorttyof whom wfll be possessed of as little Intellect rand that has as Utile Nfkra tor the feel-" kigs of othera as little Jakey / lis says he dSyw the law. ? l ihlnfc no on* will doubt bis word about that If they will read the act as It stands on the statute books for It compares favorably with his explana tion of the law. Us will Board of County Commissioners, and The election srlll never be held upon* any such abaurd and unjust legisla tive act One of the leading men fn getting up the petition and who cir culated the petition to the extent eT securing between 200?n^_KU> signa tures. says he v^ll not give the ques% tion any further complderatlon, and ** """ *h-l "ITft and unjust law he ha# ever read. This man Is one of our best and most ftruiafneill tll&eas in ihls communi ty. and a lsaiflf?f n*wncfat, sMch goes to ahow the editor of The News was right in .saying that thla is not a political q ueepon r*? He thinks that one of the first questions that Jakey will. ?slt when he kndcks at the pear ly gates and eld 01. Pe?M apsas unto him, will be "la there any Democrats here of the Jaksy strips?" and if the answer should b? nb, vre think can see Jlttle Jakey taking his 4eoar timr ttrttfifr fflnrafry trea whence. non pnln Apii| 11. Discovered land in Car north. "Frederick Cook." CONDITION OF ^ COTTON CROP Normal? Comparison by State*. Washington, Sept. 4. ? The erofr ??porting board .of the bureau of yta tist^s of the United Slates Depart ment of Agriculture estflhates from ffie"" reports* of tbeToFfeipondeiits and agents of the bureau. that -the aver age condition of the cotton crop on August 25, ^900, Tgaa 63.7 per cent of a normal, as compared- with 71.9 on July 25, 1909, 76.1 on August 26, 1*08; 71.7 on- August 25, 1907 r and 72.6 the average of the past ten years on Angust 25. Comparisons of con ditions by 8tatee follows: . ?? ? Auk. 1C. Aug. E?t States. 1909. 1907. Vlrgiml ? ? - North Carolina . '7S 80 ?null, Carolina 74 76 73 77 jtoifa . . ... . . . 75 80 pSOEnBTr;.; ,gg 77 Idwhiw' 61 70 Louisiana 7r- 63 Palled Biases . . .-Vn ? 76.1 STREET IMPROVED. ? The Street Commissioner with a force of hands haa been engiged for gutters, *c., on Market street, which adds considerably to its appearance. IS OUT AGAllf. a - _ Ray, the oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse fa. Warte#r who haa been l","' tux tr ner?a4 a^ te be -lit sgStn, t-rr thy delight *pt his playmates and friends. CLEVE1 Mr. VV. A. Faker, Photog rapher, Hoiuj From - ? W ft^jj|ijMfcfoaahffr|ton's up to-dalu photographer, returned last" night from Richmond. Va.. where hT attended the twelfth annual eopren tton of the Photographer,' Aaaocla tJon for Virginia, North and , South Carolina. The aeaaloni of the body WMIe thm, Mr Bak. a N?r Oenturr camera, t aaetf at tbeaeeoeJaUon. ; ALL ill KittfflTTEO Merchants 'of City Ought to-Shut Stoie Doors Sat urday Night Hour ^ i'.ZH The Washington m?^dU hare alwajs bogs fair XI q jii?t ia all their dealings with their patrons, as wetf as their employes. There- Js no town" 1h North Csroltha iillgW* there is more^agnamlnUy^aJiown by the. bus iness men. ifny ft*? no or place of buatneM, 1b thlstity, when ?hows to their satisfaction a thing la ??od .na just. ?ot oaiBBc lh?* ?elves, hut to thoee to their employ, the j like men at ohce Rectify their previous error ahd addX>t The sugges tion. TBI! mi 6k* tW bf*t de^ viprted frofa In their nia nafrr nii rrt and dealings, The. cltlxe?a ? Wash Ins ton and employes have ao complain' to lay at the door of titajmerchant, both -wholesale and retaiLi They are a twilj uf ? inen thai **-HiuosuiaH w*y toward carrying "forward ther town. . The News double if there la a set of men . any where -that extends more leniency apd taror'iUd for this every person feels pratilul. When the petition to close up t^e different ?tome at 6 p. m., was carried to the heads of the business hOubea, they readily and without yktttest sighed It, and have kept their promise falth News will always comawifi^ the r***11' as It does In this instance, and in do |pg eo, the paper wlahei?-to call thei merchanta's attention tqjj^tother item that shbold receive i^fefQl and undi vided attention. Thlsfv suggestion can work no hardship; hot It will be What Is the need or use' pi keeping open the different stores of the city after 11 oUdock 8atyrd?j, night? ir all the business houses of Washing ton would cbiqe togefter and ^a^opt a rule to close promf&hr at 11 o'clock It would not only work to an advan tage to employe, but also to the em ployer. Both would tetirj^to their iwpefUTe huuies au hour CtfUfl*1, and all given some chance to get a good test ft um uwir Birn ffiy*'*6rk. To work frqm 6 a. m. to 12 p. m. Is a hardship, Yhd should be doae away with, especially when therela no rea son or Justness-ln the present meth od: If all the merchants of the city would resolve to close an ttbur. earner Saturday nights; the patrons would abide by the rule and do their toad tog before this hour. In^JLhe weeW days the stores have a certain hour for closing 'and The" News hhHeves, In fact, knows, alftwe ?Pttfed. This Defng true, why wouldn't closing sr 11 Saturday nights work out to the same . satisfaction. Some of the wholesale merchants already hav? resolved, and do close their placwi uf UusIbwl yaigptly at 4 o'clock Saturday afternoons. They realise their employes have , worked desire to extend to them some cour tesy. Their trade has not been one cent less.sUice thli pellcyi^ras adopt close st 4 o'clock Saturdays, and the retail merchants and all Others should have feelr-week's work ended PrOMPtlTi it -1 1 o'clrick oa g^i?TflaT nights. If this rule Is decided upon It would work to the mutual advan another CARGO. Sooner Arrived Thl? .Morning With Morcfc,.fci^ pot Whotor,. The srhooher Mary OmllUrd ar rived thia mnrnlnt frao. .Norfolk, T>.. lift ? iHimf Thandlae Top the wholesale Arm of a R. Mlxon tt Col. and the otfcier ?hole n't- merchlnta tn lie city. The ?chooner la now engaged In unload About fifty people left here on the special emra-fm WurfuHc tWa mortrtn* TM? WH lWWl ear. .extra P Increase of Over Six _ teen Millions in North Carolina.] ' - lUMCbrN. C.. Sept. the Uuc UMHment valuation of . all cor poration North -Carolina, Include lag r?llruta$, telephone, telegrapU, light, street railway, banks. buUdia* and ? loan associations and -general print. carnartfiMl .nr. ..I. liaa. ? total.tncrewe o t 118.100. 403. is the oCelal announcement Junt made by the Corporation Commis sion. this work of assessment as to corporations generally hating been in progress for the past three^mCnths with attendant special' interest in r^nnftrtlrtn with work pf flTlnr Che 'corporate excess of private cor porations o^~wfclch there are upward of 3,000. and the assessment of the oapltai of banks and Insurance com p&niee. The general assessment of rail roads takes place only once In four] ??Ms merely the addition of appraisements CJL extensions aAd adjustments made necessary by physical changes -and changes 1u equipment. ? The asse; ments of the various classes of cor- 1 porallon* and the Increases' as com pared wfih last year follow: Railroads. $86,345,563. Increase 1 $764.7501"' - ^ ? ? Taiiagiiinfi? , telegraph, ejectrlc light, street railway ahd ' similar semi-public corporations, $*7,774, 644, increase $372,391. - Bank stock, less real estate owned, H $16,892,831, increase $1,393,527. -] Building and loan, $1,683,711, -in crease $50,028. Private corporations in which In surance' companies hre also included, | $11,302,356. Increase $13> 1^,707. --These swwesBriymteare being ccr-, tilled now'tothe registers of deeds of tho Tarfous ctrantlus for the col lection of taxes on the basis of these uaiwssmeuU. It is interestlif^" to aota that Guilford has tho largest assess ment, the amount being $6,793,117, *lth Meckleo&burg second with $5, 910,107. Some of the other county jtotsis are: Buncombe, $3, 7661326; $3,107,104. ' Craven, ?i,S82,745. Three Recdfds - Are Broken New York, 8ept. 4.? Three new '64M& records ? fell tu tlie Cunaud liner Lusitanlf on her latest trip rrom (frueenstown whk.lll ended, last night The Lyfiitania made the paa la fnn? dmgfl nnri I forty-two minutes, thereby clipping three hours and eighteen minutes from her fastest previous time. She maintained an average speed of 25.85 knots for the. entire voyage, beating fc&d flnaHy by landing her passengers ?t the Canard pier shortly before 1 o'clock- last night she became the flrsTirngr to dock on the fourth dsy out from ~QrreeuHtuwu. OP BIVALVK LAROfif'SUPHiY Oyster Season Bids Fair tolfeipa?H | -All OCbers or Kwinr TOOT. There are assurances of 'an abun dant tUMilj ilE uysteis, gurlHf~pfgi^ ent season. The natural beds in the creeks and souqds are ^ell stocked with oyster growth, and the planters. Th* N%ws is told, have a considfra ""'WppCr uf th?i M?aN*. ine Washington market for 1 oys ters cannot be surpassed*, Large numbers are handled here each sea son and the coming season bide fair oysters that are brought here have aaJlne flavor as in the world*. The Totffir of the lusefcm* bWalv* are look In* forward \^8ubject of les morning worship. Sermon subject, evening worship. Sermon subject,. "Who is Going" to Heaven?" 8 : 451 pr-m., Lord's Supper. Monday. Sdp-| tember 6th, 5 p. m.. Sunbeam meet ing. Prayer meeting Wednesday even Baracaa. 8 : 46ih m.. choir practice. | ' Excellent music. Polite usjiers. - The oftener you look back-the fast er you don't go. / ' __ _ _j_ A girl aetdom- refuses a man unless s?els reasonably sure he will propose POfiXOFFICE HOLIDAY. On account of Monday being Labor Day ^nd a general holiday, the gen eral delivery window at the city post office will only be open from 11:30 to 12:30 and from 7 to 7:30 p. m. The carrier windows will observe the same rulb. Patrons of the office will take notice. , Horse Takes Fright at Depot A home belonging to a Mr/ William, of StielmGrdlllB, N e--,-**nd xttdiad to, a Uu?*j . took flight at tUu Nuifulk *1111 Southern denot this morning and dashed up the street toward Second street. In running; he managed to clear himself of the rehlole The an imal with parts of the harness hang In* on Went up Second street at a rmptd pace: Just befuis les.lilm the lesldeuus of Mr. W. J. >!li?a ?"? enow the aldswslk and came near injury lns Mr. Floyd's child. The runaway was stopped at the Washington Morse debars te stables. r OWN THE NORTH POLE -cm limit sim cuimr? Ja Account of Cook Not B?.,, tng in Official Represen tative of United Sutcs. ASK DEPARMENT OE STATE Waahlagten, Oupt. ? " hln listant to the Attorney General Bills, >f the Department of Justice, was uiked If he believed the UnttaA State* could legally lay claim to some 50,000 square miles of territory at ' ?nd surrounding the north pole, by reason of the fact that th? poi*. M reported, has been discovered by an American citlsen, not an official rep resentative or ihls government, he - f, , . - "This la the most remarkable ques tion that has been asked me since ? tiave.J>e?a connecMRTWRh the depart ment of Justice^ Ot la ' a question : ?uite naturally, *hich ,haa never come up before, and the poeeibllity of its ever being raised even, has never been considered. Ja_ihfi_hlatQry of man. I would not venture to give any opinion on the subject whatever at this time. ,_WlIy don't you ask the Department of State ahout It? They " > are particularly Interested." ' - ? - ? ^ Rear Admiral Wttttam & Cowles Is acting secretary of the navy during the absence of > Assistant Secretary Winthrop, who left for New York lasi ulHlu. wiiuu ash ml it in iiningm ? the United Slates rojiiri liv u? some 30.000 square miles of. terrl tnrv Biirrn.intUny north polft hjr reason of its reported discovery by Or. Cook, he was inclined to treat the question in a jocular spirit. "Itji pretty .early in the morning to ask a question of that sort," he laughingly. "Why don't you 23kT.he polar Dear up there what they think about it? They are par ticularly interested and ought to hav? ? something - -to ay about It. Speaking,, officially, I low nothing* oh the subject. It la not a matter that really would come before the Navy Department -for consideration, although, of course, the department ^Quld he most deeply Interested Itt j the subject." * Another high navy department ofw- ? IW-Ul whnae name may was also disposed to view the quee- * " "Why not ask the general land of H&e people what th,ey folnk about It,? rhey ought to be particularly inter-"""^ aated." he Bald in reply to the quee Uon. - . >*^?n the suggestion was made that. the general land office has trou trfes of Its own juBt at present add Is not looking for ^wjre, the official tn question said : ''Well, Ballings* and Pinehot seem to-be greatly interested In land questions jusiTnow.-and so ihould be In a position to speak ibout lands with authority. They might sven give an opinion as to who (a , Sfltltled to an^cual ianits mar *?ny- ? t?e located aStfce north .pole." When Assistant Secretary of State Ajlea _g*s asked by a reporter for the :he United S w?ir?> to bo me 30,000 square miles of-ter rltory contiguous to the north pole, said that in view of the fact that -- the gestion is cni^tiy ttigtt jiflf. W -? preferred that it be answered tfj^tbe discovery of the ^oi5oole'*by an an which every Amerlcah has good reason for self-congratulation. Hanging New ~ Cables Today The Carolina Telephone and Td?. graph Company are engaged In plao change. ?Hier ?Ufrted jetlerasr ffl hanging three 200-paliVof cable. Tu cable* ran from the central office to the corner of Main ul Market atreet where they wttr be dUCHbiKwt oat. A two 100-palr cable la to run from the central office to the corner of Main and Gladden Itreeu where dUtrihU-Uoa will tain Haw... , ofperb OK, cook saso.ooo. N*W Tork. N. T.. Sept. 4 f, the atrical manager of thla city aent a