WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Auguat JL 1909. at the poatoDce at Washington, N. C.. under the act of ?mmjium.u B.V 1LH ^ AU'lBUSikW EXCEPT SUNDAY. No. 114 But Main ~i,~t aAVY? Killtnr iiwl PtopHator, . - Telephone No. SOU. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Month ........ rr. . . 7.V . $ .2 G lour M6nths . 1.00 Six Months i. . 1.60 One Year. 1 3.00 Subscribers desiring the paper dis continued will please notify thla office 6n date of expiration, otherwise, ic will be continued au*egular subscrip tion rates until, notice to stop is re ceived. It you do nnt get The Dally News promptly, telephone or write the man ager, and the complaint will receive Immediate attention. It la our desire WASHINGTON, N. CL.SEP1^4 _ LET THE NEWrf FX)LLOW. Parties leaving iown should not fall to let The News follow them daily ?with the news of Washington fresh! ?nd crisp. It will prove a valuable1] mHUDmilun.'i facing uyou ?Kf II lei ter from home. Those at the* sea- j shore or mountains will find The News a most welcome and interesting Visitor. - MUST BE Hlc;N"EI>. All articles sent to The News .for I publk'nllon must ? iw signed by ? the j writer, otherwise they will not be | published. STrfKET IMPROVKMKiiTS Our reader^should not forget'that. there is to bo an election heM-4n the City of Washington on Tuesday, the 14th of Sqpte&ber. for the pin-pose of deciding, whether- or not Washing ton shall issue $25,000 worth of bonds 1 6 Improve and better our thorough fa res.. ? One ran- hardly read a paper pub lished In North Carolina .today with out noticing articles favorable to road, betterment, both as to town? and country. There seems, to be a popular wave a II*" over the State ' in this direction^ Our people have- it ?. last wakened, to the necessity of good roads. The citizens reaWze one fact, that gocd- loads and Streets play a .conspicuous .part towards growth Good streets in Washington Is a question every citizen should favor: I all can rally around this measure, irj i respective of party affiliations. No creed or faction should creep In, but all political bitterness and dissension ean -be eliminated and all personal', animosities 'shelved in promoting this necessity. No. citizen otf Wash I net on, who ha* the- welfare and fu ture of -the. city at heart can oppose ' ?treet imjirovements. * If Washing ton is to be abreast of the times. If her reputation for progress Is to con tinue in the outside world, the elec tion TTi.mt rai ried~-nOt only bv -i small margin,' but by a good, saf< majority. a community can L. to stab {f.is measure. O'.ir record is at stake, our future totters - and KTayyers: ? how can we say to the other towftg of North Carolina, you do what you please as to ci^lc betterment, r.s fu~ u*. we propose to remain in the'Jr.me old rut as we have for the la^t quarter of a cen tury. Are ;ve bo:1 k to do this, are we going to allow a. fttvv ,?j?ffoulc .grumhiers to stop pa In. our _oilward mar'.-:*? The "News don't believe the , ;rv;si will. : We. nrThe [inn* . ha \Trr a-!" i ? wavf.- measn'.^l up wrthcTine when! " tlie tin* ;>r?-j?*nted itself and this pa-J per anticipate!* no turning away ftorn | , pftst history on .Septenib-ii* .4. Suppose it does, will not'* these lm- ! provements be the means through which more capital will come to tu*. ? renre p-;u>.p;ih of -.vealth anxious to share the'r lot" v'ith..ua^-wMi tt no* be tne _av-,'iiue rm whirh can be seen energy, push and ~progress? Th?4 ?benefits we shall derive from good streets will far outweigh the small additional tax entailed. XwaJ" Wllfl j sur.h arm:i?ftut . and let ua don ? iulutJ blood in 'our veins, dress In a new < Ifmlnatlnn h?- ?omn thing 'not only | as private individuals but as a com- . tnunUy. Wo cannot afford to be be-| hind the times. Every taxpayer] should not ohly voje for street im- 1 ? prorement?, but shwwld |.et out' uild work among those asleep oh the fence. ?rQet those to register and! Uiciv vote for a measure that . will he | -to them a la sling monument. A strip of land 39,000 square miles I I In extent,' Inhabited only by polar jrfi Imals. ha* been added to th?^area of I the United States. ? * For the first tlioe in the history gt the world an accurate chart of -the globe may now be mnd?. Dr. Cook'? I discovery will finally settle the tfieln . tlon . , of the . eirth'a elHptlclty- - Whether or n<?t there U a flattening of the surface at the poles. , * flit field for meteoroloff.cal, tidal, and magnetic research la open ed bythe discover* the pole. Oh serratlon* wuy be made theiw before a full comprehension of nature's law* And processes can be had. The prevalent view amQtUL**??r? ' phers had been that was do ,fc*td at the pole. Dr. CooW effort . ^ggrcMOjr ft? ' disproved this theory. 1 ?*> 4frU uau WHAT DR. fOOK'K DISCOVERY OP THK XORTH POI.B WKAN.M. And, ?n*ll?. that tk? ftr?at (oal which ha* d.flwl th? Effort, of ? ^Iorer? through the centuries and whose pathway waa strewn with the el 'the'moet UlrepM bmreW of all tho py ?Ifaniii Un anii i should be flrat reached by an Amer ican lg a triumph that will be patriot ically acneijBed rrom the 8t. Law rence to the Rio Grande, and from ocean to ocean: THK BOV AX I) THIS CilRI>.V One of the most, touching sights tn the world Is to see a fdther and. mother laboriously and patiently and with great sacrifice sending a son or' daughter through, school or college, while they deny themselves of thei comforts and pleasures jof life to dis charge the obligation which they feel xhmselves-owlng to llm child. How often tire great unselfishness of Jhe parents la unappreciated by the boy or girl. John frequently cornea home a siaVe to cigarettes or "baseball, and In no jCqndltlon to either make a.llv ing for himself or pay the father bafk advancements. Maltuda, while possessing some vague ideas about botany and well-defined con Tlctions touching basketball and frills j and fineries of dreBS, Is short on practical know4*dge'of life and duty toward parents. TJiut Is a splendid and pathetic .at tribute of.the_hpn>an aourwhich^lfiada a parent to observe: r*y have noth ing to leave my Bdn blit an education ?this I mean to give him." He may Ie&s heritage. "It Bhould he more tKffir gold to htm. If he tall to take ad vantage of Its value, ine^Iouii la hlir own: The parents obligation Is dis charged ki affording him the chance to equip himself -tw-llfe's (Stem bat tle. where tuen'TOn-orer and trafhpie* each other lr. the melee. The way Is broad, o some for tunate souls the path is lined with roaes. while totiihers tTnr trail must be blazed out with one's own axe. through the wpod. ~ TVe all ha|^ power within onr sejves to attain what we would. There3 Is no such thing as luck or fate In these days of pluck, determination, perseverance. In' the will we can work- and accdmpllito, chaining the very wheels of chance. youth. ? Danbury Reporter. ODDITIES IX THE DAY'SXEWS. A pine stump <T fe.et 7 Inches through is a curiosjty on .a piece of land In Phillips, Maine. Augustus Vining says that his father and uncle felled the tree, sawed and hotted the butt of it and shaved 25)000 shingles and 1,000 feet of boards from It. Because, the fish are biting good the Inhabitants of Venice, Madison, ffnd Ganlce City, ill., are so" wrapped up fn the gentle pastime tha^ they refuse to be lured from the cool banks of the streams to the heat of the furnaces. Offers of $6 a day each do not tempt tljp ^workmen. Con ^ mtlln nr? nl r| Rfflnil Still. , Bee owners muet keep their hees pedple is the purport of a decision by Justice of the Peart? C- B. At wood* of Watertown. Conn. . ? MrCK IX LITTLE. Smoking was a penal offense at | one time In Turkey. ; Last year aEot ? persons~vis iied the- biTthpJace^ot SfiaKeapfeare. J I Ms said there are 1,000.000 Egyp tians wlio can neitner reaa nor write. Only 30 per cent of the inhabi tants of Sicily are able. to rend and write. Danfarcus has an. electric tramway the dnllv receipts of which average Si 76. Sketching in public ptSces is pro hibited by the police reflations of 1,'oirdon. -"TW Marconi-^ sTcm has lieen stalled on more than -00 mercantile i?aeln. ? There are "blind ajitotfr'" on the ton gue which are insensible lo certain a'arori. ? ? Tim- AmI peafcet ? timepiece* 'were called "Nuremberg eggs'" after the jdULfttilirlr origin. ?j=. ? ? Whiteboards, ar<* .being substitut ed /or blackboards In some of the English schools. .Spanish women have the smallest feet. but Mjiji-m of l!ig.|.|iHM Kta<e* are the frest shod. English agricultural societies have started a sparrow crusade*. Bounties are 9a Id for birds and eggs. The t'dngsten incandescent lamp Is .the first artificial light by which all ""colors can be dlsttn gu^ghed.^ ^ j ford. Pa.. Is said to be the first negro girl to become a dentist in the Bast er? States. ? ? ; .= I France, has followed the lead of. the United 8tates in the establish jnent of a laboratory for the investi gation of mine accident*. It has been placed at Llevln. , Ifce fystem of building erabauk menu \)j running trains of loaded cars on rails -bung from a suspension < able above the ment Is being tWfcd \VfflTl8teat am oeai.* 1 - ?- ? - wiuuJlw IS eb China au* wHwt ft M to the United State- corn Is to Hex: co. Good prices for hemp and &&>'? crope of com mean much to Yucatan, snd the .American merchants an ? importers who deal wfth Yucatan ft msaarf that rsrjr soon in come, the horse stopped at a word of] command. So exhausted and chilled was he ] by this tlmo that with the upper por UiM of bod vre'gtl lift over the edge of the solid Ice and his hands bOT&!ffff~ to the wbeeT, he would scarcely hare had power to draw himself out of the water. But taking as firm a grasp of the wheel as possible, "tie chirruped the animal responded, and father" waa dragged from his icy bath. Summoning all his strength. and wlll ?gflWcf. aa mit'CMium m gaiuing lib feet Knowing that he must get home at once, and that If possible he must walk' rather than ride,' in order to | avoid being utterly chilled and seri homeward and staggered along as best he couHL I wa*_nt home, and happened to be anxiously peeling ont of the window In the^ hope of seeing , father. *> Up the street a block' or two was Old Prank, coming borne with the dray, and on the sidewalk ficame a man ognfzed as father. His clothing was froten stiff. whil^Jrom all over- him haas Icicles, literally by the hundred. He reached the houae, and soon made a change 'of apparel. Remarkable as Ai may seem* be was not aor lowly fro* en any vh*e, nor did he-suffer any particular lnc#pven!ence afterward as a result of hOf involuntary and jeome* JKh prolong ffatgifrhaih,? B. IT. McKEfN, ? , ? < ? ?? ?; The adtftV was January, Mid tfte wlater waa a Mitarly cold ooa. Wa w^re living in Waterloo, low*, then, and father was dtfvlfl| a Hray. Hia only foar years Qld at the time, yet to relate taeteiied themselves Indeli bly on my memory, and furnish a set tlng*of remembrance round which the story of father's adventure, aa I hate often heard him describe It. fathered until ?it became c*?> distinct whoje. Father's draV Jt as one of those two wheeled vehicles still to ^e seen in the Eastern cities of odr coontry, but now very rare In the West "Old Frank," father's trusty dray-horse, was alarge bay, Intelligent, faithful and obedieftL The day was one of'' the .ooldest of that ?winter. The sky was cloud leu. and a strong gale blew from the north west. 80 piercingly cold. waa the day Father was kept very busy through out the forenoon. Finally hut a single Job remained to be done before Old Frank could be put In the barn and father go to a belated dinner. Some one wanted a loau of ice. The place where lather ^ient*for hi* BB WEB assarted b^the ice-harvest ers. The river here stretfched away for a mile or two to the. northwest, and down this stretch th^ wind, un hfnderedseemed sjffi?t to double Its speed and keenness, ~ ? ; The bank sloped gently down to the edge of the water. Here father tiCck of the ice, and left his horse standing, while he prepared to cut and load the was hut? a- lew inches jhiak, ?" where he began ?plrttlng Oir etas or it with his axe. He was making rapid headway ' with his work, and had secured and loaded nearly aa much as Be JPlhted, ; when a considerably larger piece split off than be had anticipated, including the portion on which be stood. Taken by surprise, he was precipitated Into the water.-which at this point was ten feet or more In depth, with; a strong current. -- ? <d. He was clothed to the point of clum siness. He wore a heavy overooat. with a strap or belt tied round It, a heavy cap. and a pair of thick Bheep skin mittens. He came up somewhat 'f&rther out In the Btream than where he had gone down, and near thinner Ice. He soon time he was fortunate enough to get a new hold before being drawn under. While working thus he drew nearer, partly by design, to the river-bank, where, the faithful old dray-horse was \ standing. At last an Inspiration seized him, and knowing how well the horse obey his least wuTfr tie eallad to OU Frank to back" np. Tile old horse backed a few steps In a slow and de liberate mwnpr Father watch him with keen anxiety, leat he back too far, and dray, horse and all .be' precip'tated into the icy stream. But hia fears were groundless, for when the dray was a a neqf the edge of the ice as father dared risk having It the edge of the thin ice, his mittens, freezing 'f&st lUUBOyr Then he foun4 that he could maln '???? ywmuu mi' Ml In definite period, although the strength of the current constantly drew? his legs down-stream and up under the Ice to which he waa clinging. To have clung thus until help could arrive would have leen a comparative ly easy matter under- ordinary circum stances. \m. ^ . But althougb-he was_ln plain sight of the flouring mills on- each side of the river, and within possible hailing distance of the bridge which spanned the river below the dam, and in sight of perhapB a dozen horses, no person was visible. The. small chance of any one appearing on this bitterly cold day was even smaller at this particu lar tlmp nn Pfwln generally their midday meal. Better build in Washington Park,- where 'tis - LOOKOUT! LOOK OUT! LOOKOUT! r , The entire wharf property between the Bu'oy-jard and the ex treme East end of towir Is pwne by 14 people or companies; and excepting that I hare (or sale ybu can't buy an inch of it. This I hate to sell is in the c4nt?r of business; its moat de- ' sirably located, IPs very valuabl and you in any business, who 'in any way-can utilise this property ~Bhould .grasp . and grasp qnick. .If you don't you will hare to every few years- nay more rent, or look put for another property. ? ' Look to the future. "If you- study you will-decide that the free 4^ Inland water route will be granted us. and 'twill make eyery_ plece of water-front propery In Washington worth double ^nd _ ? trlpple the price of today. Fortune 'goes _to the man who looks and Invests In real esttte * JtSr IU ruTur?: ? ? 1 . " ' " - See me at ohCe and secure a piece of this valuable water front. Will sell from 20 to 80 feet fronting otTWater street. Come, get a piece now while you cawr or later you'll regret. ~ Only a little CSSh and long time notos required. EASTERN CAROLINA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, ~ A. C HATHAWAY, 116 Market~8t. ??B| In order to secure an Interview s ith us. A card or message will take us to . your home or office to talk INSURANCES- Fjre, Life, Accident. Health, or Income Insurance. WM. BRAG2?r& CO^ h EXPERIENCED INSURANCE AGENTS, WASHINGTON, N. C. Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE James W. Cole L LEON WOOD & CO., BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS^ BONDS, COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIpNS. 73 PLUME 8TREETVCARPENTER BUILDING. NORFOLK. VA. FYivatc Wires to N-. Y. S'dck Exchange, N. Y. cotton" ExcKaagc. CtUcagO~ (_ Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. ? ?' ? ' Correspondence respectfully solicited .Investment and Marginal accounts givtti carefui attention. PAY YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW and rgccivc votes BABY CONTEST at Smither & Co's. For Infants and Children. Always Bought ApafcttteKiyforl toed sale delivery anywhere in the -State. Addrw? ly. H. flftflrlp., indk?^S^minTwlth copy. . t>x IJ ? ??? -Ada. by . phone or null given cwcful attention. ?m ? ? ?'? . . FOR SALE. , FOR hALK ? TWO pool, TAULHH. good conditio^* term, to stilt pur -.chaaer; one" Gary safe. >00 pounds. A. U Draughan. 14 PUBUO STKMKHUI'HHK, AK lis ^J**rket^streel^Charge? moderate -SfcHEDyLE f!AN boat VICTOR. l-eare Hunter's Bridge 6 a. m; ar rJvrTir BMh. 'e.30. WaaHSit55^j.J Leave Washington 2.80 p. m., arrive Batk-i. l>- m , _!iunter's Bridge 5.20. Fare 50c. round trip. 3SC. one way. WILLIAM BOVI), Maw^r FOJl SALE ? CASH REGISTER. , Call or addreea The Dally News. . MHW LINK MKJTH XKCK WEAR, ? ?5-ap4-K'caata,_a^j. K.^ayt'1. . ? * .J1 1 _ ??? FRKHU PALL HKEI1 ? CLOyKR. Hye. Rape.' Vetch. Cabbage aHff Tnrnlp. DK "Hardy's Drug Store. IXtfiT? CHECK NO. 405S TO MRS. ' L. Tt Mayo, fir I15.46. dated Sep - iaaiw? i, -U<n>, fcamn *sr Truat Co.. Washington. N. C. -This la ta>jiotlfy all persona not to cash same If presented. Ftnder return to H. E. Harding & Son. Septem ber 7. 1909. L DO Tor WANT TO BECOME A stenographer? Take the Business Course In the Public School. Tui tion. 95 a month. In advance. This count Is open to any one. whether you attend t?e" Public School or not. See the Superintendent and arrange to take the course. . FOR SALS ? FOUR six 'OM i-H a N 1 , rubber tire bngglea, good as new; su tfon tire .buggies, win -sell ' heap for cash, or'on Hide. iv&fih Ington Horse Ekcbange (A IXIHT ? LADV8 GOLD WAT<?H. IN Dlite Theater or between Brown'* Drug Store. Main street or Gladden .street. Finder return to thla ^Jffce ' T i ?w 35 CANARY' yntDH FOR SALE I have on band 15 line canary birds, good aongstefy, beautiful plumage, guaranteed to- sing. Price per pair. LOST AND FOUND. Chapfaln ? What, my poor', fellow, waa the firat step that lad to exnbea oti commuters' shoulder. Hour*: t-13 A. M. moNt": "] w. Dr. I. M. TRACT* PHYSICIAN " UMl DR. H.SNi Dentist. Office corner of I tteapnas Streets. B Washington, H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. WARD * GRI1V AITQRNE YS-AT-L i V^logton.'N. t. John H. Small. -? A. D.'l Harry McMullan. SMALL, MAC LEA McMULLAN ATTORWCV3.AT-UI Washington, North Car* W.IL BOND. Edencon, N7C NORWOOD L. SO BOND & SIMMO' A TI t>HNfeV?-AT4JP Washington. North Carol Practice in all Coy its. W. L. VAUGHAN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW tt.C. CARTER, A.TTORNEY.AT-; Washington, N. Office Market Sti Win. B. Hodman. ?Wiley C? RODMAN & ROD Attorney g-at-La Washingiori^N. R. I RTFWAI iHHroMsfehrr We are ?tfl! doing bi old?tand. In this period your HARNESS-MAK1 For repair* of uir kind mi , 1? .MARKETS I KKE FIRE INSUR, The J. H. Simmor and Granite _ MONUMEN WashinctopJ,

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