All the proper shades for early Fall wear 25c. and 50c. " You should see 'end. BRING US YOUR PICTURES ,T(J^B&FRSMED Just -arrived the very best and lat est patterns in MOULDINGS. Work done neat ly and promptly. Full Stock Edison Pho nographs and RecortTs L the picture tramers. T3EM Theater ; TO-NIGHT FIVE-prtSCE ORCHESTRA "THE CHQKlt OF LIFE!' ? FINE drama. ? "A TELEBRAPHfc WARVIVf: ' War drama. "THE MAGIC MIRROR"? A good magic picture: " i "THE DAIRYMAID'S LOVERS" "A FIGHTING CHAXCE"? West ern flTama. GEM THEATER Does your house leak? If so, we can stop it. Kinds ot Roofing * Galvanized Iron, Cary's, Magnesia. T" Papat. - ? ? - The price is right. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply ?o. DEALER IN nsrs tiKjijr: NIGHT TALKS ? m. KEY, r. C. DAVLSQW i ?nr*v*'nnfy^^^ ..I ? i. . ?>. A FAREWELL SERMOI?. ? International Bible Ltuoo for Sept. 5, 'o*? < Acta so: 2-38). Oar ~ " ' r1 d?T ilmiit ? I farewell aerrtoon that Paul preach ed to the church at Epheaus. On his *a y to Jeru aalem be ap pointed a meet ing With the of ficial board of. ?Church served port of Miletus. | Tenderhearted Preacher. Paul declares, and Is pot ashamed of it either, that be bad been extender - hearted pastor, that he had warned them even "with teera." Heroic fear lessness and tearful tenderneas are twin attributes liv all truly suuls. ? This great apostle. .had gone ] forth "weeping, bearing precious 1 " and thus had often returned rejoicing bringing his sheaves with him." He was not one of your "soft" men. dis gusting with their constant flojr of lachrymal fluid. jOne>. tear on Paul's cheek meant more than streams from nfhor nyesfrr He not < stve ne*d7 but a peat tender heart I and thai tenderness gave him % mighty Influence among men Fearteae Preacher. But Paul was no time-server. "He kept back nothing that was profita ble." . He did "not -prophecr "smooth things." ? if he had been a want, a man-pleaser, a time-server, if he had been afraid of provoking men he would have kept back disagreeable truth. The test of truth la not what is palatable, popular, pleasing, but what Is profitable and permanent -It Is no disparagement to a preacher, to bo cordially bated, soundly berated, hunted and persecuted. Such treat ffleni mgy be the linear cotrrpllment to real worth that heaven can bestow No man should murmur when dhat comes In the way of duty. . ? The reason why Borne preachers get along so smoothly Is because of the facility with which they straddle The fence, appear to take both sides |-of_thfi name subject, blow hot and cold at the same time, and die at last with the -questionable epitaph, "He never bad an BUtymy!" 9uch a tomb stone could be erected In a field of cabbago heada, but doesn't look well over the grave of a soldier. That could never have been said of Paul, the model preacher, no more than it | could have been said of his Master. All truly great preachers have been great fighters, and the devil enjoys nothing m6re thai) to get his spear be | tween the Joints df such a man's har ness. . Heioic Preacher. Paul said In this farewell sermon. "I go bound In the spirit to Jerusa lem. not knowing the thlngB that Bhall befall me there." He was not cow ardly fleeing from trouble, he was go ing herolrflly. whewrtl6 was sure he would get worse, and more of It. He did not Know what form It would tike, but he felt sure that it was Inevitable. 1 Many a man in bis -circumstances | some other direction, or would have gone on his miserable way full of la mentations and groan h, but this great hero was as calm as If he was going to his coronation. And be was. Paul was one of the most abused men that ever lived, and his troubles generally came upon him unexpected ly. like lightning out of a ?.lear sky. but he" was hefoTcT. 11 WU Will TOP him, as it is for us, that it was so. Had he known in advance how many times ho was to be- beaten. inflitaMt and shipwrecked ahd imprisoned, and how much he was- to suffer from hun ger and thirst, and cold and wear!., ness, and palnfulness and watchlngs it would have added groatly to' his burdens. It Is hard endugh' to bear (hose things which come as " they come, without anticipating-* them. None of ua .know the reverses ?ftf* w UfS U1WHIJ cross of sacrifice. But" the true child of God sihfi. albeit witn numrfng" Up and streaming eye: 'd rather walk in the dark with God, ] Than go klone In the llfcht. I'd rather walk with Hlot|Kby faith Than go alone by sight" shall befall us In this life, the id "None of these things > move me," he Bays; Mark yon, he does not say none of these things hurt him. Paul ?W idl ? SMIUJIJHI hoi ,Wck skinned and indifferent. -As gentle aA a woman, as finely strung as a harp, slights .and insilts ' struck the nerve of his keenest, feelings. He felt it to the very core of his being. Bat it did hot swerve him from the line of dpty. The hero- Is not -the man who fcxrno tear, he is tlhe man whe goes on-tra hesitatingly in the path of duty dlou?h facing the batteries of hisieoeiniet. and shot in the back by bis supposed friends. With Paul it w^g. duty first, and life second. That is christian heroism which counts 'the cost, and yet cries oat "Neither eoimt I my life dear unto myself, so that I nay fin ish my course with Joy." - 'r\ __ Alt.hgflgli Bxttll baa.^ft itsfas ami. * t?Mlte?y substantially the came as ; that of -the contifooijn territory of UjftJQlted States, it no Interstate h?gdfri liiiq, u mnn m m interstste MfUjrtlsa. if ^ Mm 1 STATE NEWS? met at Ue Hickory ? day night to dtseuss ih? matter of holding an agricultural street street fair thiq fall, " Much interest was shown and it waa decided to have one, . probably early in October. A committee tojioOcU- luiids and. other. Contributions for premiums wavap polnted. ? Another meeting will be buld Liual Mundaj iiIrIil iui arrangements... when it ft expected, that a number ot_ JarmerfVlll be present and glre the benefit of their counsel. Major Graham of the SUte. Board of Agriculture, was pr$ten\ Thursday night and gave an _lnier esting talk.? Htctcory The Chamber *of Commerce of Southport dfd the right thing, wl^en fhsg !? Willi Pi ??Hem Tsfl l? Blop off here for a short time when on his trip down the rlirer from Wilming ton, whlcfc~?Uy he is scheduled to visit ISrotqmber. ?? Although his stop here wlll^pexhap* be necessarily short,., all should be done that pos slbly can tte to entertain him in the style .suited to a .President and a_ mnnnar which will make him -proud to have been a gJ&at of Southport. He will see one jr the tinest harbors he has seen for some time and per haps we can induoe him to use his in fluence in some way to help us out. ^ Soirthpost Herald. Today Clerk Brown of the Corpor ation Commission gave out figures of this year's asseeauitni ut .all i-rnr poratlons, including common car riers.- The total assessment is as fol lows: .Banks, $18,892,131 ; railways, $86,345,553; teWgraph, telephone, street rallway,.~ilectric power and light, Ac., $7,774,644; building and loan associations, $1,683,710; mis cellaneous corporations. $73,302, 356. The increases are as -follows: Ratlways $764,71>0;V teleBraphr^ele phone, &c., $372,391; banks $1. miscellaneous corporations. I133.919.707r buCMing anS loan. 450,028. The total increase is $16, 520,4-30, and the grand total of as sessments of all property Is $185, 998,995. * * - % * Ben Rud, colored, was taken tee fore United State Commissioner! with retailing Ifquor without license, I in the city of New Bern. Ttfe case | was continued until Tuesday, ? S? tember 7, a bond of $100 for appear ance being required, which .was given. Rud's dlspensarv la out on the maccadamlzed road. ? New Bern pottmftL Mr. W. S. Wilkinson, of the firm of Wilkinson,- Bullock & Co., has Just purchased and Installed an electric phonograph for th^ dicta tion o.? letters, q,nd in turn their re petition to the stenographer. . The mauhfiflj i? put uu thf maiket bj the Edison Phonograph? Co., and ? pi sents a great time saver for business man and 41 help t;o stenographers. wax record containing the ^dictation is given the stenographer, who in turn has it repeated at the speed that Is desired, and at- a time that is most convenient This is the ' first machine o.f its kind to be brought to this city. ? Rocky Mount Record. flg?. 9. P. BHauu, liil LUlllLLU preacher who attempted to convey to Bud Hall,' who la no# In Jail, tools with whlch^to m>k<i MKopfi ? u4 who Jumped from the window of the sheriff's office upon being found with the tools In his poss'esslajn, was tried yesterday before Squire 'John " IH> church and bound over to court un der a. f 100 bond. Not being' able to frlve the required bond he was placed In the? Wake "county Jail and Is once jjie sought to aid to escape. * Balson was -bound to admit that he had the tools In his possession, for they were found otrhlm, but he denied that he Tinri nnir Inlanllft to Hall. slim ? it would not hold water, so he waB bouhd over to answer before- the Superior cdurt for his slick trick, which was discovered in time to pre vent the escape of Bud Hall:-?-News and Observer. W. 8. McOInnla, assistant superin tendent railway mail service, at-, tached to 4>ffla? of s&on'd assistant postmaster general, at Washington, D. C., has been here this week, to look Into -the matter of tfr? proposed chailge of schedule of th? "Beaufort and 1 Ocracoke mallboats. After trip to Ocracoke and Interviews with citizens and postmasters on the route K has Wen decided that 1?|b' best for all concerned not to change th* leav ing time to noon. The eastbound mall boat, ^jlll now leave Beaufort at 6:20 ft. m., Instead t>f 7:20, as here tofore, thus giving the boat a chance to reach Ocracoke before dark. ThU kfraniepilht Also- permits the con tractors to handle the Qlouceater Ivea ? Beaufort Outlook. ' I '^* . T - ."3 Please announce that there wUi bjp a farmers' educational 'meeting held at Wtshjpgton on Tuesday. Jieptem ?hf 14. - 1 Among the' Important au tfjecta to be d)acusaed wDl be drainagd, stock raising, cattle quarantine, and farm management with 'reference _ to corn and cotton. The meeting has ~p96n arranged with the sole purpose bringing subetantial-nttd practical Information and benefit to those who are engfcgsd In the cultivation of the atoll. The meetjng will begin, at 10 o'clock a. m. and - there will be a forenoon. and afternoon sesfion. Very reapeotfully, ? JNO. H- SMALL. WORTHY Of THEIR STEEL. Militiamen- Asueged Hla Thirst and '-?TKow I6*d Hl? Wan*. During a strike in. the coal mine* ol Weal Virginia some'years ago, appre hension on the part of the 8tate aifc thoritieSTedto the calling out pf the 1 llilltla. There was really no trouble, but the situation was tense and blood ahed waa looked tor at any moment One day a auMier In uniform, ufl duty, was at roiling through the fflMn* alieet of the' towu wheieiu the gntr: eet violence , waa feared, wbefl BV Was' surrounded by a crowd of strikers. "Honest, now. Bill." asked one of. the men of the miMtiacnan. "would you fire at your fellow men?** -Ho, I bromptly replied rOM BMB.m uniform. "I never shot at any one in my life, An' I ain't goin- to do it now." The crowd cheered, and some one drtnk, an invitation which he accepted with alacrity. * Whence had satisfied his thirst the <]ueetlon was put: "If y'qn are in sympathy with the strikers, why did you answer the call to come hirer* "I ain't' said I waa In aympathy with the strikers," waa the unexpected re joinder of the man in uniform. "Bot tou aatd rou wouldn't shoot at_ a min^r; that's the eame thing. "-pro tested one of the men. ? "Wall, -fellers,"- said - the. uniformed, one, after a moment's hesitation, "to tell you. the truth, I never carried a gun in my life. The fact ,1a I play the cornet in the band." . FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS Building lot on East Second Strset 52x219 feet; has house on back and waterworks and lights;*high. dry. and one of the few slrable building 1611 1MI la Unilli. T?rms? Small cash payment, bal- II ance on long time ? four years if de- T f sired. If's a bargain for the that gets it. - HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL? No mattef whst it Is? It sold, w4 can- do it. to buy anythfng. no Wt; WILL B^', SELL- O RBXC*? ANfcE Real estate, houses, lota, farms, horses, cattle, furniture, stocks. fy?#. Jewelry, household goods, ?anything, everything, anywhere at any time. Write, wire, 'phone r ? Ttl* if snlts'1 111 "Th** T?" har?tos<ai d* UkrfaA la buy. "-WAaiincqTON INVESTMENT CO. All the Leading Shades in Dress Goods AND ANtJNUSfeAL STRONG IJNli Otr MSCKSjJpMONA OUTINGS IN JAP ANESE STRffE AND CHECKED EF FECTS. ALSO A NEW LINE OF ZEPH YR GINNGHAM. | LET ME MAKE YOUR Picture Frames! for you. Agents for I Giwu's QiwwfauTl Candy. SPECIAL LINE of PO 'Phont 58. H. G. Sparrow. There's Alw?rs a "Best Pl?ce" in Wfiiclj toTJuy It! ' rV . :J Ktore-competitloa would be an emptj phnue, Udetd, U U" were not true that there b ilw^l a beet place to bar * particular thing. II the contemplated purchase to of aay Im portance, the queatloo of where to go to ot equal Importance; and the IP ALL OF THE PURCHASES YOP MAKE IN THE COURSE OT A YEAR were made AFTER 0O!?SU> KRIJtG THE AM., ami conaequence become a ralmMe thlac to jroa. Aad 7?? would be amaaad at the ?cate 61 your .aTlnge? at the amo??t naUmid aa a dlr< ?o yam tor .fomr tw onrKMM ?'? ailoa. ? 1 1 1 ii ? Msjg q %nd hiiflwH- ''ptini They ir? **IilFfg BAVKRft" t^jirViU. womanhood, aiding derMopmeul of origan and body. No 'mowik remedy for women muU tb?m. Cannot do h&rm?iito ?*- LapUttau-2. ?MM> BOX B* MAIL. 8oU VQ'mi m PUtr * T. no " VOTES ~~ are issued as follows for v . : Subscriptions Paid in Advance One Month . . . 1 Vote Two Months . 3^Votes Six Months . . ^ 12 Yjptes I Twelve Months . . 25 Votes FDMPETAN Massage Cream Clkanses Where Soap Washing with eoapand surface only. It doe* not clean oat the imparities ' in the akin that make it muddy and (allow. PompeianMaaaageCream goes through the surface. It ainka into every pore ? " reaches and .bxMwna all foreign dirt and imp 1 free from gntae and that * keep* the face free from "1U Puei UUt LBIlUUl promote the growth of hair on the face. ? Price 60c and $1.00 per Jar. IUI. HAROrS DRCO HTOKE. ' EAST GXKOUNA 7~ ~ iWachefs' Training School * EatabUeheXnd maintained by the State foe the youM men and women who wish to qualify themeelvea for the profetaion of-teoching. ftuiidinga aad ?yilyiifht new and modern. SanU tation perfect' SESSION OPENS' OCTOBF.R 5TH, 1 H9. For proftpectua and information, addreaa ROBT. H. WRIGHT, President. Green Wile, N. C. just received; Fresh lot of PORTSMOUTH DRESSED MULLETS L ARCHBELL

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