t - - ' ' ?-IT -Entered ai'second^clasa matisr August 5. 1909. at the postofllce at Washington, N. C.. under the act ofc March S. IS79, ' " ? . * ' .Tr ? -'i prni.mirn rvrc hy AfrTBRMPQN. EXCEPT SUNDAY. 1 No. Eaaf Matrt street. J. L MAYO, Editor and Pw>ortotof. Televhooc No. 9tfO. ~ HI HAC'KIHI IOS RATES: One Month .20 ? lour 'Months.' 1.00 six &onths rr;y . . .-. .... i.so One Year. 3 .00 Subscribers deelrlnjr the. pai>er 'dis continued will please notify this oilko on date of expiration, otherwise, It will be continued at regular buWtIiI tloa rates until poticc to slop is re ceived. * ) :"?? -A.* do no^get jTh&_f>nUy N?*w.? pfShintly. telephone or write the man ager. and ..the complaint will receive _ Immediate attention. It is our (Wire to pleasd" you. WASHINGTON. N. C.. SEPT. 7 LET Till; NEWS FOLLOW. Parties leaving town should not fall to let The News follow them dally with the news of Washington fresh ?omi erte?i ? u win uriiv.i ; i companion, reading to you ljko a let ter" from home. Those at Xiie. sea shore or mouutalns will find The News a most welcome and Interesting visitor. MIST ME SlCiNHl). ? tn. The Newa. fdr I publication must be sigued bv the writer, ether wise' they \<iH not be ' pubU#Md. ? - v PRAYER - Let us U?3t be coutent to pray I morning and evening, but let us live In prayer ail day long. Let this prayer, uhis life ot love, whlcbmems death to self,, spread out" from our seasons" of prayer, hs from a center,! C.er all that we have to do~. > All | ? ? - linnpr ,1 log consciousness or "Cod's presence, whether it be social intercourse or business. Such a .course will insure >'ou a ..profound pcac.v ? Francois dtf la Mothe Feuelon. THEHE'H NO OTHER WAY.. The old adage t^at "Money n^ikes J the mare go." has a counterpart iu tim ti'ui,.r,i Hi..; . -.1 ?. i and. holds business. What man of ordinary common sense engaged In j b tslr.ess 'n this day and generation would think, or have the right to , think, of success without liberal u<nj- r Uclty through that best of "all u*ver- I tlslrtg mediums, the local paper? \ Sacred history records that- "there is a time for all things." and when tha*4 " was nbt . meant "-Chat- advertising should be perennial there was a lack of foreslght.-that has since been made manffest. .* * The smallest merchant in the | town, trren though he may > sole1" occupant of the Held, will | Soon And there is no field \Vhate\'er if the matter of spreading printer's Ink is overlooked or Ignored- Trade - 1BBI uy l.kln Il.imlii ..mill tn Til III will b? dlvarLuil-in^llu!- direction of a rival town, where the spirit of enter prise above and beyond all takes Into consideration the power* of the press as a distributor of information that the public desires to. know before' parting with tjieir dollars, that They may be placed where they will do the most good. s ? In hundreds of ln?$nces, *>y words of its own and by extracts from the public press, the Dally News has shown that without advertising there is bo sure thing to success. It has been demonstrated by plies of must 7 goods on dusty shelves by out-of-date fabric* that "nobody" wants at any price, and culminates fn a putting up of the blinds and a pulling down of the curtains, no more to be taffen wnm ? rnli rifi nn < _ j H we are tn business there "are sdtne things Incurring expense and , labor and effort that may be put aside temporarily if not permanently! nPT?r!^ That must! go on if we want to gcwj^oursSTTW with Buc<Sessf u 1 butness Dursttlt* LIFE IS A Fl'N.VY PROPOSITION. Man comes into this world wit boot Ilia consent tad leasee It will, Durin^Ila, ftta^~oa ea rth ""KPT time is spent In one continuous round of contraries snd^mlsttadAnrtAndlsKu by the balance of our sped**. In bis Infancy he is au anj?e4; In hie boy hood he Is a deril ; In tba manhood he Is everything from a llzanfop; If. ~he ralaea a family, ha la a chump; If ha raises a check, he l*-*-tblef; if he Is a poor man, be I* a poor manager and haa no sense; ff be la rich, be Is dishonest, but Considered smart: If ?>all order 1 hlM line and the, ?um? Jhad_been ear l-ted In his store for year*, Hb ap proached the tarmer and said: "I could have Bold you every ar i ttole you have "tHere for money than _*ou paid the Chicago houso. aud "Bared you the freight, besides-" "Then why on earth dldn.'t you aay apt" aa?w.?r?d the farmer^."! e. ta keu t.fag_M>iw?lnh Tis<:urd-;io< years, and have ijever i?een a lift*? about your selling thtv&e goods: The Chk-uKo hound seut nclvexiiblng- ajat ter to me, asking for my trade; aud thojr^Kot " . . . The aho^^expresees'itb* facta > lu a uutsholl, and 'the. time Will* cope. I when., nut only city merchants, but ? country iaerrl^n\j? un well, will find 'ipu to '*? nl twt. Sfombera of the fireside explorers' TOUgUP uii' umlyintHHl in |ji taking; ^;H?**lal t'o ursot< c?f training \cP strengthen their wind apparatus, ? they are-! usually biffjJ winter. ."There's a streak of wolf aud a streak of lamb In every man." ? Chi cago New*. Yes. and focio of them who are" most lamfilikc among men? are most *-t.Hlih tuwnnl Huh timid wlvu?. Nobody Is advised to Offer odds ! that some slick lawyer wfll not And g.4va? to' get at the $75,000 whlth an convict under a? Hfe- -sentence, iu Oonhetcl'cut, has just Inherited. It's beginning 'to look as though Senator La Folette would soon be 60 busy defeudlug Uimeelf at fcbme that lie won I htrve 1'HHt'h Llnie 1M iluiota to pwattiug his wicked fellow-Sena-^ tors. Howe/er. as the Chautauqua season la tlttoit over he'll have more spare time. ? .... Who can doubt- "Jack" Hammond's love for Taft, now that he has agreed to loan him his cook during tbe bl* swing around the circle, . though t here ^ my have,been a bit otecMsh the -swingers.-* r* who Is suing for a big slice of the e* teta left by the millionaire ""Silent" | :*mitfr, -rill probably make some so ciety music. If she wins- out. Should this hat less fad be adopted I by the bald-headed men,, we fear rhrj.-'a serious trouble ahead or the | ha'^tnakers. We note -another sign that pros has come' t?> stay ? plans u title r way for a new million-dollar "lobster palace" -on New Ydrtfs "great white way'v" it require*s~tyg prosperity' to support such place*; afso -much Jdiocy. ' - Kah! fof~the Kansas board of rail road commissioners. which has I smashed the baggage smashers, thus setting an example1 worthy to be fol- ] -lowed. . In demoiBtratfgg-tftat righ and ( poor look alike to blm( in adminis tering the law, Gov. Brown, of Geor gia. may or may not have been mak- ] ing a pl4* to IEB galluj. but "t? a good pTay all the- same. , They are organizing new national i banks at a rate slightly In excess of | one a day. Yet, sonpe of , us k* trouble j?very time we start o#*^t<f borrow money. The Secretary of the Tr/Ssury might do a bit of worse tlffngs tha^ to tackle this problem. *?% 1 ' * ? ? Senator Taylor's confession that he baa pulled down a quarter-million of Chautauqua coin indicates that the Chautauqua millionaire will sooa be alone, and W. J. may be hiB ini tials. STANDARD TIME Standard time was eHtabllshed In and to regulate local time. The Uni ted 8tates, extending from 65 to 126 A?rmr>t,n i maal long! t nrla, iu In to four sections, each of 15 decree* | !???<! I ?Wial.ml to nn?. Ugur flu I time. The eastern section Includes] the territory bet yr eel _the ^Uau.tlc c<V< and an Irregular line drawn be^j Detroit, ; Mich., ai?d?, Cbsrlee toa, 8. C? - The second, central sec tion', extends from Bismarck, N. D.. tii ttaa ^piith ot?the Rio Grande. The -tblnJ.. itouutaln. Includes^ tgg terri tory between the last a'amed'Ha* aa~<T the western borders of idabo, Utah and flkrixona. The fourth, Pacific, covers the rest of the coantry to the Pae44c coast. Standard tftne Is utl In form Jnalde each of these sections, and each sections- dlfferajrom the neat exactly one hour. t MKT IN III I ATM' ANKflA. :l CUE FREE TBMIliM (Continued from _Ftr?t Page) . cooperation among farriers, only! ji this section, but 'everywhere. ? Iff they are ever guluK itrruileli the full measure of succeed, Hey must sink their petty differences and -prejudices and temporary personal advantages Tn faee o T tile | '.a the largest yasijet of a republic; imt independence -tor_ Its own sake,, at- the coijt of success. Is a mlsnoma, .another word *of selfishness. The; farrters of other parts of the State may profitably look Into the situation In liV'de i-ouutvj^and see the^dvau.-. tage.of cooi^op6tlo5**LQtonly in dtaln age schemes" but in allotiier projects 'that a fled the frirnT White I w'Hir Tiqflring the discus sions jit Swan Quarter and going over kerson, I was thinking: What will the future be? Here are tens of thou lands of aires "of "land absolutely worthless now, except for" th?f tlm ber. If this land is draiaed and cleared, it will^ be worth $200 an acre. Hyde* county. -has been. cabled .the granary of "North Carolina. Then, it will be one of the Important grain- 1 producing sections of the whole cduntry. "I 'luubl__LLjUiejr? Ja_ jpore. i fertile land anywhere... even in the | Yazoo Pclta of the Mississippi. And the day is coming when these swamp lands will. be; cleared. It will not all b<* done'ln this decade or the next, of, maybe, in this generation. But the eyes of the people are tutored to this section. ? The United States Dejmrtmont of Agriculture has seen the promise. pf ffastern North Caro lina and -sent its experts- to inspect the field and work with .the .people. The State haK already, in helping , to -butld- -the MattamuAkeet- railroad, done more for Hyde fTJunty than it hps ever done for Any other county. The Intense interest manifested by the people at Swan Quarter on Aug* list 25fc shows il)at the peejvle tbem selves are actively awake to the need . ?f i^raltingc Jhp mtlon. the State. nnxl the people themselves are after drainage; it must rcjr.e. And is 'npt the promise of Hyde. ajuL_ Beaufort counties pnly an in stance of thfr-promise of all parts of the State? By the drainage', of -the swamp, lands of the east, hundreds of thousands of acres of the most fer tile land will be*, opened to agrltuK atha'r floldi^of ^ah or^r^ n^"lth 1 etiual promise. ' In " the central and western part of the State, enormous !,water power is waiting to be ,detrel op.ed."* In the 'northeastern counties, those bordering on Virginia, peanut factories, in the Piedmont section and the .west, eottoq factories are to be built. Everywhere- new. enter prises are demarTd'lng men to push them. ; The promise of Hyde and Baau f ore counties and fhesa other sections of our'^Rtute should be a call to the boys of* 'North Carolina to stay at home. The last "Federal census showed that people were- leaving Xhe Stat.R tn pvprv nnc that ramp from elsewhere to mak?-thelr homes with us. Who's Who in America, a book containing sketches of the most iiriimlnpnt m??tt criijptry. whows i , that three men of note born. In. North.} Carolina, have left the State to every man of prominence born elsewhere who has moved to North Carolina. _Xhis shows the drain that our State ha? -been suffering for generations. . i The time may have been when? thej young man did bare to "leave. the State in order -to make, the moat ofi himself- But it Is. not so now. Nor* matter what field of endeavor he 1 wotrld enter .^whether agriculture or manufacture br a profession, North I Carolina^ J a. offering .opportuni^Us. ! And by opportunities, I mean a chance to groWj_ I know that the fees and salaries tn this tltate are not as large now as 7-they are in some other States, but there is a larger field for growth and development here than in most places.^ What the 1 young man tfbouid T>e looking lAt1 1b| the chance to grow. The low lands 9f Hyfl?? and B?auf9rt wwltw not yet been drained; the opportuni ty of the young man lies in helping to drain I WH? MWHFUNIW The peanut factories of my section liave not yet been built; the oppor tunlty of thewyoung man lies in help ing In building them. Many o{ the cotton mill* of piedmonfand western North Carolina now exist only In the minds of their %c^omoters; the oppor jtmnty of Hw'^iuuk urinrHea frrtwty ' trig to build tbera. And wherever business enterprises cause people to congregate, there-te-the need- for the professional man ? the mtftlster. the school teacher, the lawyer. Where mnch is to be done, thercmuch can be done. It will take a great deal of energy, brain, and capital to de velop the swamp lands of the eastern section and ttte man u fact oriea of the Pledmpnt sectloo; Lb?rt i$ tn opening for alt the energy , r bralna, and capital that the sonaof North Carbllifa eaa *dnrtsb. ~ * edKaa-oC tke News aad Obser If you wouto tiVEgss? tens, yotif health, you would livein Washington Park. Secure the lot to<jay. Easy monthly payments; liberal discount for cash. A. C. HATHAWAY. THE MObERN DREADNOUGHT KSfilS8; #?c" F** B&sitts issKj ;To ?"SCARRY ,-WM. BRAGAW & CO.r ?? EXPERIENCED INSURANCE. AGENTS. WASHINGTON, N. C. - MEMBERS N V rin-mMtjru.i^f Jimca W. Cola J, LEON WOOD & CO OPERA HOUSE 1 he 4 Pickerts Tuesday and Wednesday, September ? fnnd 8 * . * > Matinee Wednesday Afternoon. of 16 People will present I A Drama in 4 Acts, I "The Vengeance ^ of Denize" tween acts by n.embefs ot the company. Bill and spe cialties changed nightly. Prices: Secure Your go in quest of the Falls of Lodore. He passed near Niagara, but would not stop to see the falls there becauSfc th?y wnn M HT hnm* "a ~f?"r >H The" vfhy to HcmtOTd-and hunted far and long JL or the Palls of Lodore. One day he was setting on a rofj^up in the hi'l|s of Scotland,vdlBCou raged and despondent, when he asked a passerby If- Ire- could, tell him where were the Fails or Liodore. "See, man, you are sitting on them. There are no Falla. ot Lodore -except when It i ill mi " 1 Thn "mniirrntlsi la apparent The opportunity fnr na anna of North Carolina is hare at home. In going elsewhere In r?earch of ttadT trifling Falls of l^odme, we aie heaving the mighty Niagara Of opportuhity^wbtise roar we can baar frpm our own door. I know thWlnuch I hare said Is far afield from matters connected with Beaufort^and Hyde counties, but 1 started out to tell the impression* that section, not of the visit llseff/ And I have simply given a part of >..i, .i ml in mnflnn ht what I saw and heard in Beaufort ?Mrt Hrrtn mnntlf,. firnraiirnfimgi a? Altoona, Pa., Sept. 6.' ? One thou sand dollars reward has been offered for the capture of the lone bandit who last Tudulay night held np and robbed the "sirrft irn 1hn -Pannsylriiili,vRfl|lro<d Jn. tljtjbewie "town Narrows, rz ALL NAPLES ISJSN FETE Feast of Pedigrntta Being Celebrated ? Very Popu lar in Italy. . WjpiM. Ua>>i 1 ?ii v?nitn iij na :I?W tqd?r tod tfcm U at qplTerMl W -aongfcj.be auj^or otMhtefl Would ii fin ?iTnril' iliji) 'anTT Urrats toward the sanctuary of thW Madonna of Pedigrotta on September 7. A singer, at the' stroke of mid night would be, hard from the end of the group singing a beautiful and new i b^, i sometimes weeks, the people of the . lower' classes would assemble togeth er and each assist In' the making of ti*ii-Mw song^Alch the musician i poet, of the company would nut to- 1 g ether. These songs now are among the folk-eongs of Italy, and while Id th* later daysthe people hare nothing to do with the making of the yearly new song of the Pedigrotta, the f^O ral lean institution .mnrh jp Naples. TO LOCATE IN WASHINGTON.** Mrs. Bettle Giles an<^ family, who have been residing at Wlntall, N. Q., hare moved, to this city, and #111 oc cupy thelf- residence . on fearket IS INPlSFOp^D. Mr. " W. F. Clark la lfidlspoeed~atj "bis home on West Second street. His | Wll I J 11 11UUB Willi IIIUJ ? ?DUUUJ covery to bis accustomed health. PROBE CHICAGO POLICE GRAFT TrUfe to "Begin Today and Sensational Developments Are Expected. [_ CMoago, Sept. 7. ? Trial of Police ceptlng bribes for the "prbMlfkon" of Illegal rasorta Is- set tor toto. afcd seaeatioaal developments are. expect ed la tbe lavestlgatioa which has set Wladr City la a tors* oil. State At 'T\- -? . .. jJ -*o4n?i in- liroc pt attention all advac*. ?hovQ be la buIHSee office by 12.45 rn. Ada. by mewcugtr, tale phone 6r. mail given careful attention.' mauji. ill, good condition; terms to suit yur ohaftor; one Gary safe. &00 pounds. A. B. -Dranghaa, . u ?' FOR . -8AUi ? CASH IlEQlSIBrff Call or address Tie.J2?l>y Nowb. TORSH PAM "SEED ? CLOVKIt, Rj", Rtiw, Vetch, ^abbtp and ;>|aNvBlp. BtHMM]F%^^Nl94lllibi as CANABY' UUIDS FOR 8AL& ? I have on band 25 fine canary trials, good songsters. beautiful plumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, $6; single birds, f2.6Q. Quaran-' teed safe delivery anywhere In the Aurora. N. C. FOR HALE ? GOOD THREE-SIXTY ' leihons, M OO fler box."- wholesale. , H. B, Mayo & Co. ' > ? " IXWT AND FOUND. LOST CHUCK . NO. 4< KHS TO MRSV L. R! Mayft, for $16.46, dated Sep ? temh'flr 3. lftOft. on Barings and Trust Co.. Washington, >J. C. This Is to notify all 'persons not to cash , same If presented. Finder return to H. E. Harding & Son. Septem ber 7. 1909. " , MISCELLANEOUS. 4 0FPPR1 RATE, 1 pent per word. IX' VOU WANT XO_ nrnniK A stenographer?- Take the Business in thn Pirtlb Oohn^l . Tfti. tlon, $5 a month. In advance.' This cpurse Is open to any one, whether -r^. rtir Pybllc School or not. See the Superintendent and7 arrange to take the course. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER, AE 115 Market street. Charges moderate. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Hunter's Brldge'G.al m; ar rive at Bath, 6. 30. Washington, 9. Leave Washington 2.30 p. m., arrive Bath 5. p. m.. Hunter's Bridge 5.10. Fare 50c. round trip, 36c. one way. WILLIAM BOYD, Masteiv a man's ao^alled goodnSTSj du^iio lii fier tfiirt en Intei r% ling | brand of temptation has pever'beenj handed hJm, ^ _ Are*<t'ycm~tlad to know that the| discovery Of lliu no lib pule wllM ? hl?? th? to we1|ti tha earth, even If you can't exactly fig ure out that IV* going to get you anything to know bow much the old thkifjfrstfluu ? Shouldn't be a" tit wfiriWnnig ^?ers of ''foreign words began to sptak of Dr. Cook as Dr. Chef. Cook Is so pleblftn, you know. The Words You Speak Are the outward marks of your 1qt*lly?tnal capacities. When you speak do you show eve ry one that 70a are educated. cul tured ,and refined, or do you ?Imply publish to the world the fact that you are a person of only ordinary Intelligence and arerage culture? -in other 1UIUB Do Yos Speak gogllsh Correctly? I ability to read, write and speak -^aciah^oHattbumiiMiafc,. anyone can , . It adds to one's naaey- making || possibilities and f ornlthap a no- * ticeable' final touctt to one's personftHty. You are the best Ju<fee at "how you stand, and if tou Sre not satisfied do not Mtat o#-mntU it is too late. There to * popular. Interesting tad area faaotoetinK-Jxar to polleb op roar EnglUk. Ton jrtjl aot ton to wade through " dry," untntoreetlng text book* The QUKidoe, "Oor ~ Ttw Art of IMrmiM," will Btn TOU iujraiuable aid. flee toUMrtug apectal offer: HHKD to caBKTB :oda* for' a mmptr oopr 1 fc| Hek. ly thle moaey we will alio ???(! TOO a coot of (fee pre m MMtoa at The AM at WVfSI ptimM PHYSICIAN Dentist. Office comer of Main ai ?? s. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES' WARD & GRIMES ATTQRNEYS- AT -LAW WMhbjloQ, N. C. We practice In lite CourU ot tU? Pint Ttlr ?? . .y- fnutuiP^ lohn H. Small, A. Q. MacLean. Harry McMuUan. SMALL, MAG LEAN & - McMULLAN . ' ' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW _ Waahlngton, North Carolina. ATTORNEY; AT-LAW "J Washington, North Carotin l. Office in Weinberg Buifcttog. H.C.CARIER,J|L^a ATTORNEY-AT-LAW," Washington, N. C. Office Market Street. . ?V'm. B. Rodnian. Mile? Q. Rodmaa. RODMAN & RODMAN ^ Attorneys-at-Law Washington, N. C. smegs R. L. STEWART "" ' r~""~ ? ? "'iTTinurn mj' For - FIRE INSURANCE J. and P. B. MYERS ? n~ in i i !? ,, i The J. H. Simmons Marl aud-Gtanite-Co? MONUMENTS Price* and Work H,!,,. WASHINGTON. N. C. f r WHITE - BARBER - Sfl Th.oolTftr.t-ctaM^Wt.rtKjpTa. ^^)R*M5GHON,Cpro

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