BLACK and COLORS Special lot at $2.94. Extra Value Sateen Skirts 98c: h~ X J. K. HO YT BRING US YOUR PICTURES _ TO iE FRAMED Just arrived the yery best and lat MOULDINGS. Work done neat ly and promptly. FullStock Edison Pho nographs and Records RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE KRAMERS. ^ GEM Theater TO-NIGHT FlVE-PlECE ORCHESTRA "TJTe HAM)" ? Drama. "STKASBl'RG"? Panoramic. "THE AXONYMQyS LETTER" ? Drama. "THE FlGllTl \(> PARSON" ? A Western drama. _ , ? "THE WRONG III*RG|#ARU ? A fine comedy. GOOD .HISIC AND THE BEST OF .PU'Tl'RtIB, GEM THEATER Of the superior} virtues of the liAS ! RANGE, call on that friend of yours who has one' and do a little cooking on it ? and also secure her opinion as to its handiness apd (its [economical fea tures. We""Will guarantee that then you will call and investigate the cost, etc.. for our best advertisers arfi.our satisfied clients. Washington Light & Water To. JUST RECEIVED? Shipment of Horses and Mules ? ' ? We have tehsecond-hand buggies to be sold cheap. --Special attention given to feed yd livery. Wtnlw the oil 01 own WASHINGTON HORSE ^EXCHANGE 8 Does your house leak? If so, we can stop it. . All Kinds of Roofing Galvanized Iron, Cary's, Magnesia, - Rubber and Tar Paper. The price is right. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co . T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. ?? DEALER IN DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, MILLINERY ?. ? r rjlHflTY BMffl flF FflHnHTIflH Uutttt ? t uartttu Ut LUuuTTTilm ~~~~~ 11 SESSHW ? ? (Continued Fjom. First PageJ that the lioani of Education would -oak be ntpesilMe^ after the f board granted the concession and the Board of County Commis sioners w*re authorised to call an election for this puppus^October Yf! ? The board ngret?d to furnish,; ?nd fit up the .office of the County Super intendent In the courthouse In at tractive style. ' Mr. H. H. Oden renewed a former petition before the board for the es tablishment of -a new school dlslrljpt for Hunter's' Bridge. The petition set out the fact that one acre of land had alreudy been donated for a'slte. Tho1 board-decided to .establish same as shown by a nfa'p presented, provid ing, however^ that the district donate two acres of land instead of one. -MX. LI. lil. Pmhiiin >wim u;fH'iniMl committeeman for district No. II.' Washington toiyishlt), Mr. Howard Woolard was named ;>* i o)i-niHtMan>an*Cm|i- ?i?board ton, will be ma(criilly affected |n (lie annuil showing of the collection Congreaa in tha i'aynj^ tariff bill In removing \th? "duty ooJiulphate of ammonia which cornea from foreign porta In large quautitlBb and la con isumod In the manufacture of ferti liser. In the annual report of the local cuatom ? louse' last year"'tfIHSlir 300,000 tone xrere received by Wil mington (fertilizer manufactories, and the collectable- .duty -on this amount was between -$,12,000 -and $15,000.. According * to statistics Wilmington will not be as badly-af [-feeted-Tis 'several ufttirr -potto, where there are larger number ~of such fac tories, principally Charleston and Sfr ?aunah. Sulphate of ammonia la Tory mpenslML amL. steamers m?t4 come to -Wilmlpgtou usually. ^ bring part cargoes of this material. ? Wil mington Star. Mr. F. Truxweli, the bridge build er, who was Injured yesterday by a fall from the'-, top of the Atlantic Coast Line bridge over Tar liver. Is getting along as nicely as c0utd~be expected and tya condition Is grati fying to his physician and thus far no bones have boon found broken. The man was severely stunned by his fall of thirty feet, and it was 1 friT'd veiitPmlWtl.nt htn .uplnn hirt been affected, but the. Indications to-* day jr** that It has r.ot. and while he is very sore from, the effects of the fall ami lb unahlfi in turn in* bed, U bi_Lhbught that he is not se riously tjurt, and that he will he able to be oiu within the next few weeks, -r? Rocky Mouni Record. 1 the proposed route from Southport to Little River, B-.'C., Veganat tT?e~T6r mer place last Wednesday. The eor|M? of government surveyors will eral weeks and the houseboat which is to he* used by them arrived last Monday and was tied up ^t-the gov ernment dock. This will be used to good advantage at variqus* places on the survey It will be recalled that this is one of the important routes mapped out in the inland waterway courses and is being carried on under Brown. It will likely require sev eral months to conu'lete this work! ?Wilmington Dispatch. The farmers of Gaston county are getting better reatflt* from their-land the past few years. A few years ago one good ear waa considered all that a man had to expect, and If two small ears appeared It was considered a kind of good -tuck: ? How a fhrmerj" expects several to the stalk. Mr. John F. Davis showed us a stalk yes terday -that had seven eara on It. He hadj .rnisert it mi hla t4rm rnnT of"! town. A number of the friends un der Mr. A. C. Stroup, In the demon^ stratlon of work, arcf showing three or fonr and five nice ears on nearly every stalk. A hundred bushels to t.he acta? Xhat ia what 4h? fan of Gmstonla are looking forward to. Not thirteen as in manr f tlis^tate. ? -Gastonla News. XV V matter of'Uct don worth their salt. News from Gum Springs tells of excitement Tuesday night in that neighborhood. Miaa Rljedea McQuag, 20 years old, left her home during -the-afternoon and her absence not noticed until a note, was found. ?stating that it was her Intention t? drown herself, and that h?r body would be found in the Pee 'Dee . rirer. A younger sister, 1? jears old, found { the note and attempted to take car- j boUc acid. A young man standing near, snatched the bottle from, her hand. Searching parties were or ganized and the miaeiag McQuage was found negx the -Seaboard Air Line bridge oveN-th** ~|>e? Dee rirer. She had walked the sis miles from her home. After being taken home Miss McQuag stated_tl)fti_she had no' Intention of commlting suicide, but expected to take a tj^ln and go to Raleigh. Sfce had forty dollars in ? money Jjprith her'. The rumdr Is that a disappointment in lfire is at the bottom of the affair.? Wadesboro News. ? ' North Caroilna again takes its seat! at the head of another table, for rwhfere there are tables' rtorth Caro lina has a way of taking the honors. L Jhls^tlme tt Prof. W? A. WltheriJ head of the department of chemis-[~ try of the A. and M. College who is made president of a great organiza tion) At 'the recent ji ifrlaj' ta n*h4| ver, Prof. Withers was elected presf-j dent of the Aasoclation of Official Ag-j jrlcultural Chemists of the United States. The meeting waa a represent Itative one, there being in attendance at It abdnt. 160 official agricultural chemists of the~Phitad jCtee. , Tfre honftr paid Prof Withers Is a. high; doe, and he will ably discharge the duties of his position, reflecting cred His many frl,en to cash we are in a' paettkm W get quicker results than you could yourself. Tirites are going to be good again in a very short time, and you had better begin look ing around. WASHINGTON , INVESTMENT CO. ; There's A I ways a "Beit PUce^-far ' Whidrto Bgy It! - ' Sr Of monry ttalUftd "in a rtlui t lW pensatlon to you 'fo^"your labor in "reading the ?d?r" %. ? ! AND AN UNUSUAL STRONG LINE OF BLACKS, KIMONA OUTINGS IN JAP ANESF STRIPfAND CHECKED EF fecrs. ALSO A NEW LINEOFZEPH YRGINNGftAM. for, you. Agetits for | Green's Chocolate 'Candy. SPECIAL LINE of POST.CARDS 'Phone "58.1 H. G. Sparrow. pty pliras*, indeed, If it were not true. thlt tli ere Is n|^?yi m bMt place to buy a particular thing. If the contemplated purchasers of any Im portance, {he question of where to !ge is ojTSqua] importance; and tht ' question can best be settled ~-*ind usually-Very quickly ? by rea^jni the ads. IP ALIi OF THE ri RCHASES YOr MARK IX THE COURSE OF A VEAtl were made AF^PER GO?SU> ERIXG THK ADS., and gnade-^ln ' connequence? to. "the heat- advan tage" storo-competitlqn would then beconje a valuable thing to yop. 'And you -would be mi t**??d *t the W'* knin)f your savings? at the amount ?gffllMIs AVHW" of menstruation." They womanhood, . aidln r?t) v( ' i j I KF *f. M*. is, in ci ta&j trig* banish "paint nhoed, .aiding dac*lopirsnt of on \ns. and body. No . r-romCTTy for A* omen equals tfcem. Unout do harm ? uto CI & pl&SUW. Kl.UU 1'ILH II'JX BY WAIL. 8ot* ? OTT'fl euffUlr*T. (V VOTES / are issued as follows for ? Subscriptions Paid in Advance One Month Two Months umwonras- . .. ? i ?. v uita : - :.t * S ? ? porcrpFTAisr Massage Cream Cleanses Where Soap ? and Water Fail clean, bat It clean* the surface only. It does not clean the imparities in the skin that make it mnddjr and sallow. Pompeian MassageCream promote the growth of hair on tl>? face. Price 60c and 91.00 per jar. I>B. HAKDVB URWJ STORE. ... EAST CAROLINA ' ; Teachers', Training School f. lahed and maintained by tha State for the young men |f in who wlah to qualify themaelvea for the profMakta K. t BuUdloga and equipment uxad modem. Sant- ?3 "