WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY AFTERN OO^T? SEPTEMBER 8, 1909. DECISION YESTERDAY Se united states Court, Through.Judge, Hands 3wn a -Decision in the ?2 Noted Case. .Oil. COMPANY FAILS |?r: Yesterday "Judges HeTTr^Q. Connor rilled hit opinion in the case of "The' Red ~?i OH Manufacturing: Company ? ' Y*. The Board of Agriculture, Wil liam A. Graham, commissioner, and jbthers," in which he dismisses the -bill of Injunction and taxes the.plain l tiff with, the coat. ; - BH It wiil be remembered that the| Company -was -granted temporal? Injunction, restraining the ? of Agriculture frojn enforcing ffie provisions of the statute in re ? gard to the Inspection Of oil. but not at to the collection of the tax. The hearing in 'the petition for a pejma ; injunction was had August a. being reproeentefTTy ? Ayeocfc t WlnBton, and the defend-. ants by R. H. Battle & Son, and At torney General T. W. BicKett. The declalon filed today by Judge Connor >83 typewritten pages, fully covering every phase of the subject, and is an able and Interesting After ^tho .usual caption the opin ion begins with thete words: . "In I this cause, upon filing the bill, a tem ?I KJdtntng the enforcement of the provialons of the" statute In regard to Inspection,, but not as to tlHTKyment of the tax. waa granted, with an order return able on August J, 100$, to deftfnd aala to show cauae *hy an lnjune Uon .hould sot t? granted to the seta out the Itch thd plaintiff id .March 8, 180*9, F that oil fnapept^ift pointed not exceeding In one. from each congressional Whose compensation should $1,000 per annum. These were empowered twexam Ulumln t the vettelt contain- 1 wore properly tagged, and to *0{|H( and toot the oils ollir^rfbf aale In the 8tate. To defray the ex i of thjt Inspection a charge of . waa made on escK-xsl Hi** * GREATEST OF ~ s FAIRS OPENS World -Famous Attraction in Fpll Blast at Nijni Novgorod. ' St- . Petersburg, Sept. I.-f-H UI U perhaps the most famous h*nual fair in the world waa opened today at Nijnl Norgorodand I a attracting thousands of tourists, In addition to the traders of all. nations who visit There la' no other spectacle like It anywhere. - It la held on a large plain weat of the Oka. Rlverv ? The fairtown con alata of an Immense aggregation of stone, with many Bpeclal aectlpns de voted to particular. goods?The- Whole fair Is lighted by~?ictrtclty. These commercial assemblages are always held in the second half of the sum mer and are the largest In the world, attracting merchants from many for eign countriea, aa well as from all part* -of- Unsafe. ThtT sales amount to from eighty io/one hundred mil lion dollafs. . Mexican Town Washed Away Matam<*as, Mex., Sept. S. ? The town of -Mend^i, In the Soto La Ma rine Valley, is reported to hare been washed urtylrlth i great losa of .life. the ffooda and reports of deTaataUoriB at Reynoa and Cammafyo are greatly exaggerated. The National Railroad branch, between here and Monterey is badly crippled, howetfer. All rail roads will probably be -unable to re sume trafflc for a month. Many mile^ of track are washed out abore AJ da ma and the rails are twiated and. bent aad thrown about, which' ahowa that the flood was powerful. Badly Tortured Sydney, N. 8., Sept. 8. ? Cannibal un|M in the island Mallickolo 1$ Of the French steamer Quadllg, which wm driven ashore In a sale, massa cred the men and^tooted the cargo, according to a report received here today, which a British Warship fa hurrying to Investigate. - ^ nf tit mymma crew fought stubbornly; but were overpowered by the savages and put to deilh: rne snip was blown out of her course apd was washed' ashore upon the coast of the Island in a hur i li'UUG. ? ; r"~ The captate and crew made their way ashore, thinking to secure as sistance from tbe-natWes, but Instead -were attacked by them- . It is reported that the savages vis ited terrible tortures upon the cap-; tlves, putting Jfcem to death slowly. Wttliam Staten; colored, a section hand employed by the AtlaniiajCoast Line, while asleep on a trestle near Leeas Station. today, was hit <by the cow-catcher attached to the passen ger tTaln engine, and seriously in lured. The man -was brought to this city by the A: 45 p. m .train and carried to the -Tow is Memorial ^err^ajjttl&LnUantlon. was render -e4-by Dra. 8. T. and J. L- Nlokoisoifc Upon esafatnatlon It was found that one i leg was broken, both arms broken the collar boae broken, and a|so the feft shoulder bfokeW* Staten Trtao has several lacerations on his Staten- Was at work on 'the .road? bea. in company with the "regular section force, and when 12. o'clock arrived he decided to take a nap aid <;hooc the railroad track.' His com rades left without waking,, him, so when tfie passenger train came along be was hit Wy the catcher and Injured jae above stated. He is a young ne gro. apparently about SS yean of night the bill LwUl far aurpai GALVESTO^AflS CELEBRAtlNG - .<? - ;jr? Commc moratH't Anijiver -- sary of Great Storm of . 9 Year# Ago. Galveston, Tex., Sept. 8. ? Protect ed by the mighty seawall which proved Itself, in the storm ot- a few moutlisagu, to" ha Ih adequate bar rier against the waters of the'Qnlf, the people of G?lveslon~~ar?^ Today t?he great flood by 'congn^faDng themselves on attSTBlifc the security Which they hare lohg sought Until this year's terrible storm, th^re re tnained In the minds of mac^r a ling ering dou^t as to' -whether the sea wall would be_ &- sufficient protec tion.-- The recent' hurricane, which was quite as terrible as the one b* nlnfe year* ago, was fen^ered impo tent to harm this city- by the- great wall. It was the proof^ needed to banish doubt* from the minds of wouJ(T-be investors 4n. Galveston, and the city Is now entering upon an era of prosperity greater than any It has known in its history. The flood -of -September 8, 1900. destroyed a part of the beach front residential section of the city and caused" the loss of about 5,000 lives and about $20,00<M>00. T1le~hurrl cane 'which 'caused the disaster be gan jfalQPg the Windward Islands, rrnHBfirt r.uhs. psngrt south to :Flo> Ida and? curved' abnormally to the west", attaining' extraordinary ? vlo ^VETERANS MEET Session in Seattle |xpect^ ed to Last Several ; Tuobu, Wash.. Sept. 8. ? Seattle, that insignificant apology for a town with an exposition annex, has not succeeded in grabbing all the nation al conventions from the great and glorious city of Tacoma. The men who humbled the haughty Doob in the tote unpleasantness ijlth Spain , the tried and true heroes who snatch ed victory from defeat imnapy a deadly encounter with the embattled hoets of the ptomaine mlorobes-aAd embalmed^beef germs, wisely chose thi* city for their national encamp mentf-ln preference to the neatifefoua Seattle, and with a blare of trumpets today an n ounced the beginning of the'^iViO national reunion of the United Spanish War Veterans. The session will laat p*??! H.r. .anH T*11 by .msjLy festivities. During a Fog ?t John's, N. P., Sept. 8 ? Thrill ing scenes attended the Iom of the AllanJiflC |foe,mer T.anrenttan, bound from ^owoh ftfr Glasgowr*- which. ttnea upon the ro?ka near Cap* .Race during a dense foe at 6 o'clock this fctoming. The ressel is a total wreck bat the lift; passengers and forty members of the crew escaped to land after a trying experience: r The steamer rebounded heafily whin she struck, the shock throwing most of the passengers from Jhelr without stopping to dress and for half an hour much excitement pre vailed. A SUM northwest wln^ ths wlgjL tbout nod. the HUi?Mns hfwsis so serious at ^7;; o'clock thaC orders Twenig-flve of the passengers, most^ ly women and children, were placed In the firs* boat, ".but unluckily the bow tackle collapsed and several per suus were thtoeu lulu lbs see. -Captain Imrlo Jiad tow throwa over tho^shle and within flftMB min utes those who had been Immersed were drawn .hack to the deck. riMllr Mix mora lH?bo?t? w m put over and the passengers transferred to them. ^ie seas, however, con people and it was only by constantly balling that the flfeboats were kept afloat. About 10 o'clock, after the boats had been 'adrift two hours, a boat firom>*a nearby fishing village was sighted. The fiah ing boat piloted th* life craft to a harbor where the pas sengers and crew were cared for by the fisfetr folk. A steamer left 8t. JLOhn p last night krta? <U-^- 1 wrecked people to this port ' , POSTMASTERS MEET I> GA. Meeting Secured Through -the Efforts of Mrs. Longstreet. " """" ? GalnPsvll^e.-Ga . Bopt. 8. ? Th!? llt^l tie mountain city today extended a j tire Rational \Assoelation of Second and Third Claw Postmasters, who afe :"here from all over the United States Tor Xhe sixth annual fconv, nfion. Th. meeting was secured for this, clty| ttjxpugh the effort* of the local post mistress, Mrs. LongMf eet, whose | husband was the greal' Confederate I general. Mrs.' HonfcstBet promised j that Gainesville wojxldpve the post | masters as "nrm n ftjUF'Irn as 'the town tendered to Q+nkrn\ .Sherman Lforty-fodr years agO,-on|>- in a differ-, lent way, and thUr_i^Me_has- been I more than fulfilled by tavlshness of I '? the' hospitality lor the-* delegates In ' | which all the cltlsent^hftve joined. | Mrs. LoRBtre^t has )jso Informed, the. delegates from.-ttii' oast, north and west, that, while dfteorgla is a prohibition State, Garlqy Hie has the purest water of / any town In the Union. It haw wlwn'KiMm. tt-htaparad about that, by gotnglntn the moun-J tains aboYis Gainesville, the post- 1 masters may get the Ivjfreflt of a va riety of mountain dew "sjftrich Is pecu-| ! llarly exhlllaratlng. TJ?te session wlfl ^jgittljine UiiuuKli tumuwuw and Frl day. J. Parrtentei^~af Wabash . Ind.,1 j ts TJTBBtde&l 'or ttfe^MQOiatlon ; *H. A. | I Hopkins, of StT Clair, Mich., secre tary, and George Br Jfcfarcellus, of | I 1., the execu-j I tlve committee. , ; New Turbine ment of a reduction bine has Just been i worlu of the Weatii Company. ln..?ast~ device, it is. said, 1 the power of machl ahipa. While offlcials at Westingbouae Cora] Jurg. The ITOlutlOBlze for steam' soon, it was learned thafc ^f a jjteam a'hl*-llke t he Mauretanla or Luslta nia were equipped with ihia device ft would b y means ?f the fcreatly re duced weight, effect a saving in the l*n*f g t frnrn $1.500, 000 to 92.000?feQ0r If adopted "oh large battleships It would enable the Navy- Department, to InerWtte "arma ments from 12 to 14-Inch (una, it is assured. i ne aevice ia ine invention bi Kear A4iil*al Or iteftttt* i*?-*.--*. r*. tired, and J. H. Alpln, who have been working with Mr. Westinghouse on the plans for several rears. They expect to place It on the market al most Immediately. It wl!Tl>e manu factured by Uar^estlnghouse Ma chine Company. , gtsEy , Pretty Home Wedding. The marriage this afternoon ot Mjn Rltby Anderson and Hr. Wm. S. McElror. waa on* of thu tWMt. sim ple. old-timer kind of weddings, cel ebrated In the bride's ? n him ami witnessed only by the cloeeat frlenda. At 4 o'clock, the bride attired In white with traditional rell and roee* and ferae, vaa given away br her mother to the happ* (room, the ceremony twin* performed by Rer. Wal heutel . Harding. The gruom'i rntr tttrtdant was ht? W ain. Mr. Moortu of New Bam. and the mald of-honor was Utsi I.eUa Starling, who waa dreeaed In whit* aad carried red roaee knd ferae. Mri. Mcilhenny Played the wadding match, and >wer spng eoftly suuudml. ? The liuuse nap tiled wltli flower#. the- work of laying hands, and the ftft* were numefans and uee ful, at well aa ornamental. Cake and ?tter the reMptlon the; couple left for a honeymodn at Rlracwlew Farm, the property ot M5 E1IU, ahotit three miles" down the river The weddlna tourney waa made In a novel manner, in a flower and vine bedecked tart. ? escorted by a big Tennaaaee wagon also decorated, and filled with tne yonjfg friends of the happy couple Mr. McBlray. Is from Pennsylvania. NEW STUDIES IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Mhs Maude McCIees to be Teacher in Cooking and Sewing: For the benefit of The News read ere below M* | in. the Washington public schools the, renauing year. Miss Maude McClees will be the teacher tn .these two de partment!. . This "new feature, In the public schqpls, will work to quite' an advantage for the pupils taking them. * Courses in sewing. First the-?tu derits should bevtapgh^ the elemen tary part of sewing. How- to hold the needle/ wear the-thlmhhf, -the simplest stitches, beginning with basting fijrst. East* student must bring a small box holding a small apron, scissors, tape, needles, thread, pins, notebook and pencil, and furnish her own tna tsrUl. . rlrfit course, with- fingers: - Hand sewing, catching; darning, button heie. apron, under garments. Second course, machine worts: I Hhlrt waist, skirt, drew.' . - ? - ? Third .Coyrse:. .Embroidery,, lined dresses or-sllps, elementary tailoring. Outline 'of cooking. First -course, elementary dlshesv Cereals, ? vege tables, . egg dishes, meats, soups, lima, uiiuh. euu, b&uifif pawasr, yeast ? ? ? 8econd course : Roast, fish, poul try, dessferts, salads, fancy cakes. Third corrrse. advancetL__Lgfl nveri dishes, meats,- vegetables, frozen desserts, aervlnarr- njianniBg-" menus, preserving, pickling, canning. ' Both of the above courses are free. TO MARK GRAVE OF S. DIBBLE TO SUCCEED MR. Time T I A Til A ILf rttUo. jt LA iTiAM J. B^Jloss Assistant Book keeper at the Bank of Washington. Mr. Jmm B. Rosa, who has been the clever and accommodating col lee tor for the Bank- of Washington. tot. a number of rears, has- been elected b j thjs Board of Directors of this bast ~ to the position of assistant bookkeeper. This position was held by Mr. Thomas J. UthMpJr., until he resigned to go to Norfolk. Mr. Charles g. Fleming; sucoeedt Mr. Ross as collector. Mr. Ross Is a young man held In the highest es teem by the community snd deserves his lrell earned promotion. While r. rlemmg riasnad rlo eipmleuce In banking. The News feels confident be will measure up" UF tte expecta tions of his friends,. Those who witnessed the perfor mance at .the Dixie last night pro nounce the comedian. Mr. darken, to be one of the hfcst ere r seen here. His act was entirely different from .the previous nights,, and kept the sudlenen in a constant roar of laugh ter all the way through. As a motio HgtAtirln m'd It li indeed a pleasure to 1 to his extra large lot of reatiy good Jokes Ind stories. Tonight he gives eatise nhange frem jnylMng he put on so ter this week. >md premises to gtVe as good aa the pje [-ttaM. which, u hittn taf*. pn f*T"""T ?T? Th? ? tonight am w??ctaU; M too wlrt to fort?t t t <h? DU1? tonight l ah koar'al Petition Being Circulated for Funds to Erect a Monument. Efforts are being made here to place a suitable monument to the JM.niTH of the late Sylvester Dib ble, fc>r many years thfe captain -of the Salamander Fire Company, and one of Washington's leading colored citizens. _ J*\_ . . _ Aa the ojty has purchased a new plst of groundvio be used for a col those having the monument question in band to remove the body from He present- place of burial and relnter 'It in the new cemetery. A petition is ?now ? halng o'.rculntod >woi>| < white people soliciting funds for the purchase and erection of this monu ment-- Sylvester atways was at his post of duty and did what he could for his community and people: AT THE DIXIE LAST NIGHT. OF CO. COMMISSIONERS Matters of Importance Discussed aiuf -Passed Upon ? Public^ Roads Grfe ' ?" * ?? -?.$ . Jordan Absent oh Ac- ~ count of Illness. OCTOBER JURORS DRAWN i.ne BoarCTof County- Commission ers fur "Beaufort-county, met In reg ular montWy? BPsalon Monday and t Tuesday. All the members were present wjth the exception of Com missioner H. O. Jordan, who Was der talned at his home on account of Ill ness. The following business was transacted: . > * Order* Granted. Ordered, that L. T. Jlarrls, over seer of road S'o. 14, Long Acre town ship. be allowed 2?r, f???t nf hoar* timber for 'bridge oVer Old Boyd and Hodman 7S55ST Ordered, that Joe Lewis Be allow ed $5 for the month of September (Sick). Ordered, ? that ? all eowstablps and | deputy sheriffs be allowed for con veying convicts to the road force, one half fees if said road force be sit uated in their township, and full fees 11 miullWl Elsewhere. . _ Ordere'd, that the matter of fuiw. nlshlng lumber, for bridges over BearerDaiirSwnmp at the pld Candy I Mill, be left^wlth L P. Harris, with power to furnishjwttatever lumber is | necessary. f - Ordered, that the matter of fur nishing lumber for bridge and fdot I war on rftPH Vn T ""ff UHWU ship, be referred to L- P. Harris, with the power to furnish the necessary lumber. Resolved, that the matter of pur chasing the release of th?-gsfflYights Known as tSe'Adama mlllrlghts, be left to P H. Johfcson'to see what ar rangements can be made with the owners and then refer' the matter to riConinilMlnnflr-Thna,.Qnwn jrith. pow er to act, provided, the county, is net to pay more than $100. Resolved, that In the matter of the drainage question with Mrs. L. Wr Myers, the same to >a referred to the county attorney, ana tnatne be Instructed tu talce-a}l neeessarst-ac.. tlon In behalf of the county with ref erence to creating a drainage district In said territory.' - ordered, that clerk advertise lor sealed proposals to be opened at 12 JH.., October -4. Ifr4??. fui tfaq-bTIItdlng . of two houM? at or neaf the draw la Pantego Creek bridge, and the other at Pungo Crpek Bridge. Ordered, that clerk advertise tgr_ sealed bids to be opened first Mon day in Octehorr- to- furnish wood for the county home in 6, 10 and 20-cord lota. -\s* Ordered, that Zeno Wataoir be re lieved of poll tax for the year 1909. . putm*- ? ? To the Honorable Board: Whereas, the road leading from the West road td the Whitley, road by the residences of R. H. Hollowell. l. i . 1 uteh fcftd. M". H. Hunnlngs, ana others, is a" regularly uaed^cartway connecting the tw'o roads, a part the rural mail route No. '1 from Au the Small Graded School building; therefore 'the' undersigned, clti sens of Richland township, living and owning land along said road, re spectfully ask your board to have the same declared a public road. ? r b. IX ROWE; And Other?. The foregoing petition was granted and the sherltf commanded to sum Resolutions. ^ Resolved, that the Board of Coua ty Commissioners having authorised Commissioner Harris to do certain work ft*- Jacka-Creek road, and it ap pearing that the overseer has called out the hands on said road, the said overseer be, and he Is, hereby or dered by this board, to regal! the aald orfler foT wtfrk and- to aetay ?ime until . after the completion of the work by the commissioners. Ordered, that M. IL-Joaea be em ployed to examine Bath Creek bridge o'nrf rftpor* <tn fnniilttnn - . ~ ?Ordered. thatJR. R. Warrea-kave? IHe- oBTce of the~County Superinten dent^ Schools enlarged by remot Ing the petition between that office and that of the county clerk. > ?" nr.ft ...I nf OnilM* ?* ty Commissioners that a petition signed "fcy^one-tourth of the freehold- . ers within the following boundaries, to-wlt: Bounded on jhe_west^JgiU|l4IBX Creek, on the south by toe line of the Small Gfaded School district, on the east by weat_llae Bonner to the R^speas roaa'.wlth, J&e ? HespeaaToad west to the wjet line ot Marshall Bennett, with said Bennett's west llne"to *?"? f.rawfnrri rami. anfl ? west with the Crawford canal to T. R. Crawford's west line, and with T. R. Crawford's west line to flat Pot- - ter's line, and weatwlth Nat Potter'e and N. T. Bennett's line to the public road and lha-piihllfi road-South to ite Junction with the mill or Crawford road, and with the Mill or Crawford to the Old Sand Hill road near Craw ford's store, and then due west to Durham's Creek. - Also Including the swafhp lands of L. A. Edwards, C. G. Bennett. J. ?? Bennett and Edward Bennett, have signed the petition asking that the territory be designat ed as a special school district, and that an election be h?ld within said territory upon the question of wheth er or not a special tax shall be levied according to law for the support of further appearing to the board that the County B<?fd~5fTCducalIori have endorsed aald petition by approving the-eame. It is now ordered that an election be held la said territory on Tnwsdty. ilia lMh day or October. 1909, and that at said election the question .ht whether or not a special^ tax of *0 cents on the $100 worth of property and to oeati on the poll*, shall be levied ?for the support of public achools in said district, shall be submitted to the people. That. Ml thoee In favor ot aald tax ahatl "?0te a ballot "For Special Tax," that all thoee oppoaed sh~" Tlt>* a ballot "Against Special Tax." That the said .election be ooadected according to law. tfri vmiins nlsna elfcrt be at tkr> Bennett School House, that C. O. Clayton be, and he, is. hereby Appointed registrar, that C. Q. Ben 35 lowed to peddle anything: be may see fit, excepting drug* or mMllotne, Ordered, that V R. Sailings be ?l lowed ?U.S0 rar dlrC *0., ned In hu,Hi3lng r.nit iiui _ai rnsa New Public R(MMl. "North CaroHBB. a^sntart County. Long Acre Township. -= C. Boyd, special deputysher iff,. of said township, in obedience to an order directed to me from the County. <3o nrmissi on ers , dated Aug-" ust 30, 1909, summoning a jury q/ three good qnd lawful men to-wlt: H. H. Oden. W.4 B. WlniUejr. aid H. T. Kimg- Hie ground ~amf lay out and mark a road beginning uaen s iane, qear his residence at or near the Bath township line and run ning a northwest course along the new road built by J. R. Boyd and C. F. Oden and across the lands of 6. F. Oden. J. R. Boyd and J. B. Boyd to road No. 16, formerly, known as the New tfnion Chapel road at the residence of J7B. Boyd, whereupon a jury a?e* the 8d day of September,' and after being dujy sjrofn proceed ed to lay out and mark said road as ordered. No damage assessed. ? -> ? ffin?nffnUr wfcwlittli ? ? H. H. ODEN. ? . W. S. WINDLEY. t H. T. WAfBRB, Jury. The report of the jury is confirm ed. and It Is declared to be a public road and -tfcw clerk to tilts board-is instructed to notify board of super 'ft*or*ot-Loag Acre township a*vd re quest lUem to assign hands to the same. . Ordered, that a carnival appearing In the rlfy of Washington benefit of the Ocean Fire Company, be relieved of all taxes. -Ordered, that the salary of J.' <?. Dudley, as keeper of the Aurora bridge, be Increased $5 per month until Febfnary 1, l?l?. Ordered, tbat R? B. W. Qurganus be allowed to peddle anything he may see fit, with the exception of -drugs -or medicine, without '.loans* ' .... .????nr DAILY

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