WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS] r/Ente lYd , aa gecond-clms mmu-r AuRust 5. 1901*. at the postofflce at Washington. N. C.. uuder the act of Mareh PUBLISHED EVERY AKTMSHNOOxl EXCEPT SUNDAY. ^ Tn~ffartl Milln' Strvet, J. I.. .MA\c>, Editor aiiil 'ljrtjpricror. Icletthune x Xi?. aw. ?SI llSCltllTION |?vri:S: One Month $ .2f. I-ofir- MpyiThs .-.t-t. ? t~**+h Bix M it :t I ? ? i ?' I .1 li I ! | I'i HI", ? hr? t'tiprf continued wltl please notify thi^ottir on dut.* of expiration. otbfrwl*c. it will- be continued at regular j*uWri|> tlon rate* until ?.>? ?w th?'M dui lv Aith the IU V.S of Wa?hIiitttiMi fr?*h' and crl*;>. It w:!l provo u valia'.rt*' r^.idt:^ to >\.?u H'Kf K?f tpr fiom norn? Thu. ? All- Uti. tu Thr i [,.?T PuMKriiloti must K1 tinned hy write,. ..thcrvritk tlii-v wil!" no: be _jirvT.iT, i t.l.MS ?iK TIHH <;HT Kv. i v man ifi.u >!i i\rth. I?r Hi., j ina?tevv is leiapciatc in all t|||n?N. " ^ in Joke* Is a | ureal ?t?*'u i n tli^r.h-lkiii-J. . J Tl?e fruit ol the spirit. I* line, .loy, j ' 'letu1**, faith* uicrkjic**, temperance. 1 * . - - - r~ I j I. lie i? a train of mood* lil.cimi ? a 1 ?*trlnu oi IhmiN. ami as wo pass ihro* j taem ihej* jiiov" in lie many colored ? lenses wiinii i?;,Lnr irteuinin thPlrj own line, and oai h only whai ' He* in ft?i?im ??. ? ? . ? | Itelhrir.n caniim |ta<*. away. in- not disturbed by infidelity. Kelktion run* Hot pass away. Tin- hm-nim: of u lit tle rtrau may hide the Mara. Imi the I Mar* a r?* llieiv ami will reappear. W" believe tin1 common man'* j Work I* i'h* hardest. . Tin* hero ha*. the liet-o'x aspiration that lift* him to; 111* labor. All area l duties are cas. j ier than the Utile unrs lliuimh they', . 4'.ost far. more Mo?.d and a^ony. r< >M( >K IM >\V THE TEST. Tomorrow deii?l??s wh.>th:>r 05 in ?t \ Washington-shall forward or fall test of our manhood. Tomorrow we; f. -say to the uuistiio world whether \wl * desire to eentlnue a!o;;g 1 1*?? yame 1 lines as ?>? hare l:i ;>a*t y.-ars ? tin* I ~ ~~~ prAEr*M,^i or^iij-.iivr w- with our r towns in j the'Snre .Will v. . ?; s a "??-v::. allow I T-"~- ""? ? ?- i -.11 r . T. ???!-? , to go by ?hV bo-mt or .'ill vv'siy j \vo want it ar.d n?::a: tiav It. ?.....] tur.ity of a.j.i.r;5s5:,if < 1 the word her rt*?:er:?!:>i'ti?.a. > <>r r-> l'-r.m'r. i:s t li-' - nld :!:;?? i.J ???;?:?' ^::r .-tr--' ?:=?? : y?fru-'H'- ii; :: ? r>-.i ? ? ? : !-? - :r ;?>:? n ?? ^ iWji-t vote tl;?* ^ j r. .????-! bond i.-.-wf. j Nr> i io:i Las }???*!> |ir?;pHf>t*??|- um ihe voter* i:i iii? ? !ty u dvcale of; eav.ru>: 'afford <:.;f-as i*. 'Kr ?itarion 1* at 5^3 our ire < !?* ST1H !: iJut [n r-irrys?;K ? ! tjon r'-T .'t ir.;i>rov??:nir:it#i. we] ' must hav?- g'lod. sal ? majority; " M.'-rTlor, a i\-tv ?.:<;.?? I.* \ .i"l r sister"-: 1:0 ? ? *:;?? j-.rlU au.l vote rli*? ] diotffV's n? ' I,? ir ? ainJ ho?v ran ! SV-1 !'? ! 1 ? ? T'-T" ? hr'rer -r ,i I .v-*.* thoroughfare*? | ^ W{?*5i!ni:i;*i l;aa- "always ijone Un*| failed avot.. r.t- 1 ?- rr-t hon#? r !i :T , . -.I" * r ? ?lmrrru - j Tn order fo*;v;!i ihl* "?!??? ffoh, fi ? " - 1 ever. ???.*,' :r.n-r work. sur;] and ' labor. If wo loiier i.y wa>*H and v.as: for thliisr- to ??????::?? oyr way. j r ? 1 . . : ; ? ] f ? j r. it soKietM 1 we will, 1 , us arid " I're^bflt in !b+* r mln.. livery j reeiajer- -1 v/?tfr in the.'lry it be favowrtflo ^*or ??lrei-: Lait>rove rne?:Ti^ TTier" are oTiJe^TTofw to thi? ? t jj " - jt, i.u'.iiiny atriiugfh ? . yon '-ajf r?'fk raws i:> anything- When yon .<%be ih^ futnrr* firo^rnftfi ?>f ih' ! rity Into cotisideratlr.iyi all objection ] should he eliminated aad rally to one i s great end ? WashlnRfor. . first, last | and all she tlm", THK 'ANT/I TO.VIX I, AW. The ,h?gl?latn?6 of in.-se^? iii jl-il ii?l 1ih\ vl.kJ totukf idvat.t'a^v* ijX this i ? l. Til. >%? ?-o;i ri ios iind i uv ? A-;ri i.uMj.ij' -?n.: ?. v; fc-.i Th.? (''lutry Sniierij'tundtiit- ' ??t | i ? . ..f Hi. ?? ?' ? i > i.-n-l. un' roiled with j tti* i: ? ?xi:i kill* f*v:i: ? U^iy-' law to i? Kpiith.-ria 1 touted with * itirU-'Xir. Kill; I.-/.J than iu every Iiir t;dM"i ?*f *hw ?in- 4tavp It. Cilii . V.r:-:?v.i.;roM m !*? etude** . ?: th?- lit'-; of ??'???n oho lud| fhliit? i? Hi'*' fJjf.iju-r ihon -mtH* of I li'oxiu at ?r.:io? J Third r?J|."Trn?--rI:? ii'TTr-v'r. I* not r "My. -n Twtrtive [ :i>:? i.t t . ?:? the sick. <-**? 11 ? an a?r*?i:f t'? ?:? t"T?- .Ion of I the . i# L>1 i?* i' revolts the exteu T M' ?:> 0T~Vl '.?iicj l lUliVlIv rt V?Mt| i f! n I ?"*??? j ?'?? iri !?*?-? tfi it wofihl < Ifc* i!f?nr?i ! 01? ** L10"!* ;:n<[ fvtt'.T fho hand* of F inirth. The ??tunniU^loin'rs |?ay *?il/ if i T,1 if -I r vf h.ir ivhiains out -4 to t!s*> ?fr?ai\i oi'H 'allh. ' HiKKt Tons j:i:spoNsim.i\ L Thru ~^trr-"tcr" nr?"? reason ?i We for the fnndnrt of tie business ? -o'lK'i::''--* ;-t whbh i> j;u:y:u:> oil-. *?v their iiMnc;-. I.-* held by J'i-tl< Van Kirk.' ot the New York S>v??ren:e* Vo'.trt. He has just flted an opinion in a en so* who re a iloeklmlder-Jj*- a failed rcuwrn Piled ?. lte 11 r ee t roravor Whnt ho. lutd , lost. ? ? ???' ? ?? ?'?? "" / ? 1 _Jn hls-'oiiiaioa. filed wt'h the do- 1 ctxlon. the ius?:i-e declares that t ho fd??a ot the dirorioi-H' thrtl ihey-^Ud1 n . ?r kiiow of the loans whieh wr <"onip::nv and 1h.1t they fulfilled ! their dtttios" Iff rho manner in wliieh I ihe!*e are iia$n?lty performed by sim-i liar is. t r* ?:'d-a valid one. 1 11 ?] hlrf own word": "Where the duty of 1 UnowlriK ^t :* . ipnoranee due tn n^p- 1 11k-".i?o of duty create* the same .lln- 1 blllty as.ue'unl knoAled^e and fall-] uro ;o a< t thereon.'* This to T>e Rood th** +????! 'ti ' tl?? twnk dirni ter lirn<-?*is ruiiiiii'"i?? la Ihe ni*"i who actually iutndle the uflairs of the bank and who are trclnod to such work. W'Ju'ti thoy go wrong or eom- [ r;l i 1 ?rrurv ? , ?i i r ? ? -ii.r ? is more ? ?hui;keil and astonished than any on**! tli"'. and is of:en' a 1-yue lo>.?r ]ie- 1 ' ".'liarlly.- T.?*ditvr-!)S - - ari-h NKWS OK Till! l?.\V IN I1UIF.K 3 i:i . sv-jn. we've lih-? ? r.*ly In ?*;rl!n mdayln "1- ! hratlonof i!i?? birthday; nf Vii-imia. Luu.^-. i.lin utiiyl -iluvviM^-r o? ? "li|-V;V?k.'-H-AU-.. ^?>r. 13 ? ifore : i!i?n i ?>" ?-lti ,i rv represented at the, .???'V?-r.th n:i *-?riv? iition of the] Wi.-vonslri *.vi !? >u of EYistjup. ? ??V-'. which [fmait fr4?'(j days' yr??inn I l\: X'il'.vaiik.*.' today. * .? ~ Hoaton. i:: Tli'- Inrcrnatlo:'.- 1 ,.il I'l.lw. i'f '.\',u \. \viru. and Metal I f-Mthers ni'-r in annual conventiorf In ; ihls ?-lty .tj|Sv-.. |th i! . i attendance of! :n many lurvs. of th?l r: ? ~ \Vc,cvl , "MIpbr i i i . H3 ? Th ? R?- ? i fori:. I ??$jp;.al?;n ' \n i . I r v * ;? i j trmaiiv , ;?*rrip4 with a I *??'.? *1 i ! ! ; If. r-* r\- ? fir -t v?i r< ? -ii'-JITftio for fcor-t nor. '?'"?* ;?ri ?;??? i"?- 1 spanker. . . . Motjt.. ?? :?f M-wWj ?n?'T*rti!?tnK f ir tv.-o day* the; s i.H'' r vof held ir I v. ^sit&ua. Th?s '? ???? n? extant* include choral nrrTV-t^nti' V-^ of H lfTfr. ~ TT'-l-j ?*nB. Awvor.dn'and other VlPj j*'.* * ^ Omaha. N-l? . s- i 13 ? KvrythinK in ri nlln^s t??.r fh* o^enirtK here j fJiM wnt-k of thn( : ",tif>nrj convention? of the Fraternal llrdcr. uX Katies. An ? a?fndanc?! '?f 2*.0fi0 visitors from rii.lmt tyiri.m;lifm t ,tliQ fOUtilry ia CX-J HHronVTS. |)., 13 ?? -South I)a-j '.'"f-i'.; .man, v.iir ua^ opened L '?"re today. unriw "favorable auspices. 1 An attractive display of the State's, rrrodu'-rj? find, ST j^opa* program j6i races t combine to gtve promj3p*o? the most 1 'meeosaftil fair ever held here. . TMIo. Sept. IS- The armored cj|ii Mir.tfrnma '"ill -aall_tt:...iiiL'juUj j a. in i-ijiumro h, urn wn* rrti j>a^r-1Mt thrrfn* ttnr rptfijmrtlor ?*'? W1l A"" 'h'" ??!* h.rftfpn the cruirer will vl$jj Seattl* flmLfl! hax. parte w th*> co$ftt jjf fho" Paelflc states. - ?^a4 *? high degrees from all part* -ot Mon I Uiiia. iir? arriving illitie to ^iuni I he annual ctfrfclave o I the Knights ^ l em|*lam an.f'tbe eamisj meetings uf he grand lodge, the KoVitl Arch Ma ous tftid the Ordec or the Eastern Star x . Afore About J the North Pole 1. Vork. Sept. iV The follows 1 ? j (oj.iy ftt tire ivayy Club. i!i !'i ookfyu: " ? "Rut tie Harbor, via Cain- Ray. ?ep ! *??n?b?*r*l*. * tr . i . ? r:: ;Kntji:-*rfenVfnr rvelt will remuiri" here tluvc J .or lour^ cuallii(f. ICxpeet to I r w-h Sydney about tli^ 15th. Havo ? - ?" f* ~nrri >valfUn yl:ias mf hoard -rrhr. j and tin- .I'-iiiK- ? j-ncivod. Y-?u are I the lusl'^I-niuliila't' for the puis;1 C..u:;u^:, ? S|gu-.*d l "PEARY." 3?r Hj-jegnrtn Is r>w at Sydney. t ?-yi.il M' -.. ! '? ' , \ to f?ee| | Vhi;u:,.-tn?j.r l'eary. Tip- slEiiifltaitce :'f lh?- I -mi lv ?ut known a' -J-Lk; i Va An-tlr C.luJ?. Xavy't. H:it? on I'ole. ? ?* Woflslnj'ton. S??;>f ij. ? Cora I n.i:id?-r r. . iry'n iir, t oitl?> ;hy Nu'.P l>ei>?|*'mont dlreof zui>' to 1 3i ?? depart* k ia tlu* fallowing h:m from BjUI? ? lr rend;* as- fol low^; j ' ? ? ? j ^ Respectfully repiTFT roy 4 reJuiu; ;h:il>?-.l i. ..y N 'llli P..1H | April li. ?S-sileil) "PKARY." | Tlig- fotlnwins have b.>en |J^t-lvoilJaT~'tU>' St-Mi- noiiartnigni '?Rn'tle Harbor. September in. ? ? Him. Scrmry o! State. Waahlue u;c- ? ? " ? " Respect r'-ifiy report hotstcd Star# lard St ripen on North Tide April d. ' ? - ',1 : i I >? ;? '?? -????-ion th.f regiTTii TrThd ad;:? Tnr r.ni in the name of president Cnlted States ?f?\merka. R?v?rd ?nd t'nlted States flag left In posses (Signed) v 'PEARY." r-' Artlnjg^iT.'tHry Aileo. t>j" tha State ^ fi^p inmgiiv in ansfff r to inqiiirfcjl ' t If-- State "ii. t iiiFrit "bad 1 . .'.o romment whatever to snake, as ! there w n? no question before hin:. j Wini lirop | 'i r ; I.juyrador. Sept. 11. f ? The" steamer Roosevelt, with Com* luaiidL^ I'c-arj- oa board, is stiil at I?at?le Harbor 'odky. .The rnmmar- 1 (le'r and all the m'embers of the cre-.v | ar?j in r the do. ;?n'*mre for "North n e;-'t C."B ~ Mofiibers of the ex;, .flit ion say that the Hoi" Js It; ap;>o.ira:u e*'like oilier -,-irt^ ?'.> \V,<1< <. ? :>?>,! IM. an .*>tte:n!)t to ?e: a so'tntling was with out SUCCSiS 9 Nothing was Seen a? the Pol'e of | Dr. Onk'ff ro;?orte?l presence *here and Cooir's story of h's discovery of 1 the Pole !ri not bellej^d h^*r*?. ' The p.-irrv ?edg,"?* ?? 1 1 miles rn ^ ay ?.?> the Pole. The ^onditjons for over the ice were absolutely C'J: J.*t ? ; tal. ? TIjp Roosevelt spent the wi;rtvT months in n2.:>??. AT THK 1*1X1 K. .? TTrisrf ? +ti ih** Dixie begins an otber v.-'>?k of flrsl-clasH vaudeville in ad'di-ioii u> ;h?"Jnr?st excellent pic .The Sister Terim will be the 21 tract ton and they come to \Va?h-. ingfon v jfh tho highest commenda rTon fr^m lovers of good mnMe and dun- li t. Cor.ipeteiit critics pronounce -rffrrr-ff !????!-'. r^-1 ttn.r;u-A?M '1 !>,.^ r.tffa.-?lon at Ore. Dixie tonight ai:d remainder c.f the wejk r hot, Id be Tiit? au 'uducement for packed hoiiK?>?. The managpmoQ, will s*io^ ? ?- ! ? ? n t.i-.T |rfi '????!. i' f pru rmred. I'ome Out tonight anx! enjoyj lionrV fun a:ul merriment. . Tlrej Ml tie nr. r. g if Jill y ,a 1 1 r n^? ! ve thle] lfieks*C.:ptidln'* Cut en Sick Headac he .vl. 3 Nurvdua^ Knadactie. Txav&ifir^! f ^lPTdnriin ? ? ar+F-.- - frntn fir'p. SIcntic.'.JT Troubles or Female trou br-iv* Try,. C?j)ndl!?fr? !?'!? liquid ? . -P". fi. .neJ!:hla great female remedy ? WINEi BF CARDUI ,*?0 why not to I you ? For headache, backache, periodical poms. female weak ness. many have said It la "the I but medicine to take." Try U I j JSi ta TU? City j m t don't pa^tQjW^it ! . 1 1 Buy this WHARF PROPERTY aWnihg i the five -story . ^ grist and * , ' '.4 1 flour mill now, while you cari get it. Do this TODAY. A. C. HATHAWAY? Ltnn Wore! MUffiMWCV.'pjlfoN L.\( HANCl. Jam. ?\V. Cole WOOD 6 CO., c BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS. BONDS. COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS:. V 73 PL.I M r s'rRUik/V.'C\kl'K1N'I'l'[t lU'IIJilN^r^fORTOO;. VX. Wlvate Wirt, to N. Y. S'ock Exchange, N.- Y. Cotton Exehanxc. Chictfeo H Board of Trade and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given oflteful attention;' ~ Subscriptions T Votes lor the Gold and Silver Set Are Issued Only to Those Who . Pay at our Office EARLY FALL SUITS Are nttvv on displayrand^to introduce this line we have) made special prices: , Suits wonh $30.00 for 522- 50 i Suits worth $20.00 for .... .$12.50 Suits wo mi 25-00 for . ; ? 17.501 Suits 'worth 15.00 for .... .^fLO.QO E. W. AYERS tv MIT.I^'HV FROM GEO. H. HILL Your horse will be well cared for at Hill's Stables. ?HELP IS OFFERED? WORTHY YOING'MEN AND WOMEN. iNo matter how limited your means ol education, the GREAT AMERICAN' SHORTHAND AMD BUSI NESS COLLEGE, Durham. N. C-. is ready and willing to help You secure a higW-grade Business Education. TheONLY Business College In the Caro linas presided over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A suffi cient guarantee of its superiority. Enter now on J-'asy payment plaint . DEPARTMENTS; Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting. Telegraphy, Penmanshio. Civil Service. English Branches^ciCi. Expert Faculty ? Rail , road Fare Paid? Positions Guaranteed. ~ ~ " * T"lv l>AT!-: IX HIK-TOKT * September lij. * 1 British under Wolxe . cap tured i/j. bee from the French. l.vv Congress made NVw York H)l? ?m IDTQl f jsfi;? The coton crop of Georgfa reported r.uined by caterpl liars. 1 h 1 3 ? t^n . .1 oTtt! Sedgwick. _hnm in Cor.'i'vair, (John.. was* horn. Hjs wfcj k:i3ei at SuyjUfiylvunia Court hou.r i' M?y 9, 1*6-1. . 1 1 ?-r 'Jen, John M. Palmer -born. Pled Sept. J6. 1&00. . ? 1 '*rt- 'tnrrt??? A. WkAHffe .of Itr. j "became |. >ajwai?7- -Americans under ' S^ott d<-f<-ated the" Mexicans. In barT of Chard tepee. ' j 1S70? Prdaper Merlmee, author ofj "Carmen "died at Cttnne*, France. Born In I'arlSi Sept.. '28, 1K1>8. Ic ConprosB-ln London closed ;\ith a I gTfcat paraffST" - (SW MAHKKTi Egs? !lc Chickens, frown . 25 to S6c SwiiiK rhtefcres: , ..?r'.../-10to-?*tr ^ to-*c H i v At mU Pr*fi i n, r, i W.WBr DPPORTUNITIES ("^ H A'I K, 1 rent pet word. jnay be received ?t this office. ? insure pror pf attention at} adver ;menia should tp Jn- business office ?y *2.45 ib. Ada. by mowiiypr tplr mail given careful attention. FOIt KALE. t*OR HALK ? TWO POOL TAULKS, ?prod I'uudtuon: Ttermb to suit -pnr* cljnser.; one C'ary uafCTlJOO puiinUtfc A;-B. Drtughau. 14 SOU MALE ? (ASH. RKOiSTKR. .Call or T)i? n?ilv FRESH FALL SEED ? CLOVER. Rvc, Rape,'. Vetcfi. Cabbage and" Turnlji. Dr. Hardy's Drug StOro. _ have on hand 25 fine canary birds, good songfcters. beautiful plumage, guaranteed to ftlngt Price per pair, ~ |5T~ single birds, $2. GOT, ""Guaran teed safo delivery anywhere In the State. Address W. H. Gasklns, I "Aurora, N. C;. i __ ' ^ ? __ . .. ? . MISCELLANEOUS. 1M> YOl' WANT TO HECOME A stenographer? Take tho Business Course In th?V Public School. Tul-. tionr $5 a month, iti advance. Tills ermtrg-iB-opgn to ah? one, whether you attend the Public School or not. Soo the Sjiperlntjandcnt arid arrange to take"the course. % /j STENOGRAPHER A X I> T V P E wrlter.' Lej mo. write your letters. MIkh Beulah Thu mason- 1 1 r. Mar ket* street? ? WAN'TKIi ? T<> IH'V oSK 11^1.1. top desk and one Hat top desk. Call on or write W. T. Bailey .^Jr. Today the Last Day ~ "The News Mflouhrss thaT" this will be the last^day'jtCf^ubscrlbers | ure coupons In the. vptlng_gon test. now going on at Smlther & Co., from this paper, cs JL will not. be In?. : benrd nfit'i tlmt dale. ? Hewi-vr, n)I I subscribers wishing to pay their sub ict?t!cn or any wishing to subscribe. I to! The News,, can do so, receiving j voting coupons a** heretofore. This uj^h will be , carried on u:? until the ^ime the ro:it?At close3 \\jjdnesday, . September l.'.. Re member no cdnpons wRlfc be published after today. b*.!% [subscribers paying ihelr subscription may secdre their votes at the Newy office to the cad ot thq contest. " Bear this In mind. * SCHEDULE OAS BOAT VICTORT" Tuesday, Thursday.and SatutdaT ' Leave Hunter's Bridge C a. m: ar- j Leave Washington 2".30 p^ m.-, "arrive-J Bath 5. p. m.. Hunter's Bridge 5.30. Fare. 50c. rourtd trip, 35c. one way. wiiuiM nmn Mn?t?r. OYSTERS! PHONE H7. Delivcrftfl HI Jlij yai t uf i ii j 38 hm> quart. ^Served hi any style. steamed*-} Ocratoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. DOUGHTY & W Y ATT. The Words You Speak Are the outward marks of youri. Intellectual capacities. _ When you speak do you show every one that you are educated, e pic tured and refined, or do you simply publish to the world the fait tlmt you ?i?n a-porsori^ of only ordlnaryMntelllgence and itferase 'culture? In other Do You Speak' English Correctly? In this progressive age, the ability to read* write and speak English correctly Is the-great """ 1 111 II r III I I nil (I It adds to one's money-making possibilities and furnishes a no ticeable final touch . to one'p" personality. You are the best juHgW of how you stand, and |f you are not satisfied do not put It off until it la too tate. There Is a popular, interesting polish up. your English. Von will not have to wade through " dry," uninteresting -- books. The magazine. "Cor rect English,!^ Hnd the book, " The Art of ConverMrtioa," will give yoji invaluable aid. 8ee following special offer: sample copy of Correct Eng lish. For this money yr e will also send you a copy oFthe pre mium edition of "Tlie Art. of Conversation" whl?h gives twelve Invaluable rnlea to the person who would know how to VT llllllUVUiig in fr JBJS&ai ffir lish Into a. field where It will ^ ? ? ? ? ~ ? ?a: . *ot both magazine and. this I "hoo|t for ldc, you must i T fbut- amount immediately. SCBCIAI48TB H. W. CARTER, M. D. of lEe C?r. "-"niF-frn isFInglon, Dr, llardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN and SURGEON '-Washinnlonj N: C. ^ DR. H. SMELL Dentist. 1 Office corner of Maim and Respass Streets. "HionelM^ ? "Washington* N. C. ATTOK.VKV8 WARD & GRIMES ATTOKNEYS-AT'LAW Washington. .N- C- v We practice in the Courts of the First ? Judicial District. and the. . Federal Courts. John H. Small. A. D. MaclLcdf ?' Harry McNlullan, SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN ~~"* ATTORNEYSAT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY-AT-tanr washinfrton, Norlli IONIUM. Practices in all the Courtis. w. M. BONI>,Eit