? ? , ANOTHER LOT W LADIES' TAILORED SUITS CORRECT STYLES Prices range $10.00 up to $50.00 J. K. HOYT BRING US YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED Just arrived the very best and lat est patterns in - mouldings. Work done neat ly and promptly. Full Stock EdiSon Pho nographs and Records RUSS BROS. THE PJCTI RE FRAME RS. , GEM Theater TO-NIGHT ? FIVE-PIECE ORCHESTRA NEW YOltK CITY ? Panoramic xhj-: s.AiLtm in if ??!**! ?? ruk-Tu dratna. rui-:. m-;? k 11 > 'i i lit; ikon 5t\Slv? ? Trlcii^oiinjtl'y. ( HEAl/"Ot?ll IIEELS IX POLI TICS ? Comply, 'TO tiAI.KsCiBVS M.VT|\KK n>Ol, ? Comedy drama. GEM THEATER Just Received -- i ? A large shipment of the new, large-size package, GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER We have a special deal on same. - E. R. MIXON & CO. For a Proof Of the superior virtues of the GAS RANGE, call on|that friend of yours whojhas 'one and do a little cooking on it ? and also secure her opinion as [to ? , its handiness aud its economical. ? ? tures. We will guarantee that then you will call and investigate, the cost, ctg., for our best advertisers are our satisfied clients. Washington Light & Water Co. ^Boiis.i-our.fciouse I.eak. If so, we can stop it. All Kinds of Roofing Galvanized Iron, Carey's, Magnesia, Rubber and Tar Paper. The price is right. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co. T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. DEALER IN dry goods, shoes, notions, millinery LARGF, SHIPMENTS New Buggies Just Received. A few SECOND HAND j Ones will be sold cheap. WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE B LJ^M.AN' , ?lieu. SAUCY LATE Trochet's Cofchfcme " l. l iui ivilLuMAUSm and uOOl endorsed by the highest -nedical authorities of Europe -n i America, Dispensed only In spherical capsules, which di? solve in liquids of the stomach without causing Irritation Oi ? Price, f! per bottle. - solve in liquid* dtsagr-eable symptoms. nmnf f( pc druggists. Br sure and Ket the genuine WUMUQCTB. CO.. rUTBLAJfB. Sold 4* to Rest Today , Arden. N. Y . Sept. 13.? "Parnl Vlouij acicmU an4 oedema ~o? llTfT lungs" was Lhe chief cause ol K>yl? alfw states -pbgtTfvely fiT the certificate filed with the town "cTerk that Mr. Harriman's death oc curred at 3: 35. p. m. on September 9th. The certificate, which is attest ed by 'Walter Averlll Harrlman, Mr. Harrlman's eldest son. reads in part: "I hereby certify that I attended the deoeased from August 4, 1909, to 'Sfcptejnber 9, 1909. that I last saw him alive September 1909". arnL that death occurred on the date stat ed above at 3:35 p. m " Following the foregoing Is the ^ause of death as given and the sig nature appended. Dr. Lyle's action In ampllfylng'on j tin# tiefUfiCSte filed with the under taker smoothed over what might, have developed into a hitch at the -funeral. B: ? S. Fl'llmeton , ' acting town clerk at Highland Mills, had said previous to the fiUn# of^the cer tificate that he did not feel that Dr. Lyle's statement to the undertaker was sufficient. However, the amend ed ccrtifium adjusted the matter Im mediately. Prepare Jj*or Funeral. Between ...fifty and sixty of the country's prominent men, Including financiers, lawyers, physicians and men - well known In the business world, will attend the funeral of Ed JWM^-HrHarrlman today. They will come from New York on a special train, tearing Jersey City at 2 p. m. At St. John's Episcopal Church, a lit tle stone chapel, which nestles in the reddening Tower Hill, they will join the group of mourners who will have accompanied the_?uneral procession from Arden house. Tlfe- bu riaf^jf" the cou ntry a grea tes t railroad finanfler, the arrangements have been none the less careful and elaborate. Several hours before the Harrlman carriages bearing the ar I riving" "men of prominence up Trom Arden station, a prnccsqinn rf U v*ry different kind- will march slowly over the roM leading to thf* nncnmp1?tArt palace on the hill. It will be com posed of the 500 workmen employed on the Harrlman ''estate, and at-nine | o'chu'tr !n ttin nnmili.g they will W permitted to file through the room Itctr the bud> 0t cne man or whom one of them said today: "A4 ? hm nmuiiLil w wuiUBfill I lk-i1 i')ui" selves. Just an elder workman whom we cared a good deal about." No precautions have been omitted to protect the funeral car on its way down the hill. Although? the "Toad has boen smoothed to perfection six tech of the most stalwart workmen were selected today to, act as a guard of honor. They will' walk one on either side of the hearse and the car riager'conlalnlng the mourners. The ceremony at the house at 10 a. m. will be1 a communion service conducted by the family chaplain, the Rev. McGuinnes. At II o'clock the public memorial service will be held ' at St. Johns, at which Dr. McGulnnes will deliver the only eulogy. ? No plans^urre been spared to make the funeral at 3 o'clock as private as pos sible. ? * It is estimated tfiat the flowers re ceived will fill four freight cars. There was a steady stream of car "PTSiffe?_an^rautomobiIe8 bringing the tributes nn ffl early morning until late this after noon. Boxes and baskets of flowers expressed have accumulated ln.eueh quantities that tTCQupaclal oars wHI be used to bring them up tomorrow morning. Thus far the Arden telegraph office has received more than 400 messages expressing condolence^. OFFICE TO BE ENLARGED. Tho offlee of the County Sufcertn orS^TjooIs, ii) the courthouse, is lo be enlarged by taking the room between the pgpnent offlc* and the one occupied by the Clerk of the Su perior Court. For sometime the superintendent's office has been in adequate to the requirement*. CAPLI>(Se for "That Headache." Out last night? Headache and nervous this morning? Hicks' Capti dlne just the thin* to fit jou T6t buslneas. Clears the heart ? braces the nerves. Try It. "At drug stores. Comlented Item of latere* Uap| | petiing ITiroegbeec tfc? 3UUe. for the capture of Chas. Fodrell and J, U Fox, convicts who recently escaped. In addition to the rewrfrds offered by the State's prison. Charles Fodrell .Is a negro who whs under Ute sen teiiee-for mtif der In ihe Slate's prison; he escaped froua the convlcfraamp a^flaurinburgL on August 15, 1$09. His escape was due to the fact that tbe guayds' gun failed to fire when he refused to halt. J. L. Fox Is a white man and was un der sentence ol 12 year* to the State prison ? for ? m&hslaughter. He ea caped from the prison July 3-," 1909. The guard responsible for his escape has been Iti the employ of the prison for three years and his services had alwav3 prny?TV Jkl guard $as beeu diamine d on account of 'Fox's escape. ? Raleigh Times. ' | accepted ten of the 22 buildings un der constructional the Central Hos pital fQ^thw Insane and Epileptics hero. The ten building* will care for 415 patients and the cost, with equip ments aggregates about SS5.000. The woman's convalescent building will accommodate about- 100. These are three groups of colony buildings, two groups of which are devoted to I th**- epileptics thiouKiwut ljFe~State; one group to be 'used -fur?con vales? cent males; eachgro<:]> providing for 150 patients. .Th&tu colony build ings are located far away from the general institution, so that life- Witt be made as home-like as possible. Besides the buildings in -course of | erection one large general - fining-' room ani| o'nc ljmnrfrf hnHfllnfl, thonn o, with their ?(jtztpuieiits, to cost about I3S.000. The dining- room is in the rear of the male wing of th?" great main building. and its purpose is to provide one general hall where ail the male natlanfa mtv mtaWe and take their meals toegther, there by prtirldlDC more room In the pres ent building for patients Plans were perfected at a meeting! of the directors of the Central Caro lina Frflr Association whereby, the mammoth OreworJcs display of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius will be re produced by the Payne company one night during the fair It will be re membered that It was this company which last year made tbe excellent diaplaf, showing the fall of Port Ar thur, and the display to be made this year is said to be greatly superior to tag it was also decided to spend $4. 00U Ifc^BeFb^Ing' free attractions for the fair. This is a much larger amount than -Triail 1 for these at tractions last fear) and the free ex hibitions UJba, given at this year's fatr.nrillJ "gfMtijr mirpsss jpy?fcing heretofore given in this State. ? | ureensboro News. " ' * tmvioaon horse traders may And interest in a story told by the Cha tham Record, which la thusly: A well-known farmrr of Chatham tended the recent term of court, and : p.nri?rlng of hie ? etay nwapped tttS mule for a horse and gave 120 to 36SSt rT1 " I ttlBif BoS >k"" mule aside and trimmed him up. fur bishing him up, and Improved his ap pearance to such an extent that his late owner did not recognize him. Seeing the mule, he 106k a fancy to htm. and gave the trader $10 boot between the mule and the horse. Thus he paid out $30 in money and carried the Bam mule back home. Both he and the mule were trimmed. ? Letizrgton Dlspatrh. . I Peanut growers in the surrotfnd iag section are beginning to harvest their 'Spanish peanut crop and will begin to'bring them to market by the first of the month. The prospects for the best crop Tift- several years in all varieties of peanuta la still the talk. While reports from Pender county indicate that th?i rrnp will hn good one and more than the aver age yield, a farmer from that section yesterday stated that It Would be 1 larger with more rain through out that county, JThfl fiftamil tlnn Tfill principally in Pender^Onalow and Brunswick counties and with the ap proach of the harvesting esason deal- 1 "675 are taking much Interest in the., yield. The Sj>anf?h. crop, whict) Is always the first, will be on the mar ket now- within a short time and If prices remain good they will be most! satisfactory to the growers. ? Wll- j ? mlngton Star. Messrs. Hugh and Donald McRae, two wealthy Witmingtonlans, who own the land on. Grandfather moun tain in the Westero.^pai& of North ?arolina. have made the State a pres ent of it The following is taken from an Exchange: "It la learned from "State Geologist Prttt that* an other large and extremely Important area of lofty mountain land becomes a State present by the gift ot lta own ers. He says the McRaes ? Hugh and Donald ? thua give Grandfather mountain to North ..Carolina.- This mountain is owned by and near lta three summit* run that| grand roid, the Yonah Loasu turn | pike, which they built, fhta gift fol lows the o;ie mad* hy ffflHTfr sand acres of his lan 4- above the (FO I thouaam* contour Hne "? New Bern | Journal. ratmers meeting E?t? N^r M?w UD?n? that tb??e will Iw ? farmers' MliwitBMl.maatiarTtMa' ?t Wuhlogton on TuMdt/. Stpum. Among the lmpor'tag? subjects to be discussed will be drain***, stock raising, -cattle quarantine, and farm management with reference to corn and cottou. ? , .The meeting- haa. -batm ? arranged with the sole purpose of bringing substantial $itd practical information rand benefit to titoue who are engaged In the cultivation of the soil. The meeting will begin At .10 1 o'clook a. m. and therfe will bo a forenoon and. afternoon session. J - - ? Veiy iwjpectfullyT^ * " 4J ^NO. H, SMALL. Washington. N. C.. Sept. *1 ? 1909. The Business Course at the Public School. . vrlP ?hogfrn- -Monday: ? ttr offers you an opportunity taiwcomo an expert stenographer for the small fee .of >5.00 a month.. R HEUMATISM makes aman Jose courage. It is almost impossible 4 to work while racked with pain. Sloan's Liniment giv^s rdicf at onrr, stnpa thr pain, ? quickens the blood and draws out all stiffness and soreness. You don't need to rub ? it penetrates. Mr. J. P. rTAWi.Mt. AlT7.0a..Mp: " 1 aaff?red with rMomaUna for thre*s year*. One 1m iu bxllv awollun 1 Iruui my titp lo my It See. I niw ~ Sloan's Llnlniftnt aixl it cared me wall the pain abd ? welling oak." 411 prrnnltUhmJt Mm 25c^ 4 9100. _ itfEiilS.awiii) Bo?tuu.M? ? BANANAS and APPLES TODAY Extra Fine Stock. Call E. .L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Deary Bros.' Old Stand. WANTED One or two lots or bouses and lots in a desirable part of the city? have clients for pur chase. ? . Also can handle one or two small farms, if not too far from the city? 25 "to 50 acres cleared land with neces sary buildings and right price. T you to see our 1 * List of OFFERINGS And jf you have any proper ty that you want to turn in to cash we are in a position to get quicker results than you could yourself. Times are going to he good again in a very short dine, and you had better begin took ing around. WASHINGTON INVESTMENT CO. EAST CAROLINA j Teachers' Training School I Established And maintained by the Stale for the young men p and women wh6 with to qualify themselves for the profession M of teaching. Rottdings and equipment new ond modern. Sani 3 tation perfect' _ ' V y _ V. S- " SESSION OPENS OCTOBP* STH, it For prospectus and Information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT, 3 President, GreenvfUe. N. C. i ?'Si \ 'j ,f& vilU FURNITURE FURNITURE! - Hnn?fe|tsrrr- "lowld visit umi mad view the latest fads ia Fuiiilaliluiia, ewL.T fct the home Our fall line la replete ith home necessities. See ua before purchasing. - ? ? JEFFERSON FURNITURE CO. ? - - ~ ^=For Scfaool or Dress=^ We; are showing the largest line of BoyV, Misses an?r~ Infants Shoe? we have ever shown. They are made bv " ' ~ ~ ar.e ?.he acknowledged leaders ia Children's Shoes, ? 1_LEI ME MAKE YOUR Picture Frames foFyou. ? Agents for Green's Chocolate a _ Candy. SPECIAL LINE 1 of POST CARDS 'l*bone 58. H. G. Sparrow. There's Always a "BeMPt**" in Which to Buy It! Nniif ?r\>irtl^(Iu'un ""would i?? ?in --' empty phrase. Indeed, if It were not true (hftLtheni Ii always a beat place to buy a particular thing. If tiie contemplated purchase is o I any im portance. the question of where to ! go i* of equal importance; and the queation can beat be settled '?and . usually very quickly ? by reading the ads. m , IF ALIi? OP THE PURCHASES : _y6f MAKb lX TUB OQtltSfc OF A ^YEAR were made AFTKR CONSID ERING THE AI>S? and made ? in consequence? to "the best advan tage" store-competition would then bg1.00 per iar. DfLHAknya npirfl mtaBKi ? _ ; SCHOOL SHOES THAT knight Shoe Co