Last Edition VOLUME!. ' WASHINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY Jtf^ERNOON, SEPTEMBER 14 1909. NO. 34 ISIASM UNO BID HE : - PREVAILED AT MASS MEETING tlOL - !4ltB City Hall Crowded With Citizens 9t Night to" Hear The Street ad Issue Discussed? Much Hi terest ~rj MEETING INDEX OF VICTORY There was a mass meeting at the City Hall, last night, .or-the cltlteng tp discuss the all Important question .of Issuing boada -Jjd the amount of $25,000 fo*"Wreet Improvements and to provide ways and means toward polls. The city hall- was crowded to ? I ? Us nfTtinwt. an A enthusiasm prevailed _ and much . in tfit* won and, too. by a handsome majority. The meeting was called! to order at 8 o'clock by Mayor Ster-. ling, who stated what was the pujF pose. He then called *Capt. Geo. J. ^.mutftert to the chair. Capt. 8tud V ed to Without delay. Oskdate Cemetery In a beautiful plat of ground and could be much 9 more se If the citisens would par ? on ore attention' to it. Never neglect die city of the Qead. - along those lines. Capt. Leach spoke as to the cost of the rock. That he had been assured by Mr^JS. T. Lamb, general manager of the Norfolk and Southern, tt)At (hey would be given a rate which would be entirely satisfactory. His information was that the cost would ha about 11.25 The rltlzaiiB would only have to buthL the sidewalks.: Both Capt. Le^ch and Mr, Baughanf pledged thmrimlvBS to vote that th^J uij uuiia thw iirent anq c'HrMng. Mayor Sterling was of the same Opinion. Aldermen Tayloe and Jones stated thfs would be their decision. A discussion was entered Into by Rev. W. H. Call, Mr. Leach and Mr. Hstigham, .as to the kind and width of walks, &c. Major Rodman direct ed the meeting's attention to 'the streets 1'n Elizabeth' City, Klnston, New- Bern and Greenville. A motion was made by Major Rodman that the chair appoint a committer , of five froqj each ward whose duty it shall "be to see that all those registered go to the polls and work And see to It that all favoring this proposition cast their vote. "The bill authorizing this election was then read by Major Rod man." y Col. H. C. Bragaw and, Stephen C Bragaw, Esq., spoke in favor of the proposition. Mr. J. F. JTayloe moved that a res olution be adopted by the meeting requesting the' Aldermen and Im provement Board to pave the streets and furnish curbing and that the property owners be required to pave 'the sidewalks. This was adopted. Improvement Committee, spoke In A. Phillips, T. Jiarvey Myers, P. J. Bftrry and George Hackney, mado re marks favoratxJe. ? The meeting adjourned at a late -hour -and all thoHC pruseut went to their respective homes feellnfe that' "tod%y .the .y.otfirfl? of Washington would ^see to it the city took another Ifl.n tnicurrl nrngrpss an3*that they would do all .sdthin their power to ^ee i hat ihe election vfas carried hy a goo(L*?sfe majority. No meeting in recent" years carried with It a greater smohnt of enthusiasm. Good feeling I prevailed an/1 all seemed to be re I solved on Washington going toward (.the front. . SPECIAL-ELECTION IN NEW JERSEY To Decide Adoption or Rejec tion of Amendments to the State Constitution. Treaty tt. J., Sept. 14 ? A ?pect?l election Is In progress throughout New Jersey today to decide upon the adoption or rejection of certain pro stltutlon The ted to the voters for decision call for the reform of" the Judtclsry system, th a hot? of pardons, the division of the eountlea Into assembly districts, the separa tion of the municipal from the State and national elections and aa exten sion of the terms of certain State and- county oBiets. ? ? 19 Prisoners Awaiting Trial j There *r? now confined In the county Jail ir prisoners awaiting awaiting trial at the next term of Beaufort cqunty Superior court, heretofore the October court hae teen for two weeka, but the last Gen eral Assembly reduced the term to ofih week, giving Dare county the MdlUonal .week. So C ^OraW* term for this county will only bis one week. Judge O. W. Ward, of ] beth City, will ? reside I Would yon think a i ?u if lii ?iliwiWai MNrMiwif iCITT ill CAST FOR STREETS The city election to decide whether | or not the Board of Alderman* sh In^ic bonds to the amount of >925,000 for street Improvement#, has been passed off quietly. The QUzens have gone to the poll* and cost their votes as they ?aw the question, ami from the hour of going to pretw the indi cations are the street Improvement advocates Will win by a good safe majority. The following is the vote cast In the respective ^wards at 4 o'clock: .? FIRST WAkn. For streets i . .. 80 Agdlnst -streets f) [ ? HGGOND WARD* For Streets 70 1 Against streets 81 THIRD WARI>. ^streets. . 7. . . . . . seal Against street*. , . ..... 4 1 ? unnifi wahu. For street*. . . .7777*. ..... ? . . Against streets . . . .. ....... .'. jll total rote for streets. ...... .313 Total vote against streets S3 ' PROVIDE HOME TOR CAR MENl Association of Railway Q?r Men | to a Establish Brotherhood Home in Georgia. Atlanta, (5a.. Sept. 14 ? Establish ment of a, brotherhood Jiome in Geor gia and tlie location of, the Interna tional headquarters In Atlanta are among the important -matters to be^ decided by the International Associa tion of Railway Car Men during the convention which opened here today. It la the intention pf the order to erect a~5ultable home for their ln capacitated members aoinf>Whar?? the South preferably, along the lines 't?f the home erected-, by- the Interna tional Typographies 1 l?nkm-at-Bi ver. Col. If tbu-Houth G40Fgl& 41 te is seiect ed this will probably mean Atlanta is to have thp 1ipa?^iartf?rg Irt future of this organizatieff; and if go. it will -be thu ~fTrit~ international organlza At the coming convention, which will Inst 1 fl riava. th?r> .r- !,?!) rp,n lar delegates from the SOU loral un ions throughout the United States, and in addition. 1000 visitors, mem bers and tb&ir wives, are expecttd In the next few days. This organisation also has unions In Panama and Mexico, wtycb attend Already Atlantic City Is bidding for the convention In 1910. Popular Play _ Coming Friday The patp>tes/"o7 Brown'? Opera House be -offered a_ genuine dra matic ndvelty next Friday. September _17, when Clay T. Vance** company of players. headed by Miss Marlon Sherwood. In "The Final Settlement." which la one of the moat Interesting and absorbing dramaa of present day American life.. The atory deals with present day people 1 present day in cldents In the Uvea of our "sudden rich" class. and to the resd!ng pub 11c. converaant With filiating coa44-J tioaa among thts.claas, the story can not fall to leave the impress ae a logical and powerful argument for the preservation of tfc# vba'nctity of the Home and thr sacregrresi of th? m a rMtga VOW. -r-b Unlike the claptrap and cheap heroics of the modern melodrama, the story is consistent and one ot la* tenso hoart interest. Dramatic cltmitsft'oT an exacting character are delicately Interwoven with subtle realism, the whole relieved by scin tillating bits of wholesome comedy which in nowise Interfere with the serloua- progress of the story. The presenting company ta 'said to be an unirfually capable one and Manager Vance proiuteea mo adequate scenic and costume environment The en gagement will be limited to one nlsht aad reserved seats will be foand on sate at Brown's Drug Store, com mencing next Thursday. September | l?th. > ? ' pu,""! 801,001 Wh.nT N?t Mondaj, aqtrab,, u. BANKERS IN AN NUAL SESSION Began Its A in +hn - "9 fuWtlTOW 111 . UXC City of Chicago Eariy This Morning. was fol |(ldi ess of 'go, and other of leports of concluded Chlcj _ Bankers' Assoclatlc w nual convention in the au'cloCk 'this morning, usually )BrR8 ? and a liberal sprinkling and Qn-lookors, welcomed to the cltx b jrw bert, president of the Chi fng House Association. State by Governor Charlc To the words of welcome^ J-Lowry, of Atlanta*- fori dent of the association, . behalf of the visiting b*n| The exchange of greet s, lowed by the presidential] Geo. M. Reynolds, of CLj the annual reports of Ch^ fleers of the association. tho standing eomnrfttgg Features of the pri tflfflOftn wirrn ?dflniwn eplf G. Cannon, speaker i of Representatives; Law ray. comptroller of the ? James J. Hill; -f*re?ftlent oi Northern Railroad. No sessions of th lw liwld tumum noon there will be trust company section ftl Ing house section, and Ing to organize an aasocla' retarles of State bai tlons. In the afternoon bankers will go to Gray, Inspect the pl^nt of-^fee Company License Failure In Big Citiesl this af ok at the wpmen and children thrown Into compfttl tlon with-men in the labor market by thif traffic. Talk of child slavery! Is not this the chief cause? Do not the women and children starve and shiver in the cold without homes and comforts while _the husband spends his money In the saloon? I, ask not only does it not pay, but how dare we continue this System and claim to be m6n?" | MOVING house. on Bridge street a small outhouso, to Washington stteat, where he la erecting a tenement houas. , L* ."?? ^ AMERICA DOWNS * ALL AVIATORS Curtiss Wins the Big Prize at Brescia, Italy ? Receives $6,000. ? Brescia, ttaiy.>=8etrt. . 12? Glenn H. (Turtles, the American aviator, 'who won the international- cup at -itheims, captured the grand prize in the ^vlatlon moot horo Curtlss made hta flight fo'r*fiie grand prize yestecday, covering 50 kilo metres ( 31.05 miles) or five times aroujnd the Course In 4 9 m'nUtea. 24 seconds.** His share of. the $10,00Q prize is $6,000. Rougler, the French aviator, ^Uo. comi>eted. making a flight of 50 kil ometres In l hour -10 minutes IS seconds. He was awarded the second jjflze. ' * ^ Curtlss alos won the prize for seconds. Ltjblanc was second in this contest in 6 3-4 seconds. The last day of the international conrost Drought out an immense crowd. ~Tho weather conditions were uiieedfRKlJ1 fUVoraDie. Princess Le tltla, the stepmother of the Duke of the Abruzzi, was present and, sur rounded by her court, received all the foreign aviators. She warmly congratulated Mr. Curtlss. _ She said ~that she had followed with Interest, ihe eirorts to solve the probletai of aerial _ navigation and that'she was looking forward to the day when it would be ixossible to make a long ?oyage in the air. Turning to Cur tlss she said Tn Kngllsh, "%'out3 you take me with yov/rS. ' - Mr". Curtlss replied: should be delighted. If my machine were fitted i for carrying* passengers." He ex plained that the small seat which had been made for the purpose of carry ing a passenger bad been left behind ; at Rhelms. Blerlot made several brilliant flights, but did not compete for- the grand prize, after which Curtlss en tered for the altitude prize. He as cended to a height of 51 nietren (about 165 feet) thereby gaining second prize, -while the first prize] was awarded to Rougler. who danced proii.wl tilth (Iftllpl.t ? -? t ^ " CUr~ tlss Is a true gentleman^ He might have gone higher than I, but ho to Jaa.v-8 mij.ufe frr?t prlte. This is real American chivalry?' Rougier's record, made several datvs ago. was lffU metres. ~ g Lieut. C al dbroa^ wa s^Oie^wi n n e f ^ which a prize of >600 . w as_2|l?ifciL_ He made four rounds of the course with Lieut. Savoia. . He also captured the national speed prize, the distance being one lap Cnrtisj added to his winnings by taking one of the daily speed contests as well as one of the dally hieght events. PRESIDENT TAFT NOW IN BOSTON The President Reaches the Hub From His Summer Home Today. V* " Boston, Mass., Sept. 14 ? President Taft was the observed of all observ-> ers upon his arrival In Boston today from his sifmmer home at Beverly. 1 Among the hundreds who came In 1 contact with him there wa? comment unlimited liwegarda to HIS appear ance of robust, and the opinion was ^jH^rerwlly expressed that his so la fine fettle to stand the wear and tear of the transcontinental journey upon which he to to start tomorrow fiornTn*. - ? The Chamber of Commerce ban quet In honor of the President. _to night bidi fair to outshine all of the similar function given fn Boston In recent years. Arrangements have been made to seat nearly 2,000 din ers in Mechanics Building, where the affairs takes place, and itjs expected | an additional 2,000 spec tatoraw will ? fltt-th*-ap?Htinr which for a time seemed imminent has lately shown slgns^of subsiding, j an_ additional measure of preoau- : tlftn tovQrnment has massed the troops which are avallable' at pritr L Qlnftl n ninta * ' [| | yfc| fir I ajl disturbances. ' > cormer fifteen Dies in Asheville r ; Mrs. B. F. Poweri and-Mr. Joseph 1 | F. Tayloe returned" yesterday -from j | Raleigh, where tfiey went to attend i j the funeral over the remains of tho ? [ late J. Val Perkins, a former resident! of this city, and uncle of Mrs. Bow- 1 |-ersr ? Mr ? pgrhhra passed awTtr- "tTrf i AslretilJe Sunday, where he had been | ! ror some time hdplng to recover his accustomed"* helTOir*-He W3& about 26 years of age and a young maTf widely known. He had been suffer ing from tuberculosis for the* past two >ears. He was a manly fellow, and wherever his lot was cast always wielded great influence among his friends, who were legion. Perkins moved from this city several years ago, and at the time of his death was In the employ of Boyden and Peace as salesman. The funeral took place yesterday at 12:^0 in Raleigh. Ladies Invited F/iday Afternoon The ladles of the city are requested by Superltnendent Kewbold. of th% Washington Public Schools, to meet in the schooj auditorium next Friday afterfHMHtrat'4 o'clock. The purpose of this . meeting is to organize a Ladies' Betterment Association . ( This association will be called upon to aid and assist in beautifying and decorat ing the Interior of the school build ing In the way of hanging suitable pictures, the planting of flowers, Ac. This Is a move in the right direction and the ladies of the'clty should enter into this scheme with a will and help thos#~tn charge to make the school, home attractive and ornamental. A large attendance of the ladffes. Fri day afternoon, Is especially desired. 1 IAROB M'MBKR Of FARMERS. Farmers are her* todaysfrom erery | e&ion of tfre ee*?< ? m MM courthouse. All are jubilant orvr the In* proap?cU for crofta In their wc TRIAL OF FORMER - ADJUTANT GEN'L The State of* Washington Thor oughly Aroused Over the Trial. f * Olympic; Wash.. Sent. 11 Nn ' ? orfm'lnai rase of recent .years * has aroused, such Interest throughout the State of Washington a? tfiat of form er Adjutant General Ortis Hamiltpn. who faces trtaMrefore the teransrttfir superior court now In session on xhargos of embezzling state funds. I he furqier social standing of the ac and the gcan^jalB unearChed. af ter hiB arrest early last May, have combined to attract unusual atten-' tion to the case. HatSnTOrt was arrested on a war rant charging him wttli embezzling >1.11S of State fundu, bvjt the short age in his accounts, it Is alleged, amounts to many thousands of dol' lars. The arrest followed an inves tigation of the books of the military fund, which Is said to have revealed the theft'of large sums by the former Adjujant General by means of fraud ulent vouchers or by 'forged accounts. The money, it is charged, had been squandered on a woman of the under world known in Seattle by the name-"" of Flor.ehce Moore. ~ For the past five monlbttfttmillon ~ has- been an inmate of the Thurston rouutv ? 3aU. his i%mlly and friends ? "Raving beelT unable to raise the large - amounl of bfiil fixed by the courts, i So; far as Known he nas maae no 1 statemer.; in regard I o his case since j he was first arrested. AT THK GKM TONIGHT. The Gem was iUfit nip>hr . and everyone seemed pleased with the pictures shown. Tonight's pro gtam will be a little different. More stir ring and dramnti,. r),ftn night The Old Curiosity Shop is? a quaint J>?t of drama, and the Maraihan race a is* fine The'Spanish romance-is very ?.ne. IO?' at d '? U"' flgi}tlng lD the Richelieu dael Just yW make you iairgtr. the Deacon's love letter is put I on also. There will be fry the orchestra tonight, so come along and ? jtOOF BEINX; REPAIRED. The roof to the residence occu pied by Mr. Thomas L. Latham, cashier of the Bank of Washington, is being tinned and other repairs made. ? a IHXIK LAST NIGHT. In yesterday's paper we announced thai the Dixie tor tne coming week had billed the Kenneard sisters and orpected them to arrive last night, but the manager is In receipt of a tel egram from them today stating the tmrear-or ane af thW4ri J" cannot state at the present when they will arrive. However, the pictures at the Dixie has always been a drawing card and you certainly get the worth. ? of your money by seeing these alone. For the past month the Dixie has cer tainly been giving the theater goel-s a swell act lor a low price, and .we think the public should continue to patronize the place until their vaude- ? ?llle attraction arrives, which will be announced later. ???K n wnn. ad. la always a# interesting errand ? and yofcr next experience may show yem some whol ly novel phase of life la this city. New Advertisements in Today's News. Wright's Tailoring Pari ore . Fall Salts. 4- K. Hoyi ? L*dl?T Halts. ore Loupons f