WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS Entered as sprond- class mutter . August 5. 1909. at the potttoflU-e -at WashllllttOIl. >CT C.. umlnr tht? act 01 Mimr~3,.i3?9. . ? | PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON I T EXCEPT" tsl'N'DAVr ' No. 114 East Main .Street. J. L. M.\V(J, l-.ilitor ami I'niitiiWuHr i'clqihunp \?. 2U?>. ? *Sl" list '111 ITIOX RATIOS: One Month $ .2* four Months, % i.mi Six Months. . . . i.so One Year 3.0 1? Subscriber desiring the paper dis continued will ltlease notify this office4* on date of expitptton, otherwise* . it will be- ft?itn) *nb-ier4t? tion rates until notice to stop js re ceded. If you do not ?ot The Daily News promptly telephone or write the man ager. and the complaint will receive tin h.hI mi *m. mUlu. Jt It our o..?|r.. fo pleasu you. WASHINGTON; V C.. SKIT. 14 I.KT TIIK \KWs FOI'.LOW. Parti#* kavJnc town should not fall to let. The Xt'ws follow t hem daily Ait-h iK ws.ot Fr^&fi and crisp. It will prove t ruJuabK companion, reading to you P.k* a 1*? - ? tfr frnnt hnntu n.^ shore or mountain* will Tin- r The New* a tnwi welcome and interacting visitor. _ MI ST UK SN.\t;i>. Ail nrtlclcfj s.-*nt m TJie NoWs For" publication uiust be feigned by the ? i h. iyj *witi ? published. ^ thk i:ki> srfmoLiioi si: The New YorJ* Tita*^ says there are something like ? .dtp' "little red *ch?olhou*es in this rouiury that iViii-j vlliiir.. ?|ni;iil m. glorious Kuiersons. and *n >?*?i 1>1 y destined. t.> hi??Vf the full glory of their" * potentialities. \hut nestl" along 'he ?ouncry"s cross-roads.* ? Th?> school-marm arid tin? district vij.it irm Ijoanl 4ar^ Ijo'iH luibued~vw]tli the belief, .and they ex|n:??afii St u UJi. devout iv:m tior). that among thoir. tow-headei| charges may b* on" who *?- ? will" ttsflT'io ImrnfuVii the' p*?ar-?, .! ? N'rcyman . ?-v?mi a tlnan? lal I genius or president. I The fourth and fifth readers v-orin ed by the larger lioys amy also plant This >*?ed of inspirit! 1 on tfl;*beir sunk . If -it. Sprout*, thev will seek a village I high sc hool and laboriously prepare I themselves fpr 1 rrxle ..r ? remaining ?v> their father's farm ; r.ever di.-^rrclis this idoal of edut-a- j tion. But a new gospel is being preach ed that may doom tli? "red wftool-. ; house to extinction. Its apostles ar?* | lU%a lik?* Pro! ? U'il'..?i ? 11 ? Hays, Hi- , 'fiistant secr"iary of agriculture. The \ fifrnis are imnoverlshud. the trades t are demoralized, they say. bet a use! the tu:i? of Tht^ ai'TisHii :rrni tfrt* farm- j er are alt being -trained, .to, becmniri president. There can be but one president at 1? lillH . " I'l' I I ! "I 1 ?? . ersi husrdr-d 'li off sand scientific j . farfnerR-HUd tcrhTTtciar.?, You must-| , "'cease t*?ni-hlng the lives of illustrious j Americans." Transform your village -?hijh tohoolc and "lin-U iuul district . '?* (schools Into a '-onsolidated system girls home economic*. The'popyla-J tlon is to increase by hundreds oT * millions. They must -if- fed. They must be housed and provided with the" comforts of living The earth shall and must be tm<*t| ami the /urg es have got to be ninnhed by the ; young people who are now going too fas: into the professions. Professor Hays ?ays: "A movement Is well b?-gun to or ganize better.- as a i>art of our. great' ^n-.^ryMii ?.??T.n 'b" .-^ on.d- . nry schoola, ?o a>. to ra^t espeelall;.^ the needs cf country life. This move t eontem;?lates that, below and j leading to our more than sixty Ftat*? iilr-f ? fabllshed.- we shall have :too to JOT agricultural finishing school* ? prac tically one In ea> h country 'vongres* , lonaT district 7?f ten or riore~TroailTtH?. either separate or an a strong depart* n\enf of an existing InatltuMon." INCONSISTANT IS. A man will kick like a bay ste.'r when he romM to- pay three dollars a year for road tax. but he'smile?Jik*? a yoiing widow whfm hp coufths up four plunks once every month dur . Ing the hot reason Tor a case of the fttuff "that makes .Viiw?H4fee- fa' mcnis." He will roar like an un tamed lion \rtth Roosev?lf on its trail when he pay b his city water lax but he Is the most lamb-like of^ man when he goe* off on a fiHhlng trip to the mountain* at n rout of a hifhdred dollars or more H?? will throw seven kfnds of flte when h^ pays $25 taxes once a year oiw his eight thousand dollar farm, but be l? aa xalm? aod. "placer tST "as a n?llk-fed kitten when b?_ writes his check for fifteen thou sand dollar* for an automohft*. Qa i< delighted to enjoy luxuries, co'm ^ ^Utt neueTiTus priffligi ffy >>T^fiV state or community' fn which he llve? but h?. Is ground down like a slav? wfien It cornea to pa)l8g a small por tion of bis Income tor" the public wel fare and the prlrlleges that jnafcf rich ?od BaptT HS grr?dgto?l* parts with the portion due for 'the protection of goveftment under wkiob be lit^a and gyaatf?y demands 1 *n;wtr goeeFnjaen|t eaa ghw. Man "*'beth?x it In state tax. county tax. Vity. (ax. road 't ax. or dog 'at ~Vv ' h)i.nns \m> iHtuTiriAvtk. 'Governor John A^-fJohnson. of A(jnuesota, gnva 4>e la ron vUn'Pil thai r h" next rniiKi1'"-*1 -vilt tncviTabty be Democratic. Governor Frank U. Wot*ks. t?f t he Slate of Conii? ? tic it. lias made, for ii .5 abU(Hiti< ctuetvt ?*thar h?? \s ?Tl I'm'.: a eundidate for reuomlnation It: ;hp next ele?ju?n. Seattle Dcmm- /at* are preparing to eivc William .1. I'.ryan 'a rousing re eept jou wlu-rt li?' \ifltj? the Alas k:/ Yuko.jirJ'aclllf exposition hi October. A. 'I- Spauldlup. the millionaire sporting .gitods manufacture r. is. now tnoatiosi'-d^tf . a... 'po^!rlbl?* randidai^ to jir'irrfTT* j". S Senator Flint, of Cal ifornia. ? ' H is re|uu*ted that Governor Duke, of oSrth Dakota. titay bwome a can . 1 i fur a-Jhlrd term if the Donuv ' . Y.aT'y^.f^rfr 3 t ?? he rufj " again . ? Congressman -N :? Inftis l.oiigworth and "former Secretary of .the Ulterior Jai])?'s Garth-Id ape mentioned .asr pos sible candidates for- t'nlled Status I Senator 1 ? ? .lO.u-ceed CharHi? Piek, of | Ohio _ With tin- primary el.-^on but nine months eft ..cilniTl dales of both j.?arj:le> " rrv-iliiiui; v,> tor mt.u pr.imue.-* m h" a free-for-all routes! for th?> govern orship. Col W. I*. lj^i'Uurji. lor many years representative In congreHS of the I eighth Iowa district and author of the famous Hepburn railroad rate *'111. l'.iif iirii.oiiii- tMi hi.^'i^TmaneiiL-re tln-ment from politics. The Republicans have commenced 1 a great speaking campaign in Virg*n- ! la. Such speakers as Secretary >ja- 1 gel. former Secretary of the Treas?-j ury Leslie M. Shaw, and several lead- 1 ing litem be ra oi Congress are tu be I t >,?> ' ??!??? ?? . I i |i.. ..;mi pnign ear4y in November. ? The t-nited Societies for Local Self-government are w irkinj? active ly at- the extension of iheir -nwve- 1 inetit In pre pifrai*loti for the ??lections I in November. 131'V, when they will] 'uiHke another legislate e campaign in I Vltriolaj Brandies are being-organ ized thraugliout the Slate.- . , In the Virginia el?etlu:i 'this laHJ governorship. h Ion k with othfrl I official places. Is at .-lake and the; question ? :s what *trength the Repub-j Means "will be able to (n.-cJuse, after a j tn oar aggressive campaign. with the! Democrats more or fese divided-, and! with the national administration' landing i^s aid to the Republican can didates. ?? in the state campaign now- on in' Mai^iilTlil. 1 1:?- ameniiment to" he i on- j stitutlon to ifls franchise colored vo- j ters is the issue, that Is attracting the most notice. .The outcome of the contest Is. regarded as important not alone for the effect on The political situation in Maryland, but for its ben . iUg nn'th'- ft-.h?'-Val question FT!" disfranchisement of the colored vo ? If- Marvlw 'ii>uih _ 1-flR WOMKN AM) TllK llO.MK. I I Sugar is an admirable ingredin.it I in curing meat- or !l>dv= ? Moistened cream of tar'ar is ex- j ?'ellent for removing iron rust. .To blcijj a wn'.ii d ii'-onv -bteedfo g-ti s e ? hot water, fold water will not stop ??trr*- tfrrw. ?- ? ? ? ? ^>e saturated with paraffin and put out In the sun. Nutmegs may be tested by, prick ing with a pin. when oil will exude | from the .skin if they art* fresh. l.?-mons will keep a great deal lorger if immersed In cold water. J which sliould be renewed every day. * Let children rake sufficient time to' eat their food properly. The hasty swallowing of food may lead to srora a'-h" trouble. jrons r*'s(V.d' on a ? '.--an fire-bri''k. ^ i 1 i r*-;ain ili-ir a great deal longer r.han when -placed" upon an iron Mand. Pin?-apple/'?,xrraet is n delightful t yv.l.v'ltiit*' f n r i.r l.rar.dy .and other- flavorings in sauces for jiud | dings and other deserts. | Salt flsh are morfl qni'-kl}1 fresh ' "TtMii-- .1 ml m>? -fr'.ro ''ons'iderahiy Inv ! proved in flavor, iry soaking them in 'sour milk Instead of water. '? i Refore going out in the sun or wind a hath in cold water Is better ! than, one in... warm water. flE_lhe?cold j winter toughens the skin. V A abluttair of one part shellac and | j two parts of naptha is an excellent I thing for coating damp wall* with- 1 . As soon as dTy the wail may be pa pered. ? ? Make It ft rote to keep milk afid butter always closely covered# as they will absorb disagreeable odor? more quickly than any other article ot J food. Id frying doughnuts a large slice j of raw potato Hhould always be yut ? to the fat. It will have the effect ! of preventing the black specks from I showing. A oarpet fthould-fcave-Mie-tlufci wiped off occasionally with a wet cloth or a sponge. A few dropa of brighten the color*. - * ' ~TWHV*Wm?n ui cleaned by covering them *Uh _ thick - layer or atarfth paate. TW la ter should t?* allowed to dry and be then brushed o?T #1(1^ a stiff brush i" A few cents wortb of ordinary rock^ /*?. I?r ?>t*r /op b*thl>( m?t: been varnished, \ Texas editor refuses to publish' obituary notices of people who, while giving, fuiled to suhsi-vibe for his pa per. and' gives this pointed reason,: "people who do not take I hair home paper are dead -anyway, and their passing away has no-news value." ? il h 11 i J? (he Liberty Center io.) I Press able to discern the silver lining I of the cloud ! "A'fewjrveks ago we said in thl* ohlumn fliat "our feelings were so kindly toward a mau-^vho 1 spoke well oj^Mberty. that he could , h"t r.iA *?" pi" have worked us that this- morning vTe had to stand the milkman off. However, one- thing lias been demonstrated t?j. our satisfac tion: 'It pays I o advertise.' " Projl your hammer ? -d some root'-) In' ? here, you discor.teiiteU knocker J gVowlin" ?bout the country's ilk. l Chloroform your dismal talker, lake ;i i ?Miro.' ??' l! u-f l'lll.J. ? STtui your ,-durn ki-o-te howlin', chaw some sand i and get Koioe -vrit, don't ^it In the j dumps, ngrowliif . jump the roost an' ' boost h bit! Kail ill while the band's ;a playjn". ketch the step an* march I along ? 'st< Again in yogue r ? rr ? \ The new d.v<* *.:..m[ngs this fall i ar?* wonders rii-e. is not excessive when one' eon- j Titters the work these is on them. j but milady's costume will cost a goodly sum if trimmed with the pre scribed amount of glittering ynd swinging b$>ads. .i^t. the fashionable trimmingAif th.e day of our mother's, is again all the go. and there are collars, and bracelets, and all-sorts of itint and dress garnishing* of the fas i-inat:ng -idaek - are liberally "bedecked' with It. The -mores about town are up-to-date .In the newest lines of all these pretty fallals, and there are beautiful exfam ples of these th.'r.gs.io be seen on ex hibition, ag/can be read in the New* a advtqpffjlnjT conlmns. I.et Hardy'* Ihug Store till your next pifKct-iptiuri with Drugs flint for I ie*hne>* can* I he" beat. T1TV MARKET. -JS? Chivken^r^fo' 'own> Spring fchickens . . HidMj grwn IILd 06. 0" S wftftl . Burry'wool TaHow\^^^ L. j. aiSl iVcul. -fc fc?_irxiia burra ...... . 20c i . . . L' 5 lo 30c - 10 to 25c ..... 6 to "C 8c . . . 1 S to 20c ... 10 to iSc Sheepskin . ? . Lambskin . . Sheer! In gs . . COT tOU . Lint "cotton . . . ... 40 to 75c . . . .25 to 5 to 10c - *4.25 1-c | Stops Pain Neuralgia, toothache, sciatica, or any pain in the nerves is quickly re lieved by an application of Sloan's Liniment. - It penetrates right to the seat of the trouble, quiets theexcited nerves and gives permanent as well as immediate relief Sloan's is an excellent antiseptic rem edy for t^ifls. burosr bruises, j * pofsonout insect ' stings anp>W In attvMbilnc ran WNlWifwiWa Th? WMI ?*<>?? M aooal 1*4 ZZZSXLSLSSZl ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES RATE, 1 cent per word. Estimate six words to the line, and inclose payment with copy. Answers to ads. may be received at this offlfcc. ToTlisure prompt attention all adver tisements should.be in business 6lfkc by 12.45 m. Ads. By messenger* tele phone or tn&ll given careful attention. MMt SALK. FOR SAtK? TWO. POOL. TAULES, good condition; terms uysult pur chaser; one Ca ry safe, 900 pounds. ? A. B* Draughac. ? 4-4? *. ? FOR SALE ? CASH REGISTER. Call or address TbtfUally News. J~'ltLSH K.U.I SKKli? Jlye, Rape, Vetch, Cabbage and Turnip. Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. Vol.* WISH TO PURCHASE ? line bull, correspond or see W. J. Hardisori. i im: western phone 56. Kuglor's Market. CANARY fOR HALH I have on haud 20 fine canary birds, good songsters. besuTirurplumage, guaranteed to sing. Price per pair, 15; single birds. *2.00. Guaran teed safe delivery anywhere in the State. Address W. H. Gasklns. *' Auioiu, H. O. MISCELLANEOUS. DO YOU WANT TO HKCOME A stenographer? Take the Business Course in the Pujilic School. Tifi Uuu, |3 a tiHJUluriiiadiauit. This course Is open to^ny one. whether you attead the public School or .not. See the Superintendent and arrange to take the course. STENOGRAPHER A' X I) T V P E writer. Let mo write your letters. Miss Beulah Thomasont 115 Mar ket street. W.INTEIV? TO BUY ?Xf; ROLL, top desk, and one Cat top deak. Call on or write w. T. Bailey, Jr Wliat kind of n store Mould you Uiink ii reprcnented. it Your Adver tising had happened lo l?e um>i| by *on.e other merchant, and had been brought to your iH.tlce incidentally ? If "it begins to l?H?k an though your room, or apart meiil, or house In ?o irig to "stay vaAT V IC'IDR. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Hunter1* Bridge ? a. a: mr rlve at Bath. 6.30, Washington. 9. Leave Washington :'.30 p. m.. arrive bath i>. p. m. , Hunter's fcildgu 5. SO. Fare 50c. round trip, 35c. one way. win i*\f imvn \iw OYSTERS! PHONE 3*7. Delivered to any part of city 25 cents quart. Served in any style, steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street. Ocracoke Fresh pressed Mullets. DOUGHTY ?r WYATT. The Words You Speak Are the outward marks of your intellectual .capacities. When you speak do you Bhqw every one that you are educated, cul tOTed and refined., or do you nimply publish to the worl i ?won -ftt only ordinary intelligence and average culture? lu other words Do You r-nKl'^' Correctly j ^^'n HSU i>rogrSaTve'T5?r^wH ability to read, write and speak English correctly is the great est asset anyone can possess. It adds to one's money-mailing possibilities and furnisher a no* ticeable, final touch to- one's personality. You are the best Judge of how ytrer stand, and If you are not satisfied Ho not put It off until it Is too late. There is a popular, interesting and even fascinating way to will not Jiave tf waoe tnrougn J " dry," .uninteresting text books. The magazine, "Cor rect Knfllish," and the book, " The Art of Convey? tlws," will glre you Invaluable aid. See following special offer: 8E!CI> lO *CKNTH today for * sample copy of Correct Bng Iftsh. For this money we will also send you a copy of the pr? mium edition of "The Art of Oonvenwdoo " " w lT I e h ?iW -qjv?Ujra-liiiAiuHhk nilw In t Vl m person, who Would ka*?r. how io be Interesting In converse- i mm. I'111? miBf ii um mm' air to tot rod ace Correct Roe- ' IUCft into ft flew where -R *til be appreciated, and in order^to get both ma^asine and tikis book- for 40c, foa boK seod ttiot isMsediatelr* Professional Column x, xHireet*Hsi? JH-W. CHARTER. M. D. Practice Lifiiiitd to Diseases of tfee ? . - gye. Ekf, Sous and TKf?r : ? " Hours: 9-12 A. M. ?or. Main and 2*5 P- M- Gladden Sta., PHONE 86. Waahinjcton, N. G. Df I MI Hardy^ PRAGIICINO - PHYSICIAN ? , v. :v . and SURGEON fyoshinfftoa, N. C. DR. H. SNELL Dentist. Office corner of Main an_ Rcspass Streets. Phone 100 thington, ft .\rroiu\Ei8 I H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW We practice in the Courts of the FMt__ - Judicial District, and the ?* ' % Federal Courts. . John H. Small. . A- l>- MacLean. Harry McMullan. ^ SMALL, MAC LEAN^ & H McMULLAN ATTORNEYS- AT-L AW Waahinjc4o?t North Gsfolina. ? W. D. GRIMES ATTORNEY - AT-|. AW Washington, North Carolina. Practiceffln all the Courts. W. M. BOND. Edcaton, N. C. NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Washington, North Carolina. Practice iA all Courts. W. L. VAUGHAN ? ATTORNEY - AT-LAW ? ' Washington. N'orfh C.ro'ina. Office in Weinberg Building. H. C. CARTER, JR., ' A.TTORNEY-AT-LAW," Washington, N. C. "Office Market ISfreet. tVm. B. lUxlmanJ " "-f ' ^*y? "X RODMAN & RODMAN 4 Washington, N. C. BusinessCaftfs^ n. L. OTQWAnT PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and , JEWELER. Corner Main and Market Streets/ Just received a large assortment of the latest dealing in Jewelry. . Re ' pairing a specialty. - H. B. Goldstein, ^^"7^ We are stilt-dofaa business at our Old stand. In this' period between the seasons we are still satisfying cus tomers. Our fall samples are already in and we can take your order now for immediate or future delivery. Yours for business, H. B. Goldstein. For~7? FIRE INSURANCE - see J. and P. B. MYERS The Jt H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co. MUMMLNIS Prkrei and W?rk Right. pJVASHJfWrrON, N. C, WHITE- BARBER - SHOP The only firat-claaa whit* shop In city. 3 llnt'Clw white bittan. Satl