LEGAL NOTICES 'NArtb C.r6IIn*rB?.ufort ciurity.^ln the Superior court, October term. Company fffi jt VW. Marshall CoU? pany and Traction Engineering . , Eotomt.- Notice of Bummoaa and attachment, ? * . ' ' ' ? Tfife "defendants above named WITT take notice that a s6mmona In the above entitled action was Issued on the Sth day of July. 1909. by the_ Superior court of. Beaufort county, North Carolina, for the pufpose of Covering " against the -.defendants damages for the breach of contract . *?-. with tho construction ; of an electrical car Hne In the city of Washington, N. C.. In the sum of J. wo thousand dollars, which said summons is returnable* to the Su * perlor court, of Beaufort county at the cour^ house In Washington, N. C., on the~25th day of October, 1909. i before the judge of the Superior co'u Dt , at a oourt their to be held ? tlce that a warrant of attachment was Issued from the said coulrt,- re turnable as aforesaid; on the #th day of July, 1909, against tho property of the defendants, at which time and place above named defendants ara required to appear and answer or de mur to the complalntr-or the^-relief therein demanded will be granted. This 14th day of J.uly, 1909. GfcO. A. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. - NOTICE OF 8ALB. By virtue of the power of sale con tained "hi a mortgage deed executed by Samuel S. Hardlson and wife to O. Mi Pggn-B.* ilatari 1 at day nf .Tii/ip, 1903, and duly recorded In book No. 125, page 4 28, Register; s office of "Beaufort county, which la referred will offer fop sale -to the hlgh Mt bidder ^t public auction, for cash, at the courthouse door, In the totfn Uf ?WaBhliibtou. s. a. en MONDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1909, at 12 o'clock, the following described property, to-wlt: K certain -lot of land lying add being in the city of Washington , county of Beaufort, 8tate of North Carolina, and being the eastern lialf of lot No. 107 In .that part of said clt? caUed "MacNair Town," -sttuatfcd on the north side of Second street ami hav ing a frontage on Second street of 50 ~feet, and I'urtQing- fifiPTh" 210 feet. Bounded on the north by. the lot of Mary T. McDonald, on the east bjjthe ?let of S. R. Fowle, on the west by the lot of John Dowty and on the south' by Second street, and being the jBame lot of land conveyed by C. M. Brown and wife to Samuel S. ^Hardlson by uhw fltlmf Junw ?i. ises, .ykith iu du>'y record^ in the Register's office of*; Beaufort county, and Js herein re *2 Tbia September 1 , 1909. Cf. M^BttOWN, Mortgagee NOTICE OF 8.UK. By virtue- -of a decree of -fin perior Court of Beaufort county, in a special proceeding therein /pending ? fnrtitled=z?L XL . H<H?ker anil wlXe^ Mary, ti James L. Mayo and others, Wfilfifl .If hmbjl KUffid lu, aud . as - ccmmlMloner- therein appointed, I will sell at the courthouse door in Beaufort county, on "MONDAY, OC TOBER 4, 1909, at noon, Tor Mfifl to the highest, bidder, that -certain tract or. parcel of land situated in Richland township, Beaufort couniy,' adjoining the lands of E. Tuttle, B. J. West, Jas. Potter, J. W- Mayo and Plbtrfo- described aa follows: Begin ? alAg at an oak stomp in the Spring or Bond line at the poc'osin above the head of Snode'a-creek, and running north 55 west 240 poles at or near the Warren line; thence up Paupau swamp south 20 ' west 120 poles; thence intd.the pocosln south 12 east 500 poles to or near the Mlxon line; thence north 32 east 370 poles to Thoe. Cam pen's line; thence north 20' ?west to the spring or Bond upper corner In the pocosln, and with their line to the beginning. This July 1, 1909. ? A. P. MAGtjICTr:i CTTTTmHnlrmff I NOTICK. Sealed bids for the erection of two j houses, one a$ or' near the 'foot of fuutu Oinli DiUgn mmi ilin atti on piling near the draw of PatKego Creek Bridge.. will he received by the Board of County Commissioner* on the Brat Monday In October, 1909, | to be opened atTl/>*eIqck_m. Bid* can be for either one or both | houses. ? ? " ilflcatlonr can i*at Che office of the undersigned,] to whom all bids -must he directed. Thla September 7,1 909. ' ? ' - . O. RUMLEY, Clerk to Bo*rd.| r . T . CITT TAXm. The tax hooka for the cRy o t Washington ba*? baan. turned over to theuhder*1gned, and thla is to-Mjr, tltr ?U gwgaca' of property subject to tax that I am ready to racaN ? taxes for the ensuing year. T^y must be collected at oaea. W. B. WINDMBY. City CMc. ^ October 7, ?_*_ ,? ?? > i . >?> i ? vi ** ^Maa^r 1 r IS V OUR- HOUSEHOLD HUKNITURE INSURED? in cw of W Lyou would have to buy new furniture and If it is not insured, see us at once and let one of our companies take the ri?k. The cost id very little. If you ; have any property that is not covered by FIRE INSURANCE do not pub, oft insuring it. \ N WM. BRACAW&CO., First Insurance Agents In Washington, N. C? . ! LET US MAKE YOUR FALL SUIT Tai'ored to Your Ideas After Your Own Fancies. FauItlesSness in Fit, Individuality in Style, Correctness in Color, | Everything Exclusive but the Price. Ju$t step in end say you are willing to view our ralranil Wintar a- ?gfl 1 ran aim vv i?tct aiprotro. WRIGHT'S TAILORING PARLORS, } "Who Tailor Best In Washington. "" We ^ftssnre You DOWN PRICES _ FOR NEXT TEN DAYS To clear out printed Dress Goods we will offer our en . tire line of light weight Dress Goods asTollows: 22[l-3c Figured SUk TiMuc, 15c 15c Florentfne dritandle, - '2 l-icl 18c Drape Dc Linde Taf- 12 1-2 and 10c Ctonzelle and feta. . 13 l ie Aristo Organdie, ' 8c ? . .. - i '15c Dotted Swiss Muslin. 12 I-2c 7c Almcaio Batiste, 5c j 12 l-2c Parrs Tissue, 10c 5 a. id 6c Printed Lawns, 4c I I F RIICKMAN fr SON | Your Opportunity is NOW! . While we are placing our line ot Heat ing Stoves on show, to select from the large variety of Wool and Coal Heaters. It wiil be bur pleasure to take yourorderand placeonein your house, store or off ice before the cold weather begins. Vmivnr ciill and see our stock. - McKeeURichardson Hardware Co. .Subscriptions ARE NOW DUE! Votes for the Gold and Silver Set Are fsstied Onl^ to Those Who j - C C% ?HELP IS OFFERED? "WORTHY YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. ?<u iiuUfi h.ja Hmla.,1 your mean* of education, the GREAT AMERICAN SHORTHAND AND ni si. NESS COLIXGB. Durham. N. C., 4. ready and willing to help You , a WBh-arad. au.lM-. E4uc..k?. The ONLY Bu^??. Coll?^.P|? Unas preelded over by an Incorporated Accountant and Auditor. A auffl clent guarantee of ita nuperioAV. Ent?t now on my piymcnt plan DEPARTMENTS, Bookk^Wlng, Shorthand, -lT?wrkT?K. Tc?*r.nhy, Penmanahlp, Civil Service, Eftgftih Branches, etc. Expert Facultv? Rail road Fare Pald-Poiltloo. Guaranteed. faculty Kail NOTICE OF HALE. N By virtue of ? power of ?ale con flnod In a certain chattel mortgage, executed by Simon Levin to Suskln ft Berry (Inc.). duly registered In the o flic 9 of the Register of Deeds fttr -Beaufort county. In chattel mort gage book No. fit, at page 3S1, which (?'hereby referred >o. Buskin 4b Ber rjr-(I?e.) will offer for sale, for-eash. to the, highest bidder, at their place of bWneee, In thee. city cd washffcg ton, on Main stitoet, st noon, on Sep Umber "21, 1909. nil of the teock'of Roods, wares and merchandise, fiy nlture and fixtures, described in the mortgage above referred to. Alt in ventory of aaid goods, furniture and fixtures can be s**n at the store of Buskin ft Berry (1^). This September i, 1909. . 8ugK*N 4 BlfiRRY (Inc.) H you haven't answered enough ad*, you haven't scored enough bar stains. Mlsa Let* Berry and Miss MaggSe Mann, of Swan Quarter, arrived In the eity last night and left thia.mortw in* for the State Normal and -indus trial CoU?f?. Crycnabdiro. - Mifclt -Emily Ift-rlriltt, iinnphfnr nf Mr. L. KJ. Reddi't. of Edward.' N. C*.. passed through ttxe rlfy yest&rday 1 afternoon, on her way to the State Normal and luduaUUI CoMege:j Greensboro. ? ? Miss Belver Bennett,- daughter of I Mr. As B. Bennett, left for her home In Edward, yesterday afternoon. in?wrn, GtfUi'K'1 raul, Jl?bb? ^Vur-' ren and H. H. Car row left thlB morn- 1 ,1?54?>i* New.Bern on business. Mlsa Rosa Stevenson, of Shawboro, left 'yesterday ofternoon to resume her studies at St. PaufH^sc.hool hi Beaufort, after a visit t<fv Miss Re becca Simmons. _ Mr. G. A. Womble left yestsfilfty afternoon on fl b'istnmu trip to |M>int? In Eastern North and South Carolina. Miss Clemmie Ffemming and mVb. Molly Flemniln^. of GWmesland.-who have ln?eiv TlalHim ft lends here? I' yesterday for their home. MIU LIIIUB PlCMFI!l| fHUniM 10 1 Aurora yesterday afternoon' afteryaj visit to Mrs. Ellis on East y{iti ; street. Miss Belva J^nett returned tol her home In Edftard, after visiting 1 friends and relatives here. Mr. C. D. Parker left yesterday on | a short business t rl|?s V ? ? Misses Margaret Ross and Sadie Bonner, of Bonnerton, spent yester day with friends in the cky on their v,-ay to Littleton Female College. ? i ? ? Mr. Mark E. Ross, of Bonnerton, ?pent the day here yesterday en route to weidon. ^?Mf? L. H? Redditt and daughter. Miss Emily Ma^ef Edwajjd, left to day for GreehsborO. where Miss Emily will attend the: Greensboro Female College. * ? f " * Mr. M. F. A^Rtson left this morn Ing for Oriental. New Born and else vhere on business. Mrs. Ifi SC&lghi left this morn ing for Pocono mountains, Penn-, Atlantic City and other points. .* ? ? a. t a Mr. and Mrs. Archie Smlther re-| turned this morning from their wed Miss -M41drod Moore r^rn?d fhis-j morning to her home in Nertolk af ter a visit to Miss Julia Mo^M. Mrs. Frank Bowers returned this! morning from Raleigh, where she I wen J- to attend the funeral of herj uncle, Mr. Val Perklr.s. Mr. Ellis Williams, of New I is in the city today. Master Fred Moore leaves fori Beaufort tonight.-^where he will re-| sume his studies in St. Paul's school. -? ? Mr. F. L. Nicholson, roadway civil engineer of ' the N. & S.,_ passed through the city this morning en A Powerful Drama. What is <oncfedeJ to be one of the i written in recent yearn is Lem B. ' Parker's new romance of a phase of life, in our idle rich class' entitled, "The Final Settlement," which' comes f lnan llnrni nmrl Frirhy The theme of the story is daring and sensational. and-attacks those mem burs of 'society who Reefc recourse to the dlvorrp courts to relieve them selves of undesirable mates. -The. climaxes uud*lItuationB are startling and spontaneous, and the story well told and consistant. The company is headedL_by Miss Marion Sherwood and is one of unuttml excellence, add Manager Clay. T. Vance promises 4 flrst-clnss production' ? THK \ 1' MliKK INCRKA8KS. The additional new scholars that enteretf"the Public 8chools this morn ing places the enrdjlment at about 640. , In publishing an account of the school opening yesterday, furnished by the superintendent, he Inadver tently omitted the name 6f 'Mr. W. K. JacobBon, as being one of the speakers. , _ RESOLUTION ?M AT TERED. Work on Jack Jones. A little boy. c~.~e home one daj from school in a very bad humor. An other boy. .Jack J ones', bad given blBi ,a thrashing, .i? wanted revenge. "Oh," said hia mother, "don't think, o I revenge. Willie. Be kind to Jack. ' Heap coals of fire on his head. Then ' he will become your friend." . Willie thought be wouia try this ' method. So the next day at recess, 1 Jnst as he was buying a lemon pie for j luncboon. Jack appeared and said: "Look here. I linked you yesterday, ! hut I didn't give. vou enough. Now ' I'm going to lick you again." ^ * -And he planted a- hard blow' on'! Willie's little stomach. . Willie gaspod. but instead^of strik ing back he extended hls^JJtc to jQnes. i _ "Here." he said In a kindly voice. 1 "I'll give you this. I make you a ! present of it.", p Jack. lh^Ktarf-'arnHzemeot. fell upon , the pie greedily, and it had sogn dls- j_ appeared. x j wm gfW^j^pjnltL "What f. "Because you struck me.'* said the [" heaper. of * tfce coals. Instantly' Jack^-hauled off. and | struck him again. "No.w go and get ! another pie," he said. ? Ladies' Home ' Journal. | FINANCE. Landlord? I'll &ive you teri"TJ?P cent, off If you'll pay the rent to-morrow. Tenant? ThanlT you. Now. suppose you let me have that ten per cent now and 111 pay it to you on account to-day. ,? Exasperating. > Prom the dark kitchen there eman ated a series of thumps and angry ex clamations. Jones was looking- for the cat ? "Paf" called the son from the stair way. "GotoJ>ed and let me alone," blurt Cd "1've>??*. barked my shins." ment f ? j | iti'UT 11/ nent s ai)eu<?> "Wei., what i^"??? Didn't I tojl vo x> keep quiet?" ? i a?an-t near'your shi-'s bark." I ? And the next moment Tommy wan I being pursued by an angry sire with a hard hair brush. To An. visitors NOW IN THE CITY. li you? are hgge tor a lew hour* don't forget to visit Baker's Studio. Phone 252. We wilt- lie Uelightetl-m have you* x B.iXER'S STUDIO. HTHOMEf IN TH -COWAKS PREPARATION it abaolak pre-" V tfclioo ataiBil rwumonii, cold*. croup. ? J. coutbi, Midi arxl mtcdcss in lunti and rhroat Kdtewt atooce by dejUoyinf ll>c loftaiamattoo and confcifioQ. Exit mil and pewlialia*. %IM. UK, 25c. Afi druitiiU. . . THE NORTH CAROLINA State\^Iormal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the wom en of North CargJMt Fouj Regular Courses Leading (ox>egrees. Special Courses for Teasers. Fall session be gins Scmcmber 15, 1909. Those desir ing to enter should apply as early a? possible. For catalog and other infor mation address J* !? FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. DELICIOUS XOWNEfS" CHOCOLATES ? AND? Bon Bons Always Fresh at WASHINGTON DRUG COMPANY DON'T Walk or Ride.. Talk Over U^The Telephone. You can have a Telephone jjut in your house in the city or at your farm at,a very sur passingly low cost.pnd save many a lony drive and per haps a life by being th direct and instantaneous touch with your Doctor. Grocer. Mer x^haht and Broki r. Weather reports and mar ^*f?rcsfed parties are re quested to communicate with Mr. D. W. Bell, M'g'i ? CAROLINA TEL. AND TEL. CO., Washington, '^J. C. This proposition wUUnter est you. and it would he well *to investigate before the ap- |||-| proach of the cold Winter. ' ? months. IDS OUR FIRST*-- __ EXPERIENCE ' v ? ' > " '' with 1 \ Ladies-^bat Suits ~ Does not mean that we are . .. inexperienced, and a visit will convince you lhat pur 1 buyers have us&#nly the ^ - best of judgmenrin their selections. To be found at our store are styles, shades and models-tike wise some _ prices ? that are to be found" here only, and you are very welcome even if you ar<5 _ not a purchaser. SPENCER BROS. > - highest cash pricks. fcpaid for, CHICKENS, ?GGS ? " *? * aiifjiall * . s?^j COUNTRY PRODUCE We rarry HayrC^atnahtl all kinds Feedstuff ? >Vo handle the very best Flour at whole Male. PAUL & (JU 1LLR EAST WATER STREET. HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT of the facts in the case ? that electric lights do aot smoke up your walls and ceilings and ruin your plc tures tind bric-a broc; that olectric lights require no ? matches, thereby avoidiifg all danger of fire; that there ' is no smell or .smoke with electricity; that electric v lights do not consume any of the oxygen in the air, and therefore do not make you feel stupid and "good for nothing" after staying for a white in aclosedroom where it is turned on?\ . ? . .. \*(e have lots of other good points which we will be glad to explain if you will give us a chance, and the defects of ojir system are so small as to be practicably negligibleis2pSt's figure. WASHINGTON ELECTRIC PLIANT Just ReceiVed/t'Tfesh From the Mill, Gar Load of^Tmv&TalOlouL Packed as follows: Whole barrelsv half barrels, 24-pound sacks and I "* r"m>il sacks. This is the best Flour made. Call phone 123 and try it. ' J. F. TAYLOE, The- Grocery Man. ONLY THE BE$T) | HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES ? Car~ied. ^'e please our customers or no pay. Try ui. WE BUY ' Town Talk Flour in Car-load Lots,..' The - Price is Right. Tele-, phone- ( Walter Credle & Co. L/FE INSURI\NCE Satisfied policy hildesptarp my references. Let me show you a Life Insurance contract. It will pay you. C.^. PARKER, GENEkAL INSURANC . Havens-Small Bld'g Phone 85., - HAVE YOUR CLOTHES CLEANED - by our new French Dry Cleaning Process., Makes them 1 look like new. Our new Dry Steam Sterilizing Prm ' ing Machine is doing excellent work. Ladies' Coat Suits a specialty. Have your laundry done here. Our process destroys germs. 'Phone 243. Alderman-Capehart Laundry, IiiicV 132-4 WATER STREET ins in our window may decide the Conte and jewelry repairing to be de

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