Ladies5 Suits \ - - - # -??, ? Don't delay. Buy your suit aow. , Another lot of exclusive mode.s*. Every shade. \ " * ' / J. K. HOYT BRING US YOUR PICTURES TQ BE FRAME 1^ Just arrived . the very best and lat est patterns in ? MOULDINGS: Work done neat ly and promptly. Full Stock Edison Pho nographs and Records RtfSS BROS. THE PICTURE FRAMFRS. OEM Theater TO-NIGHT ' FIVE -PIECE ORCHESTRA. ULOOJ> ? A nne ro mance. 4^1 EL iJV RICH EL IK I'? Splen did drama. THE MARATHON RACE? Melo drama. ? , t * * v THE DEACON'S I.OVE LETTER ? ? ? F-i-Tf T^TnafTy - OI.P CTRlosiTy SHOr? Famous GEM. THEATER Just Received " A large shipment of the new, large-size package^ C.OIJ) DUST WASHING POWDER We have a special deal oil same. E. R. MIXTON & CO. " For a Proof Of the superior vwtues of the. GAS >.? RANGE, Call on that friend of yours ? ? k f t who'.has 'one and do a little Cooking on it^aTHt^rtro secure her opinion as^to ?( its handiness and its economical fea tures. a ntf investigate the cost, etc.. for our ^best advertisers are our sat1sfitjU"Llieilts., Washington Light & .Water Co; 1 ?Does Y our House T.eak? If so, we can stop it. . t > All Kinds of Roofing Galvanized Iron, Carey's, Magnesia, Rubber and Tar l*aper. _ The price is right. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co. ? (MP it*?r 1 1 In) ii wtll be sold cbeap, Trochd'j Colchicine A tttndird ?ad InftlHM* c-r?< endorsed br A* Mfhnt med Salicylate Capsules ' RHEUMATISM end GOUT ll lurborMrt of Europe >M pbarlnl c>p?uJe?, *Mcb din ?tflwot caortaj lrTft*rion ? T. W. PHILLIPS & CO. DEALF.R fN DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, MILLINERY LARGE SHIPMENT OF New Buggies Just Received. A few | SECOND BAND ? PANT EGO 1TKMS Mr. John tLltesp?#?i, Jtv. and hit. iiau|iit?^r. Julia, are the guests ol Aire.' Alice Kesnoss. ? Mr. W. J.\Crumpler. of Ton 7$?as~h?re la8t woefe pn business. Mr. G S. Water a, 0& New 0.,-catne he^e Saturday ln'hUf*auto} mobile to visit his father, sMr. G- rt. ?tt'afer?" "" M*s. Fi. S. .Waters. has been confined to his bed foV (fulCe awhile as a result cf a fall. The Charitable Brotherhood gave an Ice cream supper t>n the AC&demy grounds Thursday evening for 'tfyjg benefit ofTthe members ^tUeTr families. ^ ~ The yVilklnEon Bro^ largest df.edK'J reached the bridge here Sat urday^veiilng en route to Sw'ah Quar Ter. iney had- -on board one of -tb*? large!-! utjut seen ln~thls sec tion. which they had scooped up Fri day r ? Mr. Geo. B. Credle, of Swan Quar-' ter, 1s a guest of his son. Dr.~B.-8rj L' futile, ? . . -j Mr. and Mjs. C. C. Smltlk. of'tJel haVen> were visiting friends here, on Sunday. ? Miss Eva- Davis, o( Washington, te a guest of Mr. Isaiah Bishop. Miss Carrie Bo.han.. .ot Belhave'ij^ Mr. Cooper, of Pun go. was here on bns^ps Sunday. He makgg regti-. Weekly trips -here. Mr. Walter. \V indley and^^olhw. of WashtnfCfl5V.. are the guests oT Dr. K.S^, Credle * Bessie Dixon, of Belftaven, is -the guefet of Mi ~i "ii n TI^BjftTi'i We are glad to note that iMrs. Wm? Credle is Improving from an attack, of aiHHnnlii?(t)r>. ? 1_ Mrs. a! b! Jones Is on the sick list. ~7tr Archie Daw, of Belhaven, was here Sunday. ? Rev. W7 K. Jones fllletf his regular appointment here. Sunday. Dr. Green, of Raleigh, has been here the last two weeks doing dental ' workj It Is. reported that he Is going to locate in Belhaven. The Jiigh" school opened, up last Monday with a greqfc increased at tendance- over last year. The te^ph ert are the same as last' year. his new house on Ridge street. The hunters here seem to be hav ing groat^iocess Jately. Mr. G- H. Raters killed- a bear a few days ago. , Mr. John Judkins killed a deer about | a, week a"go. Messrs. W E. Matthews and L. *E. Bennett each killed a deer, j last Saturday. As this was Mr. Ben-' nett's*flrst.dfiffr you may imagine how h<* felt. -"*">*?. ! Mr. B. G. far or wan made a. Hying; irip 1 6 Elizabeth City last week. He orrened up-a wood-yard here recents! I Iv." We wish him success in Jiis new, ? enterprise. \ ! Mr C. P Aycock tfas at EJ\enton I last business. ) Success to ' TlifcsXews. . / j Sept. 13. 1&Q5. e^a&RVER. nivteii no va station ^Ckws. ' .vrs F5 i. or and . daughter,' ? Mfaa Lcla, *Ht*i ? oHh r ? *?hiWiri-;i al_ i ^'ashing ton. worn guests of Mrs. | Lewis Alligood last Thursday*. Mrs. Nelson . Sheppard, of Bunyon. I has returned af teV a* T>1 ea? a n t visit in' Norfolk. r " . * ' Misses Lorena and Leila Woolard.. of YeatesvjUe, and MisT Annie Laurie I Cutler, of Jessama. have been visit ing Mrs. 0 W.'^Wgblard and other . friends at Broad Creek. . Miss Olier, who has been visiting ' here* has -returned to her- home >h . Kinston. accompanied by Miss Julia 1 Pinkham. of Pinetown. Mrs. C. S. Doughty and child and Mrs. ' B. F. Alligood and child, of Washington, were guests of Mrs. Au gustus Alligood last Thursday. Mra. L. M. Sheppard and children are at home again affer a pleasant visit at Edward. rr. W,-fV-Caady. -of Pantqgo, has been visiting his parents at Broad Creek. ~~ . at I la kl ii^ui u'~ir^rr^^^g^T~3nT" L. M. Sheppard one day last week. Mr. Will Black, of Bunyon, Is vis iting In Norfolk. Master Charlie Tetterton, of Jes* using, biwjui a mi mjb -taiii mwn witb'lilg grandparents afkBunyon. ' 5Tr. J. W. Alligood and Mr. and Mrs. *J. L. Alligood and child, visited relatives In Washington Saturday and Stfnday. , -?We are glad to see Mrs. Ellen Woolard at home again after a long visit at Bunyon and Hall Swamp. ? ~"MrT an? ?Alra. Th'ad Congleton and child visited Mrs, Cbngletop's mother and sister last week at Walla Watta. Mr. and Mrs Sartorlus Woolard, of. Bunyon, were guests "of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Alligood last Sunday. Mr. L. M. Sheppard and family wve gftests of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Black last Sunday. Last Sunday Rev. C. E. Lee admin istered baptism to ten converts arid closed the protracted- meeting at the Christian Church, at Bunyon. Miss Dora Brown, of Washington, was a visitor In this vicinity last week. Mr. Anson Alligood, of Wilming -rtm, tfnd* Mt. P. mnd fam ily. of Washington, have bee^ visit Tnirn?rr??reiit(, Mr. ?nd MrirLCWlT Aiinixig. Nocoirts. Tlu> pcniMtcnC h.rjCJtln-hi?nt?r Is ""?"J i lip PWB| Mlq mil I?r*l.i??tl7 MwiUn pcrra. KKVKRISIfMmp ""d ACHIWO WkatlMr from M.lartou condition., CoW? or omhMUni. Ut Hick*' C*? It ratncM lb* fmir and ?. U?w ??? Mkiac. It'? H ori so c?iu it In, .y ; ' ' STATE NEWS Condensed Item* of- Interest ? petting Throughout the Stat*. ^Ir. J71 A. Lockhart filed suit against the Seaboard today fpr,his client, 3. F. BurnbV colored. Qf Ham let. for $ 2 ,5'00 damages because a conductor put the ' plaintiff off the tralu ;ii ? r.ocfcfngham some months ago when he had paid Ills fare -to Hamlet. that ho asked -the agent at P^pT^ee for Jiawlct birr "for ? ropptfgfnB'on ? the Xgenl did not sell 'It to him. but told the tftmcfuctor to .collect the excess Tare of fifteen" cents because he did not have a ticket. Burno paid the conductor ZZ> rents,, the regular fare ?to Hamlotr and was put off at Rock" inghitra, he alleges that- it is the fault of the Pee Dee agent thai he did not buy a tlcket.-f-Wadesboro ^nsonlan. __ ? ^ ? ? ? - Carroon sent hia driver, Sam Fisher, ?to Rayborb to carry Over a drummer. On returning home that night about 9 o'clpcks Sain found a colored. mAn in. Mr: Qarroon's stables. The man had bridled one of the horses and It is impossible, to sajtwhat he intended, to do with tlu^iifmal if he had not been InterrTtiy^ by th+-_drivef. Wlifch SAra entered tne^WEbleTfclW->Ul? d*PK, het^ut his hand on a man. This of rtotiMfc frightened Sam. but he got I up his courage to Inquire "What are you doing here? Wfftr are-you?" In wa hnlMIng fhn fol ITlowf hftef a minute or two recognized VMm^vThe felldwr'ln some way man aged tA hronk aw??trnm and fled. They- hunted for him that night and the next day but he"had left town and has' not been seen since. The Wan wag named Hftoncer. and lived in Ddg Town He was em ployed at the J. L. Roper mill In this place. ? Oriental News, v. Game is reported to be over plen tiful tfa^ vear, especially deer and from the Oa^is Shore section, in Car teret county, says that he has never -seen: the Hike. Two otters with him went hunting In the-percosln at thej head of South river a few .days ago. and Wffed. each' a*df*r In a few hours, and hs they were returning! home killed another ? ^ fine buck. Xew Bern Journal. Friends In Raleigh ?are conslder.a bly disturbed over the riivappearanco: I of Miss Rosa Hicks. a highly es I teemed young* woman v lio has been i in the employ of. the Jc"crsoQ?j5tand 1 ard Life Insurance Company as sfen I ographef -for several weeks. She I came to Raleigh fr< ::i Greensboro and she and her motiier have been, keeplUK house ? on ? Eden tun ? btscet. j1 She .left the offices of the company J last evening at 5:30 o'clock, and [nothing has been heard from hw ! since. aUhqugh' diligent searoh has been made for her. There scofii'a to be no indications rf foul play, and , beHof* t h a t r her^d isa re^rar"e ' i-T inci- 1 dent to a pleasing little romance that J is known to have characterized her I ? life. ? Greensboro ; . ; I I The co.tton seasor. has begun with a rusti- at the local port as will be. I noted by the receipts of 9,103 bales Li^irJtig ' week, according to the I figures posted yesterday at the Cllani i ber of Commerce. This is several | thousand more ^ales than wffre re j reived 'during the same period las*' season and shows, -an" crop' ' year. The largos', receipts, for any day during tho wQti.i wao 8,0<0 bales* on Thursday. Much . Interest is be ing taketf-at the port-in regard to !the cotton season and this splendid showing is most encouraging to gen eral business condltiona. Most .of the staple came to Alexander Sprunt gt Sons, who now bav* their com presses in operation and Oiree.ateam j port The price has ranged : this week from 12 3-8 . to 12- cents for middling, the lattery uotatlon being the spot market yesterday. ? Wil The Odd .Fellows are' doing very well this year and 1 1 new 16dges have been formed since "January the first, these being I^andls. at Ijindls, Row an "County ; Montvale. Fontana, Swain county; Frog Level, near Ruthe^for^ ton; Plymouth, at Plymouth* Ad vance, at Advance, Davie taunty; Buffalo, Buffalo Cove, Caldwell ^coun ty Corbett, -at Corbett; Crumpler, Ashe -county; Patterson; * Caldwell county; Grover, Cleveland ? county; Chapel Hill, Madison county. Besides these a number of new Rebeka lodges have been organized, being Bushnell, -at Suit, In Cherokee; Brevard, Ru fus, in Caldwell; Murphey. Uplon, Mlllsl in Rutherford; Walnut, ln.j Madison; Granite Quarry, In Rowan; | Balsam and Unaka, In Cherokee. Mention has been thade to the fact that William Morris, now respited until October 15, la thf flrst^mah U also to the peoiUatlawp^indeA^n - tence of dwtb, another In] his ca? the eenTance was to the gal l"M Hill III TiINii>*!'iIii IiiiijijiI .yT."Vw 1 "lecutlon :ntion. So Is the at? of thto prlwmer the Supreme <aan bu be fore It the goMltn of whether he ?h?U 41* o* the fallows or lit the ch?fl\ It to Sdt recorded that ear prisoner, If 4 rem hu cholM of tkeee CJae Hugh 0*^ri*n, flrti editor of the" Cornell WWow, after leaving" col lege- g6ton *he staff of the New York Sun and -was assigned to wrltlnr book reviews. -* v TE&'fifrjpbooIt was "Sloane's Hfs -weighed -nitte- i*oa nd*,? as the review er's curiosity led him to discover. He reviewed the volume as fol lows: "The hook .weighs nine pounds^--"--' 1 A day 'or t?wo later C. A. Dana sent for the revlower and asked him If he wrote tiu) ankle la question. O'Brien ' nodded. . I ' **Dld you read the book?" asked 1 1 Dana sharply. S "So, Mr. Dana." replied the re viewer. "I weighed It." - Thiiu he went .usuLf to await hlB notice uf dismissal. But Instead, he got a raise of salary. The Business Course at the Public School will begin next Monday. It offers you an opportunity to become an expert stenographer for the small fee"of'|S.6b a month". H&UMATISM makes a man lose couragcr It is almost impossible to work while racked with pain. R i . Sloan's Liniment gives relief. at once, stops the pain, I quickens the blood and draws out all | stiffness and soreness. You don't . need tCTTutr^ -it penetrates. Mr. J. P. Ev ak?. Mt. Airy, Ga.. ut>: " I inffftrtd with rhaqmatlmi Curthrae ? - Oo? lac tu badly swollen | IMd Sloan'a Llnlmaat aixf It eared me nil . and aonnd. Onc-kalf bottto took all th? pain and aweUlng oat." All Dn^ItU h?p It. Prlct ?5c, 60c A $100. D^EaHS. Slo&n, Boston, Man. BANANASanOFPIES" ? today Call . E. L. ARCHBELL Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. Leary Bros.' Old Stand: WANTED "" T-~~ One or two lots or houses j ?n<f InK in a Hpsirahlf part Of fthecity ? have clients forptor Also can handle one or two small' fahws?jf not too far from the city? 25~to50 - acres cleared land with neces sary buildings and right price. If you are looking for fa good investment it with' par I you to see onr ?? List of OFFERINGS And if you have any proper to cash we are in a position to get quicker results than you could yourself. Times are going to bfrgood again in a very short time, and you hid better begin look ing around. WASHINGTON INVESTMENT CO. EAST CAROLINA ^ Teachers' Training Schoo Eatabl Ished And maintained by the State for th? yo JS"!5" Wi??,i!r.l*h QMU'y themaelvee for the proteeaiotl "at iA n r>r r^c t ' * equipment new and modern. Senl SESSION OPENS OCTOBP.R 5TH, IW, For ?IfBec'uV>d '"formation, nddreea ROBT. H. WRIGHT, Pr..L4?,, Greenvflle, N. C. FURNIVWEU] " 1 y*.- ? * ' Housekeepers should visit our store end view the latest fads in Furnishings, etc., for the how Our fill line is replete with home neceeeitfes. See us before purchasing. Children's Shoes Wfi-ire ? ? unnuaokiuig m oujri, Misses ana Infants Shoes we Jiave ever shown. Tfhey are made by . x R. T. Wood & Co., Who Are the acknowledged >teaders in Children's Shoes. . * r LET ME MAKE YOUR picture Frames for you. Agents for ^ Green's Choeelate I Candy. SPECIAL LINE 'Phone 58. S*- ? H. G. Sparrow. There's Always a "Best Place" in Which to Buy It! Store-competition would be an empty phrase. Indeed, If it were pot true that there is always a best place to buy a partipnim- thing, if the _ contemplated purchase is of any im portance.-'the question of where to ! go Is of equal importance; and the a Mellon can best be settled? and usually very quickly? by reading the ~ MM.* . ~ - -C ? T- " IP ALL OP THE PURCHASES VOL' MAKE IN. TUB COURSE OP A YEAR were made AFTER CONSID ERING THE AI>S., and wtade ? 4a t n *+lhm h?t mrfTMB tage" store-corn petition would then ^become a valuable thing to_you. And irn"_w""M ^ nggre gate of your savings? at the amount of money realized af a direct com- *. pensation to 'you for your labor in |~readfci? 4fee ads/T ; ? ; OTB of meostrnntfon." They %re ?? LIFE 8 AVKR8 " to (jirllit - Jm "nminhood, girting deriinnn-rnr. nf ?... twv)T. MB *v *?o?r? remedy for wflfoin eqn*ls them. Cannot do harm? lite SW|(^ .becomes mplewuro. 8J.OO PEBBOX BV HAIL. 8oU by 'Irajrelsta. DR. WOTT'8 r?CMti:((, 00. Cleveland^ ohi? VOTES are issued as follows for Subscriptions Paid in Advance* || One Month . , 1 Vote Two Months . . 3 Votes >Tx Months . . . 1 2 V otes Twelve Months . 25 .Votes t _ ?. POM PEI A Ni jMassage-XIi^amj 7 Cleanses Where Soap and Water.- Fai t V^ashingwUh ftoap and wate? r&afcea the face iGQlT clean, bnt it cleans the anrface only. It doe a not clean oat the impnritiea In the akin that make - It jnnddjand aallow. Pompeian MaaaageCr. sroea through the anri [ ainka into every pore ? ? foreign dirt aqd impnri , ties that' lodge in the , poree. ? < . It ia the onl y facial cream i ? t .... lrf| ffrgf | keep* the face free from it. Dtfea dot? cannot ? promote the growth of tltFM the faue. - . -'trice 80c and fl.Ot) per jar. HARDY'S DRUG STORE. MI-ONA Gates Dyspepsia.

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