. Beaufort coiintjr. la] the Superior court. J, B. Allen vs. - ? QkalUe Ji Alton. ? * 5 ? -*? The defendant above named will take ootioe that an. action entitled as N above hae been commenced In the , Superior oourt of Beaufort county for the purpose of obtaining a di vorce absolute; and the said defend , ant. will further take notloe that she la requljred to appear at the term of the Superior court of said county, to be held on the third Monday In Oc tober, 1909, at the courthouse In said ? county. In Washington, N^ C., and unawaf ' nr damur t n t,h? in ?eaW action, or the plaintiff Will ap i>ly fo the oourt for the relief de itB iiiil TWnintihit ; / Tbls 7th day of Sept., 190#. Vs* . ' osjo. a. paul. Clerk of the Superior Court. [ COMMISSION KR*8 SALE. "Worth Carolina, Beaufort county? In vs. C.;. C. Sparrow. - - ? ? Parsnsnt fft a Jnrigrnfnt rprnlprnrl at the May term, 1909, of the Su perior court of Beaufort county in the above entitled action, the-under ? therein, will otter" for. sale and will uell/at the courthouse door In Beau fbrt corrnty, Washington, "MONDAY, OCTODPfl 4TII, ? li o'clock n*., to" the highest bidder f9* * rosy be la ruins tomorrow morning. Bin from many causes, which van cannot control, rosy destroy, in ? few-hours, ^h? result ol a life time's labor. PROTECT YOURSELF BY INSURANCE la one ot the beat companies In the world. We wUl lssu< yon a policy, the prem.um of which is so small that tt s ridiculous to neglect tne protection op ?ccount of insuranco. ? WM. BRACAW & CO., * ; . ' First Insurance Agehts In Washington, N. C. ' LET US MAKE YOUR FALL SUIT Tailored to Your Ideas After Your Own Fancies. Faultlessness lit Fit, ? Individuality in Style, Correctness in Color, Everything Exclusive but the Price. - . ? '-5% ? - ' Just step Jn Bnd aoy you are Willing to view our Pall and Winter Suitings. $18 to $50. WRIGHT'S TAILORING PARLORS, "-Who Tailor Beat la Wsahlntftoo." We Assure You WAV DOWN PRICES ; ' ? TOR NEXT TEN PAYS ? To dear-out printed Dress Goods we will offer our en . tire line of light weight Dress Goods as follows: I ? " - 22Jl-2c Figured Silk TiMuc, 15c L5c Florentine Oigandie, '2 l-2c lSc-Orape De Llode Taf- 12 1-2 and lie Donzelle and feta, V 13 1-Je AristtrOnrandie, 8c 15c Dotted Swlae Muslin, 12 l-2c 7c AlmeJio BatUtc, 5c 12 1 -2c Paris Tissue, ltc 5 and tc Priced Lswns, .-4c J.t. BLCKMAN & SON i. ia= i Yout opportunity is NOW! > - ? I While weaotplacihgourline of Heat I ? ing Stoves on show, to select from the targe variety of Wood sod Coal ? Heaters. It will be our pteasnre to I take-yOUr order and place one i a your I house, store or office before the cold J weather begins. You are invited to | call and see our stock. McKeel-Richardson Hardware Co. ' % j* imri.it n -us" - -ray, i ? 8 .. m North Carolina, Bean Sort county." Superior Court. October term. * 1M?. E. J. B dwwli vs kkm M Bdwaa-4*. lot of John Dowty and on the eovth by Second street, iwxl being the same lot of land conveyed by C. M. Brown aod Jflfe to Samoe4 8. Hardlaon- by deed date4 June 1, 1903, which 14 duly recorded In the Register'* once of-Beaufort county, aad-4s hereln-re WCIT 2 ' ~ This September 1. 190?. C. M. BROWN. Mortgagee. North (^ollna^'Be^fort County. In . the Superior %purt. October term, 1909. Lis* La Abel *i. Henry Ab?l. - The defendant above named, wllf take notice: That an action entitled as above, hae been .commenced by the plaintiff against the defendant in the | Superior court of Beaufort county to secure an -absolute* divorce from the defendant; and the sa'ld defendant will -further take notice, that he Is requlrqdto appear at. the nsxt term of tha Superior court o<_Beaufort oouaty to beheld o 6 tWe Ttfkonday after the 1st Monday In/ September, to-wltr tha ?6th day of October, 1909, at the courthouse In said county, la Washington. North Carolina, and answer o t demur to CM complaint In sal) action or the plaintiff will ap pITloTH ooort for TBI t* manded la hw complaint. > This the l?th day of fcmutur, 1?4?. OHO A. PAUL, Clark Sn^Vhor Court at llMlwt Oo. demanded in the eomplaint will bei allowed? This ,15th daj of September, 1909. GEO. PAUL, Clerk Superior Court. HIGHEHT CASH WlCKS 1 paid foe CHICKENS, EGGS "country produce] We carry Hay, Grain and all . Feedstuff ? We handle the Tfry beet Flour at whole -PAUL & CUTLER BAST WATKR STREET. WC DT TV iVUS ll BM's