Bring us your PICTURES TQ BE FRAMED Just arrived' the very best and lat est patterns in MOULDINGS. Work done neat ly and promptly. FullStock Edison Pho nographs and Records RUSS BROS. THE PICTURE KRAMKRS OEM v Theater TO-NIGHT FIVE-PIECE ?RCHESTRA % THE Hl\lHX?My\<iCiEH? Orrfma TUB JONESES HAVE AM.VTEl'lt THEATRICALS - Farce omedy. C(ttIPLICAtEI? I >V EL- Comedy FIRE:: FIRE ? A Hue spectacular ? *" drama. THE ELKCTR1C ttELL ? Clever ?> coiredy. ^FIVE FEATl'RK |1CTl REK'AND _ CUH?I> MUSIC. HEM THEATER Jfiast Received % \ . A large shipment of the new, large-size package, GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER^ We have a special deal on same. E. R. MIXON & GO. For a Proof Of the superior virtne.y of the GAS RANGE, call on that friend of yours who has one and do a little cooking on at? and -also secure her opinion as to its hundiness and its economical fea-, tures. We will guarantee that then you will call and investigate the cost, etc., for our best advertisers ardour satisfied clients. , j Washington Light & Water Co. Qoes Your House I.eakr If so, we tran stop' it. All Kinds of Roofing Galvanized Iron, Carey's, Magnesia, Rubber and Tar Paper. -The price is right. J. H. Harris Plumbing and Supply Co. I NEW ARRIVALS ? in iaiiiy Suip?ai~Aud Shade v 15c. the | I yard. Also nice lineof Plaid Dress Ginghamsat 10c. T. \V. PHILLIPS & CO. I. ARGF. SHIPMENT OF New Buggies Just Received. A few SECOND HAND Ones will be sold cheap. WASHINGTON HORSE EXCHANGE President. ^Absolutely Pure * only bakmf powder Roy*l Grape Cream o TW from I of W. STATE NEWS < 'onilrnncd llcout uf lut?re?t Hup |>ening Throughout the Stute. The maddest lot of Republicans In North Caroling lately are the DO r hum polltlcans, who are euragod over the appointment of Dr. William H. Glasson, of the T*lnlly .College Xaculty as supervisor of the census J for the Ptt'th ilistriet. The outbursts) wore fierce and frequent a rife there': was spilt Congressman Morehead a telegram, asking him to hold up the mailer. The message did riot reach h-m nt Spray, -hot, was lorwattled to Washington. In the reply to unfriend Mr. Morehead was represented as having had nothing to do ^Ttji the appointment .of Dr. Glasson, anulKe matter was left in the air. In the UHsintiju^--HTtr-nrgTintzarton--g<?t busy^ Tt had not be^u consulted at any"' time about the appointment of the it has been bad ly treated. When seen Dr. Glasson said that the dispatcher the Evening limes of Raleigh would' tell what the attitude "of the admin istration is. In that item President Tuft was represented as having said the census supervisors should be peo-l pie who have not been politicians. The verv same -reason assigned by the department for the appointment of 'such a man as Dr. Glasson, is con sidered aii affront to the Durham Republicans. They djd. not fe?l that lie had won any right to an office and they ilrtL loday i ng to get together enough of the executive' commit tee to offer a strong protest against the Trinity man, who Is a Massachusetts mugwump and never a regular Re publican.? Raleigh Times. " Wednesday atternooll 51' b!JU, IHPJ agreement entered lnto*by a number of Charlotte merchants relative to the early closing expiree. This agree ; merit was made at the instance of , t tip . Ivlra rippailinpnt nf thpWnman'n Club, of which Mrs. C. B. Bryant is chairman. It was for three nionths and was launched June .15. That it ] has worked well goes without saying and has proved of inestimable bene fit to the em ploy eg of the stores, par ticularly - the lady docUs. ? A*Tom I ml I tee from the civics department | will on iho merchants today to I see ir they will not -all consent to ex tend the Agreement until December | 1 5 til. ? Charlotte Observer. 1 Postmasters from? e^^-ii-section in North Carolina will be in Raleigh to "attend their third annual* convention . on September 29 ar.d 30. This jvill I be a jflir.t convention of both the ! I 1 ?WW 1 *"* | North Carolina State League of Post I masters of the Fourth class offices. 'land ft Js. probably that three or four. |*tfhndr?id will be "in attendance Post master. General Frank H. Hitchcock todaj- notified the postmaster afltal oighc that the posioffice department [ would bo represented at this irig by Hon. P. V. Dogiaw, assistant 1 postmaster general; Acting Chief Inspector Theo. ingalls. j and Mr. B. N. Davis and Mf. R. P.. Allen, superintendents ctctly .dellv ? cry and registered malls resp^ctive | ly. .in addition to these Mr. A. K J j Hoag. of New York. presides of thej National League of Postmasters of "" rn,"^K ftltewirm tin in attendance. It la confidently expect ed that with thiOyrepresentatloa tKiT gathering wW! be the -most sueeeaaful yet held In the State, and a special program |a 'being prepared /tnd'wlll be 8%nt out to all the Presidential post masters. Jhe officers of the As sociation o( North Car^lna Post masters are: Willis G. Brlggs. Ral eigh, president; J. R. Joyce, Relds vllle? secretary-treasurer;"!?." ATHey^ nolds. Winston -Salem; B: C. Pearson. Morgan ton; W. K. Snow. Htgh Point; J. 0. Fitzgerald. Pelti&lh, vice presi dents/ The whereabouts ot T. F. Coble, ?thaL cnnrlrt g?ar<t -who fehot ? and klllud convict- Will Turner, continues to be a mystery. A telephone mes sage was received -yesterday from Morg^nton, staling that they had a man. supposed to be Coble, spotted at that placn. but-axter receiving^ full description of the guard from, the local officials they decided that man and he was not arrested. This 13. lire onJy arrest of susnects made so far. hut The county authorities expecjt to ha vb to umbers of taqultles | WANTED One or two lots ?r houses and lots in- a desirable part of the city ? have clients for pur chase. iir Handle uirc ? ar two small farms, if not too : far from the city? 25 to 50 acres cleared land with neces mUfcjjjH and .fifth! prirp If j?ou are looking for a | good investment it will pay j you to see our List of -- r OFFERINGS 1 ' ? " I And if ycu have any proper ty that you want to. turn In to cash we are in a position j i to get 'quicker results thmt ' - you could yourself. _ 1 Times are going to be good . again in a A ery short time, j and you had better begin look ing around. INVESTMENT CO. WASHINGTON Wt (Uji tn retard to the affair. Every effort I. Minn made by Sheriff | ?Tonw d*p?th?. toTR* mlalnr mm. and II lie u *11111- m thU county, ns many bfliire, be" wUl hire to ke?p pretty, close to the diligent search being made fcrt him. ? Greenabottt-^i?w#. _ Arrangements, made with Clay tT| Vanoo bf the management oX Brow* Opera^youao' will give the residents ?oX this ritv tit ?i tn? - Ing I^m B. Parker's new AraeMcan drama, "The Pinal Settlements which will be the attraction at Brown'a Opera House next Friday evening. . The play" la aald to be founded upon facta and the charac jtei^ living. breathlnlToountor^ayU of present "day American men and wom en moving in a much-discussed aoclal class. The presenting .company, headed by Miaa Marion Sherwood, la L-> unuattslly .strong. om^-ajid the en gagement will be one of the real dra matic-events of the. seafton. Intprovinjg. ^ "How la your son James getting on fkt'L'VTTUgP. an. Bugg,s*n aahed the INw | son. "Fine," said Bogga. "He'a getting more business-like every day." # "f am glad to hesr that," aaid the Clergyman. "How does the lad show it?" "Well." said Bogga. "when he flrat went up and wanted, money, be used to write asking for 1L Now he draws on me at sight." -N. ..The Cause. *^ha at caused the separation?" "Oh. he thought as, much of him self as she thought of herself and aa little of her fe she did of him." I The Ideal. ''la your daughter learning to play the piano by note?** ; "Certainly not.** answered Mr. Cum* rox severely. always pa y taah." A More Important Question. .?J "Now a big Chicago firm complains that Ita girls, will n6t stay single." "Well, will they stay married?" y Keep the expense of slckne** down by getting y^- l>rugs *kmi Supplies ?t Hardy's. \ FURNITURE! FURNITURE! Housekeepers should visit our . store and view the latest fadsjn 'Furnishings, etc., for the home Our f?ll line is repletewith home necessities. See' us' before purchasing. JEFFERSQN FURNITURE 1 - EAST CAROLINA Teachers' Training School | Established and maintained by the State for the young men and women who wish to qualify themselves for the profession of teaching. Buildings and equipment new and modern.' Sani tatlon perfect' ? t ? ? ' fif SESSION OPENS QT.TQBFR STH. 1M?. It For prospectus and information, address ROBT. H. WRIGHT President, Greenvflle, N. C. ? " ? Chijdren's Shoes For School, of Dress We are showing the largest Brie of B$y*V Mioses ana Infants Shoes we hav?~ever They are made by v R. T. Wood & Co., afe ckC ?ckhow,e<fjjed leaders in Eggs. -<T77?. ... .".TTtt . 2Jc Chickens, grown. 25 to 30^ Spring chickens. 10 to 25c Hides, green. . , .6 to 70 Hides, a. a.:.,..? ,8e 'Mlied woAl IK to 20c Hurry wool ; ,10 to !8c T??<>* ft .... . 8 1 -2c Wopl, free from burrs. ..... . . ,20c Sluwiiklii ...4# to 75e Lombeklti . ' 25 to 40c COTTON. ? ? ----- I Seed cotton . , i.,,,*$4.85 I Lint cotton ....... 12c For HEADACHE ? Hick'* Vfepudine. Whether, from Colds, Heat. Stom ach or Nervous Troubles. Capudine will relieve ym., It's liquid ? pleas-' ant to take ? acts Immediately. Trjr It, l'Oc.. 25c. and^c., at drug stores. 1 1 BANANAS and APPLES TODAY Extra Fine Stock. - Call . -? " - v E. L. ARCHBELl ? 1 ^ Specialties Cigars and Tobacco. ' Leary Bros.' Old Stand. , PATRICIAN Black Cloth Top, Button, Patertt Leather Vamp. A Beautiful Creation 1 ?$4.00? Knight Shoe Co LET ME MAKE YOUR ? 't ' Picture Frames ? for you. ' Agents for | Green's J^hocolate Candy. \ SPECIAL LINE. of POST CARDS 'Phone 58. H. G. SparrbwT V Souvenir Dav N ? Fall and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 1909 A Magnii Dress Souvenir Day_ _ _ 7 v^vrv/uij. jl mo yv iii uca i dle near to every lady. SOME EXTRA SPECIALS will be offered for one day only. Everybody that will clip coupon, and sign properly, will be presented with a handsome Souyenu\_?: 230 BELT PIN'S BoutfiT direct from ^actoty for this Sale Worlh up to 50c. * Openlftg ffrlce 10c. 400 RAT PI,\S Jet topa, worth up to 19c. Long Pins. Opening price *? ? j? ? ? 5c. 250 BARRETTES Ail shapes and kinds worth up to 26c. A bar gain;- Opcnlrft price lOc. SOUVENIR COUPON NO. 2 This coupon when properly HfgnCtfl and presented In person, on Sept. 17, at J. K. HOfrS, entitles Lady to ? Handsomr Souvenir. Void unleaa sign et.- ' *U:' NAME Address - Y ARDS ' OF table linen Bleached Union .part Linen, Is worth s$c. yd. Opening price ' 25c. ' ,3.000 YARDS PERCALE Mill leijgtha. 12 l-2c. gfkA* the Best QuaTHy: Ogfct and dark. ~~~ Opening price ivr; ; ; ; _ 10c. Yard. OUR SUIT BUSINESS this season so far has warranted us to boast on oar lines for style, workmanship and exclusiveness. Special models will be show, beginning at 9 a. m. - I.SOO YARDS Ht'ITIXOS 8om? special Suitings, all color.. Opening prlp? 0?. Yard. , - S.OOO YARDS RIBBON'S in*Tnf ...1| lends. Sitins. | | Taffetas. Morle, and Persians. DOZEN cnzuiui tj| UHH7TI n Fahey EAbrotdery Em JL, ] flr nnrn [ SO ItoZKN H I>K'm jl Fs| Pl.lll. Whlto ' H.m Washington's Greatest Store. ? ? ? "?? ' mrn' . ? ?T OSIIIIIXIUU s vjieaiKJi wore. 1 ' 1 I . I .. ? ? ? ' ' No Child will WrgKeri a Scraffci rfr. fitcwfc of a rather expensiyjKSouvenir, we Cannot give any to Children. ! _ ? . - ? ? ? ; i ' - i ? - 1 ' 1-. ' ' ' r' **?*

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