WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS | Entered as second-class matte: August 5, 1909, at the postotflc.. hi "WaybtnjrtoTr. N c.. under tho ftet oil Aiami j. i?;?. ? ? _ PUBLISHED EVEKY AFTERNOON | EXCEPT sr_NDsV Y, No., *. 1 1 East MTiln "5Jt^<s-t. J. L. M \ Y?), .Witor ami Proprietor. Telephone No. -1M>- . SI BS4 IUITION HATES: Otie Month.. $ .2T? . Four Months l.Ou Six Months 1.5o One Year 3.00 Subscribers deeiirin? the paper ill*'-', continued will please notify this office on date of expiration, otherwise, it | will be continued at regular eubacrlpt "ion rates until notice to stop is re- . Mrcd. : ' ? ? - J If you <3o~hot get The Daily News" promptly telephone or write the man ager, and the compJalnt will receive Immediate attention. It is our desire to pleas^ you. ^ - . . WASHINGTON, N. C . SI PT. 20 let the news follow. Partle*? leaving town should not ft*!', to let Tljg Vfwa follow them daily *ith the.newS"*of Washington fresh j and Crlip. !t will prove u. vnliuihlf companion. raadtux to vou like a let ter from home. Thuse at the sea--. shorn nr mountains will find The I News a most welcome and iruei'emlrii? \ visitor. Ml si Ilk SH.AKII. " ? All articles t?ertf to The New^~for| publication must be s:gue<l T7y~~rhe*j writer, otherw is,, they will not publisher! i:\iiu\t I'lllLlrlTV. 1 a-!:!::!?' "11 M"l..'i] Hi I. ol Wf. R II llarrimair* v|vw? And pr;i..t|r? i:j regard to glviij>;' the public IfMnrtiiuilo^i about railway matters: . "Mr. 1 i.mir.'.ai: it as 'a bollover in i publicity. Uv hn-rsed i|i.? railway i tradition tii.it r .????-*..* ?.? ?an-idv:iu j sljO'.lM l?* il.rH ?Vi i*:ri*r:i 1 ? ~ 5^ ? ? ? : ; ? i - railroad ?'t?plo>v *a "is* d'-faiTi'd" rij "fcrn cilUffTV n.-w?iiaiwp iSTJuiry ami .mi-] sure A local Jnry.j made ii? oiilZfMs ai.d ra:~lYt>sid often. with a u?.Mv.j|>aj?tT man on U.I ' .was l.v vvui-k-4AeeFT?Katiii|S the ae- j crdetu and ae.'t-riainsuu Its causes. I Their re'ituri. r> i ? J ? - 1 ; ? o. und fin^ings-l were published. and hay* brought . more than one reform. preventing] .fllher lUi- .in idv.iln. 4 He "gav?* railway discipline similar j treatment. Penalties- and praise were all placed upon bulletin boards, i exhibited at stations a|ike to public J and employes." As to his railroads* financial trans- I actions Mr Harriman did not take ? the public into hid confidence- He ] kept those matters to himself and guarded them even more closely than j at times compared with the govern-*! mer.t's views on the sabject. ? Char- I lotte Observer. How different the railroad mag- j -A,,--..- il.iwn 1:1 these . fart#? It shows that all railroads are! ' not managed in Hip ?ame way? 'If an ) acr'dent happens in Kastern Caro- 1 Una and a newspaper desires to se- | cure the correct information .you'll never k?". ii from the railroad offi cials? Their? *mt?*?6Ulon?i*- to "sin?=| press any arid everything about their j road. But let a paper give publW-ity to an accident tlia t does not happen j to be exactly correct, and th^rf you I h-nr r ?>?>?. Hi tig. f ? Harriman made M a rwwmr In rail- i .roading. and he gave the public the benefit of hlj knowledge." The f**ikj 4owa lb S.i wa^jrjon't. seem to realize that the public is entitled ro some! Information, anil Keep a eloak but- ' toned tight around their doing*. ??l -I THK I Nl'M rill I I servants =>*? 4 _ . On -the whole. a* Mr. . iJavl* oh _ serve,!, tj.p State prohibition law r v.;or*<lr.? well. 1? ;? d^!d?d and un doubted Hti<T-*s-. m V.".. enf^rvb. !:owevr\ ';e think it V c?.?r. new n*. Ik 7i. In* npml; v ftantitrr! hf iiaiu cou; ??h'"' '?1i:\rge tii,->r he maUe.-*. ?i /kp?n v or the rrtr-r <h? ?y- - ?.,4 i~LL?.: knowlede- ".f official* !n mn-v me rlons i> Hi: ? * W *r efctfjd l-ixt i' t from letrrr?T iv-eh'ed fr?n.i yHrw..* pgrrs of the State ar* re;.i-??duc#>?l. a:l bearing <*at lhl ? Ion that in tn^ Stafe of Nort-i C'ts-olii.a there i;> many paid ? ? ftl > lain ??f the i'i\v wl-.o are not doins their duty Here is a taU*a<ui-iXir. iAl? jjiiliii. In otder ?li^? hi..- ?' law may TTe strictly c-nfnrred it, irt necersary to have the , people's supjt-j?t and ro ? : ? _The prohi';d?'r,i la?v ?. ? .sanction * ed by a majority" of '?{ iJ.'w j There ^ no doubt but that I'.e gre-t' majority -ot-eirt?wn?i nf thf-i t::at.e are heartily -In favar ol-Htatft nrohibition. and . sanction an reserretf ty f he new law. Why. theiw thfsJblati?Tr{ df*narfce on th? part of law-breakera, and why thltf unconcealed connivance on the .part of officials? -r ? HaV? ihe people neglected tfteir j.4ityf Hay they nOl t rendBT wrVfcB, +n UMeiss th?t the lit la enforced to the letter and .that offiCers irhd fair to htj law. Stic a aentlmeutSo strong u ta\gr 61 I u n for cement that In Jolence anil apathy of~oftlefals wiTT .lot be tolerated. r What a shameless state of affairs, 'aIi.m- n fs trpK,.fhttt 1?> any part of the jtate. u man clothed with power of 'nfoning the law becomes one of the jrors=t -es :**S most dangerous criminals* in 1 Is allowed. to rvitialn In ofth<r* It is the duty of every good citizen o do his dul? Hoport names of vio lators fo otll^ia Is. and if they fall to respond s ye that they arc kicked o\it .?f ollfce and placed on 'the "roads, a# 'he criminals that they ate. The prohibition law can lie en forced. and will be when the peoplPI deeidt* that It shall be. SucnTendUlons as ihuse pictured by Mr. Davis are a shame and dis grace;'-- , ? Send the unfaithful officers to the In their places w hi? will respect their oaths and dls~ charge their hones't duty! This can be dont?. ? Charlotte &e<ws. The best dustdoths are made " oT old rsllkalliie.' Grass stains may be removed by cream tartar and ^rvtr V , - ? Scotch-. gimff put in Tioles wherfc crickets come out will destroy Them. Salt on i He fingers when cleaning mi'iii or flvh. will prevent ullii-. ping. To clean aluminum wash with 11 ' ? | 1 ? '? -1M' monia and soda. Mustard water Is useful to clean the hands after handling any xnlor ous substance.- - " v For blood' stains use cpld wat.w tfrst, then and wale* Never 1 ? ? "fiir - - ^ Wood ashes put In a woolen ban ar.d placed In tlii* water is a simple means of making hard water 'soft for vashlng. ./ Yellow #oap and whiting,' mixed to a stiff, jiasie with j\ lltjle . water will 'stop n .leak in the pipes as qxti- k ly as solder. l'se vinegar instirid <?i wafer fur | :v' \l.:ii ? ? '-TOM |>'di.!i: ? I bin ? U. 1 1 I "make If >r|. u mu1*h ?hetrer,Tnitt~witti also give, a botin/ polish. Half "a teaspoon ful of sugar! thrown Into "life embers, will nearly always revive a dying tire, and- it is | always safe to be used for that pur pose. To preVent lajnp wpks from smok- > Inft, soak them" thoroughly in vlne gar.and thcij. let them get dry before ;m 1 1 ill e ;t..-lvy|iKi?. ihe l:r r tine tie lu.r.m to be used/ A few drops of oil of cloves added to paste will prevent the latter from turning sour. If the celling Should become smoked from an Improperly regu lated lamp underneath. the black end surface may be cleaned by wash ing It with a. little weak soda water. When parking away white summer dresses or any white goods for? the winter, wrap each piece carefully in bjiie paper. It will prevent the white material from turning yellow. Writing ink. especially If kept in ** 'ilii'.'i; heroes thick rfnd unlit- for ?ipe ? In that case dilute the Ink with a small quantity of vinegar and shake the bottle well. If soot should fall on the carpet: rover St liberally with salt before m? rlmig -au_ attempt to sweep it up. It will then be possible to remove the soot with trie salt, leaving the ~arp"t clean Hugs often fiave a lehde.icy -h* from -doing so. bind them on the un derside with a strip of. narrow web bing, of the kind that is used to hold the springs in furniture in. place. 1: 1? a thing welf worth H nowTirj? that a few drops of nil of fa vender, s/ offered upon book shelves, back of *.r.e booka.^^fH ? prevent dampne/' from Ir.i'jVing the bindings of books dusiufe arc longed seasons of rainv weather. . . . Moths do not "tike Ml mirk e their] n-sts in any place where salt" has ?:e<-n and one may efften get rid of i 'hem by scruunlflip' 'fliJiii *!ih aj "*ttt and s'rong aol'illon pf salt be- ? fore laying rhe carpet and scattering' dry salt on the carpet when sweep In* It ' iMrtly'x TnM. ls fnr .? ???)?] j n i the lieml. \ ifiiirk <? hurt cur*. ' THIS II.UJ. IX~ ajMTOHV. ~ T'- ? 'IVtiic fit Df|ftWj|j-' into ;i Stat.- ?!>?l "framed I ral??>tl ,thr? or Port Ki> !" ' _J Philander Chaae. flrsf Ejtlf '?cijial tifshnji r.f -mtmti*; dW In* p~-| orin. Horn Dori>i)i!i#r is, 1775*. I v " 4- Fmnf lK Xavler Oartlafirl. I Horn an Catholic bishop of S:?-| 4!iS| |n jj,ar PUy r{orn ,r fndand in 1 SA.r?. 1X?i ? Chester A Arthur took th? . *>ath of office ?? Prenio^nt of lhcj "f ? -mt**!- fttatnaT -T'nlon ajxl Confederal^ vet- ] ?rans formed i "mern7n:Taf~aHS7ct*tPm on the ChiramauKua battlefield.,* _? J Intens* hent tn South Ds-'| ?leiuM- .ff ? trli In tin jumr ???t ? ftnldit. m r i" ? ? 1 802 ? Crulraf rx>* Moines launch ed ?t Qulnoy, Manb. ~i 1908 ? Gov. Hoke flmtth signed a bill terminating the' convirt~leas?j system In Georjcfa. HlckVCapodln* Carta Hick He?dach<- f TOO COLD *OR zeKeT % I TTfat it, for Work; But Than There | Are Other Activities. | V'Zeke," drawled U*e old farm**, as I he thawod out his w&iakerg. "1 want ' yeouw to go down to tKe woodpile and j chop up some kindling. " ~B-r.rJ" exclaln>ed Zeke, an be blew I hi* lingers. "It's too cold." "Wall. then, go over to tbe~ban> yard and iull4 the cowb." ? .1 I "Can't, peg' Honest. I'm freezing," "H'mS Hc& about cleaning the kmj-*' off tbe- porch?" Vf'Yeouw'll Jjtave to excuse me. pap; 4ny fingers rfe Jest like icicles.'' The ?old farmer was thoughtful. "Wall.^fl light, s5nr" he said, slow* Jx= "IfosBkn-*t be said that I allowed . any of 'my children to ret frost bitten by working in freezing weather. What be yeou going to do now? Bit by the kitchen Are and warm, your hands?** Zeke grinned sheepishly. f'Kn pap 1 am going flown tO the _lgke and flsn for pickerel througfi T5? 7 I fc The Grafter's Success. I J James ~Br- Bill. whose ffB-'ftpt-r eBclr I Nn ?,Qraft""at Oberlin College attract* | -^d so much attention, told recently, I 'jpropoa of "graft" a story about a dwindling tramj>. * "The tramp," said Mr. 'ftrtir~*i*^d rtbe alort. unscruplous. bold mind that ( rtakea grafting successful, j ? "He was- ttiilklu*; in Cftttagtr-one ^ay when he saw a little boy stoop itnd ulck up something. >< ''?He crosdec 6Vt*r iu tlxe boy quick* You have made a find, my lad." be pssnr ' - (i "Yes. sir." said the innocent boy, W"I have found a silver ring." p "I thought so." said the tramp. "It's the one I Jmtf dropped. Now. aini it i lucky 1 had cay name cut in jt?" t "What's your name?" said die boy jlclonsly. iterling. ' kaM t He iiauif'. "TaJce- it then, it's yours." said the I boy. aanding over the ring with > d1?appoint?*d air." *? Sloan's "Liniment is the best remedy for sprains and bruises. It quiets the pain at once, and can be applied to the tendereftt partwithout hurting because it dotfflTt .need to be rubbed ? all you have to do is to. lay it on lightly. It is a powerful prepa ration and penetrates instantly A relieves any inflammation and con- ? gestion.and reduces- (he swelling.? _ Sloan's* Liniment is an excellent antiseptic and germ killer ? heals exits, burns, wounds and cont us ions, and will draw poison from sting of poisonous in sects. 26c.. 60c..tu*t1. rtirti Sortoi.Mu. V tJL. How's Business ? This ad. is directed at the man. who has all tb?-busin?SS in his line in this community. Mr. Merchant -?ou say you've. got it all. You're selling them all they will buy Jbayhow. But at the samPtnne you would like more business." Make tliio community buy more! ? Advertise strongly, ju- j diciously, consistently. Suppose you can buy a lot of washtubs cheap; advertise a big washtub sale in this pap^r. Put in -(vn inviting picture of : a washtub where the read ers can see it the minute i thev look at vour advfer-, tisement. Talkstrong onT ws?shtubs. And yuu will find every woman in this vicinuy 'wbo has beeta getting along with a > ick ety washtub for years and years will buy a new one from you. That is creative busi B ess power. IN ALtTIITIES AND TOWNS FROM MAINE TO FLORIDA, FROM NORTH CAROLINA TO CALIFORNIA, - 'tis dusty In hot weather. .*'?**. >' ? " This in itself is why so many seek the suburbs. r /* Move to Washington Park, 'tis a most ideal spot in w'hich to live.' *' * -^Secu?e the lot today. - ' A. C. HATHAWAY. IN TIME OF^EAGE PREPARE FOR WAR Today there are tinges of Peace in WHARF PROPERTY; The free inland water route wiH-brifg WAR; ? ; ? Prepare? see me today. A. C. HATHAWAY. Leon" Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTON EXCHANGE. -iamri W. Cole - frLEON WOOD ^m.r BANKERS and BROKERS STOCKS BONDS, COTTON, -GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUME STREET, CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK. VA. -Private Wires to N. Y. S?ock ExchmiterNrV. Cotton Exchange. Chicago Hoard of Trade and other Financial Centers. Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment and Marginal accounts given careful attention. i i.i 1 ii ? . ? - i - A Fire Fighter's Astounding Story OF THE UMPARAllEliO MERITS OF ? BLOODINE " ii wumwurvf ENGINE WHICH MR GLACIER ROSS. HAflflY A. GLAZIER Ifrr-mlnent Fitcman of Maldto, Maw., wtitn;. Mar. a8th. ioo? I.??t winter I h a <\ a aevere cold and it ?etiled n lay Kidney*, canning (?"? ? *n o*4 ? Mctuckbag I paia nlmc?t every titnel attempted to move : J had tri?d evreythin* imagin? ?*?lc to (fet relief, wnh no oigns -ox Danger. ~ J BaeV?ch?, dlz.-ne?? and hendnrhe. "apcek? ttZlV, ' W" h?rt action an-1 ? vmntnm? Jf' ?C of the WJv lS^SSiZS^l,'!ZJr^l i?" ?1"wcd * SYMPTOMS. - ujtets^ira' jffia BUddu, Pit in Otln?Uair. Rh< (arto moUl ? -?? ? - ? K urtnc, OrlM, tsotloa ol O; Thlok or " Bladder. Blood or Maoua la Urlso Re Sf10"' ?trmlnlaC Alter UrlnaUn* ,T Sj^K1"1* Urtnm;. Stone to the . Cymuum Clntl a carnation o ( miad -?, **. " , "L ?T*e. Vo?aoloua Appetite m P* n p*to ln 8o*nt y ortS2?pSwS Vj ' "? ^U' BulloMn"?, Dribbling * Pleah, Irree Aotioo. OToqtaMoc ol tbe B.*d 1 sriJS&ssE ' ?** B-a <*?' j S1BPLB TEST $0R KIMSY DISBI5B. *n>, k,?d *?wa >?/* kidney or bladder i T ,&?** ,co?""'n<-e taking ffSfftiSJa*?" ?""" *uccr*?. until I wn ad viaed to try ? Bloodine " which to my great ?'irprtiw. R*ve n*r relirf almost from tne 1ir*t done, und bcforeTLhad tst?n one bottle I w?? completely curtdV Bloodine " I* a wcndeiiiil, vitalising tonic. If the blood la impure, com plexion bad. appetite lost, rtrength (one. ?od t he-whole ?v?um I* upaet by an accutmHctioo of hutoora, it ia time to try " BJoodiac" today. BlaodTfte Curad Hemorrhage of th? Kldnaya. U?mhfiiu>, Vt.. Sept. a, 1904. TlWI Bkw?I1I1 Cw.i Boat an r Mnr t*nti?meo : ? I received one of your booka, ??* terday. 1 have baen a great luflertr lot lhirtj-lfi?M weeka. p?*lo? bloody water, have beeo to the hoe pita], have bid (oar different doctor*. They called K meet iwythlnr end I got no better. Pleaaeacod me a aamfU bottle of your Bloodiae (or which I ta doa tan cents in itampt to pavfor lame. If it wiU do me any rood I artll take it tST rt?t of my life. Sigaed, MRS. OCTAVIA E. CARPENTER. MABtxrtBLo, Vt., Sept. 14, 1904. The Bloom nv Co.. B*?ton, Maaa f . (ientleroen ? ! received your trial bottle of Biood ioe That waa no* enough to do much tor to*, (or I am very bad and weak, paacinc quite a lot ol blood Now, If you think that Bloodine WUTbetp me, joa miy aead me one dollar' a worth. I think by the time I Uka that I can tell if it will do (Many good. Signed. MRS. QCCAXIA E CARPENTER. MarinAmlo, Vt.. Oct. a a, 1904. Tki Btoon??em Co , Boetoa. >1 MB, FVe.tr Bin -PWaae tend tn? tii bottle* of Blood, in*. It hak done me a world ofxood; it haa etapped the hemorrhage*; and I am fee tog much better. Respectfully, . Signed, MRS. OCTAVi A E. CARPENTER. For Infanty^nd Children. The Kind You Have Always Boughi Signature AXjJ AWOHOL 3 PER CBNT. j Promotes Diction OwiM ness and Rra(jConlaim nciito Opium .Morphine nor Mineral. NOTNARCCTK?." J MtcvrvouitaKzwiaai '? , 1 Apnfalltemfily forConsi^t Man . Sour Stomach. DUntuu TSbnusforvulsioiisJrwrisIf ne35 and Loss or Slew. PacSjuilc Signature of OMSSSi NEW YORK. 1 Bromo Quinine itivo Bromo Qu ? BUSINESS ? OPPORTUNITIES I^RATE. 1 Estimate six words to thp line,' and inclose payment with copy. Answers to ads. may be received at this office. To insure-prompt attention all adver tisements, should be iif business office by 1,2.45^. Ads. by messenger, tele phone or mail given careful attention? FOR SALE. BFLBR IN GREAT VARIETY" AT Store. ? ? FRESH FALL HEED ? CLOVKlC Rye, Rape, Vetch, Cabbage and Turnip. Dr. Hardy's Drug Store. I i i vii u. i.yTL i#v !???.' I'HO.NK "56. Kugler's Market. 23 CANARY BIRDS FOR SALE? I have on hand 25 flno canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, : guaranteed to ^Ing. Price per pair, |5; single birds, $2.50. Guaran teed sale aelivery any ujjeie lu the ; State. Address W. H. Gaakins, Aurora, N. C. L ? MISCEU*.\NEOCS. sTKftm.lui'HriH a n ? t y i>'k wrtter. Let mo write your letters. Miss Beulah Thompson, 115 Mar 1-"' -7> WANTED ? TO BUY ONE ROLL top desk and one flat lop desk. CaTT'on or write, W. -T. -Bailey, Sr. if 1 t AVe\wA NTEI > ? W f f ITE SCI* I pernongv at the Union Grocery" eor Will buykall we can get for. the next-10 daJyS^ - 24 * v WANTED ? A HIKTLING MERCH andlse ?broker ~ to t^tke care of a good account on commission. Ad , dress The~\Va'?TswT>fth Conifumy. Cincinnati, Ohio. *20 "WANTED ? *IC(1,SS MAi/aEINK wants an energetic and responsi ble- man or woman in Washington j to collect for renewals and milfclt j nevi RubacripXiuaK jluring full or ' sj?aro time. _ Experience umfeces nar'y. Any one cav start among friends aud acquaintances and build* UP a pacing and permanent business. without capital. Com plete_jjulfit and instructions free. Address, "VON," Success Maga z ne, Room 103, Success Magazine i Bldg., New Yor^t Cltty, N. Y. 21 | THE COl* NT V BRIDGE ACROSS Pamlico River at Washington, will be closed Tuesday, September 21, and' no passing allowed on ? that day. " By order Board of County Commissioners. 20 A REWARD WILL RE PAID FOR the return of my hOrso and cart, , or for Information which will lead to their ? recovery. They were taken from Chauncey's shipyard Saturday night, between J and 8. horse, dark brown, white spot In Tore head; white ankle" on one hind leg; weight about 9-00 pounds. Cart, body painted red? shafts not paint ed, axle well worn, 2 rings on It ; ? used- for -washer*, heavy Jtb^el.s with new tires. Address Major Woolen*'- Washington, N. C.. Or The Dally News. 21 HOYS! 'GlkLS! (OL1MKIA- HICY? cle free! Greatest Offyr out. Qet your friends to subscribfl^to our magazine and we will maW ypu a present of a $4 0 Columbl^_Blcycle 1 ? the best m?lo. Ask for partlcu-j lars, free ooWt; and .clrculrft tell 'Ing "How to Start." Addresa-i'-The:, Bicycle Man," 29-31- East 22d St., New York City, N. Y. 21 SfH?.;hri.K OAS BOAT VICTOR. . Tuesday,7 'fhurs'A&y JUitf SAIUIUIJ# " | Leave Hunter's Bridge 6 a. m; ar rive at Bath, 6.30, Washington. 9. | Loav?? Washington 2.30 p. m., arrive Bath B. p. n;., HunTer'4 Bridge fr.30r j Fare 00c. round trip. 3Bc. -flnenyi WILLIAM, BOYD, Muster. OYSTERS! -PHONE 3fc7. Delivered to an$ part of city 4S* cents quasi. Served in any style, steamed a specialty at 113 Market Street Ocracoke Fresh' Dressed'Muilets. DOUGHTY A WVaTT, Professional Column '? SPECIALISTS * H. W. CARTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Dliealei pf the Eye. ?ar, Nose and Throat.' Hours: 9-12 A. M- Cor, Main and 1-5 P.M. Gladden Sta., PHONE 86. WaabUHHUn, N. Ct - Dr. I. M. Hardy PRACTICING PHYSICIAN SURGEON , ~ Washington, l*rC. - ^ DR. H. SNELL ' Dentist. ? Office corner of Main and - - Respass Streets. Phone 100 WashlfigKHTTfr*. C. ATTOHNKY8 1 H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GRIMES WARD & GRIMES 1 AT-frORNEVS-AT-LAVy Wnllagtum N. c. T We practice in the Courts of the Ftrit Judicial Diatrict, and the ? Federal Court*. John H. Small, . A. D. Mac&an, - Harry McMullan. J SMALL, MAC LEAN& McMULLAN A1 lOttJv'EVi-Al.LAlV 1 Washington. North Caro'.ina. W. D. GRIMES . ATTORN E.Y-AT-LAW Washington, \nrth f^rnHna, Practice* in all the Courta. VV. Mr- BOND, Edenton, N. C. '* NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS - . A*TORNEYS-AT.LAW Washington. North Carolina. Practice in all Cout ts. w. L. Vaughan W A. Thompson VAUGHAN & THOMPSON =r? ' * ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW Washit^jgepn and Atirora. N. C. Practice in all l ie courta. H. C. CARTER, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW;: Washington, Nt^C. Office Market Street. , tVrn. B. Rodman. Wiley C. Rodman. RODMAN & RODMAN Attorneys-at-Law ... Washington, N. C. '' Business Cards ~rTl. STEWART PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER and JEWELER. Cornet Main and Market Streets. Just received a larga assortment of the. J ' latest designs In Jewelry. .Re pairing a specialty. , ? : We me Mill duinn hn.inM. .? nuf~ old stand. In this period between the seasons- we are still satisfying cus tomers.- Ourfall samples are already In and we can take your order now ** for immediate or future delivery. Yours for business, H. B. Goldstein. ? tor FIRE INSURANCE - '? ' , J.. aW P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble and Granite Co.~ MONUMENTS Prices and Work Right Wi\SHINGTON, N. C. WHITE -BARBER -SHOP onable judgment. We have 3 chato, ifirst-claas while, barbers. Sat (faction assured. Oppo*4te Postal office. ____ A. B. DRAUGHON. Prop. ? C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE ~ ? 6f all kinds. (E0PL6 who ?re troubled with stiffness and poor circulation^ should use

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