WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS August 5, 1909; at the pdstofflce at Washington, N. C.. under the act of March 3. 1879U 1 PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON | L'.U'E.Pl No. 114 East Main Street. J. I? MAYO. Editor and Proprietor, j Telephone Xo.' 2UO. KI'IISCKIITION* 1{ATES: One Mouth * ,2ij fTotir Months *..... 1:00 Six Months l.s?o| One Year a.ai). Su Use libera desiring 'he paper dls cyudjiwvu "wnt please nottry this offlrf on date of expiration. otherwise. U will be continued at regular subscrip tion rates uutil notice to stop is re ceived. If you do not got The Daily News promptly telephone or write, the man ager. aud the complaiut will receive 1mm vdlate atteutlon. ..Jt t*> our desire to please you. > W ASWX(;TO.\r X.X^SEPT. 2i LET TjlE NEWS FOLLOW. Parties leaving town should not 4a?l let The News follow them dallv ?'j*h the nows of Washington fresh cotnpanion. reading to you like, a let from home. ^Those at the se-i ?hote oc TSroantr\!t < - w:n nn.1 The; News a most welcome aiVd Interesting visitor. MIST HE SKJNEh. All articles to The News fori publication must be signed bv the writer, otherwise they will not be published. THE MTK <anniiv.iB .liiMVunv I With ng away of Govern - vor -John Johnson. of- the State of Min nesota, God it; His providence re moves from the political stage one of the country's most striking figures, on? always high in the estimation- of the Am*M,kaiT-"fiV>i'lo as a' statesman , and one whom they were reacl y trt be stow greater gift?* upon.. No man In political life today rose, higherln the. - scale of popular TtrrprovaiT~and his death Is a public calamity. Removed at a time when his powers were be ginning to be felt and. too, a presi dential -possibility,, ii 1- a cause for universal tveri't from the entire* cou ? Frurn' b<.o' -lo-fcuA exn-_ <y. '.'.e tm>rlte<l the confidence and es teem of those with whom he came in j cor. tact : "but his star lias* set and he | j~ has iro*Te rT? r !:<?? "IJiv-at IV-yoild," where all are^destirjed sooner, or. lat er. (?overno"r Johnson fooehi valuta!* ly for life :? n?! never gave tjp hope to Ti:-' H?*. '?".T wtir-n Thar time r.rrivci! _ lie ui"Li!i-.' grim rao- >-.-r with tha' ? spirit of bra wry for* which h?? was noted, and w^ni out carrying with! % hi-m ? ? i"y. ? *+**? ? ? The-i confidence of hU Jellowinon. He; owed his great s':ec.-s.< in life to his j own energy, his own intellectual ability and Integrity. A<*he Greens-; ho TO .Ve-s well says. "A Democrat i" who ccuM be <-lecied governor of a j State three times as solidly Uepub- ' llcan a? Minnesota. nm-r have setae-: thing about him considerably out ?if| the ordinary to ct,n::u**:yl hjni to the I The L*emo?TV:V r.:?rrv, t'-n :j?,? ? ni* T:?7fr ' ,Txmnl v JUl. J <;ym u -; \ |.,?y. ii* uf Mr. .loyner 10 ' Jlia; i i ,< presented to ' fir I i i ' ! PS counties, and. if Mr. Jo-yr.er &,av -e?.pii iOur-dj;s durinx a year, he? would ha v..* r? ?? *^n;- for other work.', la f'i' ?*. u ?' .??j'ir.tles have the pleas- \ ure of hearing hjsn. ? x^-pt in orras-. itrna! speeches. ?J'K'.-pite 'h^fiirt that | ~ \ Ms ;< r!;s 1n;>'v for hi.-: Inter-., e-tt li) 'he "due at !onnl welfare In our I county." If l!.'\ Ing a ripe field, for1 rearly a ".wok and omesjlov. tr. with out one cent nf extra pay. *?> 'ell uj how to Improve o-sr edueat Tonal tem. Mr .Toyner i.- one of the most ???!'. ?? Hi i-r> '-t fO-:n""." i or3. i*~ ,-hori ' i rn ?- i-vn. !.? alone, out of all the educators of the 40 States of our Liiiott, \V-* < htfJen by th? National Ed-catfonal Associa tion as its pr'-.-li^ tj. This ia one of the greatest honors I hat could come fS^orfr Srilfe" Trs performing the Till-' tie? otthU oflTce Mr. Joyiw- wilt he called upon to make spe^che? in every sec* Ion of the I 'tilted States, find hi* name rriH he on the lips of ^ every person who lt< at all familiar vrlth the '.progress of the general ed ucation of our country. In view of the above, no one with in reach 'of, his appointment":* can af ford to mips one of Mr. Joyner's speeches. We consider It the duty of every loyal citizen nf Beaufort coun ty -nnt nply tr> ln-ir hlni hut almi I.) work for the various appointment*, and assist Mr. Vanghan and the Hoard of. Education in getting the people out. If a'e are to make any progress In HilbUe wUwtUua. w? r.hould mani fest 'hn Interest in the efforts of thone in whose hands wg have placed 'our m <M>fclli wrho?ri gy?4em. 'f ha Jiaantr??fi Education has for yean, been labor Ing tfi lXif the means at their com tMand in* as efflctent a gyatam as pos ?ible. Now they wish the people to children advantages equal. to those Y)f the town schools, they must be wilt MtUbllshment of better school? and hmger Urai. ? t? thit Joy. filer hM been -tt|M for miittpce. wis a^eaaes will bcsof. Interest to all Ihm people., for Tie 1b one ^oFtRe State's beat speakers Let us do him lienor, and at the same time retogiitze and c^eoureg^-the- effort* j mtt '""r v'1,,1"*lfll"|)'|]v"t a?d Board In' tAjr Twhntf . eilf STIIH STSKKES BILL IIS FUHT U'otiUuu?<l front First rage.) destroyed, wlofl at New rst W> ( lit? his tbe scene. " i . AUnty ?a ? ?.iiiru^i'cd, ? aiui. frail' buildings partly d> The velocity of the Orleans wne greatest tcrf of the local weathur "UurejuE Two Killed in .Jackson. |\jacKson, Miss.. Sept. 21. ? Two persons were- killed by" falling walla iasx Might in the storm. " ' The P!rer-dOTm?-y*-tW CapiLol bui)<L. lug was i-riiSJii'ii in aim a nuiUbtfl" IT? upper TOO ill 3 Hooded. Hundreds of buildiugs were unroofed. The equinoctial hurricane swept upward fn 111 the Mississippi coast laj?t night, carrying death and de struction In its wake. It Is believed ? hat other lives have been' "lost and properly damaged to llie extent of ncverai milium dollars. \Y'ir*?s~~are down in all directions and JacKson has been almost entirely cut off from lhe_ outside world since midnight. Train service is crippled, arid no pas setiKer trains have reached thft citj over the Illinois . Central from the South since 'Monday afternoon. ! t'lmrle* < 'la vl on and Karl W poster. blacksmiths, were caught Beneath falling walls here last night and bad ly mangled. Wooater was killed out right and Clayton died today. It was a sleepless night for the en tire population of .lackson. and whfn mnrnlnit ranif rhev found the streets strewn with debris, electrle light >and telephone wires In a hopeless jumble and evidence of property 'loss- that' n-ili >. r <nniv thousand dol lars. Meager reports are coming In from South Mississippi, and all .carfy a story similar to that of the damage \ inflicted in .lackson. save that th dt - morn? slvc as the coast wa-? approached. . Ir is believed that the timber de struction win eq?inl that of four years ago, when more than" $.~.ui)0.00o ?worth of timber was felled. ? *' Aloim the ?oa>t the water front- 1 ;c<- wyts .-lit . U-.t [? nf wjers and ' s,v b a rvn*, irom I'.isiViko'iH to Bay S? | i.ou's. and the damage to the cpi^i and towns in that section will nmotflit to nior?; t'mn half a million T<il!ar>. it is icared -hat many v> .-?els broke from tkc-ir moorings and ??v j? i 'to jra. ? ; Loth of the power ;?Jarits ii: Jack-, ?on *ere put. out of commission be- [ fort midnight laii nJghT, and the ? : y vas ,">!?tnu?:d in total darkness, power &ervfoe was practically restore] (h'.s - i Mobile's Niulit ?>1 Terror. .Mobile Ala'.. Sepr*. 23.. ? After u r?!gh? of terror, during which the hi:r /Icaii** .-wept the ?;lty with unojcam-[ aoi!lJ'la:id halted" *'i tho city] svri^Ts; ilio frenzy of Uiv storm sub-; si'iwii today,. The kq\ eminent ordered down the ', hurricane, wa:\;i:in* at 7 a. m. and j iv. '"vr.i?-5i liad rcaMi?d bugau , 10 auliiiiilt*. Thong Ii | :*7ftfy houses have b*en unroofed, no Jn.-s uf lif- iui.s"b*e?- reported. The property losv the city will prob ,:tiU-,- r.tj: ? ri1 ?????> Mn-ludiiit; ? h': 5iiiv??' in the bay, * \Vhlle She s*orm. lasted if was a yiiiabl'.- I iry. The wind swept the .?it y ::t .""trn** nt ?; <? miles an hour. MYnt of the time It came directly j from the bay and carried the tide i 1 1 v S'wu. tint II .1 Stream ; ! rwn fw.i d?ep marked what had be"n | ! Water street. . ? ' A ; rr- ?? train on '.r,c : Mob:)** a;:d I with refugees from the South Shore] ] summer colony. They reported gr*?^ j ?damage on 'he nutlyirmi noast. * Tli" Western I'lilon at U a. m. had | L,,ii!* T:-" V 5 ? liurt Hit'- I1!!. . The railroads hav?* annulled all | Strains between here p.ncl New Orleans? ?and .several trains ate tied wp^be [tween the two cUie*. The tracks of j most of the road a to New Orleans TnTffi liAiwarf uflrter sp'veral feet of' ! \vXTor: Tit** Mtmtss!ppi Riven 1* at | flood stage and most of "the fiver | towns IS the lower delta suffered con ! siderable damage. At PascAgoula, Miss., the waves .swept awny every wharf, bathhouse j and -pffvtlloiT and many cottager Many launches. powerboats ajwl yachts were destroyed or damaged. No lives are known to have been lost. | From Ktloxl came rumor? of great I damage., bur. no vern ation Is pos . . a_ . ItOWMNG I ONTKRT. There will be another mat**h, game between- two teams, composed of six on a side, at the Imperial Bowling Alloy thla_ evening. The ? on Lest If scheduled for 8 o'clook and the pub lic la invited to witness the howling. Thereisi much friendly rivalry be |i? Mfldflii . Pgr HRAI>XrHW? Hlcf. Whether from Colct ut or N?rToui TrouS ^tUI r?li???. jou. 1 1 M It. 10?.. 1 ENTIRE FAMILY . IS murdered! \ * , All of the Victims But One Were i Burned by Perpetrators of Awiul Deed. <" HhmtWId. W. V?- Scut. 23.? Ah entire family of Six^ persoup .were ami the body o L all but one f .if the victims were burned with their pbuie Hi Hurley* Buchanan eoutjty. Va.. early today* The motlvef^WaG [evldenliy robbery. as the owner ot | flm >nui^?' jtn l wnmwn kn^wil aS* ["Aunt Betty'' JusiIb, was generally! I supposed to keei? a large surn^of' money about the place. I Mrs. Juatis. her son-in-law. Keorge Meadow#, his . wife 'and their three children, were the victims. Meadows' body badly mutilated, was found this morning lying in the yard of his de stroyed home, the funeral pyre of Jiis. loved * ones. Two bullet holea | ;nrpup!ii ? nn? 'uutiy mYa ?-~ kmukli.i wound in the neck, which almost sev ered the head ftpiA the body, gave the discoverers their first evidence of | the extent of the tragedy. - . A search of. the ruins of the house disclosed a sickening spectacle. - The blfccKcned Tnasses ? of half burned flesh and charre.(l bpnes of the two women and the three children were fonntrUFheath the* debris, each body bearing evidences of murder commit ted before the house was destroyed by fire, evidently for. the purpose of hiding the crime. The elder wo man's skull was upturned some dis tance from the remainder of hpr half burned body amid th** smouldering ruins. ? ^ Another, daughter of Mrs. Ju'stls.' told the police that her mother had a large sum of money buried under the sill Of the house aTid they suc ceeded in digging up $9">0 in gold and silver. The murderers are sup posed to have secured S600 which "Aunt Betty" always Carried on her person. ,> Bloodhounds v,t? r'.^hed to' the scene and In a si* >rt *'me they took up the trail of the sunpo?;oj murder ers in a cornfield which joined the Just is home. There the footprints of three men were fount! impressed in ihn >nii. ~X pemse of citizens, heavily armed, rre friiowing thoi bloodhounds, bent on lynching the murderer* If they are captured.' Hit. JIKUKITT I'ltoM ryn- . lT-Vr.?'.J* |*_c1"''vr-t lbnt Mr- L. 1 , r! ' ,"1' >'-*Vs laml and in ?iMwrlal ogent of t!ie XorfoTk and Southern road, will resign to become. " ?>! :lic New Orleans --or; pmd.'ffllh head ?'?u-^.SGn. Miss. His new M.. Me-ritt -' " .1 railroad man of abil ity aril has <ione much, tar the ,\or '"?* a,n:! 80 ""o"'. as veil as the see- | ticn ihi-oaeh which It runs: liKIUISTix?'j|.?VKCTMorMS. T... ,-Uy h. tin fn.sr.or of. .)?? Marker ;s0 repainted and oth -r ,m;iro\vr.iej;t? msj.,. mm lias ?"??-Mi Jong needed. " *-?'> ? i'a TP f|| 1,i > I.. p,f i " wl" ?*??.? brass band with ; them. rriani.,1, skins iw ,,?U( jn r'i"".- "n*l inns li?,? m, .... ,0 >-..?>0 nj Hardy's. How's Business ? ? Um. rrhis ad. is directed at A the man. who has all tkf Hi u^i ngJLfi.it! hi<L liop in this community. Mr. Merchant-Yohsay "you've got it all. You're selling fhfiry atl ^hev wiU buy, anyhow. But at the same time you would like more business. Make this community buy more!. Advertise Strongly, ju diciously, consistently. Suppose you- can buy a lot of washtubs cheap; advertise a big washtub sale in this paper. Put in1, an inviting picture of a washtub where the read ers can s6e it the minute they look at your adver tisement. Talkstrong on washtubs. Arid you will find every woman in this vicinity who has been getting along with a \ ick ety washtub for years and years wlfl buy a new one , frdrn you. if That is creative busl jlneasTOWer. Our sd. rates an ? right ; Call on us. IN TIME OF PEACE 7 V - PREPARETOR WAR ? Today there are times of Peace in WHARF PROPERTY. The free inland water route ^ U anj. j i_ t_. n/L t hAIt A V Leon Wood MEMBERS N. Y. COTTQN EXCHANGE James W. Cole J. LEON WOQ&& CO., '"BANKERS and BROKERS * STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON. GRAIN and PROVISIONS. 73 PLUM K STREET. CARPENTER BUILDING, NORFOLK, VA. Private Wires to N. Y. S'ock fc x c h an k e . "W XJo tton E xc bangrv Chte* ? O" JJoard of Trade and other Financial Centers. . .Correspondence respectfully solicited, Investment an4-Marginal accounts given careful attention. L" Durham Wants Virginian Ry. Durham, N. 0.. Sept. 2S.^? Survey ors ave.'ln- the Held locating a new rnti i e from Dam tile, Va.. to Durham, N. C., with a view to bringing the Virginian Railway here In competl-j 11UI1 mi!l tliu Hiu.fUlK ainl^ Wistim. l-Tho stretch 1b seventy-five miles long. | The Carolina. Cllnchfield and Ohio and the Norfolk and Western rail roads come immediately from' the coal fields and It is for the purpose of "meeting competition that the new ro.ta m bumg >,itu-yud. Oil Committee Gives Extension I Raleigh, Sept. 23. ? The oil com mittee ol lftd Homil uf A&iluiltuie met yesterday in the 'office of the Commissioner of Agriculture. Be sides Commissioner Graham those at tending were Ashley Home, A. T. McCallum, an.! K. \V. Barnes. . The (oUowliis report of the action ni fit* .nmm'i' ? was civet, nut this, afternoon: With the aj i-roval of the Attovney I General the oil committee of the; Jloard of Agr! Hure adopted the fol io1 w i n g at:itsToMionr?^~~r~~,,~,~,~,~ 1. To exter.d to October 20 the 1 dale us to when the regulation as to[ standard sh .til go Into effect. ? 2. To defer until October 1 t4*? I stamping of thle oil" In "the st5iioivxry| tanks. Oil to' he sold In wagons as now. until then." 3. To accept the record of the tatuk I car book furnished by the railroad companies &s to the capacity of the} Meeting of the U. D. C. Monday On Monday*' afternoon the local chapter u(_:Le II. D. C. met at Miss I.!da -Rodwr-Ji's home, and eeveiHeen members were present- Matters of importance were discussed and a vol untary contribution ''was taken for the assistan t of Mr. Selby, at Au rora.' an aK'.-d veteran, most deserv* Ing. and who is Iq_ tjie city for treat ment of_eye trouble. Contributions amounted to $4.f?0, and l5.QjD.wasi added from the chapter fund. Mrs. .Stephen C. Brag&w and?Mlss Marcia Myers were appointed to pres&hl Ihlff amount to Mr. Selby, with the" best Gem fr" - 'r""n TIT Til" meeting to !>*? held on October 19, at which time dues ar^to b'e paid and officers elected for the ensuing year. A leader for the Children of the Con- 1 frs.-r.r--viri .im i-, . . u?tu meeting, on account of the realgna 1 tlon of Miss Olive Gallagher, thej present leader. Miss Gallagher has been mOgt faithful in her leadership and has nobly filled her office, and it '!ff~wlTTr regret nit the Daughters and Child rec learn 4tt "her resignation, The Ts* of the Insects. During the year 1908 the insects of the ^country ooet the farmeft nwre money than the nation expended on Its army and navy, in paying all the claims oo its mountaipous pension roll, and In all expenditures cm the Panama Canal, C. L BarUstte, as sistant entomologist in charts of ex perimental field work, haa worked out the a bote statemtet. and as the value of the crop of the past ismos approxi mated^ eight billion dollars, he esti mates rayagea of the jnyrted. Ineaots at about eight W^r1?sr1 doltuS". That sum does not iaahtde the lass to o*-> reals and forage 'crope tn storagac nor to natural forests aild forest products; the Josses from tfcoae two aouroea, at |10O.MtjMO each, bringing the jtnnual '"'-rWWtWNR-v ?--A -rr- ? : rzd Hit Deficiency. [ A certain Chicago mercaant died, fceaving to his only son the conduct of an extensive business, and great" dou|ft was expressed In some quarters "* beltaerthe ycrang man possessed the ability to carry out tho father's poli cies. ?? "Well," sakl one kindly disposed frtend. "tor my part. I think Henry ia vary Sriyht rnpahlo J-m euro .. he will succefld." "Perhaps you're right, ' said another friend. "Henry 1s undoubtedly a dev. cr reiK>w, but lake II fWH man. be hasn't got the head to fill his father's shoes." Eggs Boiled to Music. A veil-known evangelist tells a story <of a visit -to a small town In ofie of the Southern States, where he was awakened one morning by a soprano voioe which came from the kitchen singing a famous hymn. As the bishop ?O ttFesitng. he meditated on ths pie J ty of the servant. Speaking to her after breakfast of the pleasure d had given him, be was met with an 'unex- ! ->ected answer. "Oh. than. you. sir," | she replied, "but that's < the hymn I boll the eggs by? three verses for* | soft and flv verses for hard'* Obliged the '^Corpse.** An empty cofrln rested on a truck on the Atchison depot platform one day this week. Out of mischief one of the employees In the baggage-room I crawled Into the coffin box and drew llri drtnrn Vfl cinnur wna ba win. cealod than a young colored man with a Jaunty swagger *ITffd tuneful whistle came along amf'wlshing to.rest set tled oomfortably on the casket. He fall Ofln^p nnH nttnlfpnj.fl fry distressing moan. The moan was re "Oh-o-o-cvo-o! Please get off my dead body." The negro granted the request j at once. With a blood-curdling yell he "TfapedTnto TJiiTTrmiTir^a my He" attempted" to cross the bridge, but Cy Smith, fearing that in his frenzy he | would leap into the watery depths be- 1 low, blocked the way. Unable to cross | tfte river, the colored man eprluted to i tho railroad yards, and when last ssec , was passing the coal mine and still go- ' ing south. Tl.o Ntoro In Afrlt?. Tho Negroes in Africa form perhaps f one-ftfth of the people on that conti nent, and they dwell in the southern Sudan, with their largest population on the West Coast from Capo Verdf I south uud Wtyart slung the Quit of Guinea to the eqanrorr Liberia lies in the^mldst of western N' c-gra land Bout h Africa Is occupied almost wholly by the Bantu raceB. In the far north dwell the Hamltes and Sem ite .."with tisiTittj r shades of -eol-y, and clfr^ed with the white type o? men. If ?as from among the Negroes of the West Coast tbat most of the slaves tm ported to" the United 8tates came. ' The appointing of censua^a^S shows that nearly' all of them already held some sort of a job. ? 1 S?dps Padn Neuralgia, " toothache, sciatica," or: any pain in the nerves is quickly re lieved by ap application of Sloan V .Liniment. It penetrates right to "the seat or the trouteter . quiets theexci ted nerves rfnd. gives permanent as well as immediate relief , Sloan's OPPORTUNITIES ~ Ra?e, 1 cent pet word. tisements should be in business office by U.<5 m. ? Ad?. by-uu-ouugu^ ?U phone oc-maUftyen cafcf ul attention, ft)H SAUfc HANDY PIN BKLX^Pl'RHBS, ALL the rage, at 75c.. A- Qfe-Smither A f!n. v *7 " " - Foil SALE OK RENT ? ONE FARM, Wades Point, adjoining Pamlico Beach HoteP Apply to B. I- Sus n>an.v FRESH FALL SEED ? CLOVER, Bye, Rape, Vetch. Cabbage and Turnip. Dr. Hartiy'a Drug Store. MOW SUPPLY OF FIA>WER POTK, juSl received at 1 35 CANARY SURDS FOR SALE ? I ? hare on hit nd fine canary birds, good songsters, beautiful plumage, guaranteed V> sing. Price" per pair, <5; aln'gla-birdi, 12.50. Guaran teed safe delivery anywherelh the State. Address W. H. Gaskins, Aurqra, k. C. FOR SALE OR R E XT? O \ E FARM. North Creek and Pamlico River. | Apply to B. L. Busman. FtlH S4I.K ? ^"BAGE. ONIONS. and lemons. H. B. Mayo & So BULBS IN GREAT VARIETY AT 1 Dr. Hardj^i~Drug Store. ~ SYLVIA 18 THE NAME OF THE I best Embroidery Floss ? Clark's | the place. * miscellaneous. STENOGRAPHER A*X |?"TT P E-" writer. J>t mo write your letters. : ? Miss Beulah Tbomason, lis Mar ket street FOR SALE ? NEW PEANUT SACKS. | H. B. Mayo & Co. NEW JIUCKWII EAT, AT E. " K. I WilHa'. GRACES WANTED ? WHITE SCUP pernoug, at the Union Grocery Co. Will buy- all we can get fcr the next io days.. 24s SPECIAL SALE OF HANDY BIN Belt H^r/cs. -formerly |l, marked, down to 7"c. A. u. fclaiUher i t'i?. IKK I.AUIKV Sl*IT DEI'.HirjIKNT at Clark's (second floor) shows ?q?"on'ii most wanted etvlog. The tailoring is exceptionally good." NEW Hl'CKW H EAT, "AT E. K. I Willis*. r 9 hi| _ HiijM LIB l-'ItT:K! RKMEMIIER 8MITHER & Co. engrave everything they sell free of colt, SPECIAL SALE OF LADIES* MCS lln Underwear at Clark's. See win dow axrd ad. \ [ sew srri'Lv of flower pots, iu>t roroiyed at K. K. Will in'. KARM FOR RENT ? <JOOI? -LVACRE farm, one and one-half miles ?^?o? Washington. Will rent rea sonable, one, three or five yefcrs. _ ^?rnes_lnterefel?d ftddr *' ~ ~ er." WashlngtoiOu-Ci SCHEDULE ? GASJUOAT VICTOR. ? TltfsdflV Tli iirwdav ?nH Saturday Leave Hunter's Bridge 6 a. m; ar rive at Bath, 6.30, Washington, 9. I<eave Washington *2.30 p. m.. arrive Bath 5. p. m.. Hunter's Bridge 5.30. Fare 60c. rtund trip, 35c. one way. WILLIAM BOYD, Master. OYSTERS! phonk m; IVIIvr rerfjo any pui I of >Jtv -25 uou quart. Served In any style, 'steamed a al 1 1 J KUiUci .Until Ocracoke Fresh Dressed Mullets. /. T. WYATT> Hooky Hountai* Taa Nuggeto A Btny ItcJicJ-f for Bory P?op'?. . Bflnrc OJKh and ffenewad Vir*. A ?Pf<inc for Ocn* i potion. 1 -Mgrttiou. Uvtrt '-^cacio*. Iiruuri ilood. Bod nrwth. Dowel*, HfjuJacl# , ittlXftCkacJ - . ItslwgO MouhtHn Teo?o u?- I er Tsrre. it r?4it?jr~fler. y.-rrz*n* mAm tt-4 lOIXITait ilhUJ CCfAKt, Wis. I n.r.GCTl. ?0h *Al \Qx\ Professional Column Hr WrG^RTER, M. D. Practice Limited to Diseases of the ?ye. Ear* Nose and Thrown t ? - - V. f Hoursi lUilj PflOUE 8*. E?rv Nose and Tbro|f,": ? ; ? - . ' 1 A M.- rii\rl ' ; 16. Washington, N. C. " ! -DisJf.'Mr FTnrdy 7* t PRACTICING PHYSICIAN ?n" SURGEON . Wukingtoo, N. C, r>n h smith Dentist. . Office corner of Main and I) 4ie rvicc t fiiii f~>j Phnn a 1(1(1 i\vi>JNKm I3U vvIBi ? * HOUO A?? ? -? Washington, N. Q. " ATTORNEYS . H. S. WARD JUNIUS D. GiUMES attqrneys-at-Law Washington, N- C. W_e practice In the Courts of the First Judicial District, and the Federal Courts. Johq H. Small, A. D. MacLean, Harry A^cMullan. SMALL, MAC LEAN & McMULLAN attorneysat-law ? Washington, North Carolina* W. D. GRIMES ? ATTORNEY- AT -LAW Washington. North Carolina. Practices in all the Courts. W. M. BOND, Edonton, N. C." ? "NORWOOD L. SIMMONS BOND & SIMMONS ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW Washington, Nortji Carolina. Practice in all rnmu W. L. Vaughan W; A. Thompson _ " VAUGHAN & THOMPSON ATTORNEY'S-AT-LAW . ' ' Wellington and Aurora. ? : Practice in all the courts. H. C. CARTER, JR!, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Washington, N. G. s Office Market Street, j tVin. it. Rodman. Wiley C. Kodman. RODMAN Sc RODMAN Attorneys-at-Liw Washington, N. C. of all kinds. IEOPLE who are troubled with stiffness and poor circulation should um Business Cards R. L. STEWART ^ PRACTICAL MATCHMAKER and -V - JEWELER. Corner Main and Market Streets. Just wedrwUlBg amui uncut uf tlie ? latest desk ns in Jewelry. Re pairing a specialty. H. B. Goldstein, *We_agg stil! doing business at our ~ old stand. In this period between the seasons we are still satisfying cus- - tomers. Our fail samples are already in and we can take your order now for immediate or future 'delivery. Vmtty (+* hm?ina>s, H. B. Goldstein. For FIRE INSURANCE ? *_? see i X and P. B. MYERS The J. H. Simmons Marble ? and GranitP MONUMENTS Price# and Work Right. -WASHINGTON, N. C.' fount -nAkHbK- SHOP The only first -class white shop in city. A trial will convince anyone of reas onable Judgment. We have J chairs. 3 first-class white barbers. SatHaction -7 r, ^ C. MORGAN WILLIAMS INSURANCE

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